Ten Years

Chapter 9: goodbye


There will always be such a scene in high school life. The teacher who turns his back on the lecture and talks about letting himself go, doesn’t even notice the little notes flying all over the class. The notes carry questions, promises, and all the little secrets in my heart Taking advantage of Zhao Tianxiang's inattention, Gu Yan tore off a piece of paper from Lin Xiaotian's notebook, thought for a moment in his 28-cent brain, and wrote a line of words in a frantic manner.

He poked Zhang Jie beside him with his fingertip, handed over the note, and signaled Zhang Jie to hand it over to Jian Jie.

Jane held her chin in one hand, raised her head to look at the blackboard from time to time, then lowered her head to carefully take notes in the notebook.

When the little note jumped on his desk, Jane's face was obviously a bit surprised, and she basically turned her head to look at Gu Yan subconsciously.

Classmate Gu Xing used both his mouth and his eyes, his face seemed to be cramped as he signaled Jane to open it.

Jane Jie sighed inexplicably, and curled up the corners of her mouth softly.

The sunlight outside the house was strong, refracted dazzlingly into the window, and a faint halo sprinkled on Jian Jie's well-defined side face. Gu Yan turned his upper body sideways, squinted his eyes, staring at Jian Jie as if admiring flowers, and couldn't move his eyes away. .

It's hard to explain how he felt at that time. Gu Yan only thought about eating, drinking and having fun. For the first time, he felt a kind of ignorance that he couldn't describe. understand him.

—Brother will bring you breakfast tomorrow, thank you.

Jane Jie naturally knew that it was an 'illegal act' to upload a note in class, so she wrote it quickly and handed it to Zhang Jie.

Classmate Zhang Express is conscientious, looking ahead, and agile under the desk.



Gu Yan looked at the delicate word 'um' and was a little confused.

"What are you doing..." Lin Xiaotian asked in a low voice, and brought his head closer.

"Go to sleep." Gu Yan covered Lin Xiaotian's face with one hand.

—I'll take care of the copying.

Jian Jie lowered her head, quickly wrote down the missed notes, then looked at the small note that was handed over again, and simply ignored Gu Yan.

Gu Yan seldom has a bad nose. Since junior high school, he has gradually revealed his "human appearance". There are many girls around him who secretly like him, and there are also many boys who are willing to hang out with him, a rebellious youthful brother. At the same time, a good student like Jian Jie, well-behaved, sensible, and step-by-step type, on the contrary, made Gu Yan's unruly temperament more stubborn and tenacious.

If you don't want to talk to me, then I have to let you talk to me!

Years passed Zhao Tianxiang's class, and Gu Yan watched Zhao Tianxiang's back disappear at the door of the classroom with his front feet, his back feet supported the table with both hands, and he flew up, almost jumping to Jane Jie's desk.

"Show me the notes."

Jian Jie seemed to be used to Gu Yan's way of landing, so he leaned against the wall behind him indifferently, and said leisurely, "No."

"Brother!" Gu Yan was unhappy, and pressed the notebook on Jian Jie's desk with one hand: "I've said it all, I'll take care of copying the books."

"No need." Jane said, "I'll do it myself."

are you crazy!

Gu Yan suddenly wanted to yell, but in the blink of an eye, seeing Jian Jie's 'weakness' look, he felt that he was bullying someone, and suddenly a feeling of wanting to explode but not being able to explode was held in his chest, so he could only give Jane a slightly fierce look. , Regardless of whether Jane was willing or not, with a twitch of his hand, Jane's English notebook was taken away.

"I'll leave it to you after reading."

Although high school students are burdened with the heavy pressure of entering a higher school and the unspeakable torture of examinations, they are all young people after all. Compared with the expectations of the future and the freedom of the present, of course they will choose the latter.

The school bell is the button to start free time. When the bell rang, there were not many people left in the classroom.

Gu Yan was abnormally glued to the seat, staring at the notebook in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking, hurry up! Eat or go to the night?" Lin Xiaotian quickly packed his backpack, waiting for his classmate Gu Yan to make a decision for him.

"You said that your aunt pays your tuition fees, why do you just want to have fun." Gu Yan suddenly said, "Study."

"You must be sick." Lin Xiaotian said, looking at Gu Yan with his eyes wide open: "You use your good youth to study, let's go, I heard that someone in the third class has an appointment, the back door is probably blocked now, go and see look."

"Who?" Gu Yan asked.

"Liang Biao from Class 3, I heard that there is a guy from the school next door, and he has his eye on him, so we have an appointment. Are you going or not? If not, I'll go!" Lin Xiaotian followed Gu Yan stepped over on his lap: "Why are you so nervous, you, after watching it, go back to my house, and my mother will make ribs soup."

"Let's go!" Gu Yan stuffed the book back into his bag and got up to leave.

Jane sat quietly on the seat, took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Jane's mother that she would stay in school to study, listened carefully to the movement from Gu Yan, and slowly took out a heavy notebook from her bag, Ready to start writing.

"Forget it, you go." Gu Yanren almost walked to the back door of the classroom, and suddenly stopped again as if thinking of something.

"Ah?" Lin Xiaotian opened his mouth.

