Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 106: Meet the golden leopard


The sky-piercing spear brought a black awn and shot directly at the head of the giant python, nailing it to the tree trunk. WwW.XshuOTXt.CoM

The giant python shook its body and shook its head. The head slipped from the handle of the sky piercing spear, and then the whole body fell to the ground, twisting and twisting together.

It was struggling unconsciously, and the sky-piercing spear shot by Nightmare had pierced its head, destroying its brain.

Controlling the landing of the sky feather, Nightmare pulled out the sky piercing spear. At first he thought he would wipe it off, but when he held the sky piercing spear in his hand, Nightmare realized that the blood dripping from the sky piercing spear was not sticky, and it was clean.

After finding some dry firewood, Nightmare raised the fire before going to deal with the writhing boa constrictor corpse. First of all, the python gall was fed to Tianyu, and then the python's body was skinned, and then it was propped up on an iron rod and roasted.

Watching Ye Shang roast the python, Tian Yu stayed beside Ye Shang, rubbing his head against Ye Shang's body from time to time.

Tianyu has grown up a lot, and his cultivation has also improved a lot, but it is very attached to Nightmare. When he was in Longquan Bieyuan, Nightmare went to accompany it every day and went to see it. It was the happiest time for him.

Nightmare flipped the python meat with one hand, and stroked the feathers on Tian Yu's neck with the other, creating an incomparably harmonious scene.

After the python meat was ready, Ye Shang chopped it into pieces with a knife and fed them to Tian Yu, while he ate them slowly.

Ye Shang also opened a jar of wine for Tian Yu.

After eating and feeding Tian Yu, Ye Shang ate half of a Concentration Pill and a Blood Essence Pill and began to meditate.

What Nightmare needs most is time, and he will never let it go if he has time to practice.

When he was on his way, Ye Shang didn't take pills to practice. He was afraid that the energy of the pills would not be refined enough, leaving erysipelas in his body. Now he has entered the stage of gathering yuan and the treasure of ten thousand ways in the cultivation of true energy. , the refining ability of the body's flesh and blood and true energy increased accordingly, half of the Condensing Yuan Pill and one of the Essence Blood Pill were completely absorbed and refined overnight.

After practicing all night, after waking up, he practiced the wind chasing spear technique for a while to move his muscles and bones, and then Ye Shang drove Tian Yu away.

Tianyu has an amazing appetite. It needs to absorb the energy from the flesh and blood of monsters to increase its strength. It eats a lot every meal, but one meal a day is enough.

Sitting on Tianyu's back, Nightmare was also meditating, but he didn't use any pills, and simply absorbed the aura from the world.

It took four days for Ye Shang to arrive at Qingshui Ze, which is the territory of Qingshui Sect, a faction under the jurisdiction of Medicine Valley.

Qingshui Sect is the subordinate power of Medicine Valley. Every year, it will hand over resources to Medicine Valley. This area is the strongest force. Last time, it had to cross Medicine Valley to participate in Jin Yanmen's ten-year sect power conference, but Stopped by Yaogu.

The two sides also clashed. In the area where it belonged, how could Medicine Valley allow Qingshuizong to do this.

If Qing Shuizong had direct contact with Jinyan Sect, it would be no less than a nail in the heart for Yaogu.

Therefore, the relationship between the two parties was quite tense, due to Yaogu's strength, and because of Yaogu's alchemy inheritance, many powerful cultivators and some sects had good relations with Yaogu, so Qingshui Sect did not dare to mess around.

When they arrived at Qingshui Ze, Ye Shang and Tian Yu rested for the night, and started looking for the Golden Silk Leopard the next day.

The golden silk leopard is at the third level when it is an adult, its blood is very precious, even if it is not used for alchemy, using its blood supplemented with medicinal herbs to soak the body can also strengthen the strength of the muscles and bones.

Golden silk leopards are also extremely rare, otherwise Nightmare would not have traveled nearly 30,000 miles to Qingshuize.

Qingshui Lake covers an area of three to four thousand li, there are swamps and pools everywhere in the woods and in the valleys, and there are many poisonous snakes, insects and ants, so it is very dangerous.

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Tian Yu couldn't adapt to the slow flying, so Nightmare let Tian Yu hover in the air and walked through the ancient trees by himself.

If you are tired, drink some wine and rest for a while, after the rest, Nightmare will continue to search.

Two days passed, Nightmare killed many monsters and found many rare medicinal materials, but still did not see the golden silk leopard.

Although he couldn't find it, Ye Shang didn't lose confidence. He knew one thing, the news about Tianji Que was absolutely accurate, if there was one here, then there must be one.

On the third day, they still couldn't find it. Nightmare hunted down a brown bear, dealt with it, and roasted it with Tianyu.

When Tian Yu had just finished eating and Nightmare was taking him to drink water, Tianyu's wings trembled and he turned his head to look in another direction, and uttered a cry at Nightmare.

Nightmare's body tightened, and he felt a dangerous aura, it was just an intuition.

Following Tian Yu's gaze, Ye Shang discovered the source of the danger, and two golden leopards appeared in his vision.

Nightmare couldn't see the golden silk leopard's cultivation level, but he knew it was definitely not easy. The golden silk leopard was much bigger than ordinary cheetahs, not even a tamed lion was as big as its body.

"Tianyu help me hold one end, don't hit it head-on, pay attention to safety, take off if you can't." Nightmare explained to Tianyu, and rushed towards the right end with a jolt, Nightmare's foot had a force of several thousand catties , the stone under his feet was smashed to pieces, and Nightmare's body also rushed out.

In the process of rushing forward, Nightmare took out the reincarnation gun and shot at the Golden Silk Leopard's forehead.

Nightmare made an attack, Tian Yu also moved, spread his wings three or four feet in the air, and rushed towards another golden silk leopard. The two sharp claws were sharp weapons, and the target was the golden silk leopard's head.

Seeing Nightmare's attack, the golden silk leopard leaning on the right jumped up with force on its hind legs, avoiding the attacking route of Nightmare's reincarnation gun, and rushed towards Nightmare.

Nightmare stepped on the dragon's footsteps, dodged the culling of the male golden leopard, dodged to the side of the golden golden leopard, swung his arms, and the reincarnation gun smashed down.

How do you know this golden leopard is male? Because when it was culled, Nightmare saw its obvious male characteristics.

Nightmare still underestimated the Golden Silk Leopard, and with a flick of his body, the Golden Silk Leopard easily dodged Nightmare's spear, roared angrily, and leaped towards Nightmare to kill him again.

In its eyes, Nightmare Juyuan's second-level cultivation was insignificant. Seeing Nightmare continuously attacking it with guns, it felt provoked.

Nightmare stepped on the dragon's footsteps, and dodged the golden leopard again with a dodge, but this time it was very dangerous. A piece of the robe on Nightmare's shoulder was torn off by the male golden leopard.

This shocked Ye Shang very much. Fortunately, he had practiced Long Yuebu some time ago, otherwise he would not be able to avoid the culling of the Golden Silk Leopard at all, and he would have become his food long ago.

Nightmare was still able to dodge at the moment, but his attacks were all in vain. The golden leopard's speed was too fast, and Nightmare had no choice but to pull out the Sky Piercing Spear.

Holding the reincarnation gun in his right hand, he kept stabbing out, not allowing the male golden leopard to kill as he wanted. At the same time, the energy in his body poured into his left hand, looking for opportunities.


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