Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 91: Text ninety-one activated


"How do you arrange it? Is it still early for dinner?" Hu Yangxuan asked. Www!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!com

"How was the activity?" Wang Ben glanced at Wang Dong and said.

"Let's go to the gravity room. Is your injury okay?"

"The minor injury is almost gone. Activities will help the body recover." Wang Ben said. Ma Xiaoru and Hu Yangxuan understood that Wang Ben didn't care on the surface, but in fact he was very concerned about his inexplicable loss to Wang Dong.

It's not necessarily victory or defeat itself, but with a father like General Huben, how could this kid not be victorious? It's just that this kind of winning is more calm, and the pursuit of strength itself, rather than a simple battle of wills, can achieve this step. There weren't many people.

"Okay." Ma Xiaoru nodded. Once she agreed, the others would have no objections.

The four of them are definitely the most influential figures in Yalang. Ma Xiaoru, Wang Bi, and Hu Yangxuan are all at the level of S-level colleges. Although Wang Dong is in Class F and has no name, he did impress in the test a month ago. Although Ma Xiaoru and Hu Yangxuan may not have performed at their best, Wang Dong is also very good among students since he can produce record-breaking results. A poor average score does not mean that he has no expertise, and the competition with the Bernabeu is definitely not than average.

With Samantha's IQ, she obviously knows that this system of dividing classes based on average grades is not sound. She only did it deliberately for Wang Dong. If a student really has special skills, she will not let him drop out of school even if his grades are not enough. Just putting a little pressure on these talented people who are partial to subjects will be helpful to their growth.

Geniuses who cannot withstand pressure are just fine porcelain. Even if they don't break here, they won't be of any use in the future.

There are not many people in the gravity room. When they have time, everyone is more willing to practice mental power. After all, mental power determines nuclear power, and nuclear power determines strength. The effect of physical training is not obvious. Neither the school nor the army will treat the physical body. The ability to withstand pressure is used as a reference data. In this regard, it is just beneficial to practice more. No one will force you not to practice. As long as you achieve regular training and your physical strength reaches the standard, it will be fine.

This is what Wang Dong likes most about the gravity room. There are few people and it is comfortable. Some people from the armed department like to practice here, but there are not many people. For the command department, many people go there for the commander. Compared with To train their bodies, they are more willing to spend time on understanding aerospace-related knowledge. With a broad knowledge base, they can leave a good impression on their bosses when they train in the future fleet. If they have good physical strength... the effect will not be great. After all, there are no such things in the fleet. You need to bring tea and water, and you don’t have to run around.

But for Wang Dong and others, it's a different situation. To put it simply, those who are capable work harder, and these people have excess energy.

Principal room.

"Principal, are you looking for me?" Gonzas looked at the new principal. He didn't like this person or the way he entered the school!

However, this person brought a glimmer of hope to this once glorious but now decaying school.

Therefore, in terms of behavior, Gonzas still respects each other.

"Teacher Gonzas, what are your thoughts on my current plans for the school?" Samantha asked.

"Want to hear the truth, or a compliment?"

"Of course I came to you to listen to the truth. Admittedly, I have my own purpose for coming here, but our goal is the same, which is to resurrect Yalang!"

"Very good. Judging from the current situation, you can bring some fame to Yalang again, but it is still short-lived. To put it simply, it is a failure!"

Gonzas gave no face at all.

"Oh, I'd like to hear the details." To be honest, Samantha is really not convinced. Yalang is now showing a kind of vitality, and as long as he kills the Bernabeu in one fell swoop, it will bring about greater recovery.

"Principal, do you think defeating the Bernabeu is enough? Let alone defeating the Bernabeu, even if you defeat the S-level college, it is just a victory for a few people. These few people are too special. They are not enough to represent Yalang. Go out, Others will only talk about Ma Xiaoru, a descendant of the Ma family, Hu Yangxuan, a disciple of the Holy Temple, Wang Bi, the son of General Huben. These people deserve to be successful and have nothing to do with Yalang!"

"You really hit the nail on the head, I admit that, but what I hope is their activation effect."

"Huh, activation, they can't activate anything. Others think so, and students in our school also think so. These people's success is inevitable and should be. This has nothing to do with them. I have never studied psychology. But that’s how I feel!”

