Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 212: Connect five cities


"Come and kill as much as you want? Your tone is really not small. I, Nanyang Cheng Tiefei, want to see how strong you are. www*xshuotxt/com" On the side of Nanyang Cheng Tie's family, a young man stood up and walked towards the ring come out.

Seeing this person, Lan Yue's face changed.

"What's wrong?" Qiming asked after the wound had been bandaged.

"Three months ago, I met him in a Zongmen mission. I lost. I used my body to escape quickly. He is very strong." Lan Yue said, her eyes were full of worry. The appearance is to carry thunder for her.

As a disciple of the Yaogu Yuanbang, Lan Yue knew very well that the battle at this stage of Juyuan should be led by the lower ranks. Nightmare didn't need to come forward so early, and Nightmare didn't want Yaogu disciples to suffer casualties.

Tie Fei shook his arms, and two feet-long sharp claws with cold light appeared on his left and right hands.

With a wave of his left hand, Nightmare put on the Azure Claw Cover. Looking at the weapon, Nightmare knew that Tie Fei was suitable for melee combat.

"Do you want melee combat? That's fine, don't say I won't give you a chance." Nightmare inserted the reincarnation gun into the ground, then crossed his arms and waved it behind him, his body began to burst out with energy.

"What is Thirteenth Uncle doing? Isn't this short attacking long?" Nangong Dai said anxiously.

"The opponent is a melee practitioner. If you fight with a long spear, you won't be able to tell the winner in a short time. It will consume a lot of energy. At this time, any energy consumption will be disadvantageous. Your Thirteenth Uncle knows it very well." Hua Nan said to his disciple. Nangong Dai said.

At this time, the arena was already fighting, and Nightmare and Tie Fei fought together.

Nightmare didn't have any temptations, he thought the same as Huanan, which was to end the battle as soon as possible.

Stepping on Long Yuebu with the artistic conception of Suiyun's body technique under his feet, Ye Shang unleashed his Shattering Fist and bombarded Tie Fei.

Seeing Nightmare's strong attack, Tie Fei backed away and slammed his right claw towards Nightmare at the same time.

Seeing Tie Fei's move, Nightmare's left hand wearing the azure claw cover met his right claw, and he punched out.


With a muffled sound, their arms collided.

Then Tie Fei's face changed drastically, and he couldn't stop backing away. Because after the contact, his true energy was dispersed by Nightmare's violent power, and then Nightmare's true energy hit his arm like a wave, injuring the tendons and bones of his arm. It is the power of Venerable Lushan's famous stunt.

Tie Fei was injured with a punch, Ye Shang turned around and threw his leg towards Tie Fei.

Tie Fei leaned back and grabbed Nightmare's right leg with his left claw.

Nightmare's right leg swung in the air, letting go of Tie Fei's left claw, and continued to hit Tie Fei's head.

Tie Fei's legs shook, and he quickly backed away.

After a loud bang, rubble flew from the arena, and Nightmare, who lost one leg, rushed forward quickly, punching Tie Fei with his left hand with the Azure claw.

Tie Fei, who was staggering unsteadily under his feet, avoided Nightmare's left punch, and thrust his left claw towards Nightmare's chest. He was fighting Nightmare to the death.

At this moment, Ye Shang hooked back with his left hand, grabbed Tie Fei's sharp left claw, and then twisted.

There was a clicking sound, which made people feel very penetrating. It was the sound of bones breaking.

At this moment, Tie Fei's right claw was inserted towards Nightmare's chest.

The two were too close, if Nightmare didn't let go of Tie Fei's left hand, he would definitely be injured. If he let go, Tie Fei still had a chance, but of course the chance was slim.

In an emergency, Nightmare turned to one side of his body and yanked Tie Fei's left arm, then punched Tie Fei's throat with his right hand.

He punched Tie Fei to death, but Nightmare couldn't get out of his body. Tie Fei's sharp claws grabbed his left shoulder with several bloody mouths, and the blood stained his white robe red.

Taking a few steps back, he glanced at Tie Fei whose body had softened, "The fourth one!"

Tie Fei, who was punched in the throat by Nightmare, of course had no chance of surviving.

Nightmare didn't look at his injured shoulder, he had already run the energy of the Myriad Dao Book to stop the outflow of blood, and now it was a trauma.

Nightmare is willing to trade a trauma that doesn't affect combat power in exchange for small consumption.

Returning to the reincarnation gun, Nightmare took out a jug of wine, took two sips violently, then tossed it to the side, "Next!"

"Uncle Thirteen, I'll wait for you to come back to drink." Someone didn't let the wine jar fall to the ground, Feng Yan caught the wine jar with a flash, he ignored the open wound on his waist, and shouted at Nightmare.

Turning around to look at Fengyan, Ye Shang nodded, and then grabbed the reincarnation gun again.

"Ou Qiang, come here to learn!" Another young man came out of Libao Ou's family.

"Let's shoot!" Looking at the man holding a four-foot-long saber, Nightmare knew that this was a ferocious opponent.

Nightmare grabbed the reincarnation gun with his right hand and rushed towards Ou Qiang. After four battles, Nightmare's fighting spirit was boiling and he had the desire to fight.

Ou Qiang swung his sword and slashed at Nightmare's reincarnation spear, he wanted to meet Nightmare head-on.

But Ye Shang's arms were close to 20,000 catties, how could Ou Qiang withstand it

In the fifth move between the two of them, Ou Qiang was hit in the head by Nightmare's reincarnation gun, but the violent vibration caused the wound on Nightmare's shoulder to bleed again.

Originally, Ou Qiang thought that Nightmare was injured, and his combat effectiveness would be reduced, but after a few head-on encounters, he realized how wrong this idea was. The price he paid for this wrong idea was his life.

"Uncle Thirteen's combat power is not at the same level as that of the Zongmen Grand Competition." Qiming said with a smile.

"Yes, he was only in the middle stage of Juyuan at that time, and now he is at the ninth level of Juyuan, which is not at the same level at all, let them continue to die!" Lan Yue said bitterly.

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"Father, why is he so strong?" Nan Sheng of Nandoumen couldn't believe his eyes. In just a few rounds, a cultivator at the ninth level of Juyuan was killed by Nightmare. This is the fifth, five Each opponent ends the battle in a very short time.

"Yaogu really has talent, fair fight, invincible within the same level." Nan Zhenyuan said.

"Indeed, if the fight is fair, Juyuan is invincible. If he doesn't consider the battle later, he will win without loss." Xiao Qingfeng of Xiaoyaozong said.

"Haha! You are qualified to be my opponent, I, Jin Yanmen, show evil." A young man in black robe walked out of Jinyanmen.


"He fought five times in a row, and you came out to say this?"

All the Yaogu disciples began to scold, because Zhan Xie was fine if he didn't speak, but when he spoke, it was too unpleasant.

"Zhan Xie? Some time ago, I beheaded a disciple of the Jinyan Sect who didn't know the so-called name. It seems to be called Zhan Peng. Do you know him?" Ye Shang asked while looking at Zhan Xie.

"Are you looking for death? Today I will avenge my brother." Zhan Xie became angry when he heard Ye Shang's words.

"My master said that if you can solve problems with your mouth, then you don't need to practice, come on! Come today and I'll kill one!" Nightmare growled, and the reincarnation gun stopped beside him.


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