The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I’m Pretending to be a B

Chapter 15: Chapter 15


Fu Ke waited with some trepidation until the day she saw on the Ning'an display screen, and looked around the cafeteria while having breakfast.

"Fu, what are you looking for? Is today's breakfast not to your liking?" Derek was a little curious when asked by Fu Yao. Fu Ke recently made new friends.

"It's nothing." Derek could see his perfunctory, because even though he answered like this, he still didn't put his eyes back on the dining table.

Derek also looked around like him, but didn't find what he was looking for, so he pouted helplessly and began to enjoy his breakfast.

The same thing happened at lunch, Fu Ke almost poured soup on Derek.

"Hey, listen, Fu." Derek was grateful for his quick response, "I don't know what's wrong with you today, but if you want to find someone, I suggest you use the terminal to send messages. If you don't add the other party's terminal Friends, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Fu Ke suddenly realized that she was really stunned, and quickly edited a message to Ning An and sent it.

"Do you still have an appointment at the library tonight?"

Derek looked at Fu Ke and kept staring at the terminal again, scooping up the soup absently, "If you keep doing this, the soup will be cold, Fu, are you in love?"

"Hmm, no." Fu Ke paused when she heard this, and then put down the spoon. He was about to say something, but his eyes were firmly caught by the news of Ning An's return.

"I won't bother you tonight, and it's the same these days. I'm not at school."

Seeing the way his brows were furrowed, Derek felt that his guess was indistinguishable, but maybe Fu Ke hadn't noticed it yet.

"I'm done eating." Fu Ke drank half a bowl of soup in one go, got up and left with empty cutlery and plates, "Let's go first."

"Hey, hello!" Looking at Fu Ke's back without looking back, Derek suddenly remembered the word "emphasis on sex over friends", and muttered a few words in his heart to speed up the meal. When he left, he happened to meet someone on the same road. He Xin.

"Hello." Derek had a good impression of this sunny and positive young man. He remembered that he was always with Ning An. "Are you alone today?"

"Hello, Li..." He Xin remembered that Derek had said that it would be good to call him by his first name, "Hello, Derek, Ning An has asked for leave these days."

Because Chen Siyu and Wang Yi participated in the mental power training at the same time, they always go in and out together. He Xin has a good relationship with other students in the class, but they are not so familiar yet, so they are always alone.

"Go to the training ground together at night?" Derek looked at He Xin's expression a little lonely, and offered to propose, "Or go to the library?"

"I'm going to the library." He Xin was praised by Song Xing in class in the morning, saying that he had made great progress, but the structure of the mecha in the theory class always made him dizzy, and he almost fell asleep in class once. , I need to spend more time.

"Student Liszt should have his own arrangements. I can do it by myself." He Xin learned from Wang Yi that Derek was born in a military family. This knowledge must be very simple for him.

"I said you can just call me Derek." Derek found that He Xin was still a little reserved, "My arrangement today is to be with you."

"Hey, won't it be very troublesome to you?" He Xin didn't expect him to say that, although it sounded a bit weird, He Xin grinned happily, his eyes narrowed into two playful slits, "Then Thank you, see you in the library tonight"

How can someone smile so brightly? Did you just say to go to the library with him? Derek resisted the desire to pat He Xin's head, "Okay, see you in the library."

"By the way, Derek, who won the competition between you and the person next to you on the balcony before?" He Xin recalled the scene that he accidentally glimpsed on the balcony that night, "Are you guys comparing your body? I think you The body is better."

"Well, you saw it." Derek was dragged in by Fu Ke that day. Although he was said to be embarrassing, he felt that no one would see the dark lights outside, and he didn't take it seriously. When He Xin mentioned it like this, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed Sorry, "We are just joking around."

After thinking about it, I asked again, "Is it obvious?"

"Not really, I saw it by accident when I went out to dry clothes." He Xin just didn't expect Derek to have such a childish side, and he didn't seem to be as inaccessible as imagined. "Your bedroom can just be seen from the balcony of our bedroom. "

"It's a coincidence." Derek began to think about whether he had done something to let himself go on the balcony, and the answer was too much, "You, will you just stay on the balcony without anything?"

"Well, no, I will go when the clothes are hanging." He Xin felt that Derek's expression seemed not very good, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. It's windy on the balcony at night, so be careful to catch a cold."

"I will be careful, Derek should also be careful." He Xin walked to the fork in the road and waved goodbye to Derek, "Then see you tonight."

"Okay, see you tonight." On the way back to his dormitory, Derek began to think seriously about Fu Ke's inappropriate behavior. He really should pay attention

Fu Ke felt a little unhappy, but he didn't know why he was unhappy. He looked at the high-calorie food prepared for Ning An according to Fu Yao's suggestion and felt a little bored in his heart. Ning An replied him with a message and then nothing. echoed.

Maybe Omega's estrus period is really difficult

Because Fu Ke is an Alpha, he can't accompany Fu Yao, but judging from Fu Yao's frowning face every time, it must not be considered comfortable.

Then I'd better not bother him too much, it's fine to wait until he returns to school.

After thinking about it this way, Fu Ke felt better. At first he thought that Omega shouldn't come to the military academy, but seeing Ning An working so hard, he couldn't bear to expose him to the school. Maybe it was just a spur-of-the-moment decision to enter the military academy, and he would find out more suitable for their own place.

Maybe when I get acquainted with myself enough to share secrets, I will be able to listen to my persuasion more

Fu Ke thought for a while and opened the online store to buy a book that had been added to the shopping cart a long time ago.

Let the remaining insignificant stuffiness in my heart evaporate with the sweat of training.

Fearing that Qin Zhao would give him extra extracurricular homework, Ning An went back to school, first handed in the report, and then returned to the dormitory with the two big bags of snacks that Ning Meng forcefully stuffed for him, saying that the community would send warmth to him. All the students in the class sent some, and left some for their own dormitory, and did not forget to prepare a copy for Fu Ke and Derek.

"This is the honey cake I told you to eat before." Ning An handed He Xin a packing box with a slightly damaged corner and spread it on the bed. "It may be cold, but it tastes better when it's warm."

"Thank you." He Xin forked a piece of cake that was still warm and put it into his mouth, his eyes lit up instantly, "Wow, this is delicious!" Soon he was a little confused about whether he should take a second bite, "Eat Will this make my abs grow?"

He Xin specifically asked Derek how to exercise, he saw that Derek didn't seem to eat sweets

"It doesn't matter, it's a big deal, walk on the training ground at night, just double it." Anyway, Ning Meng has stuffed a lot of cheesecakes, cream puffs and the like in the past few days, and finally got some rudimentary abdominal muscles All gone.

"Yeah." He Xin immediately relaxed and ate.

"Hey, Ning'an." Chen Siyu and Wang Yi came back after eating, and Chen Siyu still had a bag of things in his hand, "I just met classmate Fu downstairs, and he asked me to give you this."