Ten Gods

Chapter 10: Heart is like a rock


The fifteen-hour break passed quickly. Lin Tian temporarily entrusted Lin Xi to an old man he was familiar with in the city. Then he and other candidates headed towards the test point for the second round of assessment under the leadership of the examiner.

The second round of assessment is to test your mood!

The journey of martial arts is full of ups and downs. Talent is important, but state of mind is equally important. If you only have strong talent but no perseverance, your future achievements in martial arts will be very slim, and you may even be inferior to those with poor talent.

You must know that there are many desires in the world, such as power, wealth, and beauty. For warriors, these things may be fatal. If you are not determined, you may get lost in them and lose the motivation to move forward.

Therefore, talent is only a prerequisite.

Without a tenacious martial arts heart, no matter how talented you are, it is useless.

The place where Jiuyang Wufu tests his state of mind is in an open courtyard behind the Wufu. There is a large formation in the center of the courtyard. The large formation was engraved by a strong man in the sea of consciousness. It is an illusory formation, specially used for testing. The state of mind of a warrior.

Lin Tian followed the other candidates and headed towards the backyard of Wu Mansion.

Mo Sen and Xiao Yun were also in the crowd, with extremely gloomy faces, staring at Lin Tian's back like poisonous snakes.

"Elder Mo, you are back."

Ahead, the examiner in charge of the second round of testing stopped.

I saw a middle-aged man of about forty-seven years old walking in that direction, with a very calm aura.

Seeing this middle-aged man, Mo Sen's face lit up and he leaned towards this man.


Approaching the middle-aged man, Mo Sen shouted.

The middle-aged man nodded to him, glanced at the candidates casually, and then looked at the examiner in front of him: "I heard that a nine-star talented warrior has been discovered. Who is it?"

The examiner was about to answer, but Moson beat him to it.

"It's him, that wild boy from the Lin family."

Mo Sen pointed at Lin Tian.

The middle-aged man's name was Mo Yi, a member of the Mo family in Fengjian City and one of the elders of Jiuyang Wufu. After hearing Mo Sen's words, he looked at Lin Tian with cold eyes.

After a moment, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the examiner at the front.

"Take them to the testing site and tell them the rules in advance."

After greeting him, he walked to the backyard first.

During the second round of assessment, the elders of Jiuyang Martial Palace would occasionally visit in person. This time, his nephew Mo Sen participated in the Martial Arts assessment and was still a five-star talent, so he naturally went to take a look.


Mo Sen sneered and glanced at Lin Tian, then followed Moi towards the backyard.

Lin Tian looked calm and was extremely disdainful of Mo Sen's actions. He followed the crowd, led by the examiner, and quickly arrived at the location of the second round of testing.

"Let's all go in. Later you will fall into a huge illusion. The content of the illusion is the second round of testing. There are three levels in this round of testing. The time limit is two hours. The sooner people get out, the stronger their mood will be. Those who have not emerged from the illusion for more than two hours will be deemed unqualified and will be eliminated."

the examiner said.

As his words fell, all the candidates entered the large formation in front.

"Start the formation!"

Seeing that all the candidates had entered the formation, the examiner gave a loud shout.

Lin Tianli was standing in the formation. The moment he heard the word "start the formation", the scene in front of him suddenly changed. A bloody space appeared in front of him, with endless demons baring their teeth and claws, and even bull-headed horses striding towards him. As he walked forward, the iron rope swayed and the ax looked fierce, as if it was about to pull him into eternal hell.

Lin Tian's face was calm and he didn't care at all.

After two lifetimes as a human being, is he still afraid of evil spirits

He stood still when the ghosts and bull-headed horses rushed towards him and passed right through his body.

First level, passed!

"It's boring."

He said calmly in his heart.

The next moment, the scene turned again. The sun was setting, and at the end of the horizon, thousands of troops and horses were galloping, shaking the earth. Thousands of iron horsemen holding war spears, all filled with bloody fighting spirit, rushed towards him. .

Lin Tianjing stood there, his expression still unchanged.

