The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 81: Bamboo rat


Lin Shu didn't know.

He said, "I don't know."

"It seems that fellow Daoists know very little about the Immortal Dao." Mr. Meng said, "But fellow Daoist, you live with Little Phoenix, so you must already have some knowledge of the Phoenix Sword Technique."

Lin Shu: "Yeah."

"Phoenix Villa has only one set of internal skills, but there are many swordsmanships. Among them, 'Yaochi Fuer' and 'Zifu Wushuang' are complex and beautiful and suitable for viewing purposes, so they are very popular among female disciples." Lingyun Nine Styles ', '11 knives missing a month', etc., but it is not the case."

Lin Shu nodded.

There is no difference between men and women, and there seems to be no problem for male disciples to practice swordsmanship such as "Lingyun Nine Styles" and "Moonless Eleven Knives" - but Phoenix Villa does not accept any male disciples, even those from the direct line. The children, if they are boys, should also be sent to the outside for rearing, and they do not belong to the Phoenix Villa.

"Nine styles of Lingyun are fierce, and eleven knives in the absence of the moon are all well-known swordsmanships. However—" Mr. Meng said, "Phoenix swordsmanship and internal skills cannot be practiced by men, even those of direct lineage. The younger generation, if they are male, will at most learn some formed methods, and the 'Nirvana Rebirth' that you saw on Huandang Mountain is in this column."

Lin Shu was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Mr. Meng smiled and asked, "Is Little Phoenix good-natured?"

Lin Shu: "Not good."

- Although he has been good to him these days, in fact, his overall temper is still very bad, such as when facing Henry Zhang.

Mr. Meng said: "It's easy to break just after passing it."

Just easy to fold.

Lin Shu thought for a while.

Indeed, Phoenix Mountain Villa's mind technique and sword technique are all based on the Qi of Li Huo. Among the five elements and gossip, the fire is the most intense. And the swordsmanship of the villa, such as the nine styles of Lingyun and the eleven knives of the lack of moon, are more straightforward and fierce, incomparably sharp, without the sense of neutrality and harmony, the combination of rigidity and softness, and even completely incompatible with the word "soft". relation.

Mr. Meng seemed to see that he had understood a little, and continued: "Many years ago, when the Phoenix Villa was founded, it was not that there were no male disciples. It is a precedent for the law. However, without exception, if you cultivate to a certain level, you will go into the devil's way, from a fall in your realm to an explosion and death.

Lin Shu was really surprised and continued to listen to Mr. Meng.

"People born in heaven and earth, since they are under the way of heaven, they must follow the principle of the way of heaven. I treat men and women equally in the immortal way. However, in the five elements of yin and yang, men and women are different after all, and there are slight differences in physique, root and character."

Lin Shu nodded.

Mr. Meng continued: "Men are of the yang category. If you practice the Phoenix Mountain Villa cultivation technique again, the fierce temperament will collide with each other. First, you will enter the country quickly, your foundation will be unstable, and you will easily go into the devil. Second, your temperament will be affected, impulsive and impetuous. Violent and bloodthirsty, after a while, he loses his mind and goes astray. Phoenix swordsmanship, like a sword forged by fire, is brittle and easy to break. Only women can control it.”

Lin Shu digested it for a while, and felt that the mystery of this theory was no less than the son's argument about the "dao".

Mr. Meng smiled and said: "If things are too prosperous, they should be killed. This is the truth of the mutual growth and transformation of all things in the world. Fellow Daoist, do you understand?"

Lin Shu nodded: "Understood."

"Of course, there may not be any men in the world who can practice the Phoenix Swordsmanship. It's just that you can imagine the concentration of mind and nature that he needs, and it's not difficult to imagine the hardships he has to endure. I have never seen one. Wealth, honor and splendor are like cooking oil in a fire, sharing half of the rivers and mountains with the royal family, you need to know how to protect yourself, this is a mortal affair, so let's not talk about it."

Lin Shu understood the truth of what Mr. Meng said, but why Mr. Meng said this to him, he still couldn't figure it out.