Gonzas was still rough and didn't look good on Samantha. To be honest, this made Samantha very unhappy, but she still held it back because... the other party was right.

It's just that no one would say that in front of her.

"What about Wang Dong? He is Yalang's student."

"Yes, Wang Dong is definitely a talent. He can represent Yalang, but the strength of one person is not enough. More such talents are needed. More importantly, the laziness of Yalang students should be eliminated. It is normal for people to have different abilities. But a poor attitude is the school’s failure!”

Gonzas said decisively.

"Teacher Gonzas, your words are thought-provoking. It's not that I haven't considered this aspect, so I used the grading system to stimulate students' competitiveness. Although I don't dare to say that the effect is huge, it has also had a certain promotion effect. According to your statement , there should be a better way?"

On the one hand, Samantha was impressed, but on the other hand, she was also very dissatisfied. She really wanted to see what new tricks Gonzas had, so that he would not be another guy who only talked about his skills.

"I don't dare to say the method. I only have one idea, and that is to increase daily physical training in Yalang. Only strict physical training can forge a will as strong as steel."

Gonzas said.

Nowadays, major colleges and universities no longer have this method. Maybe everyone is more willing to spend this time practicing exercises. As for physical training...it seems...

Samantha is not an ordinary person, so she understands the deeper meaning of Gonzas' method. If it is described in terms of kung fu, this method is a return to nature!

"Teacher Gonzas, thank you very much. If Yalang can regain his glory one day, your words today will be the greatest contribution!"

Gonzas' lips curled up, "The principal is joking. I'm just a teacher. I can talk nonsense. You came to me today just to chat."

"Haha, Teacher Gonzas is very good at judging people. Wang Dong is a talent. Do you think there are any outstanding students or those with potential? I want to train them through this trip to the Bernabeu."

"Zhou Sisi from Class A of the Command Department, Karl from Class F, Chiaru from Class B of the Armed Forces Department, and Lumi from Class C of the Information Department. These three freshmen have some characteristics."

"Zhou Sisi...I know that she is an excellent student in Class A of the Command Department, but she is a bit weak in mental strength...Karl, this student seems to be very poor, and Chiaru and Lumi's grades in their respective departments are not very outstanding. "

Samantha knew every student's information, and her photographic memory was nothing to boast about.

"Principal, the information needs to be updated. The role of the teacher is not to look at the data, but to explore the potential of each student. As for the decision-making power, it is in the hands of the principal. I just recommend it."

After saying that, Gonzas walked away, leaving only Samantha with questions in her head.

...Why do some strange guys appear in Yalang? They are either idiots or have weird quirks. She has a really hard job as the principal.

The recovery physical training mentioned by Gonzas really awakened Samantha. On the one hand, physical training can improve physical strength, which is currently ignored by major colleges. The most important thing is to improve discipline and fighting spirit. This change will be seen in other Although it will not show immediate results, it is very important.

Samantha is not a conservative person, and she doesn't have too many scruples. If she thinks it's right, she will do it boldly. She doesn't care what others say!

Zhou Sisi, Karl, Kiralu, and Lumi, she wanted to re-observe these four people. Gonzas's perspective on people was different from others. Although she couldn't believe it all, she might as well give it a try.

After all, her trip to the Bernabeu is mainly focused on Wang Dong and the four of them. She only needs to win five games. It would be best if the other six people can win one game. If they can't win, it is not a problem. It's okay to have Wang Bi. In the last two games, I will be much more confident.

Basically, the other six people are just foils, but deep down, Samantha still hopes that they can make some achievements. After all, she wants to revitalize Yalang, not to gain temporary fame. As Gonzas said, It's easy to get a temporary reputation, but it's really difficult to really change a school's appearance, and this is what she wants to challenge!

After thinking about it, Samantha dialed Tianxun.

"Hey, Miss, you must be very busy now. Why don't you come to me for anything?"

"Senior, I want to trouble you again. I have a teacher here named Gonzas. The file says he was a soldier before, but the information is not detailed. I want to know more about this person."

"Gonzas, what's your full name? It's best to have a serial number from your previous military service."

"Okay, I'll pass it on to you right away."

