The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

Chapter 78: Journey to the end of the world six


It was almost evening at this time, and the tunnel was a long tunnel, it is said that it was about two kilometers long. I didn’t know what was in the tunnel now, and I was afraid that I would be stuck in it after dark, so I didn’t go in rashly.

Strictly told Lou Zhan and the others what he had heard, and said, "I asked Li Shang, and they said it's best not to go in at night, it's very dangerous, and it's best to go in at noon."

Lou Zhan pondered for a while, and said, "Find a place to rest for the night first, and start tomorrow."

The others had no objection. Since Li Shang and the others didn't dare to go there rashly, they naturally wouldn't just go there without knowing what the situation was. That would be courting death.

After discussing for a while, Lou Zhan ordered to turn back and go to a village next to the road ahead to rest for the night. When they passed by before, they saw a row of houses under the road, which was a village, but because it was located in the mountains, there seemed to be no people, so the village was not too big.

Seeing that they chose to pass by tomorrow, Li Shang discussed with Liu Xin and turned back with them. They took another road before and didn't know there was a village in front of them. Now the problem of overnight accommodation has been solved.

Turn down a narrow dirt road next to the road, and you will arrive at the village in a few minutes.

They parked in an open space in front of the village. After parking the car, everyone got out of the car and found that the village was unbelievably quiet. There seemed to be no zombies. Could it be that the people in the village wiped out the zombies themselves? But if you look closely, you will find that there are no zombies, and there are no people, which is really weird.

Li Shang and the others also drove over. There were more than a dozen cars on their side, and there were a lot of people. After these people got out of the car, they found that besides the young and middle-aged men, there were also a group of haggard, sallow and emaciated women. There were many bruises and bruises on the skin of those women, and the adults present knew what it meant at the first sight.

Lin Baobao glanced at those men in disgust, and found that many men were looking at them, pursed their lips, and looked away, not seeing it.

Lou Ling only glanced at those women, before he could take a closer look, someone turned his face away and looked at the man who was holding her hand tightly, Lou Ling shrugged his shoulders. Since he doesn't want her to watch it, then don't watch it.

There are fifty people on Li Shang's side, more than twice as many as them. After everyone got out of the car, the women followed behind with a little timidity, but the men looked indifferent, sloppy and utterly annoying.

"Brother Liu, Brother Li, it's too quiet here, and the room is locked tightly, so there's nothing in the room, right?" A man with a loud voice said, and then came up with another bad idea, "Brother Li, let these mothers Let's go and check the situation." As he spoke, he casually pushed a thin woman beside him forward.

The woman was so thin that only skin and bones remained, her face was numb, and she staggered when pushed, but she didn't even respond, as if she was a walking dead.

Li Shang looked at the other group of people, and after all, he had some winks, and hurriedly reprimanded: "Don't talk nonsense, you go and see the situation!"

Li Shang has always known how to look at people's faces, so he can tell that the strength of Lou Zhan's group must be good, otherwise everyone's face will still look the same as before the end of the world, and the elderly, children and women are all kept clean , I know that they should still retain the habits before the end of the world, respect women, treat the elderly and children kindly, and don't treat ordinary people as human beings like other supernatural beings.

Strictly also sent a few supernatural beings to open the door, but when they first entered, the person on Li Shang's side let out a miserable cry, which made everyone think that something happened, and when they were waiting for the battle, a man rolled and crawled on the ground. He ran out and screamed: "In, in, in... there are corpses..."

Liu Xin slapped it, and said angrily, "What are you afraid of from corpses? They're not zombies?" Everyone knows that after the end of the world, zombies are the most terrifying. Zombies will bite people, but corpses won't jump up and bite you.

"But, this corpse..."

Without explaining clearly to that person, Liu Xin has already rushed in.

On the other side, Yan Yan and the others also saw the situation in the room, and they couldn't help but have strange expressions on their faces. They saw a few white skeletons lying on the ground in the room. Except for the bones, there was no other flesh and blood, and some bones were gone.

After they checked all the houses in the village again, they found that most of the houses in the village had such miserable bones. There is no rancid smell of zombies here, there should be no zombies, so what are these pale bones

One of them, who was a forensic doctor, looked at it and said to everyone: "Looking at the traces of these bones, it should not have been more than a year."

Strictly rubbed his chin and said, "Why does it feel like someone has eaten his flesh and blood?"

"Or it's made of something from the tunnel ahead." Lou Dian said.

Hearing Lou Dian's words, everyone turned their heads to look at him, Lou Zhan asked: "What did you find?" Depending on Lou Dian's strength, it would not be surprising if he found something.

Lou Dian thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure, I just have an idea, let's strengthen our defense tonight."

Even Lou Dian was not sure, and everyone was a little nervous.

After leaving the house, everyone gathered in the center of the village. Li Shang and Liu Xin came over to ask what they found.

Yan Yan shook his head and sighed: "It seems that the situation is not good! Two brothers, it is best to strengthen your defenses tonight. We guess the monster in the tunnel did it."

Hearing that, both Li Shang and Li Shang were a little creepy, they could chew a human body so clean, the monster's teeth are really good... No, it should be said, this monster is too scary, it actually eats people like zombies. Of course, if the zombies ate people, they wouldn't make it so clean. If this monster ate people, it would have eaten too cleanly, leaving no meat residue.

