The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 110: Peach Blossom


Lin Shu was dreaming.

In the dream, he sat cross-legged in the center of the Jiange Hall.

It was snowing outside the Highness, and the north wind was howling.

He closed his eyes and practiced the mind method.

There is a mixture of things, born from nature and earth, lonely and lonely, independent and unchangeable, and travel around is not dangerous.

Spiritual power is born from the limbs and bones, and it circulates in the body with the Great Zhoutian.

The very cold spiritual power, even with the whole person, is empty, I don't know what day it will be.

He was in a trance for a while, and felt that this feeling had not appeared for a long, long time.

In a trance, he heard someone calling him, somewhere far away.

It seems to be the name of the shout, there is a sparse word.

Lin Shu thought hard, it's time to wake up.

But he was heavy and weak all over, and he couldn't open his eyes all the time.

Lin Shu tried to move his fingers, and then slowly regained his sense of body, and finally opened his eyes.

In front of him, there was darkness.

Lin Shu blinked slowly.

It was still black, exactly the same as before it was opened.

He reached out and covered his eyes.

The eyeballs are still there.


He was hesitant and confused, and blinked his eyes forcefully.

Or not.

Just then, a hand grabbed his wrist.

The hand was steady and strong, but a little cold.

Lin Shu has no allergic symptoms, so he guessed that it was Ling Fengxiao.

It's just that I can't guess which skin this man is wearing.

"Your meridians are all broken, there is blood stasis in your eyes, you need to rest." A male voice said lightly.

At first glance, this voice is very ethereal, Gao Hua is cold, like a lonely moon in the sky.

He felt very familiar, and when he thought about it carefully, it was Xiao Shao.

He relaxed a little and held Xiao Shao's hand back.

The first place in the rankings is definitely the eldest lady.

This can also explain why Xiao Shao disappeared from the rankings - because the eldest lady went to retreat. always feels wrong.

As early as he knew that his cousin was pretending to be the eldest young lady, he realized that this person's acting skills were superb. Holding hands at this time, he thought that he was in such close contact with another man, and felt a little wrong.

However, their contact didn't stop there.

He was lifted up by Xiao Shao, leaned against this man's chest, and was half hugged.

Xiao Shao said: "Drink the medicine."

Lin Shu nodded.

Xiao Shao had a very light and cold fragrance on his body.

Different from the incense on the eldest lady's body, this incense, if present or absent, is like stepping on the snow to search for plums, but after a long search, you can't find them. In the misty cold air of ice and snow, the night wind brings the very faint fragrance of plum blossoms from afar.

The next moment, a spoon gently pressed against his lips.

Lin Shu opened his mouth obediently and swallowed the medicinal soup.

Bitter with sweetness, seems to be deliberately added sugar, so it is not unpleasant to drink.

After drinking, Lin Shu asked, "Where are we?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard the door slam, and a hearty and simple woman who seemed to be aged said: "Xiao Xianggong, is your wife awake?"

Xiao Shao said: "Wake up."

"Just wake up!" the woman said, "I'll kill a chicken and make soup for the little lady!"

Lin Shu thought for a while, and remembered that he was still wearing women's clothes, and Ling Fengxiao had changed into men's clothes, so—she became Xiao Shao's wife

Well, although it has been switched, it is not bad.

Only Xiao Shao said, "Thank you, Auntie."

"It's okay, you two are pitiful to see you, you have suffered such a big hardship!" The aunt sighed, "I'll go first, you can take good care of you."

Xiao Shao said: "Naturally."

This aunt's accent is very strange, not like Nan Xia or Bei Xia.

After she left, Xiao Shao explained the ins and outs to Lin Shu.

They are in a village.

It is said that it is a village, but it is not.

Yesterday, Lin Shu passed out and was unconscious, and Xiao Shao took him to the north.

It was a deserted wilderness, with continuous high mountains, withered trees, no people, only a small stream, and I don't know where it came from.

Xiao Shao walked along the stream and saw the plum blossoms by the stream.

At that time, the plum blossoms were open and extremely beautiful.

Xiao Shao realized something was wrong.

