The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

Chapter 32: On the road to the end of the world three


As night fell, the cold wind howled, covering up other sounds, and the people in the room could only hear the sound of the wind passing by outside.

Because on the way, for the sake of safety, everyone chose to spread sleeping bags in the hall, and everyone slept together. Except for the elderly, children, and women, other people have to take turns to watch the night. As usual, Xi Mufeng and Chen Kaiwei stayed in the first half of the night, while Lou Dian and Wei Xian stayed in the second half of the night.

"It's very windy outside, so be careful." Lou Dian said.

Xi Mufeng turned his head quickly, and soon understood the meaning of Lou Dian's words, the wind was too loud, it could be used as a cover, if he was not careful, he wouldn't even know he was attacked at night.

Both Xi Mufeng and Chen Kaiwei nodded solemnly, and the others got into their sleeping bags to sleep after washing up. Now we don't talk about nighttime entertainment, everyone needs to recharge their spirits, and we have to go on the road tomorrow.

Even though it was a March night, the nighttime temperature dropped to minus 20 degrees. So when Lou Dian took out the double sleeping bag, Lou Ling nestled in the same sleeping bag with him without any protest at all. Not only her, Lin Baobao and Huang Zhiling also slept in the same sleeping bag for warmth, and everyone else shared the same sleeping bag . Since Chen Kaiwei had to guard the midnight, Wei Xian took Chen Luosheng to sleep together.

Lou Ling leaned into Lou Dian's ear and said, "Brother, do people in this village come to climb the wall without sleep in the middle of the night? You see, the wall is very short..."

Lou Dian pressed her head into his arms and said, "Go to sleep, if they have the guts to come, they don't have to go back."

Hearing the cold and murderous intent implied in his flat tone, Lou Ling was silent for a while, and said: "If it is possible, I think it is better not to kill people. In the current world, it is not easy to live."

What if you don't kill them and they want to kill you

Lou Dian chuckled, in fact she was not sure in her heart, if the other party really wanted to kill them all, no matter how much they respected life, they could only fight back, just for their own survival, but any bloody person would not just stand there The Holy Mother knows how to protect herself before she can continue to be a Holy Mother if she is unable to fight back. Everyone wants to live and feels that life is not easy for themselves, but how many people know that life is not easy for others? To be a human being, you still have to leave some room for others to survive.

Lou Dian lowered his head and rubbed against her forehead, and patted her on the back to make her fall asleep.

Before the shift change time in the middle of the night, Lou Dian suddenly opened his eyes, and there was no trace of sleepiness in his clear eyes.

Xi Mufeng and Chen Kaiwei were still vigilant, the weather was cold at night, they were wearing military coats, and there was an electric heater in the room, but the chill was still there. The door was closed, and the door of the living room was also closed to cover the cold wind outside. The two stood guarding the windows on both sides, looking outside from time to time. It was pitch black outside, except for the whistling wind, there was nothing unusual.

When Lou Dian got up, Lou Ling also woke up vaguely, Xi Mufeng and Chen Kaiwei were also a little surprised, it wasn't time yet.

Lou Dian stepped forward silently like a night walker, and whispered to the two of them, "Something is coming, mutant beast."

The faces of the two changed immediately, but seeing Lou Dian's calm appearance, they were somewhat relieved.

Lou Ling was still in her sleeping bag and didn't get up—Lou Dian didn't get up for her, but just pricked up her ears, but she didn't even hear the conversation of the three men in the room except for the wind, so she couldn't help being a little depressed. His hearing is so bad? At this time, Lou Ling regretted that he was not a supernatural being, as if he couldn't help much, so Lou Dian didn't let her get up to help, it felt a bit bad.

It's not that she loves to be brave, but that she feels that in such a world, only by constantly whipping herself to become stronger can her life be guaranteed. Although some things are extremely thrilling when facing them, they are also a way of training. Only after experiencing more things can they become one's own survival experience.

After a while, Lou Ling suddenly heard a terrible meowing, and finally couldn't lie down anymore, and got up abruptly. Along with her, Wei Xian, Lin Baobao and others, Grandpa Mo was the last to wake up, but the two children were still sleeping.

In the darkness, Xi Mufeng's lightning strikes the window, and a black cat is struck by the lightning. Following the scream of the cat, there was also the sound of knocking on the door outside. The wooden door was knocked open without being knocked. At the same time, Lou Dian also opened the door of the hall immediately. After coming in, everyone shuddered and became fully awake.

Lou Ling grabbed the Tang knife in his hand and went out together with Huang Zhiling and Lin Baobao. The three girls didn't say anything, they picked up the Tang knife in their hands and slashed directly. They were more ferocious than those boys. Hurry up, run up in a flash, and Lin Baobao, who has supernatural powers, condenses water balls while chopping. In the weather of more than ten degrees below zero, when the water is poured down, it will soon freeze, and it will be so cold Stiff, without any resistance, the girls slashed on the back of the neck with the back of a knife, and fainted on the ground.

By the time the boys reacted, the seven or eight villagers who rushed in had already been knocked down by the three girls. It was really bloodless. And when they were brought down, the three girls happily clapped their hands in mid-air to celebrate their first successful cooperation.

