Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 277: Tyrannical atmosphere


"No matter who it is, as long as you are malicious to you, you don't have to be polite. If something goes wrong, there are senior brothers and sisters to support you. WwW.XshuOTXt.CoM" Yang Lei looked at Nightmare and said.

"Thirteen, Senior Brother and your Ninth Senior Sister are right, but it's good to be able to unite some forces inside. After all, you may meet people from other forces, so just be careful about everything." Qing Ji said.

Nightmare nodded, he knew that it was all for his own good.

"Prepare for what you should and should not prepare. No one knows what's going on in that alien space." Wu Qi reminded Nightmare.

"Thank you, senior brothers and sisters, I will be careful." Nightmare nodded.

"Brother, if you have time, arrange for someone to build two bamboo buildings for the Bamboo Forest Peak of Shisan. There are a few guests there, and there is no room for rest." Yang Lei said.

"This is the big brother's mistake. Thirteen was in Longquan Bieyuan some time ago, so I didn't rush to make arrangements, so I will deal with it later." Gong Xuan said with a smile.

Then everyone dispersed, Qing Ji took Ye Shang to Zhulin Xiaozhu, and asked Ye Shang to pack some wine.

Then Yang Lei and Sikong Chuyu accompanied Ye Shang to Grass Valley Town to buy jerky and daily necessities. After buying everything, they returned to Zhulin Peak.

In the evening, Liu Yangyu and the First Elder came to Zhulin Peak, mainly to bring the medicine cauldron liquid to Ye Shang, which is the treatment of Ye Shang this year.

"My seat and your master have been discussing whether to let you go or not. Going is very dangerous, and if you don't go, you will miss the opportunity. What do you think?" The elder looked at Nightmare and said.

"The disciple decides to go. There may be danger, or even death, but this is also an opportunity." Nightmare directly made a decision.

"That's all right, prepare to do everything." The Great Elder nodded, he was conflicted in his heart, and really didn't want Nightmare to take risks.

After practicing for two days, Ye Shang went to Danding Square to gather, because today is the day of departure.

"Senior Sister Ninth, Chu Yu, you just wait here for me to come back, Chu Yu, I'll wait for the good news of your successful advancement." Ye Shang said to Yang Lei and Sikong Chu Yu.

Nightmare gave Yang Lei and Sikong Chuyu a part of the medicinal cauldron liquid. Originally, he planned to give both of them, but they only wanted a part. They knew that it was dangerous for Nightmare to enter the alien space this time.

Both Yang Lei and Sikong Chuyu nodded, "We'll take you to Danding Square."

Nightmare did not refuse, and the three of them arrived at Danding Square in a flying monster.

On the Danding Square, the senior officials of Medicine Valley were all present, as were the brothers and sisters from Taixuan Peak Nightmare.

"I've told you about the alien space. No one knows what's going on in the space. There are chances and dangers. You disciples of Danbang can choose to go or not to go." Liu Yangyu looked at the square. The Danbang disciple said.

Afterwards, some people withdrew. After all, many people were afraid of the unknown.

"Those who go should pay attention to safety. I have a few words to tell you here. There are many elites who have entered the alien space this time. The Holy Light Sect and the Thunder Sect discovered the space passage. In addition, the Scarlet Cloud Sect and the Nebula Sect also found it. The way to enter, the alchemy stage disciples of Jinyan Sect, Xiaoyao Sect, and Nandou Sect also cooperated to send their disciples in, so this time the situation is unprecedentedly complicated, unity is a must, internal fighting is prohibited." Liu Yangyu looked at Yaogu Said the alchemy stage disciple.

"This is very important. If internal fighting is found, the sect will never let it go lightly." The Great Elder repeated.

After the speech, Liu Yangyu, the Great Elder and the senior sect leaders set off with the disciples in the Condensation Stage, because some of them did not have flying monsters and needed the assistance of others.

A group of people quickly arrived at the location where the entrance of the alien space was located.

"Here you can only pass cultivators and monsters below the fourth level. If you exceed this level, it will cause a collapse. None of you have a fourth-level beast tamer. I won't talk about this issue. The most important point is that space According to the previous rules, the channel can only be stable for half a year, which means that you must come out after half a year." The Great Elder reminded the Medicine Valley disciples who were about to enter.

"Gu Master, Great Elder, I have a question, what should I do if I break through to the level of distraction inside? Can I still come out?" Yi Yu asked.

"It doesn't matter, the energy of this space channel is spewing outward, and the inner rushing outward is a smooth force, and there will be no energy impact." The Great Elder said.

"You can enter now." Liu Yangyu waved his hand and said.

Following Liu Yangyu's words, disciples at the alchemy stage rushed in, one by one as if being swallowed by the beast's mouth.

They all entered, leaving Nightmare alone.

Nightmare bowed to Liu Yangyu and the Great Elder, bowed to his senior brother and senior sister, glanced at Yang Lei and Sikong Chuyu wearing a mask again, and stepped into the space passage, disappearing before everyone's eyes.

"You all go back! This seat and the Fourth Elder will be here to guard the space passage during this time." The First Elder waved to the group of people who were seeing off in Yaogu.

Yang Lei and Sikong Chuyu left together.

"Chuyu, Thirteen is gone, why do I feel so empty." Yang Lei was a little depressed.

"Me too, we can only wait for him to come out." Sikong Chuyu said.

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"Let's wait for him to come back together." Yang Lei took Sikong Chuyu's arm and nodded seriously.

Nightmare, who entered the space channel, felt the pressure, and the tyrannical breath rushed towards him. He rushed forward for a while, and then rushed out to a new world.

Looking up at the gray world full of tyranny, Nightmare frowned, feeling depressed and inexplicably irritable.

"The breath here is different from our world, everyone should calm down, the breath here will affect the state of mind." Yi Yu said.

Gu Lin and the others nodded.

"Now let's talk about your opinions! Let's see how to act?" Yi Yu asked.

The dozens of people who came in looked at each other, and the atmosphere of the stressful environment made everyone feel a little lost.

"It's much safer to be together, but at the same time, you will lose the opportunity to find opportunities." Gu Lin said.

"Ye Shang, what's your opinion?" Yi Yu is of the same generation as Ye Shang, and he doesn't need to be called uncle like everyone else.

"Gu Lin is right. I think it depends on the individual. If you think safety is the first priority, then go with a companion. If you want to break through, then explore alone." Nightmare said.

"Everyone will follow this arrangement. If your strength is weaker, you can form a team. If you feel that you can avoid risks, you can act on your own." After Yi Yu finished speaking, he moved forward. He expressed his attitude that he was flying solo. .

Nightmare's side is also moving forward. He also doesn't like the team mode. He has more freedom to act alone, and he doesn't have to worry about resource allocation.


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