The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 109: Hair knot


Lin Shu poured spiritual power into the folded bamboo.

This peerless sword, because he has no spiritual power, has been hidden in the box for a long time. Today, he has to drink the spiritual power and send out a clear sword cry.

And his spiritual power is also running smoothly in the folding bamboo sword - the folding bamboo sword seems to be specially made for the spiritual power of the sword pavilion. When you hold it in your hand, it seems to become a part of the body.

He lucked the sword pavilion's light-weight exercise "Treading the Snow" and flew north.

The corpse fell to the ground.

Purple-black blood also splashed on the ground.

But his eyes just hurriedly passed, looking at the red shadow in the center of the battle.

The Worthy Sword blocked the silver mace of the right protector, Ling Fengxiao leaped into the air, the red clothes flew, and under the heavy pressure of the right protector, he slashed to the left and up. A tyrannical ripple of spiritual power stirred in the air, and the wizard next to him was hit by the solid spiritual power and almost didn't stand still.

The aftermath alone is already so intense, one can imagine how much pressure Ling Fengxiao in the center is under!

The right protector was stabbed with a hole in the right chest, still dripping blood, but as if he didn't notice it, he sneered, the other hand waved the silver mace, and slammed it into Ling Fengxiao's waist!

He used a pair of mace, powerful and flexible, but Ling Fengxiao only had a knife, so it was too late to return to guard.

Lin Shu saw Ling Fengxiao's eyes.

Black and white is clear, indifferent and chilling, and it is extremely quiet, even in such a life-and-death moment, there is not the slightest panic.

Ling Fengxiao turned around and turned to the right, but the left guardian's spell came again, holding him down!

Ling Fengxiao was unavoidable, and it seemed that he could only suffer this blow.

And after being hit by this blow, he must be seriously injured, and he will be captured.

There was also a sneer on the corner of Zuo Hufa's mouth.

A wizard next to him shouted, "The protector is mighty!"

Right at this time-

Between heaven and earth, a "ding" sounded softly.

From the corner of his eye, Lin Shu saw the wizards around him widen their eyes.

The tip of the folding bamboo sword met the body of the silver mace.

It's still the same move - the moon rises in the cold stream, the Zhonggong goes straight, and pierces straight into the center of the battle!

The right protector's wrist shook!

Taking advantage of this moment's pause, Lin Shu made another sword, the cold sword energy smashed the spell of the left guardian, then hugged Ling Fengxiao's waist, and fluttered back.

He saw the four pairs of eyes of the guardians on the left and right staring at him alertly, as if trying to judge the strength of the person who came back suddenly.

Lin Shu ignored them and landed with Ling Fengxiao.

Ling Fengxiao wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, looked at him, and smiled.

Lin Shu asked, "Are you okay?"

Ling Fengxiao said: "It's okay."

After looking at each other, they stopped talking, Ling Fengxiao coughed a few times, closed her eyes, and took advantage of this short stalemate to adjust her breath.

Lin Shu took a step forward and stood in front of Ling Fengxiao.

He also pointed and wiped the scabbard of the folded bamboo sword across the crystal and sharp scabbard, arousing the sword intent inch by inch.

There are three realms of swords in the sword pavilion.

Sword Skill, Sword Qi, Sword Intent!

I saw that there was frost on Zhezhu's sword, and there seemed to be an invisible but incomparably sharp force around the sword!

Three-footed sword, like ice and snow.

Lin Shu suddenly remembered his previous life, and the old man asked, "What is in your hand?"

He said, "Sword."

"It's not a sword." The old man said, "It's your life! It's your own!"

Lin Shu raised his eyes to look at the left and right guardians.

There is no hatred or scrutiny at all, just a simple, very plain look.

This gaze had no other meaning, but it clearly angered the two guardians on the left and right.

They looked at each other, then turned to Lin Shu again.

I saw the right guardian abruptly closed his eyes, and then opened them again. In an instant, the eyes were filled with deep blood, and the whole person was like Shura.

He shouted loudly, slammed the two mace, and bounced towards this side, with a dark red blood mist all over his body, like a blood-colored rainbow.

And Zuo Hufa sacrificed a banner-shaped instrument, and in an instant, the color of the sky and the sky changed, and the ghosts whistled.

The world turned to death in an instant.

With such tyrannical power, other wizards are useless, only whispering on the side.

Lin Shu's ears and eyes were clear at this time, and he clearly heard them say: "The famous skills of the two Dharma protectors will definitely not be broken!"