Samantha had always believed that talented people did not jump out of stone caves. The abilities demonstrated by this Gonzas were beyond the scope of an ordinary teacher. This was not about teaching attitude, but personal vision.

If you think about it carefully, you should have felt it when he recommended Wang Dong.

This kind of query is very convenient, and Ke Lan happened to be in charge of this area. In just over ten minutes, the sky news rang.

"How are you doing, senior?"

Ke Lan in the video was a little hesitant, "Shasha, are you sure the serial number is correct?"

"This is the serial number on his file, unless the file is wrong."

"It seems that there is something wrong with your teacher. His files in the military are encrypted and require certain permissions to view them. I can't move them here. Do you need me to find someone else to try?"

Samantha was also stunned, "...Senior sister, thank you, no, I'm just asking casually. You also know that I have the habit of mastering information."

"Why are you being polite to me? I heard that your school is going to have a battle with the Bernabeu. Everyone is expecting you to make a splash!"

"Senior sister, are those guys waiting to see my joke? I dare say, nine out of ten of them will defeat me."

"Hey, you guessed it, no matter what, come on!" Ke Lan clenched his fist.

Samantha smiled knowingly and turned off the video. Girls are like that. If the relationship is good, they are best friends. They are very close. They can talk about anything and share any happiness. If the relationship is not good, they are enemies. There is no way to get along with each other, this is a woman's world, very distinct, and men don't understand.

It seems that this Gonzas is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She does not want to delve into other people's secrets, as long as she knows that she is not an ordinary person, it is OK.

A vague plan is forming in her mind, but if she wants to launch this plan, she must overcome the Bernabeu hurdle. If even the Bernabeu cannot be defeated, the in-depth plan will only be delayed.

Wang Dong and the other four have already changed their clothes. Hu Yangxuan is cool, Wang Ben is fierce, and classmate Wang Dong... I can't say he is lazy, but there is a kind of wildness in his bones.

However, the three of them are all in good shape, and it can be seen that they are all trained. Wang Ben is inevitable. Hu Yangxuan is a little surprised, but after all, he is from the temple, but Wang Dong has such a steel-like body, which is a bit surprising. .

Classmate Wang Dong has been practicing since he was a child, and he reached an extreme level on Norton Planet. Others train hard, but Wang Dong does it for survival, and the gravity and environment of Norton Planet are much harsher than other places.

But when Ma Xiaoru appeared, the three men couldn't help but stare blankly... This figure is so... devilish.

If it weren't for the fact that all three of them were unusually strong-willed, they might have been embarrassed. Xiaoru couldn't help but laugh when she saw the stupid looks of the three of them.

"What are you doing? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman?"

"Classmate Ma is indeed a beauty." Wang Ben was more honest, and his words were too kind and direct.

"Thanks for the compliment."

'That's for sure, our classmate Xiaoru must be the most beautiful woman in the world. "

Hu Yangxuan, on the other hand, is full of praise and will not be stingy with words of praise.

Wang Dong shrugged, "They said everything I could say."

Ma Xiaoru rolled her eyes at Wang Dong, as if to say, others are others, and you are you.

Wang Dong smiled and said, "The beauties will be invited first, but there will be no distinction between men and women in a while."

"Huh, I'm afraid of you, just come here!"

The four of them burst into laughter. They were all eager to try, and they were all well-founded people. In any small circle, there is always a strong person. He does not necessarily have to be the leader, but he has to differentiate himself. This is human beings, and also The social makeup of most intelligent life.

The same goes for the Zago tribe. Bugs have always had absolute leadership, and higher bugs can feed on lower bugs.

In this circle, Wang Dong and Ma Xiaoru had an informal fight, and Wang Dong and Wang Ben had an inexplicable battle. Basically, there was still no clear winner.

This does not necessarily have to be through battle, but dominance is reflected in small things in daily life.

During this period, Wang Dong did show more experience than others in Gonzas's course, but this alone was not enough.

The four of them passed through the one-time area, but there was no change at first. Wang Dong stopped in the five-time area. This was the most suitable place for him to warm up. In fact, it was not to compete with others.

(I just got up and took a nap. It’s awesome. The next update will be around 8pm. If you can go out on the weekend, go out and play. Just leave the tickets at home and stay here with the storm, haha)

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