Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 161: Start declaring war


At the Zongmen Conference, the senior executives of Medicine Valley announced that they would be newcomers within three years of entry, and they could participate in the newcomer competition, mainly to increase a competitive atmosphere. www*xshuotxt/com

Although there are disadvantages, it is difficult for newcomers to stand out, but after one or two years, outstanding newcomers still have opportunities.

While the two were chatting, Nightmare appeared, "Are the two senior sisters here?"

"Yes, you broke through without making a sound, and the speed is nothing to say." Qing Ji said.

"Let's go, go eat, I'm hungry." Ye Shang rubbed his stomach and said.

Qing Ji nodded, and the three of them arrived at the cafeteria, where Nangong Dai, Chu Ning and others were all there.

Chu Ning and Tang Tian each held on to one elbow and did not let go, Nangong Dai was trying to persuade them to fight.

"Promising, you continue to rob, as if we don't exist." Yang Lei waved her hand, and sat down with Qing Ji and Nightmare.

"Chu Jiu, are you going to let go?" Tang Tian called out.

"Although you are a senior brother, you can't bully others, I'll take it first." Chu Ning didn't let go.

Nightmare, Yang Lei, and Qing Ji watched while eating.

"You guys continue to fight over this elbow, didn't you delay the training time? Don't sleep tonight and make up for the lost time." Yang Lei took a sip of soup and said slowly.

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"Chuning, you screwed me to death." Tang Tian let go.

Chuning's face also turned blue, this time he was out of luck.

Ignoring the few people, after eating, the three of Nightmare left the attic.

"Practice for a while?" Ye Shang looked at Yang Lei and asked.

"No, I want to rest for a while and drink some tea. You don't love yourself, but I still love myself!" Yang Lei said while sitting on the deck chair in the garden.

Nightmare smiled and found a seat and sat down, teasing the silver fox cub who ran to his feet.

"This traitor, I bathe it every day, and it is not close to me." Qing Ji said with some resentment.

"The main reason is that when it saw Nightmare for the first time, it felt Nightmare's kindness, and it has penetrated into its heart." Yang Lei said.

This is just like people, who may not remember who treats you to eat big fish and meat, but whoever gives you a steamed bun when you are most hungry will be remembered deep in your heart.

After resting for a while, Nightmare and Yang Lei started sparring.

This time the sparring was much more intense than before. Nightmare's body strength increased a lot, and the strength of his hands and feet increased greatly.

Excluding strength, Nightmare's true energy is also much stronger than before.

Shocking Power Nightmare was still controlled at forty-two waves. He hadn't tried to increase the number of shocking waves just after he was promoted, and even if he did, he wasn't proficient.

Nightmare took the initiative to attack a lot, and Yang Lei also counterattacked when she saw a loophole. She controlled her cultivation and kept her cultivation at the middle and early stages of Tier 3, because no matter how high it was, Nightmare would not be able to hold on.

After fighting for a quarter of an hour, Nightmare couldn't stand it anymore and stopped to rest. Yang Lei was also tired and sat down to drink tea.

Qing Ji began to train Chuning and others when she had nothing to do.

During the break, Nightmare communicated with Yang Lei, planning to go out to see the situation outside and see how Jin Yanmen reacted.

Today is the deadline of seven days. If Jin Yanmen does not retreat, then Yaogu will forcefully expel them.

What does expulsion mean? That means declaring war, that is to say, if the members of Jinyanmen don't retreat today, then Yaogu will do it.

If Yaogu made a move, the Jinyan Sect would not be able to bear it anymore, and the next step would be the confrontation between the two forces.

Because it was relatively close, Ye Shang didn't release Tian Yu, and came to Danding City with Yang Lei on the green eagle.

The atmosphere in Danding City today is different from usual. It used to be a tense atmosphere, but today is different. All the disciples of Medicine Valley have all their weapons out of their sheaths, full of fighting spirit.

Everyone knows that as long as the disciples of the Jinyan Sect don't leave the Medicine Valley area today, the battle will start.

Nightmare and Qing Ji came to the City Lord's Mansion in a beast cart. Although they were in a hurry at this time, they absolutely couldn't ride and tame the beast.

There are flying crossbows on the high-rise buildings in Danding City, which are used to kill flying monsters and are also strategic weapons of war.

At this time, it wasn't the city guards guarding Feinu, but the elite disciples of Medicine Valley. As long as flying monsters appeared, they would shoot them without warning.

At the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, Nightmare and Yang Lei saw the First Elder, Second Elder, Liu Yangyu and others.

"The disciple has met the First Elder, the Second Elder, and the Master." Ye Shang bowed and greeted him.

"Why are you here? What a nonsense, you don't even look at Lao Jiu." Liu Yangyu reprimanded Zou Mei.

At this time, Liu Yangyu and the others were going to Jin Yanmen's stronghold in Yaogu to give an ultimatum, and if they didn't leave, they would start a war.

"It's nothing, just go and see it, Yang Lei, you have to watch your junior brother." Zhan Lao said with a smile.

At this time, the Great Elder's face was full of smiles, and he didn't feel nervous at all. The two elders of Yaogu had already sent back the news. As long as the Jinyanmen declared war with Yaogu, the Nandoumen would directly attack it.

The other two Supreme Elders also contacted Xiaoyaozong, and Xiaoyaozong also expressed their willingness to make friends with Yaogu. Will attack Jin Yanmen.

This is the influence of alchemy sects and alchemists.

Nandoumen and Yaogu have a friendship, apart from the friendship, all practitioners need pills. Ordinary pills can be refined in their sect, but once Qidan and Yidan are involved, they can't do it, even if they have the materials, they can't refine them, and Yaogu has specialties in this area.

This is an objective problem for both Nandoumen and Xiaoyaozong.

The most important point is to start from the interests of the sect's development. Helping Yaogu is beneficial to them. The existence of Yaogu is a nail for Jin Yanmen. The development of Yanmen.

This form is beneficial to Nandoumen and Xiaoyaozong whose sphere of influence borders Jinyanmen.

The Great Elder who got the news can be sure that Jin Yan Sect will not declare war, and the existence of Yaogu has become an opportunity, an opportunity for Nandou Sect and Xiaoyao Sect to jointly attack Jin Yan Sect.

In terms of strength alone, the Jinyan Sect is not as good as the Nandou Sect, and with the Xiaoyao Sect on par, under such pressure, it would be foolish for the Jinyan Sect to forcefully declare war.

Under the leadership of Liu Yangyu, a group of people walked towards the Golden Fire Pavilion. Medicine Valley has received news that members of the Jinyan Sect in Danding City have gathered in the Golden Fire Pavilion.

Nightmare and Yang Lei walked behind, and the First Elder also walked behind.

"Nightmare, you're making good progress. Keep working hard. You should have no problem going to another dimension next year. Do you need any help from the sect?" the Great Elder said to Nightmare with a smile.