Fame stunt

Lin Shu did not dodge or evade, and waved his sword forward.

In a style of "Beidou Langan", the sword intent burst through the sword body and moved forward.

In the offensive of the Right Protector, there seems to be an ancient and desolate atmosphere. The Left Protector's spell summons all the ghosts, and it seems to have penetrated the netherworld. It is indeed not an ordinary person.

However, the sword pavilion technique, slaying demons and destroying evil spirits, is exactly this kind of magic!

Hearing a loud bang, the world was silent.

Lin Shu was indeed shocked by the huge recoil, causing his right arm to go numb, and he took a breath, but there was already an inch of crack on the right protector's trump card!

At the same time, Ling Fengxiao had already flown forward, and the sword was pointed directly at the throat of the left guardian!

The situation of the battle was reversed. From the beginning, Ling Fengxiao was pinched from left and right, to the current situation of balance.

Just now, the Northern Xia wizard, who was still talking about his "famous stunt", suddenly turned into chickens with their throats strangled, silent.

The right protector missed a hit, shouted violently, and his momentum skyrocketed!

Lin Shu retracted his sword and returned to the defense, blocking the thunderous strike of the right protector, and then stepped out one step, triggering the sword art.

The cold sword light is dazzling but sharp, and it is in no way inferior to the vigorous cultivation of the right protector!

Lin Shu knows that his realm is not low. What he lacks is the experience of facing the enemy, so he is still lacking in dealing with moves, but fortunately, the sword pavilion is designed to defeat evil spirits. The right protector is flat.

On the other hand, Ling Fengxiao had the upper hand.

But he knew it couldn't go on like this!

Gathering Pill is time-effective!

Ling Fengxiao's "Nirvana Breathing" method also won't last long!

They must fight fast.

During the battle, the two looked at each other.

The next moment, Ling Fengxiao strikes again!

The castration of the knife seems to be extremely slow, but in fact it is extremely fast.

Just like the autumn wind, all things are scattered and cannot be disobeyed.

Lin Shu had seen this move.

But the situation was waiting for no one. He retracted his gaze, shot the sword with his backhand, raised the tip of the sword, and handed over the body of the sword flat.

It is the first style of "Sauvignon Blanc", empty valley forgets to return!

The rhythm of the right protector was obviously disrupted by this move.

Lin Shu didn't give him the slightest chance to breathe, and swung his sword to the right.

The second style, no Tianhe!

This sword was invincible, and it slashed the right protector's shoulder abruptly!

The right protector was injured more and more, brought a mouthful of blood, and was forced to retreat several steps.

Lin Shu knew now that although the right protector has a tyrannical and outstanding cultivation, there is no such peerless cultivation technique as "Sauvignon Blanc"!

Looking at Ling Fengxiao again, the same is true.

He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, according to the current momentum, it is indeed possible for the two of them to leave this place of right and wrong before their skills subside.

However, the next moment, the Right Protector looked up at the sky and laughed loudly.

He took out a grey and white bone flute out of nowhere and put it to his lips.

"The Great Witch made it by himself and gave me the holy weapon of life-saving, but you guys forced me out!" The Right Protector grinned and said, "The road to Huangquan is easy to walk!"

After all, he slammed the bone flute!

An extremely sharp voice, as if resounding in the soul!

Lin Shu's head suddenly ached, and his eyes turned black.

Then, he saw that with the harsh sound of the flute, a huge blood-colored cage appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the power in it flowed slowly with the flute sound.

The louder and sharper the flute, the smaller the cage.

Above the cage, there is an aura of death that makes one's heart palpitate.

- A magic weapon, still able to do this, is this the legendary great witch

The right protector played more and more attentively, as if all the soul was captured by the flute, and the cage was getting closer and closer, as if they would be swallowed alive in the next moment.

However - now!

Lin Shumeng broke free from the restraint with all his strength and took a step in the direction of the right protector!

One step is enough.

His right hand pressed against the chest of the right guardian.

Between the two fingers, there was a black tip that disappeared without a trace in the next moment.

And the right guardian who was engrossed in playing the flute suddenly opened his eyes, and the flute stopped abruptly.

The cage disappeared, and Lin Shu withdrew his hand and stepped back.

The right guardian pressed one hand on his chest, his body trembled violently, and he let out an extremely tragic cry.

That is the needle of annihilation, the invention of Qingming Demon Lord, and Lin Shu has three.

Once inside the body, the meridians are completely destroyed, and they are no different from ordinary people.

