Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 158: Drug Valley Cancer


"The situation, you all know the situation, Guzhu has been retreating to seek a breakthrough, this incident, the Supreme Elder and this seat mean that Yang Yu is to preside over it, do you all understand?" The Great Elder knocked on the ground with his crutches and said . WwW.XshuOTXt.CoM

"In other matters, there may be estrangements between me and Peak Master Liu, but in terms of the interests of the sect, I will obey unconditionally." Wang Yunfeng Peak Master Yuan Tai stood up and expressed his opinion.

"Qingshi Peak is fine." Dai Tongnian also stood up.

The other peak owners also expressed their support. Except for Xu Chenbai of Jiuyin Peak, who was a little squeaky, everyone else was united in space.

When Xu Chenbai was chirping, Gan Wu directly slapped the armrest of the chair to pieces, if it wasn't for the great elder to stop him, he might explode on the spot.

In the past, Ganwu supported Xu Chenbai's supremacy, but that was a normal competition. Zongmen without competition will be stagnant and will be eliminated, but this does not mean that he can tolerate Xu Chenbai's inaction when the sect is in crisis.

Then came the transfer of Yaogu's manpower, Liu Yangyu arranged for the main force of the peaks to guard the city gates, that is, every two peaks guarded the area near the gate of Danding City.

The remaining four peaks, Taixuan Peak, Beijifeng, Danding Peak and Wuwei Peak continued to patrol in Danding City. As for the spheres of influence of the other cities, the elders of the sect and the guardians took people to deal with them. This area is the Great Elder. Arranged.

The current layout of the Medicine Valley, the external forces are mobilized by the great elders, and Liu Yangyu is in charge of the Danding City area.

If a war breaks out, the areas that Yaogu needs to defend most are Danding City and Danding Mountain. These two places will not be lost. If other places fall, they can still fight back.

If Jin Yanmen wants to take down Medicine Valley, it is useless to attack scattered areas. Danding City and Danding Mountain are the key areas.

To conquer these two areas, the Jinyan Sect will have to mobilize most of its strength, so it is difficult to say whether it will be attacked by other forces when the interior is empty. This is also the reason why Yaogu is not afraid, he has the courage to fight bloody, and with the current situation of Jin Yanmen, Yaogu feels that he will not lose.

After the arrangements were made, the peaks went to action, and the elders all left, but the elders left behind Liu Yangyu, as well as the peak masters of Yunhai Peak and Beijifeng.

"According to the arrangement, Duan Lei, your Yunhai Peak and Jiuyin Peak are guarding the south gate. Be more vigilant. The strong fortress is not easy to be broken from the outside, but it is easy to be disintegrated from the inside." The Great Elder said.

"This... Duan Lei understands." Duan Lei hesitated for a moment, and bowed to the elder.

"Bei Bei, when you lead people on patrol, pay more attention to the south gate." The Great Elder explained to Yan BeiJi again, and at the same time dismissed the two of them, leaving the Great Elder and Liu Yangyu in the hall.

"According to the news from within the Jinyan Sect, one of the eleven peak masters in our Medicine Valley other than the main peak is a member of the Jinyan Sect, or a direct descendant of the absolute high-ranking members of the Jinyan Sect. After some calculations, I began to think that Jin Can and Xu Chenbai were the most likely, after several years of investigation, the suspicion of Jin Can was ruled out." The Great Elder said.

"Then it's Xu Chenbai?" Liu Yangyu said angrily.

"It's almost certain, but don't pay attention to him for the time being, it's a pity that the second elder has cultivated him." The first elder said with a sigh.

"Does the Second Elder know?" Liu Yangyu understood that such a thing would definitely be a blow to the Second Elder.

The second elder Ganwu has a violent personality and is upright. Now that he has become a traitor disciple, once he finds out, how difficult it will be for him to accept it.

"Understood, it wasn't a few elders who stopped him, he was about to kill Xu Chenbai, and he was holding back just now." The Great Elder nodded.

"Although there were minor conflicts in the past, I really didn't expect this kind of situation." Liu Yangyu was also a little shocked.

"This is the seed planted by the Jinyan Sect in our Medicine Valley. If you are not standing in front of us and he really takes over, then the situation in Medicine Valley can be imagined." The elder said with some fear.

Now there is a consensus within the Medicine Valley that Liu Yangyu will be the candidate to replace the owner of the valley in the future. It can be seen that this time the crisis in Medicine Valley is presided over by Liu Yangyu.

Hua Yunpeng, the owner of Medicine Valley, originally belonged to Wuwei Peak. The old valley owner resigned, and he took over from Wuwei Peak to Danding Peak as the valley owner.

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The purpose of Wuwei Peak is not to fight and not to fight, and what it pursues is the concept of doing nothing. Therefore, since Hua Yunpeng took office, he has not managed the affairs of the sect very much, and has been pursuing his own breakthrough. Otherwise, the elder would not be so busy , I have already gone to enter the worship tower to practice.

"Then let's keep him for now, keep this trouble?" Liu Yangyu said with Zou Mei.

"For the time being, it is useful to keep him. After all, there are some news that need to be passed on by him, just like this time our belief that the medicine grain fish is dead, will the Jinyan sect dare to move easily after knowing it?" the elder said with a smile.

Liu Yangyu nodded. In Dongxuan Region, or even the entire Nine Regions and Ten States, big forces want to annex small forces. Most of the time they rely on deterrence, not real fighting. If they really fight, even if annexation is implemented, the loss will be great The gains outweigh the losses, and Jin Yanmen and Yaogu belong to the whole situation at present.

"Great Elder, there is another problem. The Twelve Peaks are the distribution of the main strength of Medicine Valley, and it is also the place where we cultivate talents. If the cancer of Xu Chenbai is not pulled out, then Jiuyin Peak will be ruined?" Liu Yangyu said in disbelief. If you are willing to see Yaogu's strength, it will suffer.

"This problem needs to be solved. He is a member of the Jin Yan Sect. Only his true confidants will know, and other Jiuyin Peak disciples will not know. At present, there are only a few people who have been corrupted by him. When the problem this time is resolved, we will use the method of personnel transfer to get him away from Jiuyin Peak and find a suitable person to replace him." The Great Elder said his own arrangement.

"Yang Yu understands that Medicine Valley needs time. At present, it is not a big problem to be restrained by Nandoumen in this level. What can we do later? When Jinyanmen resolves the conflict with Nandoumen, they will still come back and target us." Liu Yangyu is not worried about the current situation, but worried about the future situation.

"People without long-term considerations must have near-term worries. You are right, but there are two elders who have gone to Nandoumen. One of them is familiar with a high-level person in Nandoumen and has friendship. The other one who helped Nandoumen back then The deputy sect master has refined elixir, so he has a favor, and I hope that Nan Dou Sect can restrain us from behind when Jin Yan Sect attacks us." The elder said.

"So that's how it is. I hope it goes well." Liu Yangyu sighed.

Why ask for help, because Yaogu's own strength is not enough, there is no Holy Tripitaka before, too many people are stuck in the bottleneck, and there is no way to break through.

Now that the Holy Tripod Scripture has been recovered, what the Medicine Valley needs is time, and if it has time to develop, then it will not be afraid of Jin Yanmen's provocation.

"I don't know if Guzhu will make a breakthrough, no matter whether he breaks through or not, the next personnel changes will be carried out, and the personnel on Taixuan Peak will also be moved." The Great Elder said to Liu Yangyu.