The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

Chapter 39: Doomsday Road Ten


Standing in a long line, the sun is hot, it is a kind of torture, until the sun is about to set, it is finally their turn.

Like other security bases, they must first register their personal information before entering, then go through a physical examination, and finally enter the isolation room to stay for eighteen hours to confirm that there is no problem before they can really step into the capital base.

Personal information is also very simple, such as name, gender, age, occupation, ability, etc. Those workers first look at your ability, and then look at your occupation. Although it is the end of the world, some occupations are still useful, such as having special abilities. Technical staff might be able to find a job in the capital, and food and clothing would not be a problem.

Everyone filled in their personal information truthfully. The job worker looked at it and found that there were quite a few supernatural beings in this group. He couldn't help being a little surprised, and then asked them to go to the examination room in the row of houses east of the entrance of the base for examination.

Separate the men from the left and the women from the right, take off their clothes to check for wounds, I have experienced this once before, and everyone is calm, and the check is also of the same sex as you, so there is nothing embarrassing about it. After Lou Ling and the girls came out, I waited for a long time before I saw them come out of the examination room.

Both Xi Mufeng and Wei Xian looked a bit ugly, Lou Dian walked over calmly, Chen Kaiwei held Luo Luo's hand, and followed Lou Dian honestly, Grandpa Mo was also silent.

Behind them were a few soldiers in green uniforms with bad faces, who gave Lou Dian a vicious look, and took them directly to the isolation room without saying anything.

Lou Ling and Lin Baobao naturally sensed their strangeness, they went to Lou Dian, and went to the isolation room with them.

"What's wrong?" Huang Zhiling asked Xi Mufeng in a low voice.

Xi Mufeng's face was a bit grim, and he said in a low voice, "Brother Lou injured a worker who was inspecting just now."

Huang Zhiling was taken aback, "Why?" She didn't think Lou Dian was such an impulsive person. Normally, except for his younger sister Lou's age, he would be indifferent to other people and things. See He looks gentle and gentle, but in fact he is indifferent, unless someone provokes him. Well, did the worker offend him

Like Huang Zhiling, Lou Ling and Lin Baobao couldn't help but stare at Xi Mufeng.

Xi Mufeng was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Can it be said that the male worker was very rude to Lou Dian during the inspection? That kind of suggestive behavior seems to be the same at first glance, and Lou Dian is handsome, which is indeed in line with the preferences of some men. It's the end of the world, who cares whether you like men or women, as long as you can live and have enough to eat, so you are tacit about this kind of thing. However, Lou Dian is a normal man, he already has a woman he likes, and he has never been someone to mess with, so how could he bear such presumptuous behavior of a man, crushing the bones of that man's hand on the spot.

It can only be said that the male worker was wrong. Not all good-looking, weak-faced scholars are easy to bully. Lou Dian's appearance is too deceptive, but he is really a murderous pervert. A man wants to touch him in the name of inspection, even if he is a man, it is not suitable to do it here if he is directly abolished For the sake.

This kind of thing is not big, and the novel is not small. Xi Mufeng and Wei Xian are naturally worried if they just enter the base and cause trouble. Fortunately, I don't know what method Lou Dian used to make the worker finally admit that it was his fault, so that no one was held accountable.

Lou Ling and Lin Baobao also strained their ears to listen. After hearing Xi Mufeng say that the staff member took the responsibility for the mistake, they were relieved.

Lou Ling was held by him obediently, and looked up at his handsome face. She naturally didn't know that this man was attracted by a gay man before, and he gave him a very bad and harsh lesson, completely disposing of that man. , It's totally fine not to mention anything, anyway, he likes men, and he can still be suppressed by men, that thing is useless at all.

Although Lou Ling usually thinks that he is a pervert, she finds it unbearable if others come to bully this pervert, so when she hears that he beat him up, nothing happens, so she quickly put it aside, not like Xi Mufeng and the others Think so much.

When they arrived at an isolation room, the two soldiers let them in, and then pulled the iron door and locked it. The doors and windows are all made of special metal and made into a lattice shape, so that they can be seen clearly from the inside or the outside, and can prevent emergencies.

This isolation room was a hundred square meters in size, and there were already dozens of survivors in it, each of them found a place to sit on the floor, resting with their eyes closed. Seeing them coming in, some people still closed their eyes and rested their minds, while some glanced at them and quickly returned to their original postures.

