Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 3418: Destroyed


These seemingly evil-looking monster stone carvings record the history of a certain group of alien beasts!

But at this time, Nightmare and the others had no intention to study it!

Using the power of the soul to investigate confidently, Nightmare found that there is indeed a top-level alien beast power here!

At this time, this strong man of the alien beast has imprisoned all the people in the night demon's territory in a closed formation. Using the power of the formation, he is absorbing the vitality of all of them!

The monks in the formation have cultivated for more than two thousand years with the support of a large number of resources, and more than 30 have advanced to the half-step extreme state!

They provided a very powerful breath to the strong alien beast.

Perceiving all this, Nightmare immediately reprimanded angrily: "Bastard, stop!"

"Who? Dare to disturb the king's cultivation, damn it!"

As soon as Nightmare opened his mouth, some stone carvings on the stone wall jumped down from the stone wall, blocking Nightmare in front of him.

"Kill your people!"

Nightmare sized it up, and there were a total of nine half-step extreme fourth-rank strange beasts in front of him.

After these strange beasts jumped out of the stone wall, they turned into flesh and blood.

He immediately summoned Bai Wuji!

Together with Bai Wuji and Jie Lin, they fought against the nine half-step extreme beasts in front of them.

Bai Wuji is the fourth rank of the half-step extreme state, but it is obviously better than the ordinary fourth rank. In the case of an outbreak, he can basically display the strength of the fifth rank, and he does not have much pressure to fight against three strange beasts alone!

Jie Lin is slightly weaker, but he can withstand the attacks of the two alien beasts for the time being!

As for the remaining four, Nightmare will deal with them all!

Although fighting against the four alien beasts alone, Nightmare's eruption is obviously more efficient than Bai Wuji and Jie Lin!

Worried about everyone in his heart, he came up and unlocked the secret combat techniques and magical powers of destruction in the Thirty-three Heavenly Star Market.

Show them the unique skills such as ice and fire double guns!

Quickly blast and kill the four strange beasts in front of you!

"Jielin, I'll help you!"

After killing the beast in front of him in less than twenty breaths, Nightmare began to help Jie Lin kill the two beasts she was fighting against!

The speed is amazing!

"Your strength has improved too much!"

Seeing that Ye Shang beheaded a half-step extreme fourth-rank alien beast, like chopping melons and vegetables, Jie Lin was suddenly surprised!

At this time, Nightmare had already started to help Bai Wuji fight!

This time, in less than ten breaths, they killed the strange beast in front of them!

"Follow me!"

It was detected that the aura of the strong alien beast was gradually increasing, and the aura of the people in the Night Demon Territory was getting weaker and weaker, and some people were even directly sucked to death, Nightmare roared angrily.

Prepare to quickly find the strong alien beast and kill him!

But they didn't take a few steps, and some half-step extreme fourth-rank strange beasts jumped out of the stone wall again.

Although the alien beast this time is half-step extreme level four, its aura is obviously much stronger!

And there will be nearly twenty of them!

Seeing more than twenty strange beasts blocking the front, Bai Wuji immediately frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with so many strange beasts!"

"There's nothing hard to deal with! Look at me!"

With a loud roar from Nightmare, the bloodlines of Phoenix and Jielin were directly burned!

Blow out the Ice Fire Spear at the more than twenty alien beasts in front of you!

This time, he added some energy from the core of the flame to the Ice Fire Spear.

After hitting them, they directly blasted several strange beasts to death!

"This is too strong!"

Seeing that Ye Shang killed four or five half-step extreme level four beasts with one move, Bai Wuji was suddenly surprised.

According to his judgment, Nightmare's strength at this time is at least twenty times stronger than when he was fighting against him!

This is an extremely terrifying promotion!

"It's nothing, it's far worse than the strong beast inside! Follow me!"

After Nightmare killed a few strange beasts with one move, he went on a killing spree in the tunnel!

Bai Wuji and Jie Lin are assisting him to complete various kills!

This time, although the beasts in the stone carvings were stronger and more numerous, they were quickly killed again!

"I didn't expect that you still have some skills! However, you have passed the test of the Eight Great Generals under my command."

At this time, the strange beast, which was absorbing the energy of everyone in the night demon territory, made a sound for the first time.

Then, within a moment, eight strange beasts jumped out that were almost indomitable.

The looks of these strange beasts are more ferocious than the other, and their aura is very powerful, each of them is the existence of half-step extreme level five!

Being blocked by them, the expressions of Jie Lin and Bai Wuji suddenly became ugly!

Bai Wuji can fight against at most one beast of this level, but it is not easy for Jie Lin to survive the attack of one of them!

So their hearts are very heavy!

According to their judgment, even Nightmare couldn't kill six half-step extreme beasts by himself.

After all, they are too powerful!

Nightmare could feel the aura of Jie Lin and Bai Wuji, and immediately said: "Stand back, I'll deal with them!"

"Night Devil, do you have the ability to fight eight with one?"

Hearing this, Bai Wuji suddenly asked in surprise.

Obviously, according to Nightmare's words, he hasn't used all his strength yet!

If you look at it this way, although he is the third rank of the half-step extreme state, his explosive combat power is almost at the peak of the half-step extreme state.

"Can you also fight and kill them quickly!"

Nightmare said coldly, and then sent a voice transmission to Xiao Er: "Xiao Er, prepare to launch the attack you have prepared!"

"Okay! The attack I concocted with the Bai Wuji artifact, although it is half-step extreme level five, can directly kill one or two strange beasts in front of me!" Xiao Er replied confidently.

"Okay! Be ready to attack at any time, I will do it!"

Nightmare observed the eight great generals in front of him with the eyes of the mirage dragon, once again made Jie Lin and Bai Wuji retreat, and then held the golden halberd and the desolate war halberd to fight with them!

This time, as soon as the battle started, Nightmare burned the blood of the wolf, and used the offensive and defensive tactics on himself.

Take your status to the extreme!

Afterwards, using the power of the flame core, he continued to use the double halberds to hit unique skills!

Under this level of attack, the half-step extreme fifth-rank alien beast in front of him is basically no different from the fourth-rank alien beast just now!

Soon Nightmare killed two or three!

But at this time, in order to save time, he suddenly sent a voice transmission: "Xiao Er, attack!"


At the same time Xiao Er responded, he cooperated with Nightmare to launch a half-step extreme level five attack.

Nightmare aimed at the remaining alien beasts, and used the Shenyuan Trapped Array, the Merit Trapped Array, and the anti-word formula to make it impossible for them to evade.

After being hit, the strange beast lost two more heads!

Afterwards, Nightmare erupted again, killing the remaining ones as if destroying them!

Without stopping at all, he rushed towards the strange beast that absorbed everyone's breath!