Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 191: Cherish friendship


"I got them all, your senior brother and ninth senior sister even got the Wind and Thunder Sword Art, and the rest of us also got what we needed, and got the combat skills we were thinking about. WwW.XsHuoTXt.com" Qing Ji said.

"That's fine." Ye Shang nodded, he wanted to help Qing Ji very much, but he remembered what Yang Lei said, knowing that if he helped Qing Ji, the other senior brothers would not be able to deal with it? We can only treat them equally, and the exchange for combat skills is the greatest help to them.

"What's your plan next, to practice with your nephews?" Qing Ji asked with a smile.

"No, the fourth elder said that I can't stay at Dandingya to practice all the time, let me rest before going. I plan to go back to Longquan Bieyuan and practice in Longquan Bieyuan for a while before going to Dandingya." Nightmare said of himself s arrangement.

"It's fine, but you have to go to Ziwei Peak first, and when you were practicing at Dandingya, there were a few people who came to see you, but they were all looking for you to drink, it's not a big deal." Qing Ji said.

"Looking for me? Who is looking for me." Nightmare asked.

"One is Qin Zhen, a disciple of the North Pole Peak, and the other is Shi Yunhai, a disciple of Danding Peak." Qing Ji said.

"We're all friends. Is Qin Zhen a disciple of the North Pole Peak now?" Ye Shang asked.

"Talked with him a few words. He came to Medicine Valley last year to train with Master Beiji Peak. He originally planned to participate in this year's apprenticeship ceremony, but before the apprenticeship ceremony, he broke through to the Juyuan stage. He is very excited. If you are shy, ask a question, and it will take a long time to answer." Qing Ji said when she met Qin Zhen.

"That's good, I'm relieved, he's not good at communicating, but he's a nice guy." Ye Shang said with a smile, he knew Qin Zhen, knew that Qin Zhen was really not good at it, and was unwilling to communicate with others.

"It's rare to have someone you approve of. He's really good, but he's also the younger brother of Qin Zhan and Qin Hai. If you abolish Qin Hai and beat Qin Zhan, won't he mind?" Qing Ji still doesn't understand Qin Zhen. mentality.

Nightmare told Qing Ji about the conflict between himself and Qin Hai and Qin Shan on the road from Chiyan City to Danding City, and also about Qin Zhen's willingness to stand by him.

"Well, if he had a estrangement in his heart, he wouldn't come to see you. If he could come to see you, he would treat you as a friend in his heart." Qing Ji nodded.

As for Shi Yunhai, Ye Shang knew that he was a big lala person, and he probably came to drink with him.

"Sixth Senior Sister, I'm going to see Qin Zhen. With his personality, he probably doesn't have many friends." Ye Shang said.

"Yes, it may be very important to him that you go to see him. Besides, you should go to Ziwei Peak as soon as possible. If you don't go, you will lose your momentum. In fact, it's nothing. It's just to get acquainted and go through the motions." Qing Ji smiled She said, she could imagine that when Nightmare went to Ziwei Peak, the scene must be wonderful.

Nightmare nodded helplessly, since Qing Ji asked him to go, then he had to go, otherwise it would be a problem in the future.

Ziweifeng invited, if he didn't go, it would be a disgrace to others, and the people of Ziweifeng would be offended in the future, and Ye Shang didn't want such a thing.

While Ye Shang was chatting with Qing Ji, Tian Yu came back, holding an elk under a pair of sharp claws, which was its prey.

Seeing Nightmare, Tianyu threw the elk to the ground, then ran to Nightmare's side, rubbing his head against Nightmare's body.

Nightmare was practicing at Dandingya. When Tianyu was catching prey, he had passed it, but he didn't get close, just took a look from a distance. Now that Nightmare came back, he was immediately excited.

"Thirteen, this day Yu is the master. In Zhulin Xiaozhu, several handyman disciples serve it, and others can't even touch its fur." Qing Ji said with a smile, she likes Tian Yu very much, and knows that the alien monster is With this nature, it is difficult to recognize human beings. Now, except for Nightmare, other people do not recognize it.

"Then Sixth Senior Sister, I'm going to the North Pole Peak, and I'll be back later." Nightmare said as he put Tian Yu's back on his body.

"Well, let's go to Ziwei Peak for a walk! Hehe!" Qing Ji said with a smile.

"Why don't Sixth Senior Sister go with me?" Ye Shang was really a little timid to go to Ziwei Peak. To him, this invitation was no different from a letter of war.

"Okay! After seeing your little friend, come back and pick me up." Qing Ji nodded after thinking for a while. She knew that Nightmare had experienced a lot, but she had no experience in dealing with people, especially women. , if Ye Ziling or Tang Qianqian throw out ten daughters-in-law, it will make it difficult for Nightmare to accept the move.

When they arrived at the Arctic Peak, Ye Shang explained the purpose of coming, and then some disciples took Ye Shang to a relatively comfortable canyon behind the Arctic Peak, which was the place where Yan Bei Bei practiced.

In the valley, Ye Shang saw Qin Zhen who was working hard to practice swordsmanship.

,/Permanently free, fee'Look at Xiao. Said.

Seeing Nightmare, Qin Zhen was stunned for a moment, waved his hand to say hello, then wiped his sweat and ran to the attic behind, and came out after a while, "I just said hello to Shigong."

"Are you practicing with the Peak Master?" Ye Shang took out the wine, poured two bowls, and took out the jerky and said.

"Well, my father is a disciple of Shigong, so I am naturally a third-generation disciple of Beibei Peak. I don't need to be a teacher, and I just follow Shigong." After taking a sip of wine, Qin Zhen said.

"Very good. If you are tired from practicing in the future, you can find me for a drink. If I am not in Zhulin Xiaozhu, I may be in the Longquan courtyard outside Danding City. You can find me there, and you can practice there. " Nightmare said as he filled Qin Zhen's wine bowl again.

"Okay, if I have time, I will go to you, and I want to apologize to you about my cousins." Speaking of this, Qin Zhen blushed a little. He felt that the Qin family was a little too much. He was the cause of the incident. very clear.

"Speaking of which, it's me who should apologize. I've hit them hard. I'll just avoid them from now on." After hesitating for a while, Nightmare gave in. He didn't want Qin Zhen to feel uncomfortable. Friends think about it.

"You're thinking too much. By the way, I'm going back to Chiyan City after a while. Do you need my help?" Qin Zhen asked.

"No more, please say thank you to Deputy City Master Qin for me. Without the help of the Deputy City Master, I think it would be very difficult for me to come to Medicine Valley." Ye Shang said.

"Yes." Qin Zhen nodded.

After drinking a jar of wine with Qin Zhen, Ye Shang left. He was going to pick Qing Ji up to Ziwei Peak.

After Nightmare left, Yan BeiJi appeared, "Zhen'er, this friend is not bad. This year, he has never recognized anyone except those from Taixuan Peak. He cherishes friendship." Yan BeiJi said.

After picking up Qing Ji from Ye Shang's side, he headed towards Ziwei Peak.