The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

Chapter 88: Doomsday Rescue II


The zombie goat didn't give them time to breathe, and attacked again. The two horns pressed against the wall, and Shigong easily pierced a hole in the mud wall.

There is still Lou Yan in the house, so we can't let it enter the house and hurt her.

Lou Ling stood on a high place, directing the ivy to protect the house directly. After looking at the situation, Lou Dian was dealing with that strange zombie cat that looked like a ghost, and he couldn't get distracted for the time being. Zombie goat.

After seeing it, he jumped off the ground, summoned the wire vine, and let the wire vine block the zombie goat, causing it some trouble and stumbling its movements. It's just that the level of this zombie goat is extremely high, even the mutated vines can't trap it, and it can't even keep up with the speed.

"You try to protect yourselves, don't let it hurt you!" Qiurong yelled sharply, her hands kept moving, and flames hit it one after another. Because the zombie goat's speed was too fast, only some hit it.

For the first time, Lou Ling felt helpless. Her power level was still too low, and it was not good for melee combat. She could only command the mutated vine pole to trip it as much as possible, and the others couldn't help. It was also because of the help of the mutated vine that other people were prevented from being approached by the zombie goat, otherwise they would have to be killed by its horns in the end.

"Miss Ling!"

Hearing a voice suddenly, Lou Ling turned his head and saw Lou Yan running out of the room, holding a strange gun in her hand, and said, "Miss Ling, this zombie goat is moving too fast. I can't catch the target, I'm afraid of hurting other people, can you use the mutant vine to trip it as much as possible?"

Lou Ling thought of the machines in her private base. Although he was a little puzzled, he quickly agreed, and then watched her quickly assemble the gun. The gun was a little different from what she usually saw, but she didn't think about it. In time, Lou Yan had already found a place to hang out, and started to catch the traces of the zombie goat.

Lou Ling no longer cared about whether the power would be consumed, and gave the mutant vine the power to make the mutant vine grow stronger, and directed the vine branches to wrap around the limbs of the mutant goat. The mutated goat was of a high level and equally powerful, and the mutated vine was directly broken by it. But as long as it is trapped for a few seconds, it is enough for Lou Yan.


One eye of the zombie goat was blown out by bullets, and as another shot rang out, the other eye of the goat also exploded, blood splattered everywhere, and the goat became more and more violent, ignoring the surrounding attacks The person directly attacked Lou Ling and the other two.

Lou Ling had already jumped away with Lou Yan, escorted Lou Yan to a safe place, and commanded the wire vines to trap her.

With a bang, the iron wire vines wrapped around the zombie goat were also broken by it, and Lou Ling jumped onto the roof with the help of the pile of mud next to it, and the zombie goat rushed over, and the horns directly smashed the entire mud house They were forced to jump sideways again.

An earthen wall stood in front of him and trapped the zombie goat, but it was of little use. The earthen wall collapsed within a few seconds. Various abilities then also hit the zombie goat, making it even more frenzied.

"Xiaoyan, shoot it in the head!" Qiu Rong shouted.

Lou Ling hurriedly covered her, Lou Yan aimed at the zombie goat again, and rang several times in succession, but it was a pity that she only made a concave mark on its head, but did not hurt it at all. How can I not know that the level of this zombie goat is too high, and even the special bullet developed by Lou Yan can't hurt it at all. , just relying on skill, it really feels like letting a sheep be slaughtered casually.

Just when everyone's powers were almost exhausted, several scars appeared on the goat's skin, and more black blood flowed out.

Lou Ling saw with sharp eyes that Lou Dian, who had led the zombie cat to the side, had returned, and felt inexplicably relieved.

Lou Dian flicked his ten fingers, because of the cover of the night, even the supernatural beings with excellent eyesight didn't see how he made moves, and there were more scars on the goat, especially concentrated around the neck.

The wall built by the supernatural person collapsed, and the building passed by extremely fast. The Tang knife in his hand scratched the scar on the neck of the zombie goat, and soon separated the corpse. The body of the zombie goat twitched twice, and then fell to the ground with a bang. Only the head, because of the crystal nucleus, opened and closed its mouth, as if it was about to bite something.

Lou Dian drove a space blade into its head, cut a scar, and then used the Tang knife to break open its head and dig out a crystal nucleus the size of a lychee.

Without the crystal nucleus, the zombie goat finally died.

The scene was in a mess, even the house collapsed, everyone's powers had been declared exhausted, but Qiu Rong, Zhao Wen and a few male power users couldn't hold on, looking around vigilantly to prevent other zombie animals from sneak attack.

Lou Dian threw the crystal nucleus into a plastic bag, casually threw it into the space, and then went to help Lou Ling who was almost sitting on the ground, and found that her face was sweaty and muddy, she was extremely embarrassed .

"There are no more zombie animals, let's find a house to rest first." Lou Dian said.

Hearing this, Qiu Rong and the others relaxed, and sat on the ground paralyzed for a few minutes before recovering.

