Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 3: to Gunan Town


Nightmare climbed up the tree in a blink of an eye, and at the same time roared at the leopard tamer.

It's a pity that the leopard tamer was already weak at this time, and he couldn't even stand up. This shocked Nightmare deeply. What appeared was an incredible monster. Otherwise, the leopard tamer would not have become like this. This is suppression, not a racial talent. The suppression of the soul is the suppression of cultivation.

When Nightmare was shocked, the monster also appeared and came under the tree.

Under the firelight, Ye Shang could see what kind of monster it was. It was a Wujiao, a Wujiao with a body as thick as a bucket. As for how long, Ye Shang hadn't seen it yet, and the tail of the Wujiao was still covered by the night.

When Nightmare was looking at the Wujiao, the Wujiao moved, opened its mouth wide, and bit the leopard that dared not move. As its mouth squirmed, there was a crackling sound, and the leopard's whole body was bitten. shattered, and then swallowed by the Wujiao.

It was only in the blink of an eye. Ye Shang came back to his senses and quickly climbed up the tree. This Wujiao was too scary. He was far from being an opponent. If he didn't climb higher, he would easily end up like a leopard.

Just as Ye Shang was climbing towards Gu Li, Wu Jiao squirmed under the tree, sprang up, and bit towards Ye Shang.

Feeling the crisis, Nightmare grabbed a branch with his arm, and swung his body up quickly.

As soon as Ye Shang's body left the spot, Wu Jiao bit off the branch that Ye Shang had just grabbed.

Hearing the clicking sound behind him, Nightmare climbed up the tree with hands and feet.

After climbing more than a dozen feet, Nightmare turned around when there was no sound below him. Not far from his feet, Wu Jiao was leaning on an ancient tree, staring at Nightmare with two shiny green eyes.

"Damn it!" After he was safe, Nightmare cursed in a low voice. Taming the leopard was fine a while ago, but now it has become Wu Jiao's meal.

Compete with Wujiao? Nightmare didn't dare, this Wujiao was obviously a wise monster, not a low-level monster, the black iron spear behind Nightmare might not be able to break through the scales of Wujiao.

Fortunately, Wujiao has a thick body and is not good at climbing trees. It is also supported by its tail that it can jump out so high and attack Nightmare.

Unable to eat Ye Shang, Wu Jiao stayed for a while and then left.

After confirming that the Wujiao had left, Ye Shang slipped down the tree, looked at the deep ditch that the Wujiao had crawled on the ground, and was frightened after a moment of strength.

The package under the tree is still there, but the tame leopard has disappeared without a trace.

Taking the package to the tree to rest for the night, Nightmare hurried on the road without stopping.

For the next two days, Nightmare traveled cautiously, but did not encounter any danger.

Looking at the town in the distance, looking at the towering Gunan at the entrance of the town, Nightmare knew that his first destination had arrived. This was Gunan Town, and Gunan was the symbol of Gunan Town. This was a relatively prosperous town nearby. Yes, starting from Gunan Town to Medicine Valley, although the journey is far away, but there are caravans coming and going, so there is no need to go alone.

Entering Gunan Town, Nightmare found a teahouse, ordered a pot of tea, took out dried meat and began to fill his stomach.

There are restaurants in the town, and Nightmare is reluctant to spend money, so he doesn't need to spend much money to drink some hot tea, Nightmare is very satisfied.

While Nightmare was eating, there were a few beast roars, and three sturdy men and a woman with blond hair entered the teahouse.

Nightmare looked up, and then ate in a low voice. With hunting experience, he could feel the murderous aura from these people, just like monsters who choose to eat people.

"Brother, we have collected too few herbs this time, and we can't find Wujiao. I'm afraid we won't be able to complete the task." The blond woman said.

"Well, this is Zhao Steward who lied to us, saying that there are a lot of green spirit grass in this area, and there is no trace of Wujiao gall, hey!" The bearded man who was called the eldest brother by the woman sighed.

Hearing a few people talking about Wujiao, Ye Shang raised his head.

"What are you looking at? Let's dig out your eyeballs!" The woman gave Nightmare a look, and then sternly yelled at Nightmare.

"Fourth sister, don't be as knowledgeable as a child." The bearded man glanced at Nightmare and said.

"You have a pretty face, it's good to take it back to be the young master's companion." The woman looked at Ye Shang and murmured.

Nightmare drank the tea in one gulp, got up and was about to leave, he didn't want to cause unreasonable disaster.

But in fact, sometimes you don't look for trouble, but trouble looks for you.

"Letting you be the young master's companion is to think highly of you. How dare you go straight? Stop!" The woman stood up, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, Nightmare staggered.

"Sorry, I still have things to hurry." Nightmare rubbed his shoulder and said in a low voice.

Be a companion? Isn't that a servant, Ye Shang never thought about it, no matter how bad life is, he must live with dignity.

"Fourth sister, what have you seen with a child? I'm sorry, little brother, where are you going?" The bearded man stopped the angry woman.

"I'm going to Chiyang City." Ye Shang asked the ancient father that Chiyang City was the largest city on his way to the Medicine Valley Danding Mountain.

"Chiyang City? We passed by Chiyang City when we went back, but there are still some things that have not been dealt with." The bearded man was surprised and said, after all, Chiyang City is thousands of miles away from here, and Nightmare is a half-old child It's kind of weird to go that far.

"Damn it, if we find Wujiao, we can leave this damn place long ago." The woman glanced at Nightmare, and went to drink tea angrily.

Hearing the woman's words, Nightmare fell into thought. He knew where the Wujiao was. These people would go to Chiyang City after hunting the Wujiao. It would be more convenient to follow these people than follow the caravan. After all, the caravan It took a long time to go there, and it was not necessary to go directly to Chiyang City. It would be troublesome to travel between many towns. In addition, Nightmare was thinking about danger. These people were reliable or not.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Nightmare thinking, the bearded man asked.

"I know where Wujiao is, but you guys want to take me to Chiyan City." After thinking about it for a while, Nightmare felt that he had nothing valuable on him, and he had nothing to worry about. myself, but if these people keep their promises, then I will save myself a lot of time.

"Do you know where the Wujiao is? Good! As long as we can find the Wujiao, we will bring you to Chiyan City safely." The man with the beard said excitedly.

"I know where the Wujiao is." Nightmare nodded confidently.

"There's no alcohol here, let's go out and drink, and then set off." The man with the beard said excitedly.

"I have wine here, but I don't know if it suits the tastes of the elder brothers." Nightmare said as he waved the two leather bags of wine in his hand.

"Haha! I don't choose, second brother, third brother, fourth sister, let's go after drinking." The bearded man patted Nightmare on the shoulder and said loudly.

The slap of the man with the beard gave Nightmare a stagger.

"Brother, slow down, this little brother is still young." The man with a scar on his forehead, who was called the second brother by the bearded man, said with a smile.

Nightmare opened the leather bag, served wine to the four of them in tea bowls, and poured himself a bowl as well.

"Little brother, my name is Yang Sen. This is my second brother Du Chong, third brother Zhang Zongxuan, and fourth sister Lin Qiao." The bearded man Yang Sen said.

Both Du Chong and Zhang Xuanzong nodded to Ye Shang.

Lin Qiao hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'm sorry about what happened just now."