Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 241: Thighs are white


Nightmare hugged Yang Lei and landed on Tianyu's back, driving Tianyu, quickly left the spot for two or three hundred miles, looking for a place to put Yang Lei down. www/xshuotxt/com

"Thirteen, I'm cold!" Yang Lei's face was pale and her lips were a little purple.

Nightmare quickly took out the animal skin in his hand and set up a small shack to keep out the wind and cold.

After finishing these things quickly, Nightmare looked at Yang Lei, "How are you, Senior Sister?"

"It's a poisonous needle. It's very poisonous. It suppresses the movement of my true energy. My hands and feet are weak." Yang Lei said in a low voice.

"Senior Sister, this is the detoxification pill, you take it first." Ye Shang took out a bottle of detoxification pill and gave Yang Lei a pill.

After taking the Jiedu pill, Yang Lei closed her eyes and adjusted her breath, trying to resist the invasion of toxins with strength.

"Senior Sister Ninth, I'll help you deal with the poisonous needle, I'm going to offend you." Nightmare looked at Yang Lei who was lying on the animal skin and said in a low voice.

Yang Lei didn't speak. At this moment, she was all focused on exercising her true energy, so she could only slightly nod her chin.

Looking at the parts where the steel needles were stuck on Yang Lei's body, Nightmare hesitated for a moment, then quickly untied Yang Lei's robe belt, and then pulled the slipknot of the silk belt of her underwear.

Nightmare stretched out his right hand, and pressed it on the place where the poisonous needle was inserted, and then shook the steel needle with all his strength, and also released the toxin around the steel needle along the eye of the needle.

Then Nightmare also shook out the two poisonous needles in Yang Lei's abdomen.

The poisonous needle on Yang Lei's body was dealt with, and Nightmare looked at the poisonous needle on her thigh.

Looking at Yang Lei whose face was flushed, Nightmare didn't hesitate anymore, took out a small knife, and cut the skirt and underwear on Yang Lei's leg.

Feeling that the opening wasn't big enough, Nightmare tore it hard with both hands, ripping off the skirt and underwear.

This time Nightmare used too much force, exposing most of Yang Lei's straight and fair breasts, and the rips in her clothes extended to her waist.

Ignoring this, Nightmare pressed Yang Lei's thigh with his right hand, shook the poisonous needle again, then took out the detoxification pill, crushed it, sprinkled it on the eye of the poisonous needle, and then bandaged it.

After bandaging her thigh, Nightmare took the antidote powder and was about to deal with the poisonous needle holes on Yang Lei's chest and abdomen.

At this time Yang Lei sat up, the pallor on her face receded, and the rest was blushing.

"Senior Sister Ninth, are you able to move?" Nightmare asked happily.

"I can't move anymore. You have touched my whole body. Are you disappointed that I can move?" Yang Lei glanced at Nightmare and said.

"Senior Sister Ninth... Me?" Ye Shang didn't know how to explain it, he really looked at what shouldn't be seen, and touched what shouldn't be.

"Give me the detoxification powder, and I will apply the medicine myself." Yang Lei stretched out her hand and took the detoxification powder from Nightmare's hand, "What's the matter, I'll put the medicine on the chest, do you want to see?"

Nightmare quickly turned around and got out of the fur tent, only to find out that Yang Lei was fine, he thought of the embarrassing question.

After a while, Yang Lei's voice came out, "Come in Thirteen!"

Nightmare turned around and opened the tent, and walked in. Yang Lei had already changed into a robe.

"Senior Sister Ninth, are you alright?" Ye Shang asked.

"It's okay, the people of the Scarlet Cloud Sect are too insidious, that guy uses the Chiyun Needle that can break the body's true energy, the poison is very strong, if I am a fourth-level cultivation base, I will be finished, thanks to you being by my side. "Yang Lei said.

"It doesn't matter if I'm here or not, I can't help much." Nightmare said apologetically.

Then Yang Lei talked about the powerful relationship. The characteristic of Chiyun acupuncture is that it can numb people's nerves. After the acupuncture, the hands and feet can hardly move, and the true energy will be suppressed by the toxin.

If Nightmare didn't help Yang Lei remove the poisonous needle, it would be difficult for Yang Lei to get rid of the toxin brought by the poisonous needle.

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"Is it okay now?" Nightmare asked.

"Fortunately, I have entered the fifth level. The toxin of the Chiyun needle can be forced out, and there is still a little bit left, but the effect is not too big, no problem? You can try it a few times by the poisonous needle more than four inches long." Yang Lei looked Looking at Nightmare, he suddenly felt a little wronged, and tears appeared in his crystal eyes.

Ye Shang suddenly felt a little distressed, and stretched out his hand to hug Yang Lei into his arms. He knew that the poisonous needle was pierced deeply, and the pain was inevitable.

"Thirteen, what did you see?" Yang Lei asked with her head resting on Nightmare's shoulder.

"Senior Sister Ninth, it was an emergency just now, I didn't see anything." Ye Shang hesitated and said.

Then came the silence, after a while Yang Lei said in a low voice, "Thirteen, is Senior Sister Ninth's thigh white?"

"Bai!" Nightmare replied without thinking. After answering, he knew something bad happened.

"You didn't see what I said? Didn't you see that you knew Bai?" Yang Lei reached out and grabbed Nightmare's ear.

Nightmare didn't stop Yang Lei's actions, he felt guilty, and it would be good to let Yang Lei vent.

Twisted hard, and found that Nightmare didn't resist, Yang Lei let go, "Why don't you hide, don't you hurt?"

"It's okay, senior sister is in a bad mood and needs to vent her anger." Nightmare said with a smile.

Looking at Nightmare, Yang Lei smiled, then leaned into Nightmare's arms, reached out and rubbed Nightmare's ears, "Thirteen, who has a better figure, Ninth Senior Sister or Sikong?"

"How do I know?" Nightmare was a little confused, but Yang Lei still didn't finish the calculation.

"Why don't you know, you just saw all of Ninth Senior Sister." Yang Lei said, staring at Ye Shang with her beautiful eyes.

"Okay! What's Chuyu's situation? Don't senior sister understand what's going on with Chuyu for so long?" Ye Shang felt a little helpless.

"Listen to you, you bastard didn't look at it, didn't you touch it?" Yang Lei looked at Nightmare and asked.

"Senior Sister Ninth, I really don't have one." Ye Shang explained with a wry smile.

"This won't work! You have to work hard when you go back. It's better to cook raw rice and cooked rice, so whoever wants to object, can't object." Yang Lei opened her mouth to educate Nightmare.

Nightmare stopped talking, because if he continued talking, he didn't know what other outrageous views would be drawn from Yang Lei.

Then Nightmare accompanied Yang Lei to rest in the shack.

"Senior Sister Ninth, why don't I send you outside the extreme eastern ice field, and I can go to the ice and snow mountain by myself." Nightmare said in a low voice.

"No need, although my condition is not very good, but there is no problem, you can rest assured." Yang Lei twisted her body in Nightmare's arms to make herself more comfortable, and hugged Nightmare's body with her arms waist.

Yang Lei twisted her delicate body, and her breath pierced Nightmare's nose.