Ten Thousand Paths to Becoming a God

Chapter 97: was insulted


Nightmare told how he got the storage ring. www/xshuotxt/com

"Bring it!" Yang Lei stretched out her hand towards Nightmare.

"What?" Ye Shang froze for a moment.

"Zhuyan Pill, give it to me!" Yang Lei looked at Ye Shang and said.

Nightmare didn't understand that Yang Lei had already entered the fifth rank, and what would Zhuyan Pill do if her face didn't change, but Nightmare would definitely give it to her if she wanted it.

Taking out the bottle of Zhuyan Pill, Nightmare gave it to Yang Lei.

"Junior Sister Ninth, you don't even need Zhuyan Pill anymore, what do you need Zhuyan Pill for?" Qing Ji didn't understand anymore, and asked what everyone wanted to ask. .

Afterwards, Yang Lei's explanation made everyone understand why she wanted Zhuyan Pill. She was keeping it for Nightmare's future woman. She was afraid that Nightmare's head would get confused and she would send Zhuyan Pill out. .

After Yang Lei finished speaking, Sikong Chuyu blushed, it was obvious that she had been tricked.

"Sikong, I didn't mean that. You and Nightmare are friends, so it's right to send you off." Seeing Sikong's flushed face, Yang Lei knew that her words had hit Sikong Chuyu.

"I don't need Zhuyan Pill to marry a wife." Ye Shang muttered in a low voice.

"Hey, hey! Don't whisper, speak out loud if you have something to say." Even though Nightmare's voice was low, Yang Lei and the others heard it.

"The ancient father said that when marrying a wife, you must have a compatible temperament and be able to support each other, but the appearance is second." Nightmare sat up straight and said.

"Then you don't want to marry someone who is prettier, and you don't care if you don't look old? You can lie to ghosts!" Yang Lei gave Nightmare a look of contempt.

"There's nothing to hide. Of course, it's better to be beautiful. What's wrong with not looking old? Why can't I find someone who has cultivated to the fifth level?" Nightmare's face flushed, he was questioned by Yang Lei, and he was excited when he hurriedly explained .

"Okay, if you are ambitious, come to drink. If one day you meet a girl you like, and she is not a fifth-ranker, then you can come to Senior Sister to get the Zhuyan Pill." Yang Lei poured Nightmare a glass of wine.

"No need, I've given that Zhuyan Pill to Senior Sister, so I won't take it back. I'll give these to Senior Sister too. If I meet a woman I like, I don't care about her appearance!" Nightmare took it out again cracklingly. Three bottles of Zhuyan Dan were pushed in front of Yang Lei.

There were six bottles of Zhuyan Pill in Huang Jun's storage ring, at this time Nightmare gave the rest to Yang Lei, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Thirteen, don't get excited. Your Ninth Senior Sister has no other intentions. She is just worried about your young age, so I will keep a bottle for you. It will be useful when you want to use it in the future." Qing Ji looked at Nightmare and said.

"Sixth Senior Sister, don't explain, this bastard is pissing me off." Yang Lei stretched out her hand to hit Nightmare, but put it down again.

"I know, and I understand that this is the kindness of Senior Sister Ninth, but how can I say this thing, it's not useless, it's really not very useful in my heart, the old father said that the feelings mixed with materials and interests are not pure." Ye Ye Shang said.

"Hehe, what your old father said is really good, I will go to Zhuyuan Town again when I have time, and have a good drink with my old father." Yang Lei calmed down, she knew that Nightmare was not playing temper, and she really thought so in her heart of.

"Sikong, you are well-informed, isn't my junior brother very different?" Qing Ji looked at Sikong Chuyu with a smile and asked.

"It's not alien, it's simplicity." Sikong looked at Ye Shang and said.

After drinking for a while, Nightmare went to practice, and Sikong Chuyu went out. She was going to Dong Fafa's house to find out the news.

After practicing all night, when Nightmare went downstairs, he saw Sikong Chuyu, who was accompanied by a young girl.

The girl is wearing a red skirt, her hair is draped over her shoulders, and her hair is tied behind her head, giving people a cold and proud feeling.

"Ye Shang, this is my cousin Qu Yu, she came here to look for me, so I brought her here." Sikong Chuyu introduced to Ye Shang.

"Ye Shang met Miss Qu." Ye Shang nodded slightly to Qu Yu.

"What kind of character did I think, cousin, why do you hang out with such a young master? With a cultivation level of Juyuan Level 2, you can see that he is a worthless dude." Qu Yu ignored Nightmare, and turned to communicate with Sikong.

"Ayu! What are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense, apologize quickly!" Hearing Qu Yu's words, Sikong Chuyu's expression changed.

"It's nothing, Sikong, Miss Qu has just arrived, please welcome me! I'll go and see Tian Yu." Ye Shang left the lobby and went to see Tian Yu.

After hearing Qu Yu's words, it was impossible for Ye Shang not to get angry, but for the sake of Sikong Chuyu not being embarrassed, he accepted it with a smile on his face.

"What the hell, you're still thick-skinned." Qu Yu looked at Nightmare's back with disdain and said.

"Ayu, if you say that again, I will get angry. How much do you know about Nightmare? Even if you don't know, just because he is my friend, you can't insult him." Looking at Qu Yu, Sikong Chuyu was really angry. .

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Qu Yu pouted, "When do you plan to go back?"

"I didn't intend to go back, how did you know I was in Danding City?" Sikong Chuyu asked.

"Cousin, although you have been suspicious along the way, you still can't get rid of the pursuit. Some key people in the Sikong family know that you have come to Danding City. My aunt asked me to find Dong Fafa, so I stayed at Dong Fafa's house. .” The area said.

"Those uncles of mine are really good means. In order to win over Ji Yu's family, they will pinch me." Sikong Chuyu's face was covered with a layer of frost.

"Then what are you going to do?" Qu Yu looked at Sikong Chuyu and asked.

"They set a trap for me some time ago. I have already discovered it. They should know this too, so they won't think that I will stay in Danding City, so I will continue to stay here." Sikong Chuyu said .

"Cousin, Ji Yu's family came to Sikong Tianshan some time ago, and I met Ji Yuhao, he is pretty good." Qu Yu said with a smile.

"What on earth do you mean, Qu Yu? I wonder who sent you here." Sikong Chuyu turned his head and stared at Qu Yu, his eyes were full of displeasure.

"My aunt really asked me to come." Qu Yu said.

"You really don't blush when you lie." A middle-aged woman in white appeared in the sky of Longquan Bieyuan, and then landed.

"Aunt Yun, why are you here?" Seeing this woman, Sikong said happily.

"Miss asked me to come, otherwise miss would have been fooled by this girl. Miss didn't know about her visit at all. She learned about Dong Law Enforcement from other sources." Said by Sikong The woman who was Aunt Yun said.

At this time, Yang Lei, Qing Ji, and Ye Shang all came over, and Yang Lei's body was surging with energy, ready to fight.

The cultivation base of this middle-aged woman is too high, which has already threatened everyone's safety, so Yang Lei and Qing Ji had to prepare for battle.


The fifth update is over, let me say something off topic, there are too few excavators, can everyone click to vote automatically, in this way, even if you are not there, others can watch the update, and when you are and others are away, you can also intuitively read it, This is a matter of mutual benefit. What Xizi can do is to write a good book, to ensure the quality and quantity. The excavators in the past two days were voted by individual brothers. The book needs to go far and needs everyone’s support. I don’t ask you to spend much. Money, just give me the task for free, thank you.

As for the issue of guild building, the main point of subscription to enter the guild is five yuan a month. If you don’t subscribe, the president will kick people out and let others enter.