Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 154: Pick up the witches


The woman with long hair didn't see anyone else. Now that something happened, she instinctively suspected another woman. WwW.XshuOTXt.CoM

"Sister, why do you say that about me? I really don't know." The thin woman stood up and said, shaking her body when she stood up.

"You don't know? Is it because I didn't give you that handsome little guy you asked for yesterday, and you're upset?" the woman with long hair roared sharply.

"You don't need to quarrel, scum! A scum among human beings, a disgrace among women." Yang Lei appeared, and the two of them turned over with a big mouth.

Then, regardless of the disheveled clothes of the two of them, they just kicked hard when they lifted their feet, and the kicks were all on the chest and lower vitals, so Nightmare could only turn around and not look at them.

Hiss, hiss!

With the sound of sword energy piercing the air, the two women let out a short scream.

Nightmare turned his head and looked, Yang Lei had already beheaded the two women, and then pulled out the storage belts hanging from the two women's gauze.

"I'll check it for you, and don't want anything unsightly." Yang Lei took two storage belts, and then threw some messy things on the fire, and then handed the storage belt to Nightmare.

The storage belt is much lower-level than the storage ring, and there is no identification, which means that anyone who gets it can use it.

Nightmare took out everything inside.

The two women didn't have any treasures, the messy clothes were burned by Yang Lei, and only some gold tickets, a few bottles of medicine pills, and a book were left.

"The elixir may be an aphrodisiac, don't take it carelessly." Yang Lei reminded Nightmare.

"Hehe technique? This is what they practice? Just destroy it." Nightmare was about to tear up the classics.

"Don't! I've heard of this exercise. In fact, if the mind is righteous and the husband and wife are practicing together, the effect of the practice is still obvious. It's just that they didn't use it in the right place, and cultivated the evil side." Yang Lei stopped the night Shame.

"Senior Ninth Sister, if you want it, you can take it. Later, you can practice with your brother-in-law." Ye Shang threw the classics to Yang Lei.

"You're going to die, you keep it." Yang Lei blushed, and directly threw the tome to Nightmare again.

"Okay! Then Ninth Senior Sister can tell me whenever she wants it." Ye Shang nodded and put away the classics.

"Clean up, collect their heads, and take another skeleton back as evidence of completing the mission.

"Is this appropriate?" With the murderer's head, Nightmare was not disgusted, but with the victim's skeleton, he couldn't accept it.

"Put one in their dirty storage belt, and tell the people in the town to come and collect the corpse." Yang Lei thought that Ye Shang hated dirty and bad luck.

"Senior Sister, I mean, it's better for a person to be buried in the ground after death, and it's not appropriate for us to toss other people's bones." Nightmare expressed his thoughts.

"We solved the problem for their town and avenged them. We are kind to them. What's the point of taking it there as evidence? But this time there is a solution. Bring the mayor and people here tomorrow, and let them Write a righteous statement, and don't be so pedantic in the future." Yang Lei glanced at Nightmare and said.

Seeing that Yang Lei didn't force himself, Ye Shang smiled and put the heads of the two witches away.

The two people at the scene barely moved, and quickly left the valley. They drove Qingdiao and Tianyu to leave. After all, the poisonous smoke of the snake blood grass still exists, and it will take a while to dissipate.

After arriving in the town, Nightmare and Yang Lei came to the mayor's residence and explained the situation in detail.

When the mayor heard that the problem had been solved, he couldn't wait any longer, so he directly called the villagers in the town to gather, and rushed towards the location provided by Nightmare and Yang Lei.

Ye Shang and Yang Lei, who originally planned to rest, could only drive Tian Yu and Qing Diao to wait in the valley. When the two arrived, the charcoal fire was extinguished, there was a breeze, and the poisonous smoke was no longer there.

People in the mountains walk very quickly on the mountain roads, and they are also familiar with the terrain. Nightmare and the other two provided the location, and they arrived in half an hour.

When the villagers saw the bones and recognized their family members, they all burst into tears.

The mayor was also very grateful to Nightmare and Yang Lei. Although it was sad, the hidden danger was resolved.

To let the villagers deal with the aftermath, the mayor brought Ye Shang and Yang Lei back to the town, found the wealthiest family to arrange a place to live, and then arranged for food and entertainment.

Nightmare said that he needed proof, and the mayor immediately agreed.

Taking out the paper and pen, the mayor wrote down the situation at the scene. When Yang Lei asked the mayor to write, he only wrote about the murdered corpses of the villagers and said nothing about the two women.

After the record was completed, the mayor signed his handprint and seal of the mayor.

After the mayor went to work, Ye Shang said, "Senior Sister Ninth, you asked the mayor to write this to prove that the investigation mission is over, and there are still benefits for the matter of the two women?"

"It's easy to deal with smart people. After you hand in this quest, just ask if there is a follow-up quest, and whether you need to kill the evildoer who harvests yang and nourishes yin. If you need it, you can hand in the quest with the head." Yang Lei Open your mouth and say.

"I understand what you mean, but the question is, how can we prove that the two heads are the murderer's?" Nightmare asked, puzzled.

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"I don't blame you for being suspicious, because you couldn't see it. At that moment, the two witches had just absorbed the essence of blood and hadn't refined the yang qi yet. The yang qi reached the top. Advanced cultivators can tell from the head." Yang Lei explained to Nightmare.

"It turns out that's the case, so it's easy to handle." Ye Shang stretched out his thumb to Yang Lei.

"Now you'd better pray, if there is a mission to hunt the witch, don't exceed the bronze level, if it is silver level, then only the senior sister can earn points." Yang Lei said with a smile.

Tianji Que's system is very strict. The owner of the Black Iron Token can only accept black iron level tasks, and the owner of the Qingtong Token can only accept bronze tasks, and cannot skip the level. On the contrary, the owner of a high-level token can accept low-level tasks.

"Senior sister earns no difference from me earning, the silver task reward is high, and senior sister gets more benefits." Nightmare said with a smile.

"You can think about it, I don't know what delicious food they will get us, Tian Yu and Qing Diao haven't got anything to eat yet!" Yang Lei said.

"Your green eagle is easy to talk about. Tian Yu likes to eat cooked ones." Nightmare had released Tian Yu a long time ago, letting Tian Yu catch the prey by himself, and Yang Lei also released the green eagle.

On the silver fox cub's side, Nightmare's towel wrapped around his mouth had already run up his neck.

The mayor led the townspeople to get food for Nightmare and Yang Lei, which was extravagant.

Seeing the sadness on the faces of the villagers in the town, Ye Shang ate a little with Yang Lei before going to rest and practice. He didn't want to see the forced smiles on the faces of the villagers. Who wouldn't be sad if something happened at home

After washing up early in the morning, Nightmare and Yang Lei drove Tianyu and Qingdiao to fly towards Danding City. Nightmare was looking forward to whether there would be a follow-up to this mission.

If there are so many points, there will be a lot of points, not far from the silver level!


Arrive at two o'clock in the morning, let's talk about the guild, join the book club Tianjique, only mobile phone users can, and the guild is a second-level guild, can only accept 20 people, enter the guild to buy an excavator, which is five yuan Money, everyone subscribes, the guild can continue to upgrade and continue to receive people.

This is not forced, and those who are willing to contribute to the book can add it. It is not inconvenient. The key point is that if you add it without subscribing, you will stand in the position and the guild cannot be upgraded. So now those who have not subscribed in the guild subscribe, or quit!

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