The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 32: Wu Feng's confidant


"Zhuzhu is waiting for Xiao Shao in the third arena of Tianzi."

The people in the martial arts field were always sniffing the news on the stone wall. When they heard that there was a beautiful fight to be fought, Junior Sister Zhezhu and the undefeated Xiao Shao, who were born today, immediately swarmed over.

Lin Shu stood by the side of the field, holding a Frost Flower Sword in his hand, which was also the sword that the girl came with when she created the image of Zhezhu, and it was still available.

Xiao Shao refused to fight at first, and then he took over the discussion because he was very annoyed. He must have a very negative attitude, but he was not too late.

When the person used Qinggong to fall into the field, a face with no expression on his face turned towards him, Lin Shu said, "Please enlighten me."

Xiao Shao did not speak.

Lin Shu didn't entangle too much, he drew his sword, and stabbed Xiao Shao straight.

He no longer pressed his strength to the same level as the opponent and slowly opened up moves like in the previous fights, but used the superb martial arts of his sect as soon as he shot.

This style of "Moonrise Cold Stream" is inexhaustible, sharp and difficult to handle, and the foot is light-weight footwork "flowing waves and snow", changing in no way.

The people around sighed: "What a beautiful figure!"

Some people said, "Junior Sister Zhezhu's sword is so fast!"

Among the voices of the crowd, Lin Shu heard Xiao Shao's voice.

His voice was very low and soft, only Lin Shu could hear him.

He said, "Good sword!"

Lin Shu's expression remained unmoved, and there were many voices. He only cared about the sound of the long sword breaking through the air.

In an instant, he seemed to return to the distant yesterday, all the sounds were silent, all things were forgotten, only a bright sword heart, and this frosted foil sword in his hand.

Xiao Shaofei stepped in front of him, turned around, and brushed past the tip of the sword, and then Yu Xiao slashed towards the body of the sword.

If this move is real, Lin Shu's sword will definitely be blocked. The two are very close. During this moment of stagnation, Xiao Shao can quickly change from defense to attack. In this way, Lin Shu can't take back his sword and can't return to protect. , must be out of order.

However, martial arts together, ever-changing, seeing the move and dismantling the move is only in an instant.

Lin Shu heard the wind on the left, turned his wrist, and the tip of the sword that was originally going straight in the middle palace lifted diagonally, turned upward, and then stabbed horizontally to the left. Shao neck.

Xiao Shao leaned back, then quickly turned around, Yu Xiao turned in his hand, and stabbed Lin Shujianjing sharply.

On the arena, Xiao Shao's spiritual energy was flooded, and even the onlookers outside felt the pressure of solidification.

The day before yesterday, Cang Min was defeated by the control of his spiritual power. Once he was attacked by Xiao Shao's spiritual power, his spiritual current would be disordered - but not Lin Shu, his reliance on spiritual power was not strong. , so that when the weapons collide, they will not fall behind. There is no complicated spiritual power trend, and there is no possibility of disorder.

It is precisely because of this that they are now fighting almost purely with martial arts moves.

This is a very terrifying person. Ling Fengxiao said that he simply used spiritual power to oppress people, which is very uninteresting, but now the superb martial arts displayed by this person are far beyond ordinary people.

There was no sound around the arena, and everyone was watching with bated breath.

Lin Shu turned to the right side, trying to avoid Xiao Shao's top-to-bottom slash, but the Xueyu long flute was obviously elegant, but in Xiao Shao's hands, he used an endless slaughter and coldness, wrapping it through The power of cloud cracking stone.

Just when Lin Shu was about to dodge this move and was about to attack back, Xiao Shao changed his attack and the situation on the field suddenly changed!

Above the jade flute, the spiritual power was poured to the extreme, making a clear sound, the air seemed to freeze, and countless virtual shadows of the jade flute appeared in the air to seal his retreat.

On the Frost Flower Sword, the spiritual power belonging to Lin Shu was oppressed by Xiao Shao and quickly drained away.