After drinking a bottle of water to replenish water, and after a short rest, everyone went to tidy up a mud hut next to them as a place to rest.

After Lou Dian took out a solar lamp from the space and put it on the window for illumination, he took Lou Ling to the side to check on her injuries, there was a bruise on her shoulder, and Lou Dian's face was also green.

"It's okay, it will disappear in two days." Lou Ling had an expression of no big deal, but when Lou Dian took out the medicinal wine to rub her away the blood stasis, she gritted her teeth in pain.

Lou Ling kept yelling ouch, and the people around couldn't help laughing.

"What's it called? You'll save yourself tomorrow by rubbing the bruises!" Lou Dian couldn't help laughing and cursing, knowing that she called it like this because she wanted to divert his attention. Thinking about it this way, the strength is much smaller.

"It hurts! Shouting out is a form of venting!" Lou Ling said forcefully.

After Lou Dian abused her infinitely and gently, he took out water from the space and asked her to wash herself. It was sweaty and muddy, and it stinks. He didn't want to abuse himself, so naturally he wanted to make her wet. It has to be clean and refreshing before you can start.

The room over there was quickly tidied up. Everyone was really tired and injured at this time. Lou Yan, who was the least injured, volunteered to guard the door and asked them to deal with the injuries on her body first. Fortunately, these injuries were mostly bruises and bruises. Even if they were scratched by a zombie goat, as long as they were not seriously injured, there was no need to worry about being infected with the zombie virus.

Qiu Rong's arm was also cut by the horn of the zombie goat, and Zhao Wen helped her bandage it, and looked at the direction of Lou Dian vaguely. In fact, not only her, but other people also watched Lou Dian secretly. If there is no Lou Dian this time, I am afraid that all of them will have to confess here.

Although Qiu Rong had heard Lou Zhan say that Lou Dian's strength was good, but she had no idea, and tonight gave her a solid impression. Lou Dian's ability is definitely above everyone else, but it is hard to predict what level it is. And they couldn't see his attack clearly, and they didn't know how he could leave scars on the zombie goat before they could kill it. It was simply too powerful.

After taking care of her own injury, Qiu Rong asked about other people's injuries, and was relieved to know that there was nothing serious and it would not affect tomorrow's mission.

"You guys go to bed first, I, Awen, and Xiaoyan will keep watch at night, and then change at three o'clock in the morning." Qiu Wen said, they had slept for three hours before, and they could still stand up.

Everyone has no opinion.

The age of the building has slowed down, and after the ability recovered, another mutated vine was born, and it was placed in the corner to help keep watch.

Seeing Lou Ling's movements, everyone remembered the usefulness of the mutated vine. If it wasn't for the mutated vine dragging the zombie goat tonight, they might not be able to catch its movements at all. Terribly hurt. Moreover, it is much safer to have mutant vines to help keep watch at night. It can warn the building age and let her detect approaching things in advance. Although Lou Ling's ability level is low, but also because of the assistance of the Mutant Vine, it seems to have good combat effectiveness.

In the room, Lou Dian directly took out the double sleeping bag from the space, and dragged her into the sleeping bag to rest together openly. Seeing the closeness of the two of them, the others knew their relationship and didn't say much.

It was such a thrilling night that everyone fell asleep after a while.

Everyone took turns to watch the night, and everyone had slept for six hours, and it was dawn.

When the sky was slightly bright and the sun was not hot, everyone got up, ate some dry food and water, and set off on the road.

The physique of the supernatural being is very good. After resting for a night, as long as it is not a serious injury, it will be cured in a good way, but the injury on Qiurong's arm has stopped bleeding, and it will be healed in a few days.

Sitting in the car, Lou Ling remembered the crystal nuclei of the two zombie animals last night, and hurriedly asked Lou Dian to have a look. Lou Dian directly took out two crystal nuclei that had been cleaned from the space, the larger one was from a zombie goat, like a diamond, extremely beautiful. The smaller one belongs to the zombie cat, which is also beautiful, and it is placed in the sun, refracting colorful rays of light.

Lou Yan also took a look at it curiously. She is not a supernatural person and cannot feel the energy in the crystal nucleus, but when Qiu Rong and Zhao Wen hold it in their hands, they can feel the energy in the crystal nucleus, which makes them He almost didn't dare to take over, and hurriedly returned it to Lou Dian.

The others had no objection to Lou Dian's act of taking these two crystal nuclei. The main reason was that Lou Dian killed the two zombie animals last night, so it was fine for him to take the crystal nuclei. This crystal nucleus is two levels higher than theirs. Although it is attractive, with their current strength, if they absorb it, they may explode and die. Even if you keep it yourself, if you don't have the ability, you can't keep it, so let Lou Dian keep it for yourself.

The car drove all morning and finally arrived at the destination at noon.

The author has something to say: Today's goal:

Building age goal: strive to become stronger!

Lou Dian's goal: to protect my sister!