It was only at that moment when the Right Protector concentrated on using the holy weapon and was unable to defend, so that Lin Shu had a chance.

The next moment, he and Ling Fengxiao burst into flames at the same time, intending to stay in place of the Zuo Fa guard!

The right guardian has been abolished, and no one can share the pressure. There is no suspense in this battle.

After one hundred and ten rounds, the folding bamboo sword shattered Zuo Hufa's magical weapon, and the sword pierced through Zuo Hufa's chest.

The body of the left guardian fell to the ground with a bang!

Lin Shu looked at the other wizards in front of him.

Ling Fengxiao also looked at it, and while watching, he tore off a piece of red silk and wiped the knife slowly.

The meaning of this body movement is obvious, may the dead come to lead the death.

No one is willing to come to lead the death, so no one resists.

The wizards looked at each other, and after a while, they fled!

- The left and right guardians are all folded here, how can they possibly win

When the last wizard disappeared to the north, Lin Shu and Ling Fengxiao looked at each other.

Without saying anything, they immediately started the exercise and flew southward!


While it's still in the tribulation period, the farther you escape, the better!

Beixia not only has left and right guardians, there are other masters in the city, and even the great witch!

Once the great witch catches up, the consequences will be unimaginable!

The sound of the wind whistled in my ears, and I didn't know if I had driven hundreds or thousands of miles. From the north behind, a powerful and extraordinary force surged out!

The next moment, Lin Shu was suddenly drained of all his spiritual power and fell straight down!

The time limit of the polysacrifice has expired.

Ling Fengxiao caught him: "How are you?"


The original pain has made people almost unconscious, and now the pain is a hundred times more intense.

The Juling Pill does huge damage to the body, and this is true.

Lin Shu closed his eyes and grasped Ling Fengxiao's shirt unconsciously. All the meridians on his body seemed to be chopped by iron knives.

His consciousness was almost blurred, and he only knew that he was hugged tightly by Ling Fengxiao, and he moved forward for a while.

Then, Ling Fengxiao stopped and said, "My skill is gone."

Lin Shu knew that after using the Nirvana Breathing Method, he would not be able to use the slightest spiritual power for at least seven days.

So, they are now two cripples.

And the overwhelming force that I sensed just now is obviously the Great Witch who has left the customs and is already heading south. Immediately afterwards, the Great Wu must have been furious and traced their whereabouts, and then the Beixia Iron Cavalry began to search—

They are still in Beixia, and at this time they are equivalent to mortal bodies, and it is not difficult to be caught.

How to do

He heard Ling Fengxiao say, "Let's change clothes first."

Lin Shu nodded and closed his eyes.

He was placed somewhere. After a sound of cloth, he was picked up again, took off his robe, and put on something.

He opened his eyes, but found that everything in front of him was blurred, only large patches of color.

On Ling Fengxiao's side, it was black, and his body was red.

I couldn't see her face clearly, I just felt that Ling Fengxiao was a little taller than usual.

It was so painful that he was speechless and could only hear Ling Fengxiao's voice.

It doesn't seem to be a girl's voice, he thought blankly, could it be that the eldest lady is simply pretending to be a man

Dressing up as a cousin on Huandang Mountain, and using Xiao Shao's shell in the dream, she really loves men's clothing.

—And he has only reacted to this day when he saw the eldest lady using the same knife skills as Xiao Shao.


Unbearable pain.

Someone held his hand, and Lin Shu held it tightly.

Then, he heard the sound of the blade cutting his hair.

A strand of his hair was also cut off.

He was hugged and leaned against Ling Fengxiao with strength.

His ears were ringing violently, and he couldn't hear clearly. He vaguely heard: "You and I don't know if I can survive Nanxia, but you are wearing a red dress, like a wedding dress. I will no longer cover it up, and use my true face."

"Today... I have made a contract with you, and I will have no regrets in this life. Would you like to?"

Lin Shu's mind was chaotic, he only heard the word "hair knot" and nodded blankly.

He was in such pain that he was about to die, and when he reached Huangquan Road, he could be regarded as a ghost who had been married.

The next moment, he was beaten and hugged.

Holding up his arms, it seemed to be very strong and reliable, and another voice said softly: "It doesn't hurt anymore, darling. I'm here."

Lin Shu responded and tried to relax.

He smelled water vapor at the end of his nose, and the faint fragrance of plum blossoms. He finally relaxed for a moment. He thought about the reliability of Miss Su Ri, and finally his eyes darkened and he completely lost consciousness.