The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 74: Jiangzhou Chen Shi


Lin Shu understood what they meant.

Hu Zhu, recorded in ancient books, was born after the plague was rampant and thousands of people died. And five years ago, Jiangzhou, not far from here, also had a plague.

After all, ancient medicine was limited. Once a plague was born, if it was not treated in time, the plague would spread, and large-scale deaths would occur. According to Cang Min, the plague five years ago was fortunately survived.

However, Ling Xiao turned around quickly and mentioned the dead people here.

Could it be that he suspects that these dead people and Huo have something to do with the plague

If so many people died of the plague, it would meet the conditions for the birth of Hu. However, if this is the case, how could these corpses come to the bottom of the cliff of Wangui Abyss? Moreover, this is also inconsistent with Cang Min's "surprise without danger".

Lin Shu looked at Ling Xiao.

I saw Ling Xiao's eyes are cold, swept over the pile of bones, as if thinking about something.

Cang Min looked at the ancient book, and said, "The several times that Hu Zhu appeared here were all after the great epidemic. It is said that the people who died violently had deep resentment, mixed with the qi of illness, and gave birth to evil things."

Ling Xiao said: "The matter of Jiangzhou must be deceived."

Cang Min said: "If the county governor deceived the superior and concealed the epidemic, that would be too bold. And how did these corpses end up in the Abyss of Myriad Ghosts?"

Ling Xiao said, "I'll go check it out."

After all, he said, "There is one more thing."

Cang Min: "How do you say?"

Ling Xiao took out the cold jade box that sealed the "returning sun" lotus, opened it, and said, "Smell the fragrance."

Previously in Wanguiyuan, the damp, cold and cold air was too heavy, and there were many rotten smells on the body of evil things, so Lin Shu could not smell it clearly. Now that he is out of that ghost place, Ling Xiao opened the box and Lin Shu had a bowel movement. Asked about a very light, seemingly non-existent aroma.

If the incense is a little thicker, it will be very similar to the scent of incense candles in a Buddhist hall.

He immediately thought of the necklace pendants that the two woodcutter brothers who had killed them.

He heard Ling Xiao say that the pendant had a fragrance for worship. He also thought about whether it was a cult organization, and now he wants to come - the two brothers are not the evil things that returned the Yang by "returning the Yang", right?

Huo is very powerful, and it will take many years to return to Yang, but it is still easy for one or two little guys with little mana to return to Yang.

Ling Xiao said lightly, "You will know after a try."

He picked up Lin Shu and jumped to the cliff, Cang Min also followed.

The cat untied the barrier, and the two brothers were still hanging in despair, and did not break free. When they saw them, they immediately struggled excitedly: "Xianchang, Xianchang spare us!"

- Mingming had malicious intentions before, and wanted to cooperate with Tie Ji Teng to kill them. Before them, they did not know how many people who came to Wan Gui Yuan were successfully killed, but they also asked to "forgive us", but anyone with a little self-knowledge No one would be so delusional.

Therefore, the performance of these two people from beginning to end is really a bit exaggerated, which makes Lin Shu more certain of his conjecture.

And people who are not complicated in their own brain circuit can think of it, and even more so my cousin.

I saw Ling Xiao brought them up, coldly watching the two brothers struggling and begging for mercy, and opened the cold jade box again.

The moment "Huanyang" was exposed from the cold jade box, the two brothers were stunned, their bodies stiff, their eyes dull, and they slowly looked at Ling Xiao: " . "

Ling Xiao said, "How about we?"

The boss suddenly became excited and struggled: "Damn you!"

Cang Min said: "Since you have paid back your yang, you can just be a decent human being. Murdering others, but saying we deserve to die, doesn't make sense!"

Boss: "Bah!"

Ling Xiao's tone softened at this time: "You stay here, kill the incoming people, and nourish Guiyuan, but what are the difficulties?"

The boss and the second said in unison, "Damn you!"

Ling Xiao lowered his eyes and said lightly, "Five years ago, the plague in Jiangzhou had something to do with this?"

The boss and the second said in unison: "Bah!"

Ling Xiao raised his hand slightly, and a cluster of reddish flames ignited at his fingertips: "If you don't say it, you will have to burn your souls for torture."

The boss and the second: "Bah!"

Ling Xiao didn't care how powerful their "bah" was, he just continued: "If you say it, someone will decide for you."

The boss and the second said in unison, "We don't believe it!"

Lin Shu: "..."

Since they said they didn’t believe it, it was clear that someone needed to be the master for them. Before returning to Yang, these two were evil creatures with low mana, and their brains after returning to Yang were obviously not very useful.

"The two of you are here to wait and see. If anyone comes, no matter if they are immortals or mortals, they will deceive them and kill them off the cliff. With you, there must be other evil creatures who will turn into living people. For example, pretending to be Mr. You Fang, looking for a family member who is seriously ill. People, lure here, and then let you kill. Over time, there will be many people." Ling Xiao said: "If it is immortal, it looks older and seems to have extraordinary cultivation, so let it go. See us today. All of them are teenagers, and they were expected to have little mana, but they accidentally capsized the boat, but is that so?"

The two brothers stared at him, dumbfounded.

Lin Shu felt sympathy for their stunned eyes.

-Cousin's IQ, how can mortals like us imagine it? There are too few inferences, and more than enough to infer three hundred. As long as there is a clue, the whole thing can be inferred.

After the two were dumbfounded, it took almost a stick of incense before they recovered.