Lou Dian and the others also found an open space to sit, and he directly took out a cushion from the space to spread it on, and then dragged Lou Ling to sit on it. Lin Baobao and the others knew his cleanliness obsession, so they took it easy and sat on the floor with their own backpacks in their arms.

It was getting dark outside, and everyone took out biscuits and water for dinner, and ate as much as they could. When the survivors in the same room heard the sound, they couldn't help looking at the food in their hands, swallowed their saliva, and showed a hungry expression, making everyone unable to eat.

Lou Ling also felt that he couldn't eat, not only because of his psychological discomfort, but also because of the sweltering heat, with fifty or sixty people locked in the house, not to mention the strong smell, it also made people feel choking. Grandpa Mo took a piece of cardboard as a fan to fan his granddaughter, and Chen Kaiwei also put some ice around his nephew to make him more comfortable. Huang Zhiling was the hardest, with sweat dripping from her face, she gritted her teeth and finally Xi Mufeng sighed, asking Chen Kaiwei to condense a bottle of water into ice and put it on her hand to cool her down.

It was getting dark, and the small orange light bulbs used in rural areas were lit up in the house. The purpose was to allow the soldiers guarding outside to see the situation inside clearly, and to respond in time if someone mutated. In this way, the survivors in the house did not dare to fall asleep, for fear that the people around them would mutate and be bitten.

Lou Ling and the other girls could sleep peacefully, and the men discussed it and kept vigil in batches, which solved the problem. Lou Ling observed his surroundings, and fell asleep directly in Lou Dian's arms.

Nothing happened overnight, and they were not released from the isolation room until noon the next day.

After leaving the isolation room, everyone's faces were pale, but the smiles on their faces could not be stopped, so they had really arrived in the capital.

People were walking on the streets of the capital base. This is only the outer city, but it was also cleaned up. People were coming and going. If you don’t look at the base entrance behind you, you will almost forget that it is the end of the world.

Finally it was time to say goodbye.

Xi Mufeng and others stood at the entrance of the street and proposed to look for their family members. They all have relatives living in the capital. If they didn't turn into zombies, they should still live in the original place. Xi Mufeng, Wei Xian, and Huang Zhiling all wanted to find their relatives, so everyone had to separate.

After traveling together for half a year, they finally arrived at their destination. When it was time to part, everyone was extremely reluctant.

Xi Mufeng thought for a while and said: "Brother Lou, it's a pleasure meeting you. If you need anything in the future, you can come to us." After Xi Mufeng gave an address, he said: "After you settle down, we will go to see you. Yours." Now that the situation of the relatives is still unclear, Xi Mufeng dare not make any guarantees.

Huang Zhiling was also a little bit reluctant, she looked at Lou Ling and Lin Baobao, and said, "You two girls, let's train together when we have time."

Half a year of getting along has already resolved the original conflict. As long as men are not involved, the girls' feelings will be purer. Lou Ling and Lin Baobao both nodded with a smile and said goodbye to them.

After the three left, the others all looked at Lou Dian.

"Look for a house to live in and rest for a while." Lou Dian said.

Everyone else had no objection, and after asking where the workers were renting houses, they went directly to renting houses.

There are two ways to rent a house here, one is to use food as rent, and the other is to use zombie crystal cores as rent. The survivors here in the capital have been tested and know that the crystal nucleus in the zombie's head can improve the abilities of the supernatural being, making the crystal nucleus a currency in circulation.

Soon the house was rented, it was a four-bedroom apartment near here, the lease period must be half a year, if you don't come to continue the rent after half a year, the person in charge will directly take back the house. Lou Dian didn't care, paid half a year's rent and rented it directly.

All the people living in this area are supernatural beings, and only supernatural beings with such a big penny can rent the houses here. For ordinary people, they live directly in the kind of relief housing that does not have to pay rent. Living together, after all, there is a safe place to live, and as long as you pay the labor, you can still eat well.

The house is the fourth room on the third floor, and the house number is Room 304. After climbing up the stairs, I found the house. Just as I was about to open the door, the door of room 303 next door opened suddenly. A woman with heavy makeup opened the door. When she saw them, she was slightly surprised. Then it settled on Lou Dian.

"Hello, do you live here too?" The woman greeted with a smile. She was wearing a sleeveless tight leather jacket and leather pants. Those two trembling breasts.

