Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 54: The principal was hit by a pie


That night, a big news broke in the Earth Federation media. Wang Ben, the son of General Huben, had a second successful awakening and directly entered a fourth-level warrior. It was said that his mental power was close to 200, which caused a violent shock in the Federation. www、QuAnBen-XIaoShuo、com

Wang Dong, who had completed his awakening, directly participated in the military test. The fourth-class special forces soldier was no match for Xiao Hu Ben. Obviously Wang Ben had been suppressed for a long time. This explosion was a blowout of power.

Wang Ben's rigorous training also showed results after he regained consciousness. The results were terrible. There is no doubt that the Earth Federation has gained a young genius.

Moreover, the power Wang Ben now displays is enough to threaten several descendants of the family.

General Huben himself is very optimistic about this. Young people, there is still a long way to go.

Surprisingly, Wang Ben, who has never been very fond of the media, made an exception and accepted the interview. He only said one inexplicable sentence - he looks like a god of war. I will wait for you anytime, anywhere!

Looks like a god of war

Is this a name? It's still something, it's so weird, the God of War is the God of War, it seems like the God of War sounds like a joking nickname.

However, some excited reporters remembered Wang Ben's battle on PA some time ago, right

Sometimes it's just a small thing to stimulate a genius' transformation.

To outsiders, it was an insignificant game, but to Wang Ben, it was enough to wake him up.

When he completely closed himself off and even his father gave up on him, giving up on himself seemed to be the only option. But at that time, there was actually someone who valued him and really valued him. For a person in despair, this straw was enough.

Because Wang Ben is a strong man, temporary setbacks are just obstacles, and he can break through with a small opportunity!

When a person is completely desperate, a seemingly insignificant agreement is everything to him. Wang Ben just wants to fulfill this man's agreement. If it doesn't work, even death is better than living in vain.

There is no coward in a soldier's family!

DREAm is happy, and it’s hard not to be happy. Wang Bi is definitely the focus of the media now. There is no doubt about Wang Bi’s strength. He is definitely the top player of the younger generation, and a master like him is actually willing to challenge an unknown guy who is hanging around in PA. , this is really an unimaginable thing.

And it is obvious that this seemingly martial god is extremely important in Wang Ben's mind, otherwise he would never accept interviews from the media. You must know that a military family is very disgusted with this.

DREAm company smells a storm of business opportunities.

Who is this seemingly God of War, and how can he make Wang Ben take him so seriously? Does he have the ability to continue to create legends

Wang Ben's "resurrection" undoubtedly set off a crazy fight between major colleges on the earth. With the two major S-level colleges at the center of the storm, the two sides started fighting openly and secretly.

Yalang and Yedun, who is the leader of the Earth Federation, have been fighting endlessly. An enhanced version of Wang Ben is crucial.

On a deeper level, which college Wang Ben chooses will also mean which college is "better" in Wang Ben's opinion, and the reputation of the selected school will definitely be improved.

In the face of the overwhelming praise from the outside world, Wang Bi showed a maturity that belies his age. Perhaps it was his experience of a low point in his life that allowed Wang Bi to understand some philosophies of life.

But which school will he choose

Samantha is really anxious and even has a headache. Mateus is really a bit aggressive. Today is already the deadline. Either agree or refuse. If you refuse, you will lose even the chance to play against the Bernabeu. This is a big deal for Aaron. It's definitely not good news.

But to face it like this is obviously a gift. Samantha's PhD in philosophy was not earned in vain. Some people say that people who study philosophy are crazy. They may be a little paranoid, but what is certain is that people who like philosophy have calm analysis and can do it. Analyze when faced with temptation, and Samantha has been waiting for a reason for her to accept the bet, but despite Wang Dong's secret weapon, it is still not enough.

So she will reject Matteas's proposal in the afternoon. Compared with death, she can endure the temporary setback.

Samantha is indeed a little tired recently. This is indeed different from when she first accepted Yalang. She was full of confidence and had a grand blueprint. She did bring funds and two outstanding students to Yalang, but this alone is not enough. Yes, if money can solve the problem, there is no need to wait for her to come, but she must be strong. People around her are opposed or waiting to see jokes. This is her own choice. She knew it would be difficult from the beginning. This level is nothing now.

She is Samantha, the strongest Samantha, and she will overcome the difficulties!

After adjusting her mood, Samantha started this month's schedule and various expenditure reports. It was really a waste of money. If Xiaoru hadn't supported her, she would definitely not be able to survive on her own.

Yalang must produce results to alleviate this situation.

You don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive before you become a householder. Now that Samantha knows it, she is just about to calm down and make some plans when a quick knock on the door sounds. The beautiful principal can't help but frown slightly, but she still maintains her mood and says, "Please come in."

"Principal, principal, this letter..." Simmons said breathlessly, as if this letter was so great.

"It's a letter of recommendation again. Is our Yalang really a shopping mall that you can enter if you want?" Samantha couldn't help but feel angry. After all, it is also an A-level college, and it has already passed the start time, but the Federal But one after another, they simply ignored her existence.

It's true that a phoenix that landed on the ground is not as good as a chicken. If it were replaced by the principals of Caps and Yedun, I'm afraid they would just tear it up without even looking at it. But now Yalang has nothing left except its glorious history.

"No, no, principal, this is Wang Ben's application for admission." Simmons was very excited, otherwise he wouldn't be bold enough to rush to the principal's office directly.

"Wang Ben...Wang Ben? The son of General Huben?"

"Yes, principal, Wang Ben, who succeeded in reawakening for the second time, took the initiative to apply to our school. God bless me, I thought I was deceived."

It’s no wonder that Simmons is excited. If Wang Ben comes to Yalang, with Wang Bi’s popularity and reputation, he will immediately push Yalang up. With Ma Xiaoru, Hu Yangxuan, Yalang’s new students will also have three giants. In A It definitely has the top competitiveness among the top colleges.

At times like this, Samantha became calmer and smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Teacher Simmons. I will handle this matter. Please keep it confidential until the matter becomes clear."

"Haha, I understand this. Don't worry, principal. I'll just wait for good news."

Simmons is a seasoned veteran of the school. He can easily adapt to the situation and leave. At first, he didn’t think that this wealthy young lady could do anything. At most, he would not be laid off. But now, Yalang There appear to be some signs of recovery.

(Students after get off work and school spent their tickets, oh

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