Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 204: Things got bigger


During the stalemate, a woman came in from the inn, wearing a purple skirt with a light veil on the outside, and a white veil covering her face to cover her face. WwW.XshuOTXt.CoM

p positive. Edition | First Release

The woman came directly to Nightmare's side, "Are you okay?"

"Here we come! I'm fine, let's go!" Nightmare put the four sky-piercing spears in both hands into the storage ring, and said to the veiled woman.

"No, I bullied you, so I have to fight back! Is the fifth level of distraction good for a cultivator of the Juyuan level? If you want to fight, I will follow up." The woman stood in front of Nightmare.

"Forget it, this is a conflict between us, it's nothing, let's go!" Nightmare didn't want Sikong Chuyu to make too much noise, and didn't want Sikong Chuyu to stand up for him.

Sikong Chuyu didn't want to just give up like this, but Ye Shang pulled him, so he had no choice but to leave.

After leaving the inn, Nightmare summoned Tianyu and set off towards Taixuan Peak with Sikong Chuyu.

"Uncle Shi, you did something wrong today. You can't hit someone directly. Fortunately, Uncle Shi stopped in the end. If you beat both of them, this matter will become a big problem." Lan Yue said.

"What are you fighting for? He has a peak fourth-order cultivation!" Lin Jingyi glared at Lan Yue, then turned and left.

Lan Yue, Feng Yan, Shi Yunhai and Chen Yun looked at each other. When did such a fierce person appear beside Nightmare

"Senior Sister Lanyue, I don't think that woman is very old, and she looks much younger than Senior Uncle Lin." Feng Yan said.

"Hey, Uncle Lin has gone too far this time. I'm worried that this matter won't just end like this. Uncle Ye probably won't say anything, but the matter will still spread to Taixuan Peak. Master Qingji Uncle, Uncle Yang Lei and others will not give up on their temper." Feng Yan said.

"Then what should we do?" Lan Yue was a little anxious.

"What should we do? Go back and report to Uncle Tang! What's the matter!" Shi Yunhai muttered.

"You guys are talking, I will flash first." Lan Yue and Huang Qian got up and left. Today's matter is nothing if it is small, but it will be big if it is big.

Ye Shang and Sikong Chuyu came directly to Taixuan Hall, he wanted to know Gong Xuan's opinion.

Arriving in front of the Taixuan Hall, Ye Shang lowered the sky feathers, and when he jumped to the ground, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Ye Shang, are you alright?" Sikong Chuyu supported Ye Shang anxiously.

"It's okay, it's just that the internal organs have been shaken a little, this is congestion." Ye Shang wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand and said.

"What happened to Thirteen?" Gong Xuan, Wu Qi, Hua Nan, Qing Ji and others all came out of the hall.

"It's nothing, I just got hurt accidentally, senior brother, can I take her to Zhulin Peak for a while?" Ye Shang asked while looking at Gong Xuan.

"Of course! Just go directly to the place where Brother Wei used to live. After Bamboo Forest Peak is your territory, and what's going on with you?" Gong Xuan frowned and asked Nightmare.

"It's nothing, then brothers and sisters, I'm taking Chuyu to Zhulin Peak." Ye Shang bowed to Gong Xuan and the others.

"Chu Yu is here to thank the brothers and sisters for taking care of me." Sikong Chu Yu also greeted with a slight blessing.

"Then go!" Gong Xuan nodded.

After Ye Shang and Sikong Chuyu left, Gong Xuan's face turned cold, "Old Ninth, go and check with Eleven, where did Thirteen go, and where did he get injured?"

Nodding, Yang Lei and Mo Chen left Taixuan Hall, and the first stop was Caogu Town, because Yang Lei and Ye Shang separated not long ago, and they separated in Caogu Town.

When they arrived at Caogu Town, Yang Lei and Mo Chen stopped Feng Yan, Shi Yunhai and others just as they were about to leave.

"Do you know what's wrong with Ye Shang here?" Yang Lei asked.

"The disciple doesn't know very well!" Feng Yan said in a low voice, he didn't want to hide it for Lin Jingyi, but mainly because he didn't want conflicts in Medicine Valley.

"Not very clear? I don't know that Nightmare will vomit blood when he goes back, and there is a footprint on his abdomen?" Yang Lei roared angrily.

"Uncle Ye is seriously injured?" Feng Yan asked in a daze.

"You were kicked in the dantian by a fourth-order cultivator." Shi Yunhai muttered.

"Who did it?" Murderous intent appeared on Mo Chen's face, because he heard Shi Yunhai's words and knew that Nightmare was injured by a fourth-order cultivator.

"You two uncles, this is a small conflict within the sect, let's put it to rest?" Chen Yun said.

"Small conflicts within the sect? As a disciple of Yaogu, you are right to want to calm the conflict, but as Ye Shang's senior sister and senior brother, we have our position. If people of the same rank seriously injured Ye Shang, then We have nothing to say, the cultivation base of the fourth-level distraction stage is really promising to beat the same disciple of the Yuan-level stage, who is it?" Yang Lei asked coldly.

"What are you hiding? Kicking at the dantian is wrong in itself. If you don't tell me, it's Master Lin Jingyi from Ziwei Peak." Shi Yunhai saw Feng Yan and Chen Yun stammering, so he said directly up.

"Eleventh Junior Brother, go back and tell Senior Brother that I'm going to Ziwei Peak." Yang Lei said to Mo Dust, and then went up to the blue sculpture, she calmed down, extremely calm with anger.

"I'm going now." Mo Chen drove the golden-winged eagle and flew towards the Taixuan Palace. This is a serious matter. He wanted to accompany Yang Lei to Ziwei Peak, but he felt that it was important to call his assistant.

Nightmare and Sikong Chuyu came to the bamboo house where Gong Xuan used to live, and started tidying it up. The bamboo house has three rooms, except for the east and west rooms, and there is a living room in the middle.

"Fortunately, there are two rooms. If it is one room, it will be troublesome." Nightmare said with a smile.

"One room, then you can stay under the eaves." Sikong Chuyu looked at Ye Shang with a smile.

"Hehe, it's quite cruel, but I don't mind." Nightmare took out the wine jar and took a sip of wine and said.

"Drink less alcohol and more tea in the future." Sikong Chuyu glared at Ye Shang, "By the way, are you really alright?"

"It's all right!" Ye Shang tapped his chest and abdomen, he was very thankful, if Lin Jingyi's kick didn't destroy his dantian, it would have seriously injured him if he hadn't been protected by the Myriad Dao Book.

"You rest for a while, I'll fetch water to make tea." Sikong Chuyu smiled at Ye Shang, and went to the stream ahead to fetch water to make tea.

Looking at Sikong Chuyu's swaying figure, Nightmare was very satisfied, and liked the feeling now.

Yang Lei went directly to the front of Ziwei Peak's main hall, "Lin Jingyi, get out!"

Hearing Yang Lei's words, Tang Qianqian's face changed after listening to Lan Yue and Huang Qian's report in the hall. She knew that this was a trouble, but she didn't expect the trouble to come so soon.

"Junior Sister Yang, why are you so angry, we can sit down and talk slowly if we have something to do," Tang Qianqian said.

"Please call me Yang Lei or Elder Yang. If Ziwei Peak doesn't give me a satisfactory explanation today, I will be restless at Ziwei Peak." Yang Lei swiped his long sword, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder on the sword.


There are two shifts in the morning and three shifts in the afternoon. There are not enough excavators, so don’t keep those with excavators!