Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 82: Practice marksmanship


"In a space where no one has set foot, countless years will produce treasures, but it will also produce monsters against the sky. Risks and benefits coexist. If you go in, you must be careful. After Qing Ji finished speaking, she stood up and looked at He pointed in the direction of the attic where Sikong Chuyu was.

Nightmare froze for a moment, "Sixth Senior Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"Sikong has successfully advanced. I can't imagine that her cultivation has reached such a level at such a young age." Qing Ji said with some emotion.

"Senior sister, I know that when a cultivator enters the fourth level, his appearance changes very little. Sikong is not very old?" Ye Shang asked.

"About twenty-three or four! Not too much difference." Qing Ji said.

"A little older than me, but his cultivation level is a bit higher than that of the boss." Ye Shang rubbed his hair and said.

Qing Ji reached out and rubbed Ye Shang's hair, "Take it easy, your starting point is different, I will continue to tell you about the different dimension."

Then Qing Ji told Ye Shang about the situation of the alien space discovered in the past, and Ye Shang also knew about the alien space.

"What are you talking about!" While Ye Shang was chatting with Qing Ji, Sikong Chuyu, who took a shower and changed into a light blue skirt, came to the hall.

"Talk to Thirteen about the sect, congratulations." Qing Ji said with a smile.

"Nightmare has entered the Yuan Ju stage, which is very good. The speed of this cultivation has nothing to say, the most important thing is not to be superficial." Sikong Chuyu sat down and said.

"It's not like an ant in front of you. If you say it's crushed to death, it will be crushed to death." Nightmare laughed at himself.

"I've been practicing for a lot longer than you. The achievement of cultivation mainly depends on potential and opportunities. I believe in you. Don't you want to help me drive away some people?" Sikong Chuyu said with a smile.

Nightmare didn't talk about this question any more, just lowered his head and drank the tea, and after a while, Xiao Liu came in and called a few people to have breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Nightmare began to practice the wind chasing spear technique. With the burst of true energy in his dantian, Nightmare found that his shock force had reached thirty-three waves, and the speed of the shock force was much faster, which made him very happy .

Normally, when he enters the Juyuan stage, he can display the vibration power of thirty waves. Now it is not only beyond the estimate, but also runs at a fast speed.

After practicing the wind chasing spear technique for a while, Nightmare began to practice the Yuezheng hand. With the movement of the dantian's true energy, the diameter of the blue cyclone in his hand reached more than one foot.

Nightmare reached out and patted the rockery on the side of the yard.


After a loud bang, the foot of a piece of bluestone on the rockery was blown away.

After the first palm, Ye Shang's dantian's true energy circulated, and he slapped again, and the result was the same as the first palm.

Feeling the real energy in Dantian, Ye Shang smiled wryly.

After slapping two palms, Ye Shang's dantian, you are a thief going to the sky, there is only a small part of the true energy left, if you continue to fight, it will be exhausted in a short time.

After doing some calculations, Nightmare understood that if he used one move to suppress Yue's hands, it would not affect the next battle, but if he used two palms, he would have to end the battle as soon as possible, or rely on the energy in his body to fight.

"Thirteen, your Zhenyue hand is very powerful. I remember that your ninth senior sister could only hit one palm in the early stage of condensing alchemy. Two palms were at the peak of condensing alchemy." Qing Ji came to Nightmare side said.

"Maybe my body is stronger, but with two palms, the true energy is almost consumed." Nightmare said.

"Just be content! Our Taixuanfeng practiced the Sky-shrouding Hand with your ninth senior sister, and the effect is not as strong as yours. With the help of your ninth senior sister, you have become a heaven-level disciple. Now you can enter the fifth-level in the sect forever. It's heavenly treatment." Qing Ji said with a smile.

Nightmare knew that in Taixuan Peak, among Liu Yangyu's disciples, only eldest brothers Gong Xuan and Yang Lei were heaven-level disciples. In South China, sometimes they are, sometimes they are not, and it is not very stable. After all, the competition among the disciples of the Twelve Peaks is fierce.

After practicing combat skills for a while, Nightmare went back to the second floor to practice True Qi and Myriad Dao Collection.

"Thirteen is to make people worry-free, you don't need to be urged, you know how to work hard." Seeing Sikong Chuyu walking over, Qing Ji said.

Genuine z+*

"If you can work hard, even if you don't have talent, you will become a good cultivator. If you have talent but don't work hard, you will not achieve great achievements. Talent and hard work are the way to become a strong man." Sikong Chuyu nodded and said.

"What you said makes sense." Qing Ji nodded to Sikong Chuyu.

"Sister Qingji, I haven't thanked you for helping me guard the gate. If Xiaoliu hadn't said so, I wouldn't have known! Thank you." Sikong Chuyu bowed slightly to Qingji.

"You're welcome, by the way, I'm going to go shopping in the city later, it's not convenient for you to go out, so I'll bring you back what you need." Qing Ji said to Sikong Chuyu.

"I really need it, buy some cotton cloth for me." Sikong Chuyu blushed when he said this.

"Well, I see, what about the others?" As a woman, Qing Ji knew why Sikong Chuyu blushed.

"I don't need anything else." Sikong Chuyu shook his head.

For the next few days, Nightmare continued to practice the wind-chasing spear technique and the artistic conception of swift spear technique during the day, and practiced the Holy Tripod Sutra and the Myriad Dao Treasure at night.

At the beginning, Qing Ji and Sikong Chuyu were still controlling their cultivation base to practice with Ye Shang, helping Ye Shang practice marksmanship, but later neither of them practiced with Ye Shang.

Nightmare's marksmanship is powerful, and it has nothing to do with the depth of true energy. Deep true energy can offset the strength, but it can't offset all of it. As long as the weapons are connected, Qing Ji and Sikong Chuyu will definitely suffer and be repelled.

Not to mention the great power, Nightmare's vibrating force made the two of them very helpless. Using weapons to block Nightmare's reincarnation gun will definitely be shaken away, and if the cultivation level is controlled to be the same as Nightmare's, they will not be able to fight, and even use a gathering Yuan level 5 cultivation is not good either, and if you don't control your cultivation, it will lose the meaning of sparring.

"Beast baby! I'll let you beast baby, wait until you know how good we are at Thirteen." Having practiced against Nightmare, now Qing Ji is very confident in Nightmare, the strongest part of beast baby is its brass tendons and iron bones The body is strong and powerful, it can be seen that after seeing Nightmare's power, Qing Ji doesn't care about the power of the beast baby.

"Beast baby? Who is the beast baby?" Sikong Chuyu, who was sitting with Qing Ji watching Nightmare's training, asked.

Qing Ji didn't hide anything from Sikong Chuyu, so she told about Taixuan Peak and Jiuyin Peak.

"Isn't this obviously shameless?" Hearing Qing Ji's words, Sikong Chuyu was also very angry. The outer sect disciples have practiced for a long time and stopped talking. It's a bit strange for Xu Chenbai to use the beast baby to counter Nightmare. lose grace.

"Nightmare's current disadvantage is its low cultivation level. That beast baby is at the fifth level of Juyuan, and Xu Chenbai has received training from his disciples who will spare no effort. I don't know what will happen after half a year." Although he has confidence in Nightmare , but Qing Ji was still worried.

"Nightmare has no difficulty in cultivating to the second level of Juyuan within half a year. It can be said that the lowest estimate is that if you eat Zengyuan Pill, you will be at the third level of Juyuan. It should be no problem against opponents who are at the later stage of Juyuan. "Sikong Chuyu said.


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(end of this chapter)