The second child said: "There are still ghosts."

Ling Xiao: "Sleeping ghost?"

"Master Guan collects taxes, but he can't pay them. He just wants to die, so we brought him here, saying that if he jumps off a cliff, he will be able to live a good life in the next life!" The boss smiled: "There are the most of them, and they are one family when they come."

It turned out that this tax is not the other way around.

"In this way, you have hated the dynasty for a long time." Ling Xiao's voice was very low, almost to himself: "Where did this grievance come from? It was probably when the Jiangzhou plague was spreading. Tens of thousands of living people are thrown into Wanguiyuan, entangled with grievances and illnesses, giving birth to Huo, and Huo to raise you..."

The two brothers said in unison again: "Damn you!"

Ling Xiao asked, "How many people did you kill?"

Lao Dao: "I can't count."

"How many tax ghosts?"

"I can't count."

"How many people asking for medicine?"


"How many cultivators?"

"A dozen or so!"

"How many of you are there?"


Ling Xiao said, "It's also a big undertaking."


A cold light flashed, "Boom" and "Boom", two heads fell to the ground, and blood spattered.

Ling Xiao retracted the knife and said, "Let's go."

Cang Min's face was pale, his lips moved, and he seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything after all, just "um".

On the way, he said again: "Then other evil things that have become human?"

Ling Xiao said: "I will send a letter to Sister Xiao, and she will mobilize Tu Longwei to thoroughly investigate Mr. Fang and missing cases in the nearby six states, towns and villages."

Cang Min said: "Hmm."

Walking out of the Wanguiyuan, it gradually became hot, Ling Xiao reached out and untied the snow fox cloak on Lin Shu's body, put it away, and asked him, "I killed you just now, did I scare you?"

Lin Shu shook his head.

Ling Xiao said, "That's fine."

Lin Shu thought that the two were manipulated by Hu, killing mortals and nourishing Wan Guiyuan with their lives. Although they had difficulties, they were truly unforgivable.

And Huo probably had to rely on the living people who were killed to strengthen his strength. He would strengthen his strength again and again while waiting for the Yangzhuang people to return. If they hadn't discovered it, if he succeeded, it would have been a big disaster.

It's just that it's a bit embarrassing.

In the evening, they settled at an inn in a small town.

At night, Lin Shu was going to sleep, but the door was knocked. Opening the door, the person who came was Ling Xiao next door.

My cousin said, "I'm leaving."

Lin Shu couldn't digest the meaning of these words for a while: "Huh?"

Ling Xiao came in, sat down at the table, poured two cups of tea, and said, "Sister Xiao told me to protect you on Huandang Mountain, and I think I'm doing a good job of protecting you."

Naturally good.

More than good, simply perfect.

My cousin continued: "Now that everything is over, I am in Jianghu, Jiangzhou Chen, so I can't intervene. Sister Qia Xiao is free, and I will come to pick you up in a few days... I also want to Go back to the mountain to practice, and you and I will say goodbye.”

Lin Shu was a little reluctant for a while, but he didn't know what to say. After looking at Ling Xiao for a long time, he only said, "Take care."

The cousin smiled and reached out to scratch his nose.

Lin Shu: "..."

Second time!

I just heard my cousin say warmly, "You also have to take good care of yourself."

Lin Shu: "Yes."

"I don't know when we can meet next time, and I don't have anything to give you," Ling Xiao said, "I just went out and bought this outside."

He took out a simple flowing cloud white jade hairpin, put it on the table, and said, "It's not a rare thing, but I think you will look good when you wear it."

It seems that I have gotten used to receiving things from the eldest lady, but I am still a little nervous about receiving gifts from my cousin. Lin Shu thought about it for a while, he has nothing to do, and he has nothing to give back to his cousin, so he can only say: "I have nothing..."

The cousin smiled and said, "Then you can prepare it later, and send it to me next time you meet."

Lin Shu: "Okay."

Ling Xiao looked at him again and said, "You go to bed early, I'll leave in a while, no need to send it."

Lin Shu felt that he had a lot to say, but due to his language skills, he didn't say anything. He could only say: "You pay attention to safety."

Ling Xiao said, "Naturally."

After that, he went over to touch the cat again and said "I'm leaving".

The cat made a "meow", turned over, and continued to sleep.

Lin Shu looked at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao said: "Take care."

Lin Shu: "Take care."

There was a knock on the door, and his cousin's footsteps gradually drifted away in the corridor. Lin Shu was clinging to the window to look out. After Ling Xiao disappeared, there was only a full moon left outside. Several lights were on, which made him feel a little bit in his heart. Empty.

In the cold night, he closed the window and lay on the bed. Turning over a few times, I couldn't sleep a little, thinking to myself, in the relationship between people, the so-called parting mood does exist. If I have had such a good friend in my previous life, I am afraid that the appreciation of ancient poetry and reading comprehension will get a few more points.

The next morning, he got up to go to dinner and passed by his cousin's room, feeling a little unreal about the farewell last night. I also thought that it was difficult to walk in the middle of the night, and my cousin might still be there, so I knocked on the door.

No one answered, but the latch was loose.

He pushed gently, and the door opened.

In front of the bronze mirror in the room, there was a red-clothed beauty in a palace dress, with black hair scattered, a pile of bottles and jars were placed in front of her, and her eyebrows were drawn in front of the mirror.

Lin Shu: "!"

The eldest lady turned her head and smiled sweetly: "You got up so early."

Miss, you are very early too.