Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 2: Encounter a monster


"Father..." Nightmare has always been eager to see the outside world, but when the old father really agreed, he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, since you want to go out, I'll tell you about the outside in detail." The old father turned and walked back to the bamboo house.

Nightmare knew that the ancient father had also gone out for adventures when he was young, and later returned to Zhuyuan Village due to injuries.

Following the old father's narration, Nightmare learned a little about the situation outside.

The area where Zhuyuan Village is located is the sphere of influence of the cultivation sect Medicine Valley, and some densely populated towns are managed by the disciples of Medicine Valley.

The mountain gate of Medicine Valley is in Danding Mountain, and the area under its control is also a radius of 100,000 li.

Talking about the outside world, the two fathers and sons were asked to rest at dawn, but not long after the ancient father rested, Nightmare got up. Before he left, he wanted to store more food for the ancient father. In the village of the Lord, the food is mainly prey.

In the afternoon, Nightmare returned to the village with a black iron spear full of prey on both ends. This time, Nightmare did not divide the prey, but went straight home. This made the villagers very puzzled. Nightmare has been hunting for more than a year. Every time, the two fathers and sons are left enough to eat, and the rest are distributed to other people.

Nightmare's behavior surprised the villagers. They followed Nightmare to the old father's bamboo house. Everyone was not greedy for Nightmare's prey, but worried about what would happen to Nightmare. The neighbors in Zhuyuan Village are as harmonious as relatives.

"Boy, why did you bring back so many prey?" Looking at the villagers who followed, Gu Da gave Nightmare a stare.

"Father, you misunderstood. We came here to see what happened. Nightmare, are you not injured?" Aunt Lin, who usually treats Nightmare very well, looked Nightmare up and down.

"No!" Nightmare's face turned red, he took all the prey back and didn't share it with everyone, he felt a little guilty.

"It's like this. I'm going to send Nightmare out to exercise. He's thinking about this old man like me. Brat, can my old man still starve to death if you're not here?" Father Gu glared at Nightmare.

"Ye Shang, you want to go out?" Both Aunt Lin and Uncle Niu looked at Ye Shang with reluctance in their eyes.

"Well, I'm going to go out and have a look." Nightmare's voice was a little low, he knew that in Zhuyuan Village it wasn't just Gu Daddy, everyone cared about him.

"Alright, you are the most outstanding kid in our village, you should go out for a walk." Uncle Niu patted Ye Shang on the shoulder and said.

"I haven't finished the gown I made for you, and it will be almost done tomorrow." Aunt Lin's eyes were full of reluctance.

After chatting for a while, Nightmare sent Aunt Lin away, then processed the prey and hung it under the eaves to dry.

After doing this, Nightmare started punching next to the bamboo house, which was his habit.

The ancient father is a person who has wandered outside. Because he offended a very powerful enemy, both sides were injured. He fought to the death of the opponent, and he also damaged his dantian. Well, the boxing techniques Ye Shang practiced were taught by Gu Da.

Only by practicing the boxing techniques taught by the ancient father, Nightmare has good strength.

In the next few days, Nightmare went out to hunt early every day, and hung the eaves of the bamboo house with prey.

The ancient father knew that Nightmare was doing it for his own good, so he didn't say anything. Everyone in the village knew that Nightmare was leaving and sent him a lot of things.

Aunt Lin sent clothes to Nightmare, and Uncle Niu sent two leather bags of wine and a tamed leopard. Nightmare was young, but he was a good drinker, and everyone in the village knew it.

The tame leopard is a mount, a mount domesticated by Uncle Niu, and the only mount in the village.

Nightmare didn't accept him originally, but when he saw that Uncle Niu was upset, his face turned red and he wanted to curse, so he accepted.

Almost ready, Nightmare was about to set off.

Nightmare didn't prepare much, just a little dried meat and two leather bags of Uncle Wagyu's wine.

"Outside, you must be extremely careful and careful when doing things, and come back if you don't like it." After helping Nightmare to tie things to the tame leopard, the ancient father took out a small leather bag, "Here is some money, take the following Prepare for emergencies."

"Father, I don't need it. If I'm hungry, there's dried meat. I can hunt. If I'm thirsty, I have mountain spring water." Nightmare stuffed the small leather bag containing the silver back into the old father's hand.

"I told you to take it, so you take it." Gu Dad stared at him, his beard trembling, and shouted at Nightmare.

Nightmare nodded and tucked the money bag around his waist, knowing that only the old man's beard would shake when he was particularly excited.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Gu Da waved his hand, turned and entered the bamboo house.

Standing in the yard, looking at the bamboo house for a while, Nightmare left, he knew that the old father was unwilling to face the scene of parting.

Pat taming the leopard, leaving the bamboo house, leaving the place where he has lived for more than ten years, Ye Shang felt a little sad.

After walking a few hundred meters, Nightmare turned his head and looked towards the bamboo house. In the still vague morning light, Nightmare saw a figure under the old bamboo in front of the bamboo house.

Gritting his teeth, Nightmare turned around and continued on his way. He knew that figure was Gu Da, who had taken care of him for more than ten years.

After leaving the village, Nightmare got on the leopard's back, chose a direction and started to move forward.

There are no roads in the barren mountains and great swamps, and we all go straight forward in the direction of identification.

The nearest town to Zhuyuan Village is Gunan Town. Nightmare went there with the hunters in the village more than half a year ago. That time, he walked slowly with the goods and walked for six or seven days.

The villagers of Zhuyuan Village don't go to Gunan Town unless they have to change their daily necessities. Not to mention the distance, there are wild beasts and monsters running rampant on the road, and there are also ruthless bandits.

Bandits with a bottom line only rob goods, but when they meet bandits without a bottom line, they will kill people and steal their goods without leaving a living.

After advancing for dozens of miles, it was dawn. There was no time to browse the scenery in the mountains and forests. Nightmare patted the leopard's neck and told the leopard to hurry. Fortunately, this leopard tame Nightmare was familiar with Nightmare's sense mean.

When it was dark, Nightmare had already traveled three hundred miles. According to this speed, he could reach Gunan Town in three days. Nightmare would not dare to hurry. The night in the deep mountains and lakes is dominated by poisonous insects, snakes and ants. If you are not careful, you will be unlucky.

At this time, there were two fat rabbits hanging from the black iron gun on Nightmare's shoulder, which were caught on the road.

Nightmare doesn't want to eat jerky unless necessary. The first jerky doesn't taste as good as fresh prey. Besides, it's still a long way to Medicine Valley, so who knows what will happen on the way.

Before it got dark, Nightmare found a place to rest. Under an ancient pear tree, Nightmare unloaded the package from the tamed leopard, fed a rabbit to the tamed leopard, and then lit a fire to roast the rabbit.

The cheetah who finished eating the rabbit before Nightmare lay down to rest, and Nightmare was leaning on the tree while eating the rabbit while thinking, he was worried that Gu Daddy would not be used to him being gone.

A gust of wind blew, and Nightmare shivered. It felt a little wrong. There was a special smell in the wind, a bit fishy. At this time, the cheetah's body trembled.


As an experienced hunter, Nightmare sensed something was wrong, stood up and looked around.

Seeing this made Nightmare startled, there were two big green lanterns seven or eight feet away, and Nightmare, who had hunting experience, knew that these were not big lanterns, but the eyes of wild beasts.