Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 202: blood boiling


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Nightmare didn't speak for a long time, and the feeling in his heart couldn't be expressed. Is this the end of the hero

Nightmare's blood suddenly sped up, and he couldn't even control it, and his true energy and the energy in his body began to riot.

This made Nightmare unable to sit still, stood up, and tried his best to control it.

Seeing Nightmare whose hair was flying upside down, Sikong Chuyu was stunned and didn't understand what was going on.

However, seeing that the energy on Nightmare's body was out of control, Sikong Chuyu made a move. He reached out and tapped Nightmare's chest, trying to help Nightmare calm down, but the moment his finger touched Nightmare's chest, it bounced away up.

"Calm down, Nightmare, calm down." Sikong Chuyu said anxiously.

Nightmare's true qi and the energy of the Myriad Dao Book were circulating on Nightmare's side, slowly stabilizing the boiling blood.

Taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat off his brow, Nightmare sat down.

"What happened to you just now?" Sikong Chuyu took out his handkerchief, handed it to Ye Shang, and asked nervously.

"I don't know, it's just that I feel a little depressed and angry, and then the qi and blood are out of control, and the speed is several times faster than usual. If I were fighting just now, my fighting power will increase a lot." Nightmare wiped it with a handkerchief After sweating for a while, I held it in my hand and paid it back, and I didn’t pay it back.

If you return it, it will be a bit dirty. If you don't return it, it's not appropriate to keep the woman's handkerchief in your hand.

"Do you have a potential bloodline of talent?" Seeing that Nightmare was fine, Sikong Chuyu asked. [Love\\go\\small\\say\\netwWw.]

"I don't have any talent for blood." Nightmare said with a smile.

"It's hard to say. In your situation just now, the violence and speed of your true qi are not down to the condensate stage. If there are no disadvantages, this is the manifestation of the talent blood." Sikong Chuyu said seriously.

"Give me this handkerchief?" Nightmare said, looking at the sweat-stained handkerchief.

Sikong Chuyu glared at Ye Shang and said nothing, can he ask about this? As long as there is a snack, just put it away.

Seeing that Sikong Chuyu didn't speak, Ye Shang immediately put it away.

After staying with Sikong Chuyu for a while and chatting for a while, Ye Shang left.

After returning to the old father's residence, Nightmare saw that the bamboo house had changed before and after, the pattern of the bamboo house had not changed, the bamboo had been replaced with new ones, and the yard was paved with blue bricks, but the toy wooden horses were still in the original Location.

Red courtyard walls were built around, and the speed of repairs was fast, mainly because there were many people who came, and besides the craftsmen, there were many people who helped. Not only the old villagers of Zhuyuan Village, but also some business people in the town came to help, and it was finished in one afternoon.

"You're going to get away, Sixth Senior Sister and I are serving tea and pouring water here." Yang Lei gave Nightmare a dissatisfied look.

"Hehe." Nightmare smiled awkwardly.

"If you don't have a newcomer, you don't care about me and Sixth Senior Sister?" Yang Lei looked at Nightmare and asked.

"No, absolutely not, as long as Sixth Senior Sister and Ninth Senior Sister need it, I can do anything." Nightmare said quickly.

"That's good. If you leave me and Sixth Senior Sister aside just because you have a woman, then be careful, hehe!" Yang Lei reached out and patted Nightmare's shoulder twice, and groaned twice.

"Thirteen, it's not suitable for us to see her, let's talk about it after we get back!" Qing Ji said.

"Sixth Senior Sister, Ninth Senior Sister, I plan to bring Sikong to Zhulin Peak, the place where I used to practice, I wonder if it will work?" Nightmare asked.

"It shouldn't be a problem, but you still have to say hello to the master and senior brother." Qing Ji said.

Nightmare nodded, and at the same time decided to leave tomorrow. Medicine Valley is an eventful time, and it is not suitable for them to stay here for a long time.

That night, Nightmare talked a lot with Gu Da, and only rested in the middle of the night.

Nightmare originally wanted to help the ancient father, and planned to find Qing Ji to get some low-level pills, but then Qing Ji said that the ancient father's dantian was broken, he could no longer cultivate true energy, his body was also aging, and the essence and blood pill He couldn't absorb all the energy, which made Nightmare give up helplessly.

In fact, the old father can only live the life of an ordinary person.

Just after dawn, Nightmare arrived at the inn, notified Sikong Chuyu that he was leaving, and told Sikong Chuyu to wait for him in Caogu Town at the gate of Yaogu Mountain.

Nightmare didn't dare to let Sikong Chuyu go to Danding City or Longquan Courtyard, mainly because he was afraid of being discovered, it would be difficult to deal with.

After bidding farewell to Sikong Chuyu, Ye Shang, Qing Ji and Yang Lei who had arrived on the street planned to leave.

At this time, Uncle Niu pulled Nightmare into the backyard of his tavern, "Come on, uncle has nothing to give you, just pretend to take these wines."

"Uncle, how can I keep you spending money?" Nightmare said a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong with you kid? You've been out for a year or two, and you've become cowardly? You can take it as you please, it doesn't cost much." Uncle Niu yelled at Nightmare with his eyes wide open.

Nightmare nodded, he knew he would get angry if he didn't take Uncle Niu, so he pretended to be a few jars.

"Nightmare, you are the child we grew up with, no different from our own children. Everyone in the village, old and young, can live the life they are now. Everyone is grateful to you, so you, uncles, uncles, and aunts are welcome." Aunt Lin Here comes, several robes in hand.

What else could Nightmare say, he could only thank him and accept everything.

"Come back when you're tired outside, marry a daughter-in-law to live a stable life, and if you have a baby, auntie will help you take care of it." Aunt Lin glanced at Qing Ji and Yang Lei and said.

Aunt Lin's glance made Qing Ji and Yang Lei blush. The people in the mountains are real, but the words and eyes are too direct.

Nightmare smiled, did not answer this question, and then bid farewell to everyone.

When he reached the street, he turned around and glanced at the old father standing at the entrance of the alley. Nightmare bowed deeply, then released Tian Yu, and dodged onto Tian Yu's back.

Qing Ji and Yang Lei also released the green eagle, and followed Ye Shang away.

"Nightmare can enter Medicine Valley, and he will become a big shot in the future." Aunt Lin said with emotion.

"This lord is not an ordinary disciple in Medicine Valley, but an elite disciple at the very least." A manager of the chamber of commerce said.

"Guard Zhou, tell us, what is an elite disciple?" Uncle Niu became interested.

"Just now, when that lord bent over to take the wine, the tight sleeves were exposed from the inside of the outer robe, and there was a silver medicine tripod logo on it. Ordinary disciples of Medicine Valley are not qualified to wear such robes." Manager Zhou of the chamber of commerce Open your mouth and say.

"Nightmare will have a great future." Aunt Lin said firmly.

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"The higher the identity and status of this lord in Medicine Valley, the smoother the future development of Zhuyuan Town will be. Don't sell the pavement and land in your hands. If you want to sell, you must first find me. " Zhou Guanshi said with a smile.

"Get out, you scumbag, you dare to deceive people, I'll never stop with you." Gu Dad not far away shouted loudly.

"Gu Da, my lord in the town, I'm not a profiteer, otherwise I wouldn't have said such a thing, would I?" Steward Zhou couldn't laugh or cry when he was scolded.

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