Xi Mufeng and the others twitched their mouths, thinking that women are really terrifying creatures, they were still thinking about using supernatural powers to attack, so a few women attacked directly, making their limbs more developed than their heads.

Compared with them, Lou Dian was much more natural. He didn't interfere with what the three girls were going to do, and stood at the entrance of the hall seemingly casually. In fact, his mental power was checking around, and he soon discovered that the grass not far from the house There is also a sentry man hidden in the pile, with a mutant dog beside him.

Lou Dian had people tie up the unconscious men and throw them outside the door. The mutated cat was seriously injured because of the lightning strike. The blood flowed out, and the wound was quickly frozen by the freezing temperature. Lou Dian directly ordered the mutant cat to be killed.

"Killed?" Xi Mufeng asked in surprise: "This mutated cat was obviously raised by those villagers. If it was killed..." If it was killed, I wonder if those villagers would make excuses for it.

Lou Dian squinted his eyes, and then said gently: "The mutant beast is a very vengeful creature, if you fail to kill it after injuring it, you will have to die forever."

His voice was very gentle, but in this cold night, it made people feel a icy chill. Without further ado, Chen Kaiwei passed an ice pick, and the mutated cat was finally dead. Chen Kaiwei also threw the mutated cat out together.

Lou Ling and Lin Baobao looked on coldly, and from this incident, they could see the attitudes and positions of everyone. Xi Mufeng thought a lot and wanted to be smooth in everything. Wei Xian was always silent, but he also had his own Think carefully, and Chen Kaiwei swore an oath in front of Lou Dian that he would completely obey Lou Dian's words and would not discount them in the slightest.

Lin Baobao put his hand on Lou Ling's shoulder, and the two looked at each other, both of them had plans.

I don't know if the fate of those villagers and mutant cats became a deterrent. In the second half of the night, nothing happened. Until dawn, everyone got up to wash up. Grandpa Mo went to cook Yifu noodle soup. After that, they set off.

The village was still filled with mist in the early morning. After opening the door, I didn't see the villagers who were thrown out outside the door. They must have been moved away. Even the corpse of the mutated cat was gone.

Everyone didn't speak, they drove the car out of the yard, and drove slowly through the village.

The entire village is a kilometer long, and the houses on both sides are quiet, and the sound of the car engine is the most ear-piercing sound in the morning.

Suddenly, Lou Dian said to Lin Baobao who was driving: "Stop."

After Lin Baobao stopped the car, Lou Dian said, "There are nails ten meters ahead."

Lin Baobao, Xi Mufeng and others got out of the car one after another to check. They became angry immediately, their eyes widened, and they stared sharply at a house where a man with a thin and haggard face was looking into his head. When they saw their gaze, they hurriedly retracted. head.

"Clear the nails first, let's leave, there is no need to get angry over such a trivial matter." Xi Mufeng said calmly, and together with Chen Kaiwei, they cleared all the nails in the road.

Lin Baobao was a little angry, and he didn't know what he was angry about. He probably felt that these villagers were too hateful. Last night, he brought the mutant beasts to attack him at night. After knowing that they were not easy to mess with, he wanted to throw nails on the road to destroy their tires... After a long while , suddenly discouraged again. Everyone in this world is living a difficult life, but she can't do this kind of thing now in order to keep herself alive and cut off other people's lives! It seems that she is still too soft-hearted, also affected by the age of the building. If she did not know the age of the building in her freshman year, was not attracted by her sunny and cheerful personality, and was not influenced by her, she probably still retained her childhood love. The cynical character she has developed, and even the arrival of the end of the world will make her even more unscrupulous.

Suddenly there was a bang, and everyone looked and saw a ball of water the size of a baby's fist bursting like a bomb. Obviously, the water is soft and can't hurt people or things, but when the water mass exploded, it was able to crack the glass on the window, which shows its power. At the same time, it also scared the people hiding in the house enough.

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Lin Baobao raised his eyebrows, and got into the car first. Grandpa Mo took his granddaughter to the passenger seat, while Lou Ling and Lou Dian moved to the back seat.

Xi Mufeng and the others twitched the corners of their mouths. They used to think that Lin Baobao was a woman with first-class communication skills, could get along with anyone, and had a good ability to handle affairs. It is estimated that her future achievements would be no worse than men. But now that the end of the world is coming, she is a water-type supernatural being, shouldn't she just release the water? What the hell is going on with such cruelty

Only Lou Ling, Huang Zhiling, and Mo Yingying said cheerfully: "The baby is still amazing~~"

Lin Baobao smiled frankly: "Of course, the enemy must be as ruthless as this cold wind!"

With such an interruption, when they left the village, the atmosphere was much happier.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Ziyouxue and Yanyun DH for throwing mines, thank you~~

In the past, Smoke Cloud DH threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-06-16 15:03:16

Ziyouxue threw a landmine Throwing time: 2014-06-15 22:44:45


Today's goal:

Building age goal: In the last days, we must also maintain a healthy and positive attitude!

Lou Dian's goal: to crush all disharmonious things that are not good for my sister!