Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 7: Practice on the road


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Nightmare, Qin Zhen and two other teenagers, together with Qin Zhen's two guards, the captain of the convoy guard, and several other guards got into the last beast cart.

After getting into the car, Nightmare found a horn and sat down. When he sat down, Nightmare was shocked. This beast cart was made of fine steel, no wonder a beast cart was driven by three wind tigers.

Qin Zhen sat across from Ye Shang, and the other two teenagers took a look at Ye Shang, and then sat next to Qin Zhen. Because of their clothes, Ye Shang was not the same kind of person as them.

After closing the door, the guard opened the window. The windows were covered with steel bars as thick as a baby's arm, which showed that the car was very safe.

The car had already moved forward, Ye Shang put the package beside him, and began to meditate with his eyes closed.

Just as Nightmare was about to fall into samadhi, the two teenagers started whispering and trying to build a relationship.

"Be quiet, or get out of here." The captain of the guard didn't say anything about it, and just reprimanded him.

The expressions of the two teenagers changed, and then they didn't dare to say anything, because these guards belonged to Chiyan City, and even their parents could not easily offend them.

Then it was quiet, and Nightmare began to meditate.

This practice means that there is no concept of time, until he is woken up by the guards, and Nightmare knows that the day has passed, and this is going to camp to get something to eat.

After getting out of the car, Nightmare took a look and found that it was a relatively open area in the wild forest.

"Go get some firewood and come back, remember not to go too far." The captain of the guard said.

Before camping, the guard captain had asked the guards to check around, and there were no large monsters.

Nightmare's elixir and golden ticket were in his bosom, and there was nothing important in the package, so he put it in the car, and went to find firewood with the black iron gun on his back.

Walking out of the open space, Nightmare saw a dead tree. The dead tree was very thick and tall. If someone else saw the dead tree, there was nothing they could do. They kept cutting it down. The dry branches and branches were very tall, but Nightmare couldn't be troubled. .

Using both hands and feet, Nightmare climbed up the dead tree, broke the dead branch with a black iron gun, threw it under the tree, and was about to jump down, but at this time Nightmare saw an antelope running by not far from the dead tree.

Leaping up and jumping off the dead tree, Nightmare chased after the antelope. Getting closer, Nightmare nailed the antelope to the ground with an iron spear.

Walking forward, Nightmare picked up the antelope, then walked under the dead tree, tied up the dry branches with wet wooden sticks, and returned to the camp.

Looking at Nightmare, the captain of the guard and a group of guards were very surprised. Nightmare was the first to come back, and it only took a while to go out.

"Boy, very good." The captain of the guard nodded appreciatively.

He knew that the antelope was very fast, Nightmare had only a short time to go out, and there was not much time left except for drying the firewood. The antelope should have been killed instantly.

Nightmare lit the dry wood, then went to the side and disemboweled the antelope, then found a wooden pole, threaded the antelope back to the fire.

Put down the flames, and Nightmare roasted the antelope.

"Young man, you are very experienced." The captain of the guard said when he came to Nightmare's side.

"Well, I've made it before, and the captain will come and get some for everyone to try." Nightmare said with a smile.

"Okay." The captain of the guard nodded with a smile.

When he turned his head, the face of the captain of the guard changed. Others came back, some carried a log with green leaves, and some brought back a bundle of hay. None of this had anything to do with heating.

Taking a deep breath, the captain of the guard suppressed his anger and waved to the other guards.

There was no way to count on the hopeful, so the captain of the guard could only arrange for the guards to do it. Some guards went to get dry firewood, and some went to the car to take out dry biscuits and jerky to distribute to the group of teenagers.

Qin Zhen also came back. He got dry firewood, but it was relatively small. It should be dry branches picked up.

Qin Zhen put the dry firewood not far from Nightmare, and was about to start a fire.

"Young master, your branches are so thin that they burn up in a few strokes, let's keep warm together with him!" One of Qin Zhen's guards pointed to Ye Shang and said.

Qin Zhen looked up at Ye Shang, and after hearing what Qin Zhen's guard said, Ye Shang also turned to look at Qin Zhen, and then nodded friendly.

Qin Zhen went to Ye Shang's side with the dry firewood in his arms, and then squatted down to warm himself up by the fire. The night in the barren mountain was still relatively cool.

The antelope was roasted so oily that it turned golden yellow. There were also guards roasting the prey there, but the effect was not as strong as Nightmare's.

After more than half an hour passed, the antelope was roasted, and Nightmare cut the antelope in half with a black iron spear, and gave the half to the captain of the guard.

The captain of the guard was not polite, and nodded friendly to Nightmare.

Back at the fire, Nightmare cut off two pieces of meat and handed them to Qin Zhen's two guards, then cut off a front leg and handed it to Qin Zhen.

Qin Zhen hesitated for a moment, took the meat that Nightmare handed over, and started to eat. He ate some dry food just now.

Breaking off two antelope ribs, Nightmare thought for a while and returned to the beast cart, took an animal skin bag and a black sand bowl.

Returning to the fire, he poured the wine from the animal skin bag into the black sand bowl, and handed it to Qin Zhen.

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This time, Qin Zhen didn't hesitate, and reached out to take it.

"Master, you can't drink!" The guard with a coffin face shouted without saying a word.

When he shouted, many people looked over.

Nightmare laughed at himself, and reached out to grab the wine bowl in Qin Zhen's hand. Since people don't believe in him, why should he put his hot face on his cold ass

Qin Zhen didn't let go, Nightmare pulled hard, but Qin Zhen still didn't let go, he turned to look at the guard with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Qin Zhen didn't let go, but Nightmare withdrew his hand, picked up the animal skin bag, and straightened his neck and drank a couple of gulps.

"Leave me alone in the future." Qin Zhen said coldly, then lifted the wine bowl and drank the wine directly.

cough cough! After drinking a bowl of wine, Qin Zhen's face turned red and he coughed.


Seeing Qin Zhen coughing, his two guards became anxious.

Qin Zhen just shook his head, and continued to eat the front legs of the antelope.

The charcoal of the fire was rattling, reflecting that everything was red.

Nightmare eats two mouthfuls of meat and only one mouthful of wine.

A moment later, Qin Zhen stretched out the wine bowl in front of Ye Shang.

Nightmare didn't say a word, just poured a bowl for Qin Zhen, and then drank his own and ate his own.

Nightmare didn't cut up the meat of those two guards anymore, he wouldn't lick his face to please anyone.

The two guards were rather embarrassed and could only stay on one side.

After everyone finished eating, the guards pushed aside the charcoal fire, knocked on it, so that the fire was almost extinguished, and then drove all the beast carts over and stopped on the fire, so that the bottom of the beast cart would not cold.

After finishing these, the captain of the guard called everyone to get on the car to rest and not to stay outside the animal car, this is also for the sake of everyone's safety.

Back in the carriage, Nightmare began to meditate and practice.

Seeing Ye Shang practicing, Qin Zhen also closed his eyes and meditated, but before meditating, he took a elixir. If Ye Shang saw it, he would recognize that it was the same elixir Qin Aoxuan gave him, it was Peiyuan Pill .

Ye Shang was reluctant to use a bottle of Peiyuan Pill because there was only one bottle, but Qin Zhen didn't have this concern. For mobile phone users, please browse w reading for a better reading experience.