This is a rare sight, which means that in this world, all the spiritual power that can be activated has been controlled by Xiao Shao, and there is not a single star left for Lin Shu. This direct stab is unavoidable. It was the sword destroyed, and even people were afraid that they would be cut in half.

Lin Shu closed his eyes and clenched his sword hilt.

Not the fear of the battle, but the ... ... concentration!

In this mortal situation, the wind whistled in his ears, and the Frost Flower Sword continued to hum. He opened his eyes and raised his hand sharply, still the original trick "Moonrise Cold Stream"!

I saw the Frost Flower Sword's silver-white hollowed-out sword, suddenly enveloped in a dazzling cold light with strong killing intent.

There was a ding sound, and the world was silent.

The point of the sword is exactly opposite to the pipe of the flute, and the castration of both is a stagnation.

After a short while, the huge momentum rebounded, and the two took three steps back.

Lin Shu spat out a mouthful of blood and raised his hand to wipe it away.

Xiao Shao's situation does not seem to be very good.

"You are Jian Xiu." Xiao Shao said.

Lin Shu: "Yes."

Immortal cultivators use spiritual power, and at the extreme, there will be an image inspired by Xiao Shao just now, the Dao is unified, the way of sword cultivation, there is also such a thing, called Jian Yi - it is just now that there is no spiritual power and is facing a desperate situation , something that appears on the Frost Foil.

Xiao Shao said: "Continue."

The Frost Flower Sword trembled slightly, and from the tip of the sword to the body of the sword, a slight crack appeared.

"You are both a sword cultivator and Zhezhu, why don't you use a Zhezhu sword?" Xiao Shao asked.

The Frost Foil Sword was dimmed, and apparently could no longer be used.

After the weapon is damaged, you can choose it again. The martial arts field includes the weapons of the world, from ordinary iron to peerless gods. As long as you dare to use them, you can get them at will in your dreams. This frost foil sword was originally the one who created this body. The girl's choice is now broken, and Lin Shu can naturally choose Zhezhujian again.

He put down the Frost Foil Sword, and the white mist slowly condensed in his hand, turning into a folded bamboo overflowing with cold air and crystal clear.

But instead of making any move, he asked, "Why do you use the flute?"

Unless it is a special exercise, using music to overcome the enemy, in other cases, the flute is not a suitable weapon.

The length is not enough, and there is no sharp edge. It can't attack far away, and can't defend near it. At most, it can be flexibly changed, but for a person of Xiao Shao's level, it can be ignored. In general, it is purely good-looking, and it is simply arty.

With Xiao Shao's stern slaying, and his martial arts tricks, mainly chopping, slashing, stabbing, and gridding, he obviously used a single-edged weapon, rather than the useless jade flute.

Xiao Shao put away the Yuxiao and said lightly, "I'm just afraid of scaring my classmates."

Lin Shu: "..."

This can be loud.

However, it also seems to make sense. This person can easily defeat Cangmin with a weapon that is as ineffective as the Yuxiao. If he changes to a more convenient weapon, he will probably make Cangmin doubt his life, and Wu Chi will no longer be Wu Chi. Psychologically cast out.

"However," Xiao Shao continued, "there is no harm in using a knife when you meet your confidant today."

The people next to the ring took a deep breath, then stretched their necks and looked at Xiao Shao.

Yu Xiao disappeared, the black energy wrapped around his hand, and after a while, a dark long sword overflowing with evil energy condensed.

As soon as that Daofu appeared in the field, the originally tense atmosphere immediately sank a bit.

Someone asked: "No shame?"

Someone also exclaimed: "The demon knife is worthy of!"

Lin Shu knew little about the world of immortality and had never heard of the name, but he could tell from the reactions of others that this knife was probably very famous.

The knife in the hand of the eldest lady also looks very extraordinary, I don't know how it compares to this.

Both use knives, I don’t know how Ling Fengxiao and Xiao Shao compare—there seems to be no one similar to Ling Fengxiao on the Zhenwu list, I am afraid that the eldest lady disdains to mix with these people, and can’t see the two of them competing. , it's a pity.

Xiao Shao slowly drew the knife out of the sheath, the blade was dull and imposing, and the power contained within.

