The abandoned concubine can't hide herself

Chapter 70: seek death


Someone in Xixia understood what Ji Chu said! That's why people were asked to guard the east side.

Su Ningxin looked at Ji Chu in confusion. He should have noticed it. Why would he go there even though he knew it was difficult to break out

[Is there a problem in your brain?]

Chu Jihan looked at Shen Qing and turned around when he heard these words. Even though the situation was critical now, he couldn't help but have a string of black threads on his head. With his identity, he didn't have many friends. After finally making a friend, he was still a friend. One day the weather was so bad that I wanted to tear his head off.

After thinking about what he had to do next, Chu Jihan felt a little apologetic. He could only pray that Shen Qing could go back safely. If he and Shen Qing could go back alive this time, he would definitely put Shen Qing in his heart and regard him as his life. Best friend.

Thinking like this, Chu Jihan winked at Su Ningxin and glanced at the tent to the north. Su Ningxin instantly understood what he meant. It turned out that what he just said was intentional, just to lure people to the east.

Because of Chu Jihan's words, the Xixia people transferred a lot of troops to the east, but it was not the west that was weakly defended, but the north and south where tents were pitched. The soldiers they transferred were also transferred from these two sides.

"Let's go!" Chu Jihan shouted, and his men all rode horses and galloped towards the north. It was amazing that his men had such a tacit understanding that they could understand what Chu Jihan meant without saying anything.

The horse's hooves trampled over the weak tent and quickly broke through the siege of the Xixia people. The Xixia people's habitual thinking made them think that the tent was an obstacle, and everyone on horseback had to escape the tent, but Chu Jihan did the opposite. , by the time the other party reacted, they had already escaped the siege.

Su Ningxin also rushed out with the others. When she passed the bearded man on horseback, she reached out and grabbed him. He was not Ji Chu's subordinate, so he didn't understand what Ji Chu meant. He almost rushed to the east after seeing Ji Chu shouting. Go, Su Ningxin was pulled to react, and rushed north with everyone.

Although they were out of the siege, they were still pursued by soldiers until they encountered a river. The water in the river was almost up to the horse's legs. If they crossed the river, they would be easily washed away by the river.

Su Ningxin and his party ventured across the river. Even though these people were all highly skilled in martial arts and their horses had been with them for many years, two of them were washed away in the end.

But there is also good news. With the help of this river, they got rid of the pursuers, and the servants were naturally brave enough to cross the river. However, the two sides faced each other across the river, and all the Xixia soldiers who came over were killed by the secret guards who had lost their companions.

Such a river can only be crossed by a small group of people. After the Xixia people realized that crossing the river was useless, they no longer made unnecessary sacrifices. They just faced each other but no one took the risk of crossing the river.

After all, this is the territory of Xixia. If you don't leave, you will soon be surrounded by Xixia people who are crossing the river from elsewhere. So seeing that the other party has no intention of crossing the river, Chu Jihan ordered to leave.

However, after leaving for half an hour, they came back, killed the Xixia soldiers who crossed the river after they left, and then left. This was repeated three times, until the Xixia people no longer dared to cross the river, and they never appeared again.

Xixia is a vast grassland with a large area but few herdsmen. It would be difficult for even the Great Khan to find people here, so after escaping from the tribe, they did not encounter pursuers again.

At night, Chu Jihan and his group lit a fire to rest in a mountain col. Chu Jihan sat down next to Su Ningxin with dry food and handed the dry food in his hand to her.

Su Ningxin waved her hand and took out some pastries from her arms, "I knew this would happen one day."

Seeing the cakes in Su Ningxin's hand that were a little crushed but did not affect the taste, Chu Jihan instantly felt that the dry food in his hands was no longer fragrant.

"Give me some." Chu Jihan made the shameless request without changing his expression.

Su Ningxin rolled her eyes at him, "You haven't woken up yet." In such a precarious situation, Su Ningxin didn't bother to pretend to be a gentleman with him.

In the end, the two of them fought over each other, and Chu Jihan snatched a small part of the pastries. Su Ning was so angry that she kept cursing in her heart, but Chu Jihan just giggled.

After the two quarreled, they sat quietly in front of the fire. After a while, Chu Jihan spoke to the fire. He was so guilty that he did not dare to look at Shen Qing, "I still plan to go to the Xixia Khan's tribe to have a look. You should go back first. Be careful on the road.”

Chu Jihan mustered up the courage to turn around and look into Shen Qing's eyes, "It's just as I guessed, you are going to die, but the bearded man has been driven away by me, so it is impossible for me to go back by myself."]

Chu Jihan subconsciously looked around, and sure enough he didn't see the bearded man, and didn't even notice when he was no longer in the team.

"I also want to go back, but what can I do if I don't know the way?" Shen Qing said helplessly.

Chu Jihan felt mixed emotions in his heart and was speechless for a moment. After a long time, he said lightly, "Then let's get together."

"Yes." Shen Qing responded softly, without saying anything.

The next day they still avoided the big Xixia tribes, but Chu Jihan and his party didn't bring much dry food. It was inevitable that they had to go to a small tribe to exchange for some food, which would inevitably expose their whereabouts. In order to get rid of the pursuers, they left again. Many detours.

When Feng Dian was sleeping in the open, Su Ningxin couldn't help but reflect on herself, had she been demoted? Why did she have to come here to risk her life and suffer hardships? Isn't it good to hire cats and dogs in the palace? Wouldn’t it be nice to have him alone in the Su Mansion? He had to come here, and it was unknown whether he could come back alive.

However, Su Ningxin also knew that it was all her own fault, because she had no sense of belonging to this era, and because she died inexplicably in a war in her previous life, she felt insecure. If she didn't do something about her destiny, she would not be able to sleep. Can't be stable.

Just like when the emperor ascended the throne, she didn't have to enter the palace, but she still went, just because talking to the queen who also traveled through time made her feel less lonely. She was different from others and had many things that others valued. She doesn't care, and at the same time, she can pay a huge price to replace many things that others feel are worthless.

"What are you thinking about?" Su Ningxin's thoughts were interrupted by Ji Chu, who gave her a water bag at the same time.

"Thank you." Su Ningxin took the water bag, opened it and took a gulp. It contained goat milk powder dissolved in water.

These secret guards from Daqi are not used to drinking this. They usually just drink water, but Su Ningxin feels that it tastes good, so every time she goes to the tribe to exchange food, Ji Chu will give her some. Remember the last time she was killed by the Xixia people It was discovered that Ji Chu was wasting time changing the milk powder.

Su Ning felt grateful in her heart. She remembered this feeling, but she didn't say it out loud. She felt that saying grateful would be too harsh in the current situation. It would be better for everyone to understand.

(End of chapter)