Reluctantly, Lin Baobao moved from the woman's chest to her face, and waved his paw to greet her with a smile, "Yes, I don't know what the eldest sister is called?"

The woman was a little unhappy when she heard the name "big sister". She glanced at the faces of Lin Baobao and Lou Ling. The two girls were just 21 years old. It has a fresh smell, and it is very easy to attract men's attention in this end of the world.

"My name is Yizheng. Nice to meet you. What do you call me?" The woman introduced herself generously.

At this time, Lou Dian had already opened the door and went in. Lou Ling wanted to say hello, but he dragged him in, and the others followed after watching, leaving Lin Baobao to deal with the woman.

When Lin Baobao came in, the woman's information was almost dug out, and even the information and information of the members in the next room were also known. There are five men and three women living in the next room. It is a team of supernatural beings. All eight of them are supernatural beings. Except for the captain who has a second-level soil ability, the rest of the team members are all first-level supernatural abilities. Their strength is not bad.

After cleaning the house, Grandpa Mo rolled up his sleeves, ready to make a rich meal for everyone, and the others also ran to help with a smile.

Lin Baobao put several buckets of clean water directly, and Lou Dian took out various cooking tools, electrical appliances, batteries, etc., and a pile of ingredients from the space. Imagining how these ingredients could be made into delicious food, everyone’s saliva drools. It's going to flow. No way, since they met the army, because it was inconvenient to cook and eat, they all ate biscuits and the like, and a bird could fade out of their mouths.

Grandpa Mo steamed white rice, fried four meat dishes and two green vegetables, and stewed a pot of chicken soup. And Chen Kaiwei used his ability to condense a lot of ice cubes, and put them in every corner of the room to cool down. A burst of coolness hits his face, and eating hot meals is really a very enjoyable thing.

After eating and drinking, Lou Dian leisurely took out a pot of tea and a set of tea sets, and started to boil water to make tea.

Chen Kaiwei and the others stared, enjoying this very much.

After the tea was brewed, everyone sat on the sofa drinking tea and talking about the next plan by the way.

Lou Ling first asked Lin Baobao: "Baby, didn't you say you wanted to find your father? Do you want to post a missing person notice tomorrow?"

Lin Baobao held the teacup, took a sip lightly, and enjoyed it all over his face. Before the end of the world, she didn't like drinking tea, but preferred those carbonated drinks. It wasn't until now that I finally drank a cup of tea that I realized how much I missed the taste of tea, and my heart became more and more affirmed of Lou Dian's ability. Who would collect such things when the danger was at stake

"It costs a lot of crystal cores to publish a missing person notice, so I won't do such a stupid thing." Lin Baobao wrinkled his nose, "I go out these days, and I can meet people who prove blood relationship. If not, it is God's will."

She spoke so nonchalantly that it sounded like a formality. Lou Ling also knew that she had a bad relationship with her biological parents, they were not too close, and it was hard to say anything, so she just said: "If there is anything that needs help, just say it."

Lin Baobao glanced at Lou Dian, then smiled, but didn't answer her words. But she was thinking in her heart that if she couldn't even handle her superb father, all these years would be wasted. And if this drags them down, I believe Lou Dian will kick her away unceremoniously.

Leaving aside Chen Kaiwei, Grandpa Mo and others, Lou Ling asked Lou Dian again: "Brother, where does Uncle Lou live? When should we go find him?"

Lou Dian was sitting beside her, drinking tea slowly, his face was blurred by the dense white air, until he tilted his head and smiled at her, his eyes seemed to have shone stars, and he could only hear him say: "Mr. Rest for a few days and go find them again."

Lou Ling had no objection to his arrangement and nodded to him.

We chatted for a while about the capital base, and seeing that it was getting late, everyone finally dispersed.

When Lou Ling was pulled into the room by him, he didn't react yet. When he found out that he ran to the bathroom to run water to bathe her, for some reason, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and at the same time, he remembered what he said on the way.

So he decisively ran to practice the ability, and exhausted all his energy before talking.

The author has something to say: Today's goal:

Building age goal: Don't be overwhelmed by abnormalities for now!

Lou Dian's goal: Overwhelm my sister!


Thank you for throwing mines, thank you~~

Bahaha threw a landmine Throwing time: 2014-06-26 11:44:27