Tens of Billions of Crossings

Chapter 55: Conspiracy by the pond


At first, Li Ji only apologized slightly before he was willing to share the golden jade jade leaf flower with the spirit fox. Later, he somewhat appreciated its stubbornness and took the risk of saving him. It never expected that it would reciprocate a peach, but it would have sacrificed its life within the alchemy to give it back.

All things are sentimental, and all can be regarded as a confidant, and it only depends on whether you are willing to deliver your sincerity!

As a modern man who has been baptized by civilization, Li Ji burst into tears instantly.

He hurriedly stuffed several pre-prepared elixir into his mouth, chewed vigorously, and swallowed it. These elixir and the spirit fox inner pill will work together to cleanse the menstruation and cut the marrow.

At the same time, holding the corpse of the spirit fox in his arms, he kept walking and galloping towards the depths of the mountain.

Although a group of cultivators in Caozhou City were severely injured by the five-tailed spirit fox, they would soon recover, especially the three Nascent Soul Stage powerhouses, maybe not far behind them at this moment!

This is also the reason why Li Ji didn't dare to stop blindly and ripen Jinbi Feiyehua.

At this moment, he couldn't stop even more, because the liquid of the spirit fox inner pill had penetrated into the meridians, slowly converging towards the Dantian Qi Sea.

The swelling, acupuncture and tingling sensation in the sea of Qi in the Dantian, and a little crisp and numb, all kinds of strange feelings disturbed one after another.

Washing the sutra is about to begin!

As soon as he flew to the sky above Dongtianfudi, Dantian Qihai suddenly swelled on its own. He landed in a hurry, unexpectedly stood unsteadily, staggered a few steps, and almost fell.

The so-called Dongtianfudi is a beautiful and inaccessible place. Before Li Ji entered Caozhou, he had chosen a place for washing the sutras in advance.

With the turbulence of the dantian sea, the majestic power of the inner alchemy continues to flow into the meridians of the body, and the body is like cooking oil, burning inside and out, and the skin is red and hot, like a cooked one. Crab.

The whole body became very itchy, as if there were countless small bugs squirming and biting under the skin, and every pore was constantly leaking black juice, smelly and sticky, it was disgusting to smell!

After a short while, there was a tremor in the dantian, rushing into the meridians around the body like water waves, where it passed like explosives, exploding the meridians, muscles and bones to become loose.

The critical moment has arrived!

Li Ji clenched his teeth and mobilized his true energy to protect his dantian and other vital points, allowing the explosion to spread everywhere. After a while, he suddenly felt like a burst of explosions in his mind, shaking his whole body uncontrollably, and floating around as if losing weight, suddenly bursting out a big mouthful of blood.

Will I still suffer internal injuries after washing the menstruation and cutting the marrow

He hurriedly looked at it in horror. The blood turned out to be a strange black color, gathered together like skins, and didn't flow around.

This is the impurities in the internal organs! It is also the most difficult thing to discharge from the human body! Once produced, it is like a tarsal maggot, and it will accumulate more and more, and most of the human diseases will come from this.

After expelling these impurities this time, the internal organs are as pure and thorough as a newborn baby. What's better than a newborn baby is that Li Ji has the foundation-building stage of Dzogchen cultivation base. After the impurities are discharged, a large amount of zhenqi will flow in to form a layer of protection. If there are no accidents, no new impurities will be generated and accumulated in the internal organs in the future!

The same goes for meridians, muscles, bones, and skin.

This may be the meaning of washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow.

Before washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow, the cultivation base can only play 50% to 60%. But after washing the menstruation and cutting the marrow, the body's various functions are at their best, all diseases are eliminated, and there are no more serious illnesses, and the cultivation base can often be more than 90%.

After two hours, the skin no longer exuded black juice, and the itchiness of the whole body gradually subsided.

He was covered with a layer of black mud-like stinking and unpleasant things, like a mud monkey, the color was actually three points darker than late at night.

It's so uncomfortable!

Li Ji jumped directly into the pool of water on the side. It was just discovered that these impurities were actually very viscous and could not be cleaned completely. Simply lay in the pool water and soaked slowly.

"I'm really sorry, I couldn't kill the five-tailed spirit fox and win the inner alchemy!"

Spiritual thought fluctuated, and immediately returned the weak voice of an old man. Listening carefully is actually Cen Mourning Han.

Li Ji was taken aback. Cen Miaohan was talking to Princess Gao Sui? Shouldn't he be called "subordinates", how can he call himself "subordinates"

"It doesn't matter, hunting the spirit fox is a gimmick! How many guards are there?"

The voice is clear and cold, giving people a sense of superiority. It was Mu Yimian's voice.

Cen Miaohan replied: "There are four remaining in the alchemy stage, and there are more than 20 high-level ones in the foundation building stage. In fact, it is mainly the eight who carried the sedan chair. After they were killed, these are not enough. !"

Mu Yimian didn't know what he was thinking about, and it took a while before he said: "It's better to be cautious!"

The voices of the two were getting closer and closer, and in a blink of an eye they walked to the edge of the pool.

"It's the five-tailed spirit fox! Where's its inner alchemy?" Mu Yimian ran over to pick up the body of the spirit fox and screamed.

"The national teacher, look at the filthy things on the ground, someone is washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow! It must be the one who attacked me!" Cen Miaohan's voice was low and his tone was full of resentment.

"Find it everywhere!"

Li Ji suddenly remembered that he was busy washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow just now, and didn't bury the body of the spirit fox in time.

Fortunately, he went into the water in a hurry and didn't take off his clothes, otherwise the storage bags and other things on his body would definitely be acquired by these two people, and the gains in these two days would be wiped out.

After a while, Mu Yimian suddenly laughed: "You don't have to look for it, it's just right! What we have done can be pushed to the person who attacked you!"

"The national teacher knows this person? He suddenly broke out, and the sky was too dark. I didn't see who he was at all! How to push?" Cen Miaohan wondered.

"Just say he is Li Ji!"

"Li Ji? Do you have evidence?"

"What evidence do you want? Look for Li Ji to top the tank and exterminate Xuan Tianzong afterwards, and you can also seize the holy sword by the way, with one stone and two birds, why not do it?"

Li Ji secretly scolded, why am I so unlucky? Sword Sect Changhe has planted and framed me, and so are you!

Fortunately, I was not wronged this time. But I don't know what bad things this gang is going to do, how can they cheat me

Cen Miaohan pondered slightly: "Okay! When will you start?"

Mu Yimian said: "I just fainted Du Liancheng. He doesn't know the situation. It is better to keep him for a few days! It is unrealistic to say that Li Ji killed him!"

"Du Liancheng is so cunning and cunning, how did he stun him? Could it be... I am, it's really cheap that the old immortal!" Cen Miaohan looked envy and hatred.

Mu Yimian gave Cen Miaohan a little lightly, and chuckled: "What do you want to do, you have to heal your injury first? Okay! Time is limited, let's split up and deal with other people, and then Come back here for the next step!"

The more Li Ji listened, the more confused he was: four practitioners in the pill formation stage, and more than 20 high-level practitioners in the base-building stage. Such strength can destroy Xuan Tianzong two back and forth. Even if you want to frame me, you don't have to pay such a big price, right

Besides, what does this have to do with Du Liancheng