Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 85: Find the bandit den


The first level of the Myriad Dao Collection is called the blood training level, which is comparable to the ordinary Qi refining level; the second level is the strong tendon level, which corresponds to the Qi refiner's Gathering stage; The four levels of unity level correspond to the level of distraction. www/xshuotxt/com

When training in the blood realm, not only must the spiritual energy of heaven and earth be condensed into the blood to strengthen the blood, but also to open up the large and small tendons of the whole body, so that the refining energy can reach all flesh and blood in the whole body.

The second level of the Myriad Dao Collection is the strengthening of tendons, which is the real way to strengthen the tendons. The first level is just to open up. If you practice to the second level, you don't need true energy, and Ye Shang can also compete with practitioners of the same level. fight.

This time Nightmare wants to open up the tendons on the chest and abdomen. These two positions are small tendons. Although there are many, it is not very difficult. What is needed is the early foundation, only in the dragon tendons, dragon neck and hands. This step can only be carried out when all the tendons and collaterals of both feet are opened.

After eating the Essence Blood Pill, Nightmare controlled the energy in the blood of his body to rush towards his chest, wave after wave without stopping. When the energy was exhausted, it was replenished with the energy of the Refining Blood Essence Pill.

At this time, no one was present, and if someone was present, Nightmare's chest and robe would be seen pulsating, just like a loach crawling.

Itches, hurts! Two unbearable feelings kept hitting Nightmare's nerves, he gritted his teeth and endured, and kept pushing the energy towards his chest.

It took nearly an hour for Nightmare's chest to calm down, and the energy in his body could pass through his chest smoothly.

The promotion is half done! Then Nightmare continued to control the movement of the energy, moving it towards the abdomen through the chest and waist.

The chest and abdomen are important parts for a cultivator, and they are vulnerable to fatal attacks. As long as the tendons on the chest and abdomen are opened, Nightmare's body strength will increase a lot. Even if he is attacked, the energy of the chest and abdomen can be offset A few percent.

As time slipped by, the tendons in Nightmare's abdomen were opened one by one, and the pain of opening up the tendons made Nightmare's face turn pale.

Broken bones and cramps, what Nightmare is suffering now is the pain of cramps.

Fortunately, it didn't take long. After the chest was opened, Nightmare spent another hour to open the tendons in the abdomen.

The chest and abdomen were unblocked, and the energy of the Myriad Dao Book in Nightmare's body began to circulate, but only under the neck. Opening up the tendons of the neck is something to do at the ninth level of blood training.

After finishing his work, Nightmare stretched, and suddenly his arms and lumbar bones creaked.

Standing up, Nightmare took two sips of wine, and then went to take a shower.

Seeing Ye Shang plunge into the pool, Tian Yu also flew into the air and fell into the pool.

Nightmare laughed and swam to Tianyu's side to play with Tianyu. He was very happy at this moment, and he was very satisfied with Tianyu's company on the road of cultivation.

After taking a bath, Ye Shang combed Tian Yu's feathers and continued to meditate, he wanted to stabilize his cultivation.

Nightmare was solid and cultivated, and Tianyu also brought back two kinds of prey, one was the python it liked to eat, and the other was the bird that Nightmare liked to eat.

After eating a delicious meal, Nightmare began to practice his marksmanship, and his marksmanship changed a little at this time.

Nightmare only left three vibrations on the body of the gun, and added the rest to the tip of the gun. Now the strength of his arms is close to 9,000 jin. He feels that there is no need to waste too much energy on the body of the gun. The strength of his arms It is enough on the gun body, even if it is not enough, the reincarnation gun can attack calmly if it has the shock force to shake off the opponent's weapon or block.

After eating, Nightmare rode Tianyu and continued to search for the Lushan bandits. This was his task. Although he was not in a hurry, he couldn't ignore it completely.

Nightmare found traces on the third day, and he searched an area of nearly 700 miles in the past two days.

Nightmare discovered the target in the mountain depression when he was flying at low altitude in Tianyu, but Nightmare was not sure if this group of people were Lushan bandits, so he planned to investigate secretly.

He made a secret sign with Tian Yu, as long as he whistles, Tian Yu will respond, after making arrangements for Tian Yu, Nightmare will quietly sneak back.

There are stone houses and caves in the col, and there are tree houses in the trees.

In a stone house, two men were drinking and talking.

"Brother, I came down to report just now. A flying monster passed by in the air. It is not yet an adult, but it is fast. We have no chance to catch it." A man wearing a tiger skin waistcoat said, he is Huang Jue, the second leader of the Lushan Bandits. .

"Flying monsters, it's very difficult to catch them if they don't find their lair and set up an ambush. We don't want to do that now. We must hurry up to raise spirit stones and open the cave of Lushan Venerable as soon as possible, so that our brothers don't have to live in fear every day. It is not a dream for us to become strong if we get the treasure left by the Venerable Lushan, then do we still need to run around and hide?" The man with a bare upper body and a big animal skin cloak said, he is a Lushan bandit Huang Jun, the boss.

"Several brothers have already gone out to explore the way. As long as there are fat sheep, they will come back to report immediately." Huang Jue said.

"This won't work, it's too slow. I don't want to delay any longer. When the brothers come back, let's find a small town to poison and slaughter the city directly. This may be enough for the spirit stones we need." Huang Jun trembled. The tiger skin cloak behind him rubbed his bald head and said.

"Everything is up to elder brother." Huang Jue nodded.

Nightmare approached the col, but he didn't dare to approach. He knew that the two masters of the Lushan bandits were both at the peak of the second order.

This strength is nothing in the eyes of experts, but it is strong in the eyes of ordinary people. The Zhang Sen and others that Nightmare met in Gunan Town are also at the late stage of the second level. In addition, he can't confirm that these people Is it the foothill bandits

Lying on the outside of the mountain, Nightmare was lurking. When he found a sentinel came back from the outside, Nightmare went up to him and slashed the back of the neck with a knife, knocked him out, and then carried him away. .

After carrying it for more than a dozen miles, Nightmare put the little guy down, took out the wine and splashed it on the little guy's face.

"You stinky hunter, you dare to provoke us Lushan bandits, believe it or not we Lushan bandits will destroy your whole family?" As soon as the young man woke up, he saw Nightmare's clothes and threatened himself. At this time, Nightmare was wearing Lin Lin A linen robe made by the aunt.

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"How many of you Lushan bandits are there, and do you have a lair?" Nightmare asked in a cold voice with his reincarnation gun pointed at this minion's throat.

"You? You dare to kill me?" Xiao Luo's expression changed. After hearing Ye Shang's words, he understood that Ye Shang was the one who specifically troubled the Lushan bandits.

"You can try it." Ye Shang asked coldly, hearing the bandit's vicious words, Ye Shang was moved to kill.