Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 248: Strengthen your hands


"Thirteen, what on earth have you cultivated to get so cold during the day?" Yang Lei made a pot of tea, looked at Nightmare and asked. WwW.XsHuoTXt.com

"I'm going to practice a new combat technique, and I'm going to deal with two mysterious jade auras during the day." Nightmare said with a smile, he is in a very good mood now.

"Hurry up and solve it, or you will marry a wife in the future, you can only watch, don't hug me in the future." Yang Lei looked at Nightmare and said.

"It's been resolved. If you don't use your kung fu in the future, this won't happen." Nightmare felt it, and the mysterious jade aura on both sides of the dragon tendon on his back said, now these two auras belong to him .

Cultivating Xuanyu Hands is to transfer two strands of Xuanyu aura to the hands, strengthen them, and finally cultivate them to the point that they can be compared to the sharp blades of divine weapons.

"That's good, take a good rest after drinking water! You are too tired during this time, your body can resist it, and your spirit is also exhausted." Yang Lei said.

"Okay, I'll feed Tian Yu the Beast Yuan Pill first." Ye Shang took out the Beast Yuan Pill and gave it to Tian Yu to eat. The Qingdiao family directly hunted monsters. Tian Yu didn't eat raw python gallbladder. .

Nightmare arranged Tianyu, and Yang Lei roasted two pheasants and took out a jar of wine.

"Thank you Ninth Senior Sister for accompanying me to the Far East Icefield. I respect Senior Sister for this bowl of wine." Nightmare took the wine jar, poured out two bowls, and raised one to Yang Lei.

Yang Lei smiled, picked up the wine bowl and drank it directly.

After the two had eaten, Nightmare also built a hut and spread animal skins inside.

"Thirteen, you have a lot of storage rings, and you have storage space. Next time you go out, you can bring some bedding or something. You need to practice hard, but if you can be comfortable, you have to be comfortable, right!" Yang Lei said after entering the shack.

"Prepare in the future, Ninth Senior Sister, rest!" Ye Shang nodded with a smile, he knew that Qing Ji and Yang Lei had a high quality of life and taste.

"Let's rest together?" A blush appeared on Yang Lei's face.

Nightmare rubbed his forehead, the space in the shack was indeed a bit small, it was okay to say that it was cold a few days ago, but now that we are still together, it is a bit inappropriate, "I will go out to meditate and practice, Ninth Senior Sister will rest." Ye Shang finished speaking. Shang walked outside.

"Thirteen, I don't need to pay so much attention." Yang Lei directly pulled Ye Shang back, let him sit on the animal skin, and she leaned inside and sat down.

What else could Nightmare say, he took off his animal skin and put it on Yang Lei, and then covered Yang Lei with the Golden Silk Leopard skin again.

"It's very warm, come in too!" Yang Lei said after lying down, looking at Nightmare with a blushing face.

Nightmare nodded, also entered under the animal skin, and lay down next to Yang Lei.

Yang Lei shrunk close to Nightmare's arms, and then rested.

Holding Yang Lei in his arms, Nightmare also rested, he was indeed very tired these days.

At dawn, Nightmare woke up in pain, because Yang Lei knocked on a key part.

"Did you have a wrong idea?" After waking up, Yang Lei found that the key parts of Nightmare's body were touching her, so she reached out and knocked.

"No, I've been honest all night." After sleeping all night, there was a little reaction in the morning, and Nightmare was also very helpless.

"It's such a failure to be a woman. Lying in your arms like this, you have no idea!" Yang Lei glared at Nightmare.

"Senior Sister Ninth, do you want me to have an idea, or do you have no idea?" Nightmare felt a little helpless, no matter how Yang Lei answered, she couldn't answer correctly.

"I have ideas, but I can't move around." Yang Lei said with a smile.

Nightmare could only nod, is there anything else to say at this time

After embracing Yang Lei for a while, Nightmare got up to practice the wind chasing spear technique and the smashing fist.

"Thirteen, your cultivation has improved really fast. You were promoted on the way here. You are now in the middle stage of the second level of alchemy. After entering the third level of alchemy, you can eat Yuan Ningdan to quickly increase your cultivation level by one level. "Yang Lei said to Nightmare.

"Well, back to Medicine Valley, it's probably about the same." Nightmare said, putting away the reincarnation gun.

After tidying up, the two continued to set off, Yang Lei closed his eyes and meditated, Ye Shang took out the Xuanyu Handbook given to him by Concubine Wu Ling and began to read it.

The Xuanyu hand is a part of the Xuanyu body of Concubine Wuling's unique skill. Concubine Wuling first tempered her body with extremely cold air, and then cultivated into the Xuanyu body, only then did she have the Xuanyu aura.

Now that Nightmare's body has the aura of profound jade, it is enough to temper his hands with the aura of profound jade, and only after tempering his hands can he use the aura of profound jade.

Putting away the animal skin classics, Nightmare controlled the two strands of profound jade aura, which entered his hands through both arms, arousing the coldness of the profound jade aura, and tempering his hands.

A cultivator's attack is mostly done with both hands, so the strength of both hands is extremely important.

When Nightmare was practicing, Yang Lei woke up. Because of Nightmare's practice, Tian Yu's back was extremely cold at this time, and it had already exceeded the core area of the extreme east ice field.

Without disturbing Nightmare, Yang Lei released the green eagle, landed on the green eagle's back, and meditated cross-legged. She was also used to Nightmare's situation, and it was normal for Nightmare to experience anything.

The process of tempering his hands was very painful, tempered by the power of extreme cold, waves of pain invaded Nightmare's mind.

Nightmare thought that tempering with cold air would make his hands numb in the later stage, but it was not. The sensation in his hands was very strong, and the pain in blood vessels, nerves, muscles and bones was very clear.

â—‡Look at the genuine r version k chapter! Go to zk

Knowing that this hurdle must be passed, Nightmare endured it, controlling the two streams of profound jade qi to spread to any corner of his hands.

It was in the evening that Nightmare stopped cultivating, and he directly took back the consumed Xuanyu aura under the dragon tendons on his back.

Looking at his hands, Nightmare found that his hands were much fairer, and his clenched fists became more powerful.

"You bastard, you still know how to stop cultivating, hey, your hands are almost as delicate as mine!" Yang Lei said, looking at Nightmare's fair hands.

"Well, it's the effect of practicing new combat skills." Nightmare raised his hands and took a look, then thrust towards the ancient tree next to him.


Nightmare's hands were all inserted into the tree, and he withdrew his hands. Nightmare's hands were not scratched at all.

"This... what combat skill are you practicing?" Yang Lei asked in shock.

"Xuanyu Hand, just started to practice, the effect is good." Nightmare said, looking at his hands with satisfaction.

"You guy, you can receive so many benefits by doing a mission, I have nothing to say." Yang Lei shook her head helplessly. The chance of Nightmare is really not comparable to anyone. Going to wipe out a bandit can get Lushan The legacy of the venerable is even more speechless this time. Yang Lei knows that the benefits of Nightmare's mission are still behind!