The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 72: Pick flowers


The further forward, the more evil things, although the mana is limited, after all, there are many.

Lin Shu played the piano quickly and stopped the fish that escaped from Ling Xiao and Cang Min one by one. However, with the increase in the number of these things, his eyesight was challenged - with the eyes of a mortal, at such a fast speed. , Just being able to see the countless blurry shadows, and then trying to see their traces, is no longer possible.

Under such dim light, he not only had to pay attention to the evil things coming from left and right, but also to pay attention to the situation of the two people. After a while, he felt tingling in his eyes, and he simply closed his eyes!

In the silence, the sound of the wind brought about by the actions of the evil things is especially obvious.

He listened to these wind sounds, waved the strings with both hands, and spurted spiritual power in all directions.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, the intuition of practicing swords over the years came to his mind.

This evil creature from the southeast forms an antagonism with the two from the southwest. If it is swept away in a "Pinghu swinging moon" style, it can be killed together.

From the north, three jumped down from the top and headed straight for Cangmin, while two others rushed from behind. If they all jumped in front of them and looked for the Tiangang position from the west, there would be an extremely tricky angle. "Changhong through the sun" can cross them all.

And Cang Min's heavy sword is sweeping diagonally down from the Tianshu position. If the sword is picked up and cooperated with him, it can kill more than a dozen things in front of it beautifully.

And Ling Xiao...

These things are all taught by the master. Although he practiced well in school in the past, he never actually practiced it, but it was only on paper. However, now that I am really in danger, what I have learned in the past has been reproduced one by one, so it is so useful.

However, he has no sword in his hand, only Qin, and cannot use sword moves.

However, Qin, can stimulate the spiritual power, if the spiritual energy is used as a sword... !

His heart was clear and bright, and he played it a few times, and the condensed spiritual power shot out from the strings, attacking in all directions according to the trajectory set in his mind!

Cang Min said: "Good piano!"

For a while, the three of them were invincible at first, but at this time they were even more powerful, and they even forcibly cleared out an empty space with no evil in a radius of one zhang.

The group of evil creatures was silent for a short time, and then, the roar suddenly became louder, a few hugged into a ball, and thousands of evil creatures smashed at them like they were dying.

Lin Shu still closed his eyes and focused, flicking his fingers, his mind was empty, as if immersed in some mysterious realm.

Sword moves are not only made by swords, the sound of the piano is an invisible thing, and it can also have the power of gold and stone.

Is it the piano? Is it a sword? He couldn't tell the difference.

The three of them slaughtered like this, and after a quarter of an hour, they had already penetrated into the Abyss of Myriad Ghosts.

At this time, Ling Xiao said: "The ghost master is here."

The things that were besieging them just now were just some low-level evil things in the periphery of Wanguiyuan, called "earth walking ghosts", "crawling corpses", etc., and so on, and they would use low mana with their bodies to attack. The "Ghost Physician" is different. Although he moves slowly and his body is fragile, he has a certain wisdom and can command low-level evil things. Moreover, its power is not only that, but also has a certain ability to confuse people.

It is said that the ghost master is condensed from the resentment of countless people who died because of fear.

Not long after Ling Xiao's voice fell, Lin Shu really felt that the attacks of ghosts and corpses on the ground were quite regular.

At the same time, a faint low voice sounded in the distance, and a continuous and eerie echo was aroused between the mountain walls.

"Flowers with brocade, fire cooking oil, how long can the scenery last?"

"It's easy to break if you pass it, wisdom will be hurt, colorful clouds are easy to disperse, and the glass is crunchy, so you can do it yourself."

Ling Xiao said, "Northwest."

Cang Min: "I'll go first."

Lin Shuxin understood what they meant, the sound of the piano turned, and his spiritual power concentrated on the northwest to attack, opening the way for Cangmin.

Cang Min raised his heavy sword, and his spiritual power was like a vortex, whistling to a place, forming an unbreakable spiritual power prison.

Ling Xiao's knife came first, and slashed there.

A cucumber-like sound sounded in Lin Shu's ears, and the mysterious voice of the magic cudgel was instantly silenced, and he didn't know that the ghost master's brain was broken into several pieces.