No matter what, they still had to spend the night here. Everyone looked around and chose to live in relatively solid concrete houses. No one dared to live in those earthen houses on the edge of the village, and felt that they were not strong enough.

Lou Zhan directly chose a concrete room to live in. This house has a yard, three rooms and a living room, and the kitchen is on the other side. The situation is unclear, and everyone doesn't choose to be comfortable. It's safer for everyone to huddle together.

Since they didn't know what would happen tonight, everyone started to get busy after eating some dry food for dinner. Yan Yan waited for someone to find wooden boards to nail the doors and windows, leaving only some gaps for ventilation. Lou Zhan has a gold-type ability, and it also strengthens the metal of those doors and windows. The age of the building directly gave birth to two mutant vines, one ivy and one iron wire vine. The ivy guards the doors and windows, and the iron wire vine hides in the dark. On the other hand, Lou Dian took out environmental protection oil and other things from the space, just in case there was an outsider.

Seeing that they were so prepared, Li Shang and others naturally followed suit. Regardless of what might happen, under unknown circumstances, they can only feel at ease if they feel more prepared.

In this way, finally the whole sky was dark, and night fell.

Strictly arrange the candidates for the night watch, and the others take the time to rest. Due to limited conditions, everyone just wiped their bodies to get rid of the smell and went to sleep. They didn't care too much, but there were not many ventilation holes left by the doors and windows, making the air a bit stuffy. Fortunately, Chen Kaiwei had a few basins of ice in the room In the house, some heat was driven away.

In the middle of the night, something suddenly hit the window and made a loud bang, and everyone was alarmed. Then there were more and more sounds, not only hitting the doors and windows, but even the sound seemed to be gnawing on the wood, the sound of cracking and cracking was creepy.

"It's a bat!" Lou Dian said.

"And it's a mutated vampire bat." Strictly answered with an ugly expression.

As the two talked, there were several screams outside, probably someone was bitten.

Lou Ling and the others looked at Tan Mo, who stared at them with staring eyes, then stared out of the house, and said to Baobao Lin, "Sister, there are too many, we can't get rid of them." What has not been said yet is that those bats rely on It's the sound wave that distinguishes, and it doesn't seem to be affected by him, but the words are too complicated for him to explain clearly.

After Lin Baobao listened, he patted his hand comfortingly, telling him not to worry.

Since Tan Mo couldn't get rid of them, he could only strengthen the house. Lou Ling hurriedly directed the mutated vines to protect the doors and windows, and at the same time gave them supernatural powers to make them stronger and able to resist the sharp teeth of bats. Lou Zhan also strengthened the metal in the house, hoping to resist those mutated bats.

There were screams outside from time to time, but after preparations were made, everything was fine. And here, in addition to the mutated vines of the building age, Tang Zhao also used supernatural powers to erect earthen walls, and even surrounded some of the more fragile places in the house with earthen walls, lest those mutated bats would gnaw on the walls.

So busy until it was almost dawn, the mutated bat finally retreated.

Lou Ling, Lou Zhan, and Tang Zhao were all exhausted, and the three of them fell asleep and fell asleep. They seized the time to rest, and strictly arranged the night watchmen, and hurriedly let the three of them go to rest, and the others also asked them to go to rest before dawn Afterwards, the spirit is not good.

Lou Ling and the others slept until ten o'clock in the morning.

The others had already eaten. Seeing them wake up, they hurriedly served them the food they had left for them. Strictly also reported that Li Shang came over in the morning.

Six of Li Shang's people died. I heard that one house can't accommodate so many people, so I let these six people live in another room. Without the blessing of supernatural powers, ordinary windows really can't prevent them. Those mutated bats were eaten by the bats that broke in. When I went to see them in the morning, all that was left of those people were bones without flesh and blood.

Thinking of so many vampire bats in the tunnel, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

After they had eaten, Liu Xin brought Li Shang and others over again. They also stayed up half the night, and did not take a rest until the mutated bats receded. Li Shang came to see the situation here in the morning, and found that there were no casualties among them, and even the doors and windows were in good condition, so he knew that the strength of this group of people was much higher than them. up.

"Brother Yan, when are you going to leave?" Li Shang laughed, "The vampire bat is really scary, are you still planning to pass through the tunnel?"

Strictly sighed: "If it is a detour, let alone a province, and I don't know what dangers are in other places, so I have to make a detour."

The others were busy packing their bags, and it was up to them to be strict. Li Shang's brain is flexible, obviously he wants to take advantage of them, but it also depends on whether the old fox Strictly agrees, Li Shang also has more than 20 people with supernatural powers, so he should do something.

The author has something to say: Today's goal:

Building age goal: Conquer mutant bats!

Lou Dian's goal: to be the same as my sister!

Everyone's goal: Conquer the mutant bats!


Thanks to Clover Fawn and Brandxi for throwing mines, thank you~~=3=

Clover Fawn threw a landmine Throwing time: 2014-08-06 13:55:21

Brandhee threw a landmine Throwing time: 2014-08-06 22:13:01