The plum blossoms shouldn't be blooming at this time—at least until mid-December, when the weather warms up and the snow melts.

He checked the surroundings and felt that it was warmer here than elsewhere.

After further exploration, I found that the water in the stream turned slightly yellow and smelled of sulfur.

Xiao Shao immediately realized that there was something strange here, so he went all the way to the source of the stream. Stock hot springs.

Because of the hot springs, the environment here is pleasant, and he planned to stop here for a while to treat Lin Shu's injuries.

Lin Shu broke out in a cold sweat, which was attached to his clothes. He must have been very uncomfortable. It happened that there were dead vines on the mountain wall, so he went to break the vine branches and planned to make a fire.

-Unexpectedly, in the mountain wall, under the shade of withered vines, there was a long slit, and there was wind.

The two escaped Bei Xia's pursuit. Naturally, the more concealed the better - Xiao Shao hugged Lin Shu and walked into the slit.

Then, walking farther and farther, deeper and deeper, I actually saw a faint light in front of me.

- Then, suddenly enlightened.

They came to an isolated village.

The village is surrounded by mountains, surrounded by cliffs piercing the sky on all sides, and the top is blocked by sloping mountains, so it is difficult to see its existence from any direction, even from the sky.

There are villagers in the village, and when they see outsiders coming, they ask in surprise.

It turned out that two hundred years ago, during an extremely violent earthquake, the mountain slipped, completely blocking the passage to the outside.

The villagers don't care, they live here, they are self-sufficient, and even exempt from the burden of taxation, they have no worries about food and clothing, and they are happy and happy. Over the past two hundred years, I gradually gave up the idea of going out.

Because they do not have contact with the outside world, the people here are very simple. Xiao Shao hid their identities, saying that they were a couple in distress when they encountered robbers on the road.

The villagers helped one after another, cleaned up a clean house, and asked about the situation outside.

The situation outside Xiao Shaodao is not good, and there will be wars at any time.

The villagers are thankful that they live here and are free from war and famine.

Lin Shu listened and thought of a text he had read in junior high school.

The people of Wuling fish for their business, and they walk along the river, forgetting the distance of the road, and suddenly they meet the peach blossom forest...

It is "Peach Blossom Spring".

And this isolated village is like a living peach blossom garden.

Peach Blossom Garden is so hidden that no outsiders have discovered it for two hundred years. It is extremely safe. Xiao Shao said that he went outside last night, wiped away the footprints and other traces, and then covered the entrance again to ensure that no one would find it.

Lin Shu relaxed.

Xiao Shao hugged him and asked, "Does it still hurt?"


It still hurts.

But it was much better than before fainting, and it was within the tolerable range.

Lin Shu said, "It's okay."

At this moment, leaning on Xiao Shao, he heard the crowing of chickens outside, the crackling of firewood burning in the kitchen, and the voices of women and children from a distance, and felt very peaceful.

This peach blossom garden must be as peaceful as the legendary peach blossom garden.

Xiao Shao hugged him tightly.

Lin Shu felt that this chest was a little hard.

It's not that he's hard, but it's not as soft as a girl, but rather strong.

Although I know that the eldest lady's chest is flat, it is too flat.

Since he couldn't see anything, Xiao Shao was still dressed as a man. Instead, he was more daring, and tentatively attached his hand to Xiao Shao's left chest and pressed it.

Not soft.

Not soft at all.

The only elasticity is due to a layer of muscle.

Lin Shu still recognized the difference between fat and muscle.

Lin Shu: "?"

This is almost a flawless, man's body.

Is the eldest lady so dedicated

Then, he felt his chest vibrate.

Xiao Shao smiled and said, "What are you doing?"

The voice was very low, and it reached his ears, as if something was scratching, and Lin Shu almost felt a shudder.

He pretended nothing happened and withdrew his hand.

Xiao Shao smoothed his hair, put something into his hand, and said, "This is for you."

It is a very light kit, not the mustard seed kit commonly used by cultivators, but an ordinary kit, but the embroidery and patterns on the surface of the kit are a hundred times more delicate than ordinary mustard seeds.