Fortunately, Mr. Meng didn't have the habit of "go back and learn on your own". After he finished speaking, he said, "Friend, since you understand this truth, you should think about your own path. It is very easy to die, and it is too cold to hurt. Your Dao is empty and silent. When you reach the end of the Dao and the heights are too cold, whether there will be demons or obstacles, and how to eliminate and choose, you should prepare early. My concerns are also here."

Lin Shu looked at Mr. Meng's eyes, and truly felt the meaning of ardent love. He warmed his heart and said, "I will."

Mr. Meng said: "Then I can rest assured."

Having said this, Mr. Meng asked about some trivial matters in life, and if there were any things he was not used to, etc. After asking, Lin Shu said goodbye to him and left the dreamland.

After going out, he sat cross-legged on the bamboo bed, thinking to himself that he had passed his husband's examination, and the conversation just now had benefited a lot.

As for Mr. Meng's final warning—

He thought about the 20 years when he was like a lonely ghost in his previous life, and then thought about the demons he had seen in the maze of Huandang Mountain, and felt that his state of mind was indeed not solid, and he had to hone more. is a question worth considering.

He decided to go to the library to find some books about mood and inner demons to see how to sharpen his mood.

When I think of the library, I think of the dining hall.

This morning, Ling Fengxiao said that after Mr. Meng's exam in the afternoon, he would be fine, and invited him to have dinner together.

Thinking of this, Lin Shu got off the bed, put on the white fox fur cape hanging by the bedside, and walked out the door.

—This cloak was originally the one my cousin used to pack him, and the one the eldest lady used was another sable. However, in an instant, the cousin and the eldest lady became one person, so Ling Fengxiao naturally stopped covering it up and stuffed both of them to him.

As soon as Lin Shu thought that Ling Fengxiao went out, he even prepared two cloaks to hide people's eyes and ears, and felt that this person was really a bit hateful.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the eldest lady sitting in the bamboo porch outside the atrium.

In the winter, light snow fell in the mountains, many small grains of crystal clear ice fell in the air, and the bamboo leaves were covered with a layer of frost-like snow, which was very beautiful.

On the other hand, Ling Fengxiao wore a big red feather cloak and held a red umbrella diagonally. The black hair was not tied, and it was casually draped. The whole person was really conspicuous in the snowy sky.

This man was holding the cat and looked up at Feixue in front of the porch. He was in a daze. When he saw him pushing the door open, he smiled and said, "You are here."

Lin Shu stepped forward, Ling Fengxiao got up and gave him half the umbrella.

"I originally wanted to invite you to the dining hall, but you couldn't. Cangmin just sent a letter saying that he has few exams. After training in martial arts these days, he dug out a lot of bamboo rat holes in Jasper Sky and caught a dozen of them sleeping in the winter. The fat bamboo rat, invite us, Yue Ruohe, Yue Ruoyun and the cat to roast the bamboo rat to eat."

Before Lin Shu could speak, the cat pricked up its ears first, raised its head from Ling Fengxiao's arms, and gave a quick "meow".

-Looks like I really want to eat.

Lin Shu said: "A dozen or so are probably not enough for Cangmin to eat alone."

Ling Fengxiao said: "I think so too, but he said that each one weighs four or five jins, and a dozen of them add up to about a hundred jins. After bloodletting and roasting, there can be dozens of jins left. Maybe Cangmin When we're full, we can leave one or two for us."

Lin Shu smiled.

After laughing, thinking that the Yue family brothers and sisters would also go, he asked, "Does he recognize Yue Ruohe?"

Ling Fengxiao gave an "en" and said, "The nine sects often come and go. Cang Min was born in the Heng Lian sect, and is a family friend with Rumengtang, so he must be a brother and sister of the Yue family."

They went to the place Cang Min said, in a deserted pavilion with no decorations in the sea of bamboo.

The Yue family brothers and sisters are already here, building a fire together, setting up a shelf, and attentively fiddling with a bunch of bottles and jars and preparing roasting ingredients.

And those fat bamboo rats have been processed, they have been strung together one by one, and they are neatly marinated together.

Seeing them coming, Cang Min greeted: "Junior Brother Lin, Senior Qingyuan, you are here! Miss, you are here too!"

The eldest lady said, "Since you have invited me, why don't I come?"