A few days ago, on the green hills outside Fengjian City, he had an extremely realistic dream. Nine strange figures were fighting in front of him, tearing the sky apart and sinking the earth. The universe and yin and yang were distorted by the battle of those nine people. reverse.

Compared to that dream, what was this scene before me

Thousands of iron cavalry rushed towards him, thousands of troops and horses roared, and the powerful momentum soared into the sky. However, when approaching Lin Tian, this illusion could not be sustained at all. Thousands of iron cavalry collapsed on their own in an instant and disappeared on the spot.

Second level, passed!

"The last hurdle."

Lin Tian said to himself.

In the third level, he appeared in a luxurious palace. The palace was filled with ripples of pink gauze and the air was fragrant. A dozen slender girls were wearing transparent thin shirts, their skin was looming, dancing with enchanting figures, slowly moving towards him. Come closer.

Suddenly, the palace was filled with spring scenery, and the aura of luxury was intertwined in every inch of the air.

A dozen girls smiled charmingly, like a dozen fairies.

"come on!"

The seductive voice came out, and dozens of girls leaned against Lin Tian, their jade-like skin rubbed against Lin Tian's body, and slowly took off their clothes. In an instant, dozens of graceful and moving bodies were exposed without reservation. In front of Lin Tian.

This is raw sex, enough to make any man's blood boil.

"whispering sound."

Lin Tianjing stood still, with a sneer on his lips, arrogant.

After being a man for two lives, and what happened to Xiao Yun after traveling to this world, he deeply understood the truth, that is, in this world, if you have no money, no power, and are not strong enough, beautiful women are just floating clouds. Foam.

Now, he has nothing, so to him, it is all an illusion.

Living in this palace, his heart was as solid as a rock, motionless as a mountain.

Now, all he has to do is practice and become stronger!

On a white jade platform in the courtyard, Moi put his hands on his back and looked into the formation. There were two other people beside him. These two people were also elders of Jiuyang Wufu. One was named Mu Qing, and the other was named Mu Qing. Shi Dong.

"In this assessment, there are many people with outstanding talents. Tell us, who can come out of the illusion first in this second round of assessment."

Mu Qing said.

This man looked at the large formation in front, but his eyes were staring straight at Lin Tian.

The old man in charge of the first round of assessment has already told Mu Qing and other elders about the results of the talent assessment. Mu Qing is naturally full of expectations for such a nine-star talent.

"It's hard to say, there is no relationship between will and talent. Some warriors have extremely high talent, but their will is extremely fragile. And some warriors have extremely low talent, and don't even have the talent to practice martial arts, but their will is extremely strong."

Shi Dong shook his head.

"Moy, what do you think?"

"Same as above."

Shi Dong smiled and said: "However, no matter how talented the candidates in this class are, in terms of determination alone, it is impossible for anyone to compare with that child Mo Ji. That child is the most ambitious person I have ever seen in my life." A warrior."

"That's the truth. That guy's martial arts ambitions are truly terrifying. He was simply born for martial arts."

Mu Qing agreed.

Mo Ji is Mo Yi's nephew. Hearing the two people's words, Mo Yi couldn't help but smile.

"The kid Mo Sen is influenced by his elder brother, and his ambition will not be any worse. I think Mo Sen will have a higher chance of being the first person to step out of the illusion."

Moi said.

Shi Dong nodded: "It's very possible."

"Speaking of it, how long it took Mo Ji to use it in the first place seems to be a quarter of an hour."

"Yes, it's a quarter of an hour. If you think about it, it's only half a quarter of an hour. We can still take a nap."

The three of them were talking and laughing.

However, at the next moment, the expressions of the three people froze at the same time.

Ahead, in the formation, Lin Tian suddenly opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

"Could it be..."

The three of them all changed colors.

In the formation, Lin Tian calmly glanced at the other candidates in the formation, and then calmly walked out of the formation under the examiner's widened eyes.

"this… "

Looking at Lin Tian walking aside, the examiner in charge of the second round of assessment almost turned to stone on the spot.

In half an hour, I walked out of the illusion!