Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 84: Tian Yu advances


Dong Fafa was stunned for a moment, his eyes were fixed on Nightmare's back, he sensed something was wrong, when he said Xumu's name, Nightmare's eyes were full of two gleams, and there was a fighting spirit on his body. www*xshuotxt/com

"Both are very good people, but they are very wrong." Dong Law Enforcement murmured in a low voice. But he had a better impression of Nightmare. Because Nightmare is very sunny, even when he conflicts with Qin Zhan and Ao Lie, he shows masculinity and violence. On the contrary, Xumu is not. Xumu gives people the feeling of a wolf, a vicious wolf like a poisonous snake, Dong Law Enforcement doesn't like the admiring eyes.

After leaving Danding City, Nightmare drove Tianyu towards the place where the Lushan bandits last appeared.

In Dongxuan Domain, the land of Dongxuanzhou, there are bandits everywhere, and only the powerful bandits will occupy the mountain as king. Most of the bandits are fleeing because they are afraid of being wiped out. There is Tianjique, and once they offend rich people, they will send out missions to destroy them. Other casual cultivators are not polite to bandits, and robbing bandits is also a way to accumulate resources.

The most common place for this group of bandits called Lushan bandits is Lushan, which was once the place where a super strong Lushan venerable once lived.

According to the information, these bandits did all sorts of crimes, burning, killing and looting, even women and children.

This time, the mission was the result of the bankruptcy of the owner of a medicine shop in a small city in the Danding City area. When his daughter returned to her husband's house from her mother's house, she met Lushan bandits. All the people in the convoy were killed, including the old man's son-in-law and daughter. There are also two grandchildren.

All the daughter's family was killed, which made the old man heartbroken, so he did not hesitate to destroy the Lushan bandits at the expense of his family.

The area of Lushan Mountain is very large, with a radius of two to three thousand miles. The last place where Lushan Bandits appeared was the Lushan Mountains.

Driving Tianyu, it took two days for Ye Shang to reach the Lushan Mountains.


On the way, Tian Yu asked Tian Yu to catch a blue and white python, one person and one bird, and he cleaned up the blue and white python and roasted it to eat.

This blue-and-white python is very heavy, weighing two to three hundred catties, and it would take a lot of effort to bake such a big thing, but Nightmare was prepared, and put two slender steel rods in the storage ring, and put the prey on it. Ready to bake on steel sticks.

Now Tianyu eats an amazing amount of food, he can go without eating for a day or two, but as long as he eats once, two or three hundred catties of food is not enough.

Nightmare knew that this was the reason why Tianyu needed energy to grow, and found that Nightmare couldn't see Tianyu's cultivation, but when he was in Longquan Mountain, Nightmare asked Qing Ji, and Qing Ji told Nightmare that Tianyu had reached the second level At the peak, you can enter the fake pill or the condensed pill stage at any time.

Qing Ji also told Ye Shang that it is very likely that Tianyu will directly enter the pill congealing stage without going through the fake pill level. Whether it is a human or a monster, as long as the talent is high and the background is deep, there is no need to go through the fake pill. From Juyuan to Ningdan.

After feeding Tian Yu, Nightmare took out the bear skin and spread it on the ground, so that Tian Yu could lie down and rest more comfortably.

After letting Tian Yu rest, Ye Shang also began to meditate.

When he came out this time, Nightmare didn't rush to do the task. There was no time limit for the task, and he could do it while practicing.

During this period of hard work, Nightmare's true qi has entered the Yuan Ju stage, and Nightmare's Myriad Dao Collection has also made great progress, and has reached the late stage of the seventh level of blood training.

After practicing all night, he got up early in the morning to take a simple wash, and began to practice marksmanship and Zhenyue hands, and at the same time let Tian Yu catch prey.

Nightmare practiced marksmanship for a while, and Tian Yu also came back, holding a blue and white python in two sharp claws, and a five-color pheasant in his mouth.

"Haha! That's right for Tianyu. You like to eat pythons, and I like to eat birds. Let's do this." Nightmare came to the water source not far from the resting place, processed the pythons and pheasants, and roasted them.

As he grew up, Tian Yu's spiritual intelligence became higher and higher, not only able to understand Nightmare's words, but also to think and do things on his own, just like this time he caught two kinds of prey and came back.

After eating, Nightmare climbed onto Tianyu's back and flew in this area, looking for the footsteps of the bandits.

If there is no result, one person and one bird will rest and practice, anyway, Nightmare is not in a hurry.

A few days passed, and Nightmare still did not find any traces of the Lushan bandits, but luckily it did not delay his cultivation.

After camping this time, Tian Yu, who had eaten the food, lifted off by himself and flew around in a big circle. After landing, Tian Yu blew twice at Nightmare, and then went to the innermost canyon of the camp and lay down.

After thinking for a while, Nightmare understood that Tian Yu was about to break through this day, and he was flying in the sky just now to investigate the situation, to see if there was any danger.

Seeing Tian Yu lying there, Ye Shang also closed his eyes and meditated. As long as he is not in a closed state, Ye Shang can face unexpected situations at any time.

There was no movement for two days in a row. Nightmare was a little anxious and worried, but he could only wait. Nightmare's Myriad Dao Book had reached the bottleneck of blood essence training, but he didn't have time to think about the breakthrough right now, so he just thought about it. It's good that Tianyu can advance smoothly.

On the afternoon of the third day, energy fluctuations appeared on Tian Yu's body, and the feathers on his body began to shake, and it took a while for it to stabilize.

After observing it, Ye Shang found that Tian Yu's aura was much stronger, and understood that Tian Yu had successfully advanced.

The relieved Nightmare went to catch the prey with the reincarnation gun, and he wanted to prepare food when Tianyu woke up.

When Nightmare was roasting a 600-700-jin smoked cow, Tian Yu also woke up. After a cry, his wings spread and he flew back and forth in the air.

The speed increased by 30% compared to before. After watching it, Nightmare made a judgment.

After flying a few laps, Tian Yu landed beside Nightmare. Although Tian Yu's body didn't grow much, his aura was much stronger than before.

"Come and eat! You're full, I'm going to retreat too." Cutting off two pieces of beef, Nightmare threw the whole cow to Tian Yu.

Most of the six or seven hundred catties of smoked cattle were wiped out by Tian Yu.

"Okay, help me guard the gate, don't let the monsters disturb me." After explaining to Tian Yu, Ye Shang came to the place where Tian Yu broke through, sat down cross-legged and began to retreat. He intends to enter the second-level muscle-strengthening state of the Myriad Dao Book as soon as possible, so that his combat power will be greatly improved. After he enters the blood-training level, he will take Dragon Bone Pill, so that his cultivation will reach the level of blood-training soon. At the pinnacle of the realm, at the ninth level of the blood-training realm, he has steadily tempered his cultivation and prepared to enter the second stage of the Myriad Dao Collection.

For each major step, at the last level, you must stabilize your cultivation base and accumulate your cultivation base, so that the advancement can be successful, because the difference between promotion and promotion is too big, and promotion is a fundamental change. Shang's cultivation base is low, and there is still a long way to go before the promotion, but if the Myriad Dao Treasure can be advanced, it is more certain to eliminate the bandits!


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