Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 238: Bone cold


"Maybe! I don't care about this task, but I must do it to hunt the ice dragon. www/xshuotxt/com" Ye Shang said.

"Okay, the distance is relatively long. Even if our two mounts fly alternately, it will take nearly a month. During this period of time, you should practice hard and see if you can improve your cultivation by one level." Yang Lei said to Nightmare .

"Okay, I'll meditate." Nightmare nodded to Yang Lei, he really didn't have a month to waste.

The next days were spent on the road. Nightmare took the best Ningshen Pill and Leopard Taijin Wan to practice every day. When the mount changed, Yang Lei would call Nightmare to put away the sky feather or release the sky feather.

With the support of top-quality pills, Nightmare's cultivation improved rapidly. Halfway through the journey, Nightmare's Myriad Dao Book reached the peak of the strong tendon level, and his true qi had also cultivated to the peak of the first level of alchemy.

So Nightmare planned to break through, so it wouldn't work on the back of the flying monster.

"Thirteen, we'll land in a while, and rest tonight, you can use it to break through." Yang Lei saw Nightmare's situation.

"That will delay time, others will arrive first." Nightmare thought for a while and said.

"We are rushing at such full speed, no one else will be faster than us. Besides, if you have more strength, you will have more guarantee. It is better for you to break through." After Yang Lei finished speaking, she let the blue eagle below her land.

After eating a little something casually, he fed the beast Yuan Dan to Qingdiao and Tianyu, and Nightmare went to make a breakthrough. He planned to break through the Myriad Dao Book first. With his body's energy strong, his ability to resist the cold in the extreme east ice field would be stronger. .

In order to enter the ninth level of strong muscles, one must strengthen the neck meridian, so that the energy in the trunk can be more rounded.

This is a difficulty for Nightmare, because the strengthening of the neck meridians will affect the circulation and breathing of blood. Every time the Myriad Dao Book advances here, it will be a test for Nightmare.

This time, Nightmare didn't directly attack the entire neck with energy as in the past. He chose to attack the throat area first. After strengthening here, there will be no feeling of suffocation in the back.

There is a reason for making this decision. At the beginning of the breakthrough, the energy in the body is sufficient, and the tendons in the throat can be strengthened at the fastest speed, so as to avoid suffocation.

With the impact of energy in the body, the tendons near and around Nightmare's throat began to throb, which was a manifestation of the strengthening of energy invasion.

The neck is a sensitive area. Although Nightmare has made a lot of plans, the suffocating feeling brought about by the breakthrough process is still very strong.

Nightmare held back, the nails of both hands were printed into the palms of his hands.

Seeing the throbbing tendons and sweat dripping from Ye Shang's neck, Yang Lei was very worried, she knew that Ye Shang was in a very bad situation.

The neck and throat are the fragile places of the human body, and they are the focus of the opponent's attack. Now that Nightmare is strengthening here, the difficulty can be imagined.

When Nightmare was about to be overwhelmed, the tendons near his throat couldn't absorb energy, and the strengthening was complete.

Taking a deep breath, Nightmare began to strengthen other parts of the neck, and the next step was to follow the steps without any difficulty.

It took two hours for Nightmare to strengthen all the tendons on the front and back of his neck, which also showed that he had entered the ninth level of the Ten Thousand Dao Book of Strengthening Tendons.

After thinking for a while, Ye Shang didn't get up, let the energy of his body run independently to stabilize his cultivation, and then started the breakthrough of the Holy Tripod Sutra.

Normally, Nightmare should do his best to stabilize his cultivation at this time, but he knew that he couldn't afford to waste time, if he didn't continue to break through his true energy tonight, it would take another night.

Seeing Nightmare's zhenqi spinning fast, Yang Lei frowned. She knew that Nightmare had just broken through the shackles on his body, and now he should stabilize the results, not continue to break through with zhenqi.

But Nightmare had already begun to break through, and she couldn't interrupt it.

When the moon was setting in the second half of the night, Nightmare's true energy successfully broke through to the second level of the Condensation Stage.

Then continue to stabilize your cultivation and practice until dawn.

After opening his eyes, Nightmare first opened the wine jar and took a sip.

"You, you daredevil, you can't make breakthroughs little by little, why should you be in such a hurry?" Yang Lei stretched out her hand and grabbed Nightmare's ear and said.

"Ah! Ninth Senior Sister let go, it hurts!" Ye Shang grabbed Yang Lei's hand, not letting Yang Lei continue pulling.

After glaring at Nightmare, Yang Lei let go of Nightmare's ears.

"It's not slippery, your ears are very resilient!" Yang Lei clapped her hands and said.

"I'm not good at cultivating the head part, but the strength of other parts is not bad." Nightmare rubbed his ears and said.

"Well, other parts have been strengthened?" Yang Lei lowered her head, her eyes fell on Nightmare's waist, and she even looked down.

"Senior Sister Ninth, what are you doing!" Ye Shang knew where Yang Lei was looking, the key part of the man.

"You have also strengthened there? You will..." Yang Lei blushed when she said this.

"Not yet, but it's okay for me to enter the next stage, and I need to practice the outer part." Nightmare said creakingly.

The Myriad Dao Collection does have an extra chapter on cultivating the root of life, but you need to enter the Bone Forging Realm to do so.

"Don't talk about you, you can figure it out!" Yang Lei turned her head and looked aside, she was the one who raised this question, but now that Nightmare really answered, she could only escape.

After finding a water source, Nightmare washed up, called Yang Lei to Tianyu's back and started to move forward.

In the past few days, the two of them have been eating on the backs of Tian Yu and Qing Diao, so as not to waste time.

After drinking a jar of wine and eating something, Nightmare began to meditate to stabilize his cultivation.

Seeing Nightmare practicing, Yang Lei also went to practice, and she found that she was far behind Nightmare in terms of effort.

The time on the road was spent in practice, and it took a month for the two to reach the extreme east ice field.

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The extreme eastern ice field is already very cold, but fortunately, the furs that the two of them had prepared before they came could keep out the cold.

"It's really cold." Looking at the vast white land and sky, Yang Lei exhaled and said, her exhaled breath directly turned into white mist, "It's okay, I don't think so!" Nightmare trembled Shaking his body, he said.

"The qi and blood are rushing, the essence is rushing to the top, you can do it, the ninth senior sister will not say anything." Yang Lei looked at Ye Shang and said with some confusion. She doesn't use the real qi to protect her body now, and she feels very cold. Ye Shang's side There is no problem at all, the head is full of heat.

"Senior Sister Jiu is not used to it?" Nightmare took off his fur and handed it to Yang Lei.

"What are you used to? It's so cold that your blood will freeze. You don't need to give me the fur. If you can't stand it, I will protect your body with Qi. You wear it. Let's move on. This is still far away from the center of the Far Eastern Ice Sheet. Yes." Yang Lei waved her hand and said.