"I want to copy the book." Gu Yan looked at Jian Jie, then turned to Lin Xiaotian and said, "Leave me a bowl of soup."

"Fuck, are you crazy?" Lin Xiaotian looked around at Jian Jie and Gu Yan, the loose school uniform hung on his thin body, and with an exaggerated and surprised expression, he looked very foolish: "What are you two talking about?" Time to get together behind my back?"

"Get out." Gu Yan punched Lin Xiaotian.

"Jane Jie, your name is Jian Jie." Lin Xiaotian leaned over to Jane Jie's table, and sat on the seat in front of Jane Jie's table with his legs straddled: "There is no need to copy this, Zhao Tianxiang just said, so big When will this copy go?"

"So you stay too." Gu Yan pressed Lin Xiaotian's shoulder, and said half-threateningly: "Hurry up, the three of you."


"Betrayer, what?" Gu Yan sat on the seat on Jian Jie's right, with one leg crossed on the table.

"Fart." Lin Xiaotian took out a book from his bag.

"I said..." Jane Jie listened for a long time, then interrupted the two of them.

Two pairs of eyes looked over.

"I copied the book for review, not for coping. If you have something to do, you can go first."


There was fish belly white outside the window, and the not very bright light hit the window of Gu Yan's room. Gu Yan rubbed his sore arm and looked around the room.

It seemed that after seeing Jane Jie, he suffered from insomnia, and he didn't feel sleepy after lying on the bed for a long time, so he just got up and cleaned the house.

The room was much cleaner and neater, but the person still seemed to be carrying something heavy, and there was an invisible pressure pressing Gu Yan out of breath.

The parrot was motionless in the cage. Gu Yan changed his clothes and wiped his face with cold water. After he regained consciousness a lot, he decided to go to the hospital.

It is estimated that the work at Lin Xiaotian's place will be postponed for a few days, after all, there was a big mistake yesterday, just in case, he can't go for a while.

He knew that Jane Jie would come to him again.

He knew Jane Jie better than anyone else, that person was a scar carved in his heart, only he knew how painful and how deep it was.

Some regret that he lost his temper with Lin Xiaotian yesterday. This person has been standing by his side when he was most helpless. He is like a relative. If he loses his temper with the closest person, he will feel somewhat guilty afterwards.

It took a long time to edit the SMS page on that phone that was not very easy to use, before Gu Yan reluctantly sent a message to Lin Xiaotian.


He and Lin Xiaotian seldom talk like this. They are very familiar with each other. Basically, they grew up wearing a pair of pants. This person by my side.

After all, he has already lost one, and Lin Xiaotian is gone, so it is hard for him to imagine what his future life will be like.

Lin Xiaotian quickly replied to the message, only one line short.

—Too lazy to talk to you.

Gu Yan put it back in the center of the earth, installed the phone, put bird food for Mr. Parrot, poked the parrot's head with his finger, and said in a much more relaxed tone: "I'm going to see your grandpa, don't shit around. "

With a disdainful face, the parrot pecked Gu Yan's finger.

According to the name of the hospital where the ambulance went to the hospital last night, Gu Yan roughly knew where it was. He walked out of the alley, glanced at the gate of Lao Zhangtou's house, and after confirming that it was still locked, he reached out and stopped a passing car. Three rounds.

This kind of three-wheeler is modified by his own motorcycle. Sitting on it can dislodge your viscera. Gu Yan supported the top of his head. He is relatively tall. Bang bang' on the roof of the car several times.

Master Sanlun charged five yuan and sent Gu Yan to the nearest subway station.

Fortunately, the hospital is not very far away. Gu Yan got off the subway once, got off the subway and walked about 300 meters, and saw the gate of the hospital.

After asking a few nurses in the emergency room to confirm which room Lao Zhangtou lived in after he was brought in last night, Gu Yan followed the sign and walked to the cardiology building.

On the way, Gu Yan bought a basket of fruit, and he usually didn't give gifts, and he bought it when he saw others buying it.

Jane Jie took a day off. When she woke up in the morning, she found herself huddled on the sofa, and she was not covered with a quilt when she fell asleep. Now she obviously felt a chill all over her body.

A cold, or a fever.

The phone was turned off last night, and when it was turned on, more than forty WeChat messages popped out.

This kind of muddleheaded feeling annoyed Jian Jie very much, he frowned and picked and picked among the WeChat messages, and after turning to the message from Jian's father, his thumb paused.

—Your mother’s heart is not feeling well, and the old problem has occurred. You go to buy some medicine and come back.

It's hard for Jane to describe his current mood, especially after seeing Gu Yan, so far he is still in a state of ecstasy, it seems that his soul has been out of his body overnight, not long after he got into his body, the whole person is holding The phone doesn't respond.

After several minutes, the chaotic brain calmed down, and Jane decided to go to the hospital and buy some cold medicine on the way.

I drove to the hospital where Jian's mother often came, because there were Jian's mother's medical records here, so it was more convenient to prescribe medicine.

After parking the car, Jane went straight to the cardiology department as usual, and lowered her head to send a few messages about work to her colleague Xiao Zhao. Jane raised her head and bumped into a person.

Gu Yan was wearing a shabby winter coat, carrying a cheap fruit basket, standing one meter away.

The two looked at each other.

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