Cang Min scratched his head: "I'm just testing it out, please..."

Yue Ruoyun patted him and said with a smile, "Lin Shu and the cat are here, so I said the eldest miss will come."

Everyone has arrived, Cangmin's seasoning has been prepared, the fire is booming, and the whole pavilion is warmed up. They sat down on the mat on the ground and started roasting bamboo rats to eat.

Ling Fengxiao didn't let Lin Shu bake it by himself, but skewered his one, and the two baked it together.

The fat and thin bamboo rat meat is gradually roasted on the fire until it is sizzling, browned and fragrant. Coupled with the seasonings that are brushed from time to time, the fragrance becomes more and more attractive.

Cat: "Meow."



Ling Fengxiao: "Wait."

Cat: "Meow."

Lin Shu looked at the cat and saw the hostility in the cat's eyes.

The cat must think that the eldest lady has roasted the bamboo rat, and probably won't give it the first bite.

Fortunately, Cangmin was baked first and offered to the land gods.

The cat let out a satisfied meow and began to eat the mouse.

After a while, Ling Fengxiao's was fine, and the browned and tender rat meat was brushed with another layer of material, sesame seeds and minced pepper, and the aroma was overflowing in an instant.

The eldest lady took out a sharp little silver knife again, divided the rat meat, and ate it with Lin Shu.

Cang Min talked about the deliciousness of bamboo rat meat, such as "bamboo rat eats bamboo, and has its own fragrance", "bamboo rat weighs four or five catties, the size is suitable, the fat and thinness are moderate, and it is suitable for roasting", "bamboo rat" Eating bamboo rats in the sea has a unique flavor." Yunyun.

The rest of them are familiar with each other. They are busy with exams these days, and it is rare to relax.

It was lively, and suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the distance. When I entered, I saw a man walking on the snow, holding a lantern in one hand and something in the other.

No matter how close, it seems to be Xie Zishe, the senior sister of the Confucianism and Taoism Institute.

I saw her wearing a half-old gray crane cloak, holding a wind lantern in one hand, a wine jar in the other, and a bookcase on her back.

"I know who is playing here, it turns out to be you," Xie Zishe put down the wine jar and smiled, "Roasting mice on a snowy night, so elegant."

Yue Ruoyun said, "Are you Senior Sister Xie Zishe?"

Xie Zishe said, "It's down here."

Yue Ruoyun immediately said happily: "I've heard the name of Senior Sister for a long time!"

Xie Zishe said, "I like your Bamboo Sea in Jasper Sky. I often come to this abandoned pavilion to drink and read, but today I actually let you take the lead."

While speaking, he looked at Ling Fengxiao.

Ling Fengxiao said, "It's a coincidence."

"It's just a coincidence, so I'm here to mix it up." Xie Zishe said with a smile, "It just so happens that you have meat, and I brought wine."

Cang Min asked curiously, "How did you get the wine?"

Xie Zishe said, "Confucianism and Taoism do not take strict precautions against drinking."

Yue Ruohe said, "Then can we go to the Confucianism and Taoism Institute to buy wine?"

"If there is a doorway, of course it can."

Cang Min was very happy: "Senior Sister Xie, if you eat meat with us today, you can be our doorway."

Xie Zishe laughed loudly and said, "Then I'll be welcome."

Lin Shu took a piece of meat fed by the eldest lady, ate it slowly, and looked at the eldest sister of the Confucianism and Taoism Institute.

She has clear eyes, a slightly arrogant appearance, but an approachable personality, and she soon started chatting and laughing with the three of them.

The next moment, he saw that Xie Zishe also looked over, looked at him, smiled, and raised his glass from afar: "Why doesn't this junior brother drink."

Lin Shu felt that she was looking for something, but she didn't intend to deal with it.

Then I heard the eldest lady say lightly: "I don't allow him to drink."

Xie Zishe took a sip and said, "You actually hurt people."

The eldest lady picked a piece of thin bone with a silver knife, skewered two pieces of roasted tender meat, and handed it to Lin Shu, then said, "When you want to hurt someone, you will naturally."

The author has something to say: Senior Sister: Let me see where this little thing looks unique.

Lin Shu: Peaceful.