Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 64: Jungle tracking


"It turned out to be a misunderstanding, but this misunderstanding had serious consequences. WwW.XsHuotXT.com" After listening to Mo Dust's narration, Nightmare knew that this matter was indeed troublesome. Both parties were not at fault, but there was a grievance that was difficult to resolve.

"Yeah, this is an irresolvable hatred, so I dare not make Sixth Senior Sister angry." Mo Chen said.

"I'll help you find out when I have time." Nightmare said with a smile.

"I still don't want it anymore. I don't know what Chu Lingfei's situation is now. Maybe he's married." Mo Chen said with a sigh. In order to avenge Guan Ye, Mo Chen has kept his ears shut for more than ten years.

Nightmare was also helpless in this regard, no one knew what consequences the ten years of indifference would have.

After leaving the city, the two got on the flying mounts. This time, the task was to go to the bandits' lair to rescue a rich lady. If something happened to the lady, then destroy the bandits. They are not high-level people, but they are very familiar with the terrain. The first task is to find this group of bandits.

Mission introduction: The last place where bandits appeared was near Wuyunze.

Daring to take on this task, Ye Shang felt that with Tian Yu's help, it would not be difficult to find out the hideout of these bandits. He also felt that the big lady had nothing to do, and she would not be killed, but Mrs. Yazhai was hard to say. up.

Nightmare takes the lead in doing tasks, and Mo Chen follows behind to protect Nightmare's safety.

Before accepting the mission of the Bloodthirsty Wolf King, Mo Chen was still cautious, not daring to let Nightmare take the mission randomly. Many black iron missions were done by practitioners of the Juyuan rank, and the owner of the Black Iron Order of the Qi refinement rank At the beginning, they all do small tasks, and gradually increase the difficulty of the tasks as their cultivation level improves.

After Nightmare successfully killed the bloodthirsty wolf king, Mo Chen didn't see it that way. He felt that the practitioners at the beginning level of Juyuan were not as powerful as Nightmare. The most important thing was that Nightmare's fighting talent was extremely strong. According to the terrain, the most effective fighting method will be selected according to the complex scene.

After arriving at Wuyunze, Nightmare asked Tian Yu to fly at low altitude around Wuyunze, looking for clues.

Wu Yunze has an area of three to four hundred miles, and Nightmare controls Tianyu to fly at low altitude. After half an hour, Nightmare let Tianyu land, because Nightmare saw footprints on the black sand beside the water.

"It shouldn't be too far from here." Ye Shang said after squatting down and looking at the footprints.

"How do you tell? Maybe it was left behind." Mo Chen said.

"Impossible. Although there are no waves here, the humidity is very high. The dew at night is like drizzle, and the footprints will not last for more than three days." Nightmare said with certainty.

Hearing Ye Shang's words, Mo Chen was taken aback for a moment, he was also an experienced tracker, but he couldn't judge these footprints.

After looking at the footprints, Nightmare was leading the way, and Mo Chen followed behind with Tian Yu and Golden Winged Eagle.

Nightmare stopped and stopped, even when he entered the woods, he didn't hesitate. Although he sometimes stopped to analyze, his speed was definitely not slow.

Mo Chen has experience in tracking the woods. He knows that Nightmare's tracking is in the right direction. When humans walk through the woods, even if they don't leave footprints, they will leave traces, such as fallen leaves? Even if you step on fallen leaves without leaving footprints, there will be changes.

Nightmare zigzags forward, followed by Mo Chen with two flying beasts.

Two hours later, Nightmare saw traces of a fire.

"Senior brother, it seems that the fire pile is from yesterday. There are so many of them, they can't walk too fast, and the distance between us is probably hundreds of miles." Nightmare took out the wine jar and said, taking a sip of wine.

"Well, that's right, the animal bones are still very fresh!" Looking at the animal bones on the side of the coal, Mo Chen nodded.

"If something happens to that girl, it will be troublesome. We have to kill them all." Nightmare doesn't reject killing, but he still feels a little conflicted in his heart after killing them all. Bandits are a group, and there must be children, even if they don't kill them. Children, without the care of adults, children will die.

"Depending on the situation, if something happens to that girl, then kill the three leaders and take the heads of the three leaders, and the task will be considered complete." Mo Chen thought for a while and said.

The task introduction only mentioned the characteristics of the three leaders. If the girl cannot be rescued, then the head of the bandit will be demanded.

"Brother, do you think that if the girl was raped by bandits, we rescued her and killed the bandits?" Nightmare asked after thinking for a while.

"It depends on the situation! But if you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences. The leader of this bandit group must not be kept." Mo Chen said.

The two drank some wine and ate some jerky before moving on. Nightmare still had a lot of tasks in hand, so they couldn't waste too much time.

They tracked until night, but they still haven't caught up. This group of Bandits has been in the mountains all year round, and they are very capable of living in the mountains, and their speed is also very fast.

Looking at the sky, Nightmare was a little tangled, because the night in the deep mountains was very unsafe, and it was easy to be attacked if he chased rashly.

"Normally, they shouldn't be chasing after them, but at this time they should also be camping, driving Tian Yu, and scouting for two or three hundred miles in the sky. If they can't find them, they will chase them tomorrow." Mo Chen gave his opinion.

"Okay." After thinking about it for a while, Nightmare felt that Mo Chen's solution was feasible.

"Tian Yu, remember this, if we can't find the target, we will come back." Ye Shang explained to Tian Yu, and then climbed on Tian Yu's back.

Mo Chen drove the golden-winged eagle and followed Nightmare and Tian Yu.

After rising into the sky, Nightmare took a look at the terrain and chose a relatively flat direction to pursue.

Half an hour later, Nightmare discovered the situation. There was smoke rising in a canyon, which was a sign of a fire.

, see y on the genuine chapter

Controlling Tianyu's landing, holding the reincarnation gun, Ye Shang touched it.

Traps, animal traps, hanging gun boards, Nightmare saw many hunters' methods, which made him understand that the mountain bandits he was looking for were probably in the valley. Will not do these.

Seeing Nightmare dodging one trap after another, Mo Chen understood that although Nightmare was young, he was definitely a veteran hunter.

Touching into the canyon, Nightmare carefully probed forward. He wasn't sure if this group of people were bandits, but they were definitely hunters, and they would be discovered if they were not careful.

Carefully touching the side of the canyon, Nightmare climbed up the canyon wall and looked towards the middle. Mo Chen followed behind, staying under the canyon wall, watching Nightmare's actions.

Looking at Ye Shang, he found that these people were the bandits he was looking for. According to the information provided by the rich family, the three leaders of the bandits, one with a scar on his face, and one whose neck was grabbed by a monster , and the other one is bald, and now Nightmare has seen all three of them.

At this time, the bald head was sitting on a tree stump and eating barbecue. At his feet, a woman was trapped in her hands and feet, and she was sitting obliquely on the ground.

"Boss, if you can't subdue this girl, let's have fun with brother!" The man with the scar on his neck said to the bald head.