The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 54: Absolutely maze


The next moment, he was completely surrounded by white mist, and he could not see the mountain road or Ling Xiao.

In the dark, a force lay in front of him, as if blocking his downward footsteps.

If Huandang Mountain is conscious, it should be asking: "Are you really going to give up the world?"

Lin Shu thought about it, but couldn't say no.

I had a bad life in my last life, so I want to escape far away and go to a place where there is no one.

The people he has met in this life, for some reason, have no malice towards him, and he even has Yue Ruohe, who can be called a acquaintance, and a rich woman.

If you live like this all the time, it seems to be good.

He just goes with the flow, and accepts whether the people around him are malicious or kind.

Lin Shu continued to go down. Although that resistance has always existed, it can only be regarded as obstruction. If you really want to go down, it will be completely useless.

One more step, the sky is spinning, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

Lin Shu stepped on the real mountain road, and the white mist around him dissipated, leaving the Tongtian Step.

He felt that the Tongtian Rank was really amazing.

Reading people's thinking through the soul, and then making judgments, is something that modern technology cannot yet do.

It is said that the Wanzhang Labyrinth and Linglong Dongtian are also very magical, and the Tongtian Rank and Wanzhang Labyrinth are not made by manpower, and there is no formation method.

Such a mountain is used as a cram school for young disciples of the Immortal Dao, which is really a big deal.

Lin Shu looked back and saw that the place where he came was a barrier of white mist, and with his dazzling effort, others came out as well.

After a few more breaths, Ling Xiao stepped out of the white fog, saw him, walked to his side, and said, "You surprised me too much."

Lin Shu continued to feel ashamed.

Because Xianyu was too self-righteous, he was released by Tongtianjie. It's not very pleasant to say this.

Ling Xiao said again: "However, there are three thousand avenues, as long as you can get out of the sky-reaching rank, it is the right way to cultivate immortals, and you don't need to worry about it."

Cousin, what's the matter with you.

Is Mr. Meng up

After thinking about it, Ling Xiao studied martial arts from a school outside. He was not from Shangling Academy.

It can be seen that although the cousin looks very similar to the eldest young lady, their personalities are very different. The eldest young lady's temper is not determined by genes.

Ling Xiao said, "Let's go."

Lin Shu: "Yeah."

Going up the mountain road, I could not count how many steps I walked, and finally I saw a stone carving on the mountain wall with the word "phantom" written on it.

In front of you is a vast sea of white fog, which is the so-called "maze."

Lin Shu had read the book given by the eldest lady before, and knew that there are two kinds of illusions in this world. The first one must be broken by force, relying on the formation method or psychedelic drugs. When falling into such illusions, you need to concentrate and find the eyes of the formation—generally It is the flaw of the illusion, destroy it, and the illusion will collapse. The second is to break it with the heart. Those who fall into the illusion will see the obstacles in the middle of the cultivation path - or the inner demon, and then be trapped by the inner demon and it is difficult to escape. Only by overcoming inner demons and having a change in mood can one leave the environment.

Huandang Mountain is an immortal mountain that connects the heavens. If it is the first type of illusion, it is too unplanned, and naturally it is the second type.

Stepping into a maze, some people will return to the most miserable place in their life, some people will fall into the tender land in their dreams, and some people have both, and some, one ring is another, fantasy and fantasy, in short, it is the tempering of the state of mind. .

Disciples who come to Huantang Mountain generally have two purposes. One is for cultivation. Such disciples often stay at the Tongtian Rank and the Wanzhang Maze for a long time to sharpen their cultivation and state of mind. The other is to pass the Tongtian Rank and the Wanzhang Maze. , Linglong Dongtian, came to the Floating Heaven Immortal Palace, saw the guardian of the mountain, and obtained the peerless treasure in the Immortal Palace.

Lin Shu is undoubtedly the second.

Ling Xiao seemed to be aware of this, and said, "You and I will fight each other quickly. If anyone comes out first, they will wait outside the fog."

Lin Shu hesitated.

He knew what his inner demon was.

That was really unpleasant. Ever since he knew about the existence of the Mysterious Maze, he had also thought about how to solve it, but he never came up with a surefire way.

It was about time to go back to school, to the suffocating classroom, to see the steaming crowd again, and the malicious sneering laughter.

He said, "I might take longer."

"It's okay," Ling Xiao said, "I wanted to say this just now. Your mind is pure, and it's not a problem to imagine a fantasy, but I may not."

Lin Shu looked at him.

Although the time spent together was very short, the character of the cousin has been revealed without a doubt - Lin Shu thinks that he is a very smart and clean person.

Do such people have demons

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

Lin Shu obediently retracted his gaze, walked into the sea of fog, and seemed to hear Ling Xiao laugh in his ears.

Going forward, he heard the sound of rushing traffic.

In a trance, it seemed like a distant dream.

Lin Shu woke up.

Yesterday, it was too late to memorize swordsmanship. I couldn't help dozing off during class. I could vaguely remember something like ancient times, a group of people studying immortals in the mountains, and a very beautiful but bad-tempered person.

Lin Shu rubbed his face, woke himself up a bit, looked forward, and tried to keep up with the math teacher's thoughts.

My position is too remote, and this drowsiness was not discovered by the teacher.

Today, a transfer girl came to the class and sat in the first row.

His heart suddenly jumped, and this scene seemed familiar.

One day when a girl was transferred to the class, what happened to him

He looked at his desk drawer.

Empty, just a workbook.

Indeed, on this day, they hid their schoolbags between classes.

This kind of thing has happened many times, and the hiding places are all kinds of strange, from the broom pile to the window sill.

Lin Shu didn't know why these people could always watch him rummaging for schoolbags.

After class, he left his seat,

Not in the broom, not outside the windowsill, not anywhere as far as the eye can see.

He vaguely felt those excited and malicious gazes, and felt nauseous.

And when he stood blankly in the middle of the aisle, someone suddenly pulled his sleeve.

Then, a ball of paper was gently stuffed into his hand.

He turned his head, it was the new little girl, and she smiled kindly to herself.

Lin Shu was stunned, thinking that such a smile is the most beautiful expression that a person's facial features can make up.

He opened the note in his hand, and wrote a few words in a crooked way: "The schoolbag is on the cabinet in front of the first row."

No one had ever treated him like this before, never.

Lin Shu stepped on the bench and saw that there was indeed a schoolbag on the top of the bookcase.

He took back his schoolbag, walked into the aisle, and looked at the girl.

According to the rules of people getting along, he should thank her.

But when he opened his mouth, he couldn't say anything, something stuck in his throat, and once he opened his mouth, the feeling of vomit crept up again.

He hadn't spoken to outsiders for too long, and he didn't dare to speak.

The little girl looked at him with kind eyes at first, but when he saw that he didn't speak for a long time, it turned into doubt.

Lin Shu's heart thumped a few times, but he still couldn't say anything.

He felt embarrassed, as if staying in front of her a little longer would reveal more embarrassment.

He just ran away.

He finally knew that he was such a person.

Even if he looked exactly like everyone else, he would never fit in with the crowd.

This suffocating, quagmire life was his fault, not anyone else's.

However, he also wanted to say thank you to that girl.

He... also thought about having friends.

He returned to his position, the sore pain stuck in his throat, lowered his head to read, but couldn't read it any longer.

When being bullied, he just wanted to throw up.

But this time, he wanted to cry.

This is his demon.