Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 93: Blood training level nine


The neck is the most critical position for humans and monsters. There are so many small tendons. If Nightmare wants to enter the deeper level of the Myriad Dao Book, he must open up all the tendons in his body so that the energy in the blood can spread throughout his body. WwW.XsHuotXT.com

At present, all the tendons in Nightmare's body under the neck have been opened, leaving only the neck and head.

If all the tendons in the neck are opened, then Nightmare will enter the ninth level of the blood training state, and if the head and body are opened, then he will enter the state of strong tendons.

With the movement and impact of the energy in the flesh and blood, Nightmare's neck was crawling like an earthworm, and his face also flushed red.

The pain and itching from the neck, as well as the feeling of suffocation made Nightmare uncomfortable, but he insisted on enduring it and accelerated the energy impact.

Entering the ninth level of blood training, the difficulty is to be fast. If the speed is slow, it will cause suffocation or even fainting, which will lead to the failure of the breakthrough.

The greater the impact intensity, the stronger the pain and itching. Nightmare really wanted to pray for more pain and less itching and suffocation, but this is not the case. The three negative feelings came in waves, making Nightmare Shang couldn't bear it.

This kind of situation aroused Nightmare's anger, his hands were clenched tightly, and his nails sank into his palms, which kept him awake, controlling the energy in his flesh and blood to continue to attack.

Just when Nightmare was about to suffocate, most of the tendons near Nightmare's throat unblocked, making the feeling of suffocation go down a bit.

At present, the biggest threat to Nightmare is suffocation. The feeling of suffocation has gone down a bit, and Nightmare's sense of urgency has become much less, mainly because his mind is much clearer.

With his head awake, Nightmare controlled the energy and continued to open up the tendons in his neck.

Without the trouble of suffocation, the biggest difficulty was over, and Nightmare's speed of opening up the meridians became faster. It took less than an hour to open up all the tendons in the neck.

After opening up the tendons in the neck, the energy in Nightmare's body can run more smoothly.

Stabilize your cultivation and practice until dawn.

After finishing the practice, he stood up and shook his neck, and there was a crackling sound from Nightmare's neck.

Standing up, Nightmare punched forward.

With a punch, an air vortex appeared in front of Nightmare's fist.

Then Nightmare punched a few more times in a row. He found that after this promotion, his strength didn't increase much, but the energy in his body could run more smoothly.

After taking a shower, Nightmare came to the lobby of the other courtyard.

"My lord, do you need me to clean up your room?" Hai Luo, who was cleaning up in the lobby, said.

"Alright." Nightmare thought for a while, and took Hailuo to his room for Hailuo to clean. He knew that Hailuo would be a member of Longquan Bieyuan in the future, so don't be too polite, and Hailuo would feel uncomfortable if he was too polite.

When they returned to the lobby again, Yang Lei and Sikong Chuyu who were walking outside entered the lobby.

"Ninth Senior Sister, Sikong, you don't need to practice?" Ye Shang greeted with a smile.

"We are different from you. Sometimes the state of mind is very important. Walking and drinking tea are all exercises." Yang Lei said with a smile.

"Ye Shang, it feels like your spirit is different again." Sikong said, looking Ye Shang up and down.

"Well, there's been a little breakthrough in another direction." Nightmare nodded.

"This is the robe that Sikong and I went out to buy for you yesterday. You are not short of money, so treat yourself better." Yang Lei took out several robes and combat boots and handed them to Nightmare.

"I've been wearing the robe that Aunt Lin made for me since I was a child, and I'm getting used to it." Nightmare glanced at the linen robe on his body and said.

"Let's go, continue practicing?" Yang Lei looked at Ye Shang and asked.

"Not yet, I need to stabilize my cultivation." Nightmare shook his head and said.

"Hurry up and upgrade your cultivation base. Fighting skills are one aspect, but cultivation base is the main thing." Yang Lei nodded.

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After eating something, watching Xiao Liu feed Tian Yu well, Ye Shang went back to the room to stabilize his cultivation.

Watching Ye Shang go to practice, Yang Lei went to an attic on the east side of the other courtyard, where Chu Ning, Tang Tian, Xuan Zhuang and Jiang Ziming all stayed.

"Get up for me! Is this a pig's nest?" Entering the hall of the attic, Yang Lei became angry, because the guys were too dirty, and there were shorts and socks in the hall.

Hearing Yang Lei's roar, Chu Ning and Tang Tian appeared in disheveled clothes and hurriedly packed them up.

"If you can't fix this, what else can you do? Details! Sometimes details can save lives, but they can also lead to death. Hurry up and clean up. Are you still sleeping? I haven't seen your Uncle Thirteen sleeping." Said At this point, Yang Lei raised her foot to the four of them, kicking each of them.

After yelling, Yang Lei left angrily.

In the lobby of the main building of the other courtyard, Qing Ji ran into Yang Lei, "What's wrong, Junior Sister Jiu, I see you are so angry."

"Those bastards, you haven't seen them, that place has become a pig's nest, and they all sleep shirtless and snore!" Yang Lei sat down and said.

"They're still young, just teach them slowly." Qing Ji said with a smile when she heard why Yang Lei was angry.

"I was beaten a few days ago with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Don't know how to work hard? If they don't work hard, the pressure will be on Shisan's shoulders. Shisan is younger than them." Yang Lei said a little excitedly.

Qing Ji didn't continue talking, because at this point, she also had feelings in her heart. If Chu Ning, Tang Tian and others didn't work hard, the pressure on Ye Shang would be greater.

After practicing all morning, Nightmare came out in the afternoon.

"Where's Ninth Senior Sister?" Entering the lobby, Ye Shang asked Sikong Chuyu without seeing Yang Lei.

"In the Martial Arts Field ahead, she's a little unhappy." Sikong Chuyu said to Nightmare.

Nightmare and Sikong Chuyu came to the martial arts arena.

In the martial arts arena, Yang Lei, holding a cane in one hand, trained Tang Tian's thirteen people to practice combat skills.

Seeing this scene, Nightmare laughed, Gong Xuan is a rattan, and this Yang Lei is also a rattan, so everyone in Taixuan Peak has the habit of using rattan to educate their disciples.

"Uncle Thirteen, help!" Chu Ning yelled at Ye Shang with a bitter face.

"I'll let you shout!" Yang Lei waved her arm, and a few vines fell on Chuning's buttocks, her face was full of anger.

Chu Ning didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly jumped to the side, looking at Nightmare eagerly. .

"Thirteen, you fight against the four of them, let them feel that there is a huge gap between the same class." Yang Lei looked at Nightmare and said.

Nightmare nodded, picked up the reincarnation gun behind him, and planned to have a casual exchange.

"Don't keep your hands, let them have a misunderstanding, then you may lose your life because of lack of understanding in the future." Yang Lei seemed to know what Nightmare was thinking, and reminded her.