Cang Min said, "You should be doing your best!"

At the same time, the second and third ghost masters appeared, and more faint voices sounded in all directions, almost repeating the ominous prophecies in the world, like the monks in the Buddhist temple singing mantras, making people head-scratch. Lin Shu turned the piano shaft, changed the music, and began to play the "Qingming Lingxu Mantra".

The ghost master who is close, kills if he can, and if he is far away, he will let him go by the sound of the harp, and the three of them continue to move forward. . Cang Min shouted "Happy!" At the same time, Lin Shu also felt that it was indeed a joyful thing to be able to realize what he had learned in his previous life and help them.

At the back, there are more and more evil things such as high-level "King Kong Demon" and "Heavenly Rakshasa", and they are replaced by the realm of immortals. Most of them are Jindan, and a few have reached Nascent Soul, Ling Xiao and Cang Min began to fight them closely. At the same time, Lin Shu's control of Bingxianqin also reached a new level, and he began to block the tide of low-level monsters and ghosts by himself, preventing the two from being distracted during the fight.

After about an hour of non-stop fighting, in addition to the roar of the evil creatures, there was the sound of gurgling water in their ears.

—I think it is the river in Wanguiyuan, and the riverside is the place where the white bone flower grows.

At this time, the evil things that were chasing them, as expected, had reached a terrifying number. If it weren't for Cangmin's strong defense and Ling Xiao's incomparably sharp knife, I'm afraid these thousands of densely packed evil things could crush them even if they pressed them. Even the frenzied killing of this intensity is gradually becoming impossible due to the large number of enemies.

Ling Xiao said: "Use the talisman."

When the spell was activated, Lin Shu felt that his body was illusory for a moment, and the evil creatures rushing towards him suddenly stopped, as if they had lost their target.

The three quickly left the place, and while there were no monsters attacking, they reached the riverside with a few ups and downs with light body exercises.

As soon as he landed, Cang Min meditated on the spot: "I'll understand."

Lin Shu took out the prepared jade box and went to the shore to pick white bone flowers.

This flower is easy to find. In the darkness, there is only such a small plant with transparent roots and white flowers that emits a faint light. There is almost one every hundred steps by the river.

The things in the world are mutually reinforcing, misfortune and fortune depend on each other, whether it is extremely prosperous or not. Within a hundred steps of the venomous snake's lair, there must be detoxifying herbs, and in Wanguiyuan, a place where life is cut off and there are countless evil spirits, there is an elixir like Baiguhua that blindly heals and saves people.

Lin Shu picked three trees, and Ling Xiao picked four trees. After calculating that the time to escape was about to come, he returned to Cang Min.

Cang Min also opened his eyes and said, "It's really rewarding."

Ling Xiao said: "Congratulations."

Lin Shu also agreed: "Congratulations."

Cang Min said: "Junior Brother Lin, it's not me who said that when you attacked evil things, the sound of the piano was too unpleasant."

Lin Shu: "..."

If he plays a fixed piece of music, although his musical attainment is not high, it is not out of tune, and it sounds beautiful. But if the qin and the sword are one, one only thinks about how to stimulate the most condensed and sharp spiritual power, who cares about playing the tune.

He said, "I will try my best to correct it."

Ling Xiao said: "It's not bad."

Cang Min: "It's really ugly."

Ling Xiao: "Huh?"

Cang Min: "...It's not bad."

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

Lin Shu wanted to laugh.

After relaxing for a while, before the effect of the Escape Talisman had subsided, they immediately flew upstream along the river, aiming at the Yin Snake lurking at the source of the cold current. Halfway through the journey, Cang Min suddenly let out a "Huh".

Almost at the same time, Ling Xiao stopped.

Lin Shu also felt something was wrong.

In other places, there are ghosts and ghosts, and there is an endless stream, but there is not a single evil thing in the large area that just flew over.

At this moment, the cat that had been holding Lin Shubu's hand also raised its head and made a "meow".

Ling Xiao said, "Go and have a look."

The author has something to say: Cang Min: surrender.