Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 231: This is coddling


After returning to Medicine Valley, Nightmare arrived at the Danding Hall immediately. WwW.XsHuotXT.com

Except for the disciples on duty, Ye Shang didn't see anyone in the Danding Hall.

After asking, Nightmare knew that Liu Yangyu hadn't come over today.

Then Nightmare came to Liu Yangyu's residence, a quaint attic on Danding Peak.

When Nightmare arrived, Liu Yangyu was meditating.

"My brother has met Master." Ye Shang bowed slightly to salute.

"Sit!" Liu Yangyu opened his eyes and pointed to a futon beside him.

Nodding, Nightmare sat down cross-legged.

"I haven't been here for a few days, I look good and my foundation is solid." Liu Yangyu said looking at Ye Shang.

"Master, are you not angry?" Nightmare was already prepared, waiting for Liu Yangyu's reprimand.

"Do you feel that the senior brother and senior sister have scolded you, and you will definitely scold you as a teacher? Actually, that's not the case. On the road of cultivation, the master is just a guide. Everyone's own situation is different, and you are the one who knows the situation best. You go Breakthrough, as a teacher, I think you must be sure. Go your own way, and you don't have to worry too much about what others say." Liu Yangyu said with a smile, he could see Nightmare's restraint.

Being strong in front of opponents and being humble in front of those around him is what Liu Yangyu values most. Nightmare not only respects him, but also respects every senior brother and sister.

"Yes, the disciple's zhenqi can't continue to condense, so instead of wasting time, it's better to break through directly." Nightmare nodded.

"That proves that you are not impulsive and reckless, why don't you explain it to your brothers and sisters?" Liu Yangyu asked, he knew Ye Shang, and Ye Shang is not the kind of character that others can change their minds with just a few casual words.

Nightmare looked at Liu Yangyu, and thought for a while, "No matter what senior brother and senior sister say, it's for my own good. Even if I think it's wrong, I can't refute it."

Liu Yangyu nodded in satisfaction, "It's right for you to think so and do this. No matter whether it is correct or not, you have to accept the kindness of senior brothers and sisters."

"Disciple understands." Nightmare nodded.

"Every time I accept a disciple, my heart is full of worries. Each of you is very resolute in temperament, and each of you has a very different style of acting and thinking. I am worried that you will have differences, which will affect harmony and affection. How many times do you worry? It's all superfluous, no matter how different your personalities and beliefs are, you still value the friendship between brothers and sisters extremely, this is the most gratifying thing for the teacher." Liu Yangyu said with a smile.

Nightmare's heart shook, he could feel the good intentions in Liu Yangyu's words.

"However, you have to take the lessons learned from the past to heart, it's all based on experience." Liu Yangyu reminded Ye Shang, after all, Ye Shang was young.

"I understand, Master, I plan to go to Longquan Bieyuan to practice, so that I am close to Danding City, and I can do tasks when I have time." Nightmare said his purpose for coming.

"Then what about Sikong, you can't leave her on Zhuyuan Peak, can you? She is a good girl, she has nothing to say about her cultivation, temperament, and posture, and her disposition is also good. It's scary, your senior brother and senior sister are incomparable in talent." Liu Yangyu said, he spoke highly of Sikong Chuyu.

Ye Shang explained the situation of going out this time, and Liu Yangyu also knew about his situation in Tianji Que.

"If you're safe, go there! As a teacher, I will be retreating soon." Liu Yangyu nodded to Ye Shang.

Ye Shang leaned forward and left the attic. After hearing Liu Yangyu's words, his heart became much brighter.

Leaving Danding Peak, Nightmare drove Tianyu to Taixuan Hall, but he missed again and didn't see any senior brothers and sisters. After thinking about it, Nightmare came to Zhulin Xiaozhu.

When they arrived at Zhulin Xiaozhu, Ye Shang saw that Gong Xuan, Wu Qi, Hua Nan and Qing Ji were drinking tea together.

"Senior brothers are here?" Nightmare greeted.

"That's right! If you have nothing to do, let's go to your Sixth Senior Sister. You are back from Danding City, and you will go to see Master later." Gong Xuan pointed to the empty chair and said.

"Eldest brother, I just came back from Master." Ye Shang sat down, took a sip of the tea Qing Ji handed over and said.

"Then Master will inevitably reprimand you." Qing Ji said gloatingly.

"Sixth Junior Sister, I guess Master is reluctant to scold Thirteen." Hua Nan said with a smile, their senior brothers and sisters love Nightmare very much, and he knows that Liu Yangyu does the same.

"Quickly tell me, has Master dealt with you?" Wu Qi asked anxiously.

"Master said, everyone's path is different, walk your own path, don't mind what others say." Ye Shang said Liu Yangyu's original words aside.

Qing Ji choked on the tea she just drank, "Cough! Spoiled, Master is spoiled, so spoiled Shisan, why didn't you spoil me before?"

After hearing Qing Ji's words, Gong Xuan and the others all laughed.

Then Gong Xuan asked about Nightmare's next plan.

Nightmare explained his plan, that is to do missions in the first half of every month and return to Dandingya to practice in the second half of the month.

"Okay, if someone bullies you, you can come back and find senior brother." Gong Xuan said.

"Hey, another one who is willing to be pampered, senior brother, how can you embarrass our other juniors and younger sisters!" Qing Ji said jokingly with a sigh.

"Okay! Then I don't care, you deal with Thirteen being bullied." Gong Xuan glanced at Qing Ji and said.

Several people chatted and laughed for a while and then parted. Qing Ji told Gong Xuan, and she also led the door to her disciple Longquan other courtyard.

Nightmare drove Tianyu back to Bamboo Forest Peak.

Seeing Nightmare's return, Sikong Chuyu, who was practicing swordsmanship, stopped practicing.

While drinking tea, Nightmare revealed his decision.

"Okay, does Longquan Bieyuan have my room?" Sikong Chuyu asked with a smile.

"Of course, the attic where you live has never been touched. If you don't like it, then go to the main building." Nightmare said.

"You have a good idea. You live in the main building and you called me over. I didn't realize you were so bad before!" Sikong Chuyu said blushing.

Hearing what Sikong Chuyu said, Ye Shang was stunned for a moment, he really didn't think so much, his original intention was that if Sikong Chuyu liked the main building, then he could move out.

"What's the matter with you, I don't mean anything else, I just feel too embarrassed." Seeing Nightmare in a daze, Sikong Chuyu said in an almost inaudible voice.

Nightmare shook his head, and hugged Sikong Chuyu in his arms.

"Although I'm not a child anymore, some things still need some time." Sikong Chuyu expressed his heart. When ** Shang stood in front of the Zijin Beast King, Sikong Chuyu recognized Ye Shang in his heart, but Never said it out.