Lin Shu asked, "What is this?"

Xiao Shao said: "Hair."

Hair knot, here, is a very solemn ceremony.

Said: "We will be husband and wife, and there is no doubt about love. Life should be a return, and death should be Sauvignon Blanc."

Lin Shu felt his palms get hot.

Just listen to Xiao Shao: "We are here to cultivate, and we will return to Nanxia when our cultivation is restored. Your meridians are all broken, I am afraid you need... double cultivation."

Shuangxiu, mentioning this, Lin Shu was very nervous.

and... ...

"I can't see it," he said.

"It's okay." Xiao Shao gently kissed his forehead.

Is it really okay

Lin Shu was very suspicious.

But he has always been very obedient. Since it's okay to say it, then it's okay to take it.

He didn't speak any more, holding the kit, feeling very hot and having difficulty breathing.

and... ...

Xiao Shao's shell is too realistic.

He felt that he was being held by a man all the time.

The eldest lady has been decisive and domineering enough in the past days, there is no doubt that this feeling is even stronger at this time.

He felt that he was being dominated by Xiao Shao, and he didn't want to move except for being hugged obediently.

Xiao Shao continued: "Ling Fengxiao is a human skin, and Ling Xiao is a replacement. I often think that when I can meet you with a real face, I never thought it would be today."

Lin Shu: "?"

Lin Shu: "???"

He said, "What are you...what are you saying?"

Xiao Shao said: "Tell Xiao Shao."

Lin Shu: "Xiao Shao, what's wrong?"

Xiao Shao gently kissed his auricle this time and said, "It's me."

"I know..." Lin Shu's voice was stiff and trembling: "Where's Ling Fengxiao?"

"I walk the rivers and lakes as Ling Fengxiao, and I have a mantra in my body, so I can't say more." Xiao Shao's voice was a little hesitant: "Aren't you and I unaware of this matter?"

"It's not..." Lin Shu's voice has begun to drift: "You...are a man?"

He heard Xiao Shao's voice a little erratic: "Otherwise? How could you have a baby kiss with a girl?"

Lin Shu felt that he was going to suffocate to death in the next moment: "I don't order dolls with girls, do I want to order with men?"

Xiao Shao said: "Isn't it just right that you marry a man?"

Lin Shu's head went blank.

After a long while, he said with difficulty: "You mean... I'm a girl?"

He felt Xiao Shao was silent.

The next moment, his neck was suddenly very uncomfortable, and he coughed violently.

Xiao Shao followed his back, his voice a little nervous: "What's wrong?"

Lin Shu coughed, and felt a familiar heat flow on his shoulders, neck and face, similar to the feeling when he ate Huanrong Dan.

He pressed his neck and felt a bump gradually emerge.

After taking the Huanrong Dan, he pressed his Adam's apple in because he wanted women's clothes. It was not very obvious at first, and when he pressed it in, he couldn't see it at all.

Now that it has returned to its original state, it is probably that the efficacy of Huanrong Dan has passed.

Lin Shu let go of the hand on his neck and said feebly, "The effect of the Huanrong Dan has passed."

The next moment, he felt Xiao Shao's movements stopped.

There was suffocating silence in the room.

For a while, Lin Shu didn't know whether to feel sorry for himself or Xiao Shao.

He came out of Xiao Shao's arms in despair and buried himself in the quilt.

Xiao Shao did not stop him.

There was a knock on the door, and the old lady came in.

"Hey, what's the matter? There was a quarrel? I looked in the window just now, didn't I still kiss and hug?" The aunt's voice was very loud: "Xiao Xianggong, this is your fault! The lady just woke up, Why are you angry with her?"

There was a sound of footsteps, and the aunt approached, forcibly removed Lin Shu's quilt, pulled out his left hand, and pulled over Xiao Shao's right hand with the other hand, putting both hands together: "If you lose your temper for a trivial matter, turn back. Why do you think about it! Young couples, how can you be angry? Come on, what's going on? Tell your aunt!"

No, there is nothing to be angry about.

I just had a dream.

I should wake up now.

wake me up.