He said, "Come."

Lin Shu drew his sword, and it was still "the moon rises in the cold stream".

Xiao Shao's reaction didn't seem to change, but this one was completely different from the previous one.

Lin Shu's first feeling was, fast.

Seeing the move, breaking the move, changing the move, connecting the move, everything is more than twice as fast as the previous one!

He can no longer hear human voices, hear the wind, and see Xiao Shao. Among the five senses and five senses, there is only one sword and one knife left!

Hundred strokes, thousand strokes, Xiao Shao has entered the best stage, the spiritual energy on the arena is surging like the backflow of the Tianhe River, the waves are turbulent, the sword light is chilling, and the soul is palpitated. downwind.

Lin Shu's breath was slightly rapid, and he finally knew what Bidou, who was on the verge of his limit, looked like.

How to make this move, how to defend, how to return, and how to change, there is absolutely no room for thinking.

At first, he was still able to rely on Su Ri's practice and learning, but later, he didn't even have time to judge, and everything relied on intuition and those sword moves engraved in his bones.

There was a commotion in the audience, maybe someone was too exhausted and passed out, and couldn't care less.

At the next moment, Xiao Shao seemed to use his spiritual power to form a boundary, blocking their eyes.

I don't know what happened to Xiao Shao, but if I have learned ten percent in my life, I am afraid that I have used eleven percent at this moment.

This distraction, the knife light suddenly stabbed to the left chest, and there was no way to avoid it.

His mind was blank, and suddenly the spiritual platform was empty. He raised the tip of the sword and handed the blade flat. The movement was extremely smooth and the angle was incredible.

It wasn't until he blocked Xiao Shao's sword that he thought that what he had just used was the "Empty Valley Forgot to Return" that he had only realized after years of hard work!

Xiao Shao's movements paused, but after a while, the light of the sword skyrocketed, sweeping in the direction of Lin Shu in an indescribable trajectory.

This move is like a hurricane, in which it is indescribable.

Lin Shu put his sword on the sidebar, then swung his sword to the right, colliding with Xiao Shao's blade.

At the moment of the collision, his heart was shocked, his breathing was suddenly rapid, and he spat out another mouthful of blood.

There is no other reason, this formula, this formula—

It turned out to be in the sword manual, after "Empty Valley Forgot to Return", he has been fighting to the death, but he has not yet penetrated the "No Tianhe".

The trick that he had been searching for and could not find, was suddenly used by himself, his soul shook violently, his heartbeat was fast to an unbelievable level, and his eyes darkened for a while, and he didn't know what was going on.

He seemed to be supported by Xiao Shao, and after a few breaths, his mind gradually became clearer.

This fairy shell is very slender, and it almost reached Xiao Shao's shoulder.

Xiao Shao's breath seems to be unstable too - think about it too, if he can still be stable after hitting this level, then this person doesn't have to stay in the mortal world, and can fly directly to the sky.

Seeing that the situation had improved, Xiao Shao let go of him and asked, "Are you alright?"

Lin Shu: "It's okay."

"What are the names of those two moves just now, and where did they come from?" Xiao Shao asked.

When Wu met his opponent, he was delighted to see Lie Xin, and it was understandable to want to know the origin of martial arts, but Lin Shu thought about it and said, "Master is not allowed to tell outsiders."

That secret book is the ancestral level of one's own master's sect. The master's sect has strict orders, and it cannot be passed on outside, nor can it be passed on inside.

Xiao Shao was silent for a while, and then asked, "What's your master's name?"

Lin Shu casually reported his old man's Taoist name: "Gourd Taoist."

Xiao Shao was silent for a while, and then Lin Shu heard a laugh.

The smile was very light, but it was extremely unkind, and it made him feel a little nervous.

"Continue to pretend." Xiao Shao whispered in his ear, with a bit of gnashing of teeth, "Taoyuan-jun's martial arts, the world does not know, how can I not know, dreaming and dreaming, if you are caught by me again Horse feet..."

Lin Shu:

The name Taoyuanjun is a bit familiar.