The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 73: Huo


They landed, walked into the area where no evil creatures were walking, and began to investigate. After a while, the escape talismans on the three of them were all invalid, but no evil things came to attack. It seems that this place is really strange.

Ling Xiao took out a night pearl and slightly illuminated the nearby area.

The terrain here is no different from other places in Wanguiyuan. The ground beneath your feet is rugged and full of deep cracks. Occasionally there will be falling rocks above, so be careful.

They moved forward all the way, and suddenly, a faint golden glow appeared in front of them.

Ling Xiao took the night pearl, and they walked towards that point of golden light.

The closer you get, the brighter and softer the golden light becomes.

—Until he came to the front, Cang Min made a surprised voice: "This is..."

I saw that on the pitch-black ground, among the staggered cracks, a golden lotus actually grew.

Lin Shuxin said, the lotus flower has always been born in water, but this one blooms in the cracks of the stone, which is already rare, and its color is so conspicuous, it is even more extraordinary.

Ling Xiao said: "Return to the sun."

Cang Min said, "So there really is such a thing in the world?"

Lin Shu: "?"

Ling Xiao seemed to guess that he wouldn't know, and began to explain.

This lotus is called "Returning the Sun", and it is a strange thing recorded in "Shenyizhi: The Great Wilderness Sutra". For hundreds of years, no one has really seen it.

It was said earlier that time and good fortune depend on each other, whether it is extremely peaceful, the white bone flower of the flesh and bones of the living and dead grows in the nether land, and now this "returning the sun" is also the same.

The effect of this flower, like its name, is to return the sun, and it is said to have the miraculous effect of communicating life and death.

Resentment, hostility, evil... All of these, the condensed ghost Rakshasa, if they live within a hundred zhang of "returning the sun", within ten years, they will gradually develop flesh and blood, tendons, and possess A body that can walk in the world.

Cang Min said, "Do we want it?"

Ling Xiao said: "Yes."

Lin Shu looked at this golden lotus flower, and only felt that there were countless mysterious and mysterious breaths floating on it. The warm and bright place made people fascinated.

There is great terror between life and death. This lotus flower has the power to communicate between life and death. It is no wonder that it will make people afraid.

This thing, they hold it, doesn't do any good, it just broadens their horizons. But even if it is just taken to the academy for the study of the real gentlemen, it is better than leaving it here - if these evil ghosts in Wanguiyuan have a human body and walk in the world, the consequences will be disastrous.

It is also thanks to them that they discovered this "returning sun", otherwise, if it is allowed to open here, I am afraid it will cause a catastrophe.


This flower should be the existence that those things are flocking to, but now, there are no evil things around.

The only explanation is that it is occupied by some powerful being! This area is hundreds of feet, and it is the territory of that thing!

As if confirming what Lin Shu was thinking, there was a dull howl in the distance, the earth trembled, and a low "dong dong" sounded, a monster of great weight was coming here!

They wanted to leave, but found themselves locked in place by a heavy aura, unable to struggle!

If Lin Shu can't earn it, it's normal.

If Cang Min can't break free, then this thing may be the pinnacle of Yuan Ying.

But Ling Xiao couldn't make it out, which means that the comer is a robbery!

Evil in the calamity period!

If you use the level of evil things, it is the king of ghosts.

The footsteps were extremely slow, but that thing came fast!

Ling Xiao said: "Go!"

They activated the Escape Talisman, the pressure on their bodies was relieved for a moment, and the next moment, they were locked again!

The huge, dark figure is like a mountain, with a strange shape, like a mass of clay that has been pinched at will, with countless skeletons and bones glued to it.

The cat finally raised its head from Lin Shu's shoulder, and called out in a soft, weak voice, "Meow."

The figure was silent.

The oppression on them suddenly disappeared.

Ling Xiao leaned over to pick flowers, and put the "returning sun" flower into the cold jade box prepared for picking white bone flowers.

The ghost king let out an extremely angry roar, which was deafening, causing the ground to tremble, and the rocks above their heads rustled.

Ling Xiao pulled Lin Shu towards him, narrowly avoiding a huge rockfall.

After the roar, the huge body of the Ghost King rushed towards them!

The cat shivered while hugging Lin Shu, and said, "Meow."

The chaotic spiritual power rose, gathered into a cohesive force, and collided with the ghost king.

After a loud "bang", the ghost king was knocked away more than ten feet away and smashed to the ground.

Lin Shu: "..."

Cat, you can fly away the ghost king during the calamity period with a light meow, so why bother

He smoothed the cat's fur, soothing the shivering cat.

The cat whimpered again: "Meow."

The ghost king was thrown several dozen feet away again, and after hearing the sound, he didn't get up for a long time.

The cat stopped shaking, but continued to shrink into Lin Shu's arms.

Ling Xiao said, "Let's go."

After that, things went very smoothly, fighting Yin snakes, taking bone and blood, collecting poisonous water, and breaking out of the siege.

However, everyone deeply recognized the power of the land gods.

"Take me out and burn some incense sticks for the kitten." Cang Min said in a pious tone.

Lin Shu felt a little reluctant in his heart.

The attack of the ghost king during the calamity period, I am afraid that Ling Xiao will have to use "Nirvana Life Breath" to carry it, and then take him and Cang Min to escape. On the way, regardless of his life, just talking about Cang Min and Ling Xiao, it is impossible to die. to be seriously injured. When the cat helped, it repaid the karma that it owed Ling Xiao and Cang Min. Next, I am afraid that it will go to the Jiange disciple Yun Lan who also helped.

After leaving Wanguiyuan and returning to the bottom of the cliff where the bones were piled up, Cang Min sat down on the spot and took out a book from his mustard seed bag.

The title of the book is "Xuanyin Foreign Object Examination".

He flipped through the book and said: "In the previous records about Wan Guiyuan, the information of various ghost kings was included, but there is no one we encountered. It should have only appeared in the past few years. I have to find out what it is. what."

Ling Xiao took out the night pearl, illuminated the area, and watched him flip through the book.

After a while, Cang Min stopped turning the book and stayed on one page.

On this page is written: "Huzhu, its shape is uncertain, and its weight exceeds the mountain. In the seventeenth year of Chengyuan, the ancient Shu Kingdom, there was a great flood, plagues, and more than 10,000 people died. Huzhu ravaged thirteen states, killing four After ten thousand people, they screamed nine times and touched the mountain and died."

Cang Min: "This..."

At the same time, Lin Shu frowned when he saw Ling Xiao's brows.

Ling Xiao said: "Five years ago, the plague in Jiangzhou, do you remember?"

"Remember," Cang Min said, "My home is only two hundred miles away from Jiangzhou. At that time, the whole city was closed, and everyone was in danger. Fortunately, there was no danger."

Ling Xiao looked at the white bones like mountains at the bottom of the cliff: "Where did these dead people come from?"

Cang Min suddenly turned pale, and said in awe: "You mean..."