Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 22: Under the cliff cave


Nightmare knew that the skin of some monster beasts was very hard, it would be useless to directly chop or cut them hard, but scratching and cutting them might be effective. www*xshuotxt/com

As Nightmare estimated, this kind of tug-of-war with soft knives was effective, and the red tentacles were cut bloody by Nightmare's black iron spear.

The injured tentacle did not let go of the white bird, but the other uninjured tentacle did.

Letting go of the white bird's red tentacles, he pulled Nightmare down with a quick backstroke, then entangled Nightmare's feet, and pulled forward just like pulling the white bird.

The two tentacles pulled Nightmare and White Bird forward, almost squeezing one person and one bird together.

Nightmare held the black iron gun in his right hand, and slashed at the red tentacles entangled with the white bird. At this time, Nightmare was inconvenient to deal with the red tentacles wrapped around his feet. One has to be released.

As the black iron spear in Nightmare's hand continued to attack, half of the tentacles entangled with the white bird were cut off.

The white bird was the same as Nightmare, and it was inconvenient to save himself. It was inconvenient to rescue his own white bird, so he lowered his head and pecked at the red tentacles on Nightmare's feet.

Seeing the behavior of the white bird, Nightmare was shocked. The white bird was already spiritual, knowing that he had no intention of killing it, but the red tentacles were deadly, so he knew that at this time, he needed to defend against the enemy at the same time.

With the pull of the red tentacles, one person and one bird were pulled out of the woods to a clearing. Without the obstruction of trees, the speed of one person and one animal sliding accelerated, but the red tentacles wrapped around the white bird's claws were also caught by Nightmare's black The iron spear was about to break, to avoid being cut by Nightmare, the red tentacles let go of the white bird.

The white bird that had been released from the restraints did not leave. After putting some distance away from Nightmare, Li Peck continued to attack the red tentacles at Nightmare's feet.

At this moment, Nightmare's face changed. With the pull, the length of the red tentacles became redundant, and the part that Nightmare could see also became thicker. The thickest part was already the thickness of a human head.

The red tentacles flicked, and the excess part drew a circle, binding Nightmare in two. Nightmare's arm holding the black iron gun was entangled, the red tentacles continued to drag Nightmare forward, and the other one attacked the white bird.

The prepared white bird was not entangled by the red tentacles. While avoiding the red tentacles, it kept attacking Nightmare's side, constantly attacking the red tentacles wrapped around Nightmare's body.


While Nightmare was thinking about how to get out, a bottomless cliff appeared.

Such a situation made Nightmare feel cold. Looking at the white bird that was still fighting, Nightmare roared, "I know you can understand me, go! Go quickly!"

Ignoring Nightmare's words, the white bird screamed and slammed it, and the sharp peck plunged into the red tentacles wrapped around Nightmare's body.

Getting closer and closer to the cliff, Nightmare's heart was extraordinarily clear, he had come to this level, it was his own fault, but Shiratori was chased by him, and he helped Shiratori to untie the bondage, but the cause and effect was on him after all , there is no need to pull Shiratori to support himself, stretch out his unfettered left hand to press Shiratori, and then use all his strength to push hard, "Go!"

The white bird was pushed away by Nightmare, but it did not escape. It was entangled by the second red tentacles, and one person and one bird were pulled to the bottom of the cliff at the same time.

The body was falling, and as he was falling, Nightmare also discovered what the red tentacles were, they were earth dragon insects!

The earth dragon worm is also called ghost thread, and it is a very common monster, not even a monster.

Ordinary earth dragon worms don't have much fighting power, they also eat carrion from animal corpses, and rarely attack actively.

The biggest earth dragon that Nightmare had ever seen was about the thickness of a thumb, four or five feet long.

But the earth dragon worm in front of me is too huge, and its length can no longer be estimated. The thickest part is already as thick as a person's waist. You must know that the earth dragon worm usually grows to increase the length of the body. The three-foot-long earth dragon worm has a thumb Thick and thin, the body of the five-foot-long earth dragon worm is also the thickness of a thumb, but the body of the earth dragon worm in front of him has reached the thickness of a human waist.

With the fall, Nightmare also knew why the earth dragon worm only had two tentacles to attack on the cliff, and its body was fixed on the cliff.

There is an ancient tree on the cliff, and the body of the earth dragon insect is firmly stuck by the roots.

The earth dragon worm is a very lazy creature, and it can rest for a long time after a full meal. It may be that when it was young, it was stuck by the roots of the growing old tree during sleep, and never came out.

Nightmare and Shiratori kept falling, and the speed was getting faster and faster.


There was a muffled sound, which was the sound of the tentacles being stretched and tensed, and then Nightmare and White Bird bounced up under the pull of the tentacles, and then fell again.

Falling again, the tentacles of the earth dragon worm, which had been severely injured and pulled violently last time, could no longer hold them. Nightmare and Shiratori, who had torn off the tentacles, continued to fall towards the bottom.

Snapped! Nightmare felt that he had been smashed to pieces, and his whole body was in pain. Looking up at the sky, two red tentacles were still shaking on the cliff five or six feet above.

Nightmare knew that he didn't fall to his death because the earth dragon insect's tentacles were long enough.

After shaking his body, Nightmare found that his right arm was broken, but other injuries were not serious.

The white bird stood beside Nightmare. It was much better than Nightmare. When the earth dragon worm let go of it, it flapped its wings to reduce the momentum, but it did not fall.

Sitting up, Nightmare touched his arms, where Nightmare held the pill.

After taking it out, Nightmare found that his Bigu Pill and Peiyuan Pill were fine, and the bottle containing Tongluo Pill was broken, but the pill was not destroyed.

After eating the next Luotong Pill, looking at the white bird's injured wings, Nightmare gave the last Luotong Pill to the white bird.

After taking the Tongluo Pill, Nightmare scanned the surrounding environment. He found that there was a platform under his feet, a platform with a radius of two to three feet.

Nightmare stretched out his head and looked down the platform, the fog was so thick that he couldn't see the bottom.


Turning his head, Nightmare looked at the rest of the platform, this time Nightmare found an unusual place, there were traces of artificial movement on the cliff, looked carefully, Nightmare saw that under the cover of vines, There is a stone gate, it should be said that it is the entrance of a cave, and there are clear handwriting on both sides of the stone gate, on the left is waking up, and on the right is enlightenment.

Looking at the hole covered by vines, Nightmare walked inside with a black iron gun in hand.

If Nightmare wouldn't do this normally, at least he would have to make a decision before making a move, but not now.

It's too dangerous here, the area of the platform is small, if there are any monsters rushing out of the cave, they are easily forced to go outside the platform. If there is a battle, it is better to fight in the cave.

Originally, Nightmare thought that the cave was dark and damp, with poisonous snakes and insects crawling around. Now, the smooth passageway that caught Nightmare's eyes, except for a little moss at the entrance, the cave was very clean, and there was a night pearl with a diameter of half an inch inlaid on the top of the cave.

Turning his head to look towards the stone wall, Ye Shang saw the knife mark, and looked carefully, Ye Shang found a knife mark with a distance of two or three feet, that is to say, five or six knives were cut out of a stone wall.

Holding a black iron gun, Nightmare hit the wall, and with the knock, the stone wall made a crisp sound, the stone powder did not fall, and no trace appeared, which let Nightmare know how hard the stone wall was.