The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

Chapter 95: Doomsday Rescue 9


After leaving the woods, when I look back, I can still see the vines of the mutant vines in the woods moving through the grass against the ground. They are very dense, and they bark their teeth and claws, as if they want to destroy the invading enemies.

Such a dense attack also made her scalp tingle. If it wasn't for Lou Dian's speed, relying on herself, she might not be able to retreat from such a dense attack.

Lou Ling leaned on Lou Dian's shoulder, looked at the forest through his shoulder, and once again realized the danger of the mutated plants, which shocked her even more than what she had seen in the forest outside the capital base. After all, they hadn't gone deep into the forest at that time, and the mutant plants they encountered were not high-level, and no high-level mutant plants commanded so many mutant vines to attack collectively.

But here, the old tree looks like an old locust tree. Due to the mutation, its branches and leaves have undergone some changes. To such an extent, even the space blade of the Loudian can hardly hurt it at all. If it weren't for being a tree, which limited its mobility, it would have been even more dangerous.

Therefore, it is now certain that the city is blocked, and the root cause lies in this mutated old locust tree. It should have mutated in the last days, and because of its age, it has evolved to a very advanced level, and can even emit a kind of spiritual power, which seals off the entire city, including people and zombies.

The two stood in front of the woods for a while, and Fang returned along the road.

The sun had already set in the west, and the sky of the city was full of sunset glow, and the afterglow of the setting sun stretched the backs of the two crazily. Such a bright and warm sunset, sprinkled on the dilapidated streets, brings a sense of desolation after the disaster.

This reminded him of the sunset before his death in his previous life, it was so brilliant. What kind of mood did he go to die with at that time? It seems to be thinking that if a person has a next life, he hopes to meet her again, even in a war-torn chaotic world, it doesn't matter, he will do his best to protect her, even if he dies again, it doesn't matter, as long as he can die with her in the end Together it will be done. He prayed so humbly that she would not be allowed to die in a place he didn't know, and he wouldn't even be able to see her for the last time.

However, after opening his eyes, what he faced was a peaceful era, and the girl who opened the door was a little surprised but calmly smiling face, lost and found again!

Those more than half a year after her death, walking dead, life without love, relief after revenge... It seems to have become a very distant past, so far away that he can bury it in his memory.


The sudden high-pitched voice brought him back to his senses, but when he lowered his eyes, he saw a girl who was a dozen centimeters shorter than him looking up at him with a concerned expression, and the purity in her bright eyes was heart-wrenching.

"Why are you in a daze?" Lou Ling frowned, "Let's go back and discuss it with my sister-in-law first, and let's think of a way to deal with that old locust tree together. If it doesn't work, we'll set it on fire at worst!" Lou Ling gritted his teeth, what's going on now In the world, who cares that setting fire to the forest is illegal or something, and the feeling of being trapped by a mutated plant is too aggrieved.

When Lou Dian heard her words, he knew that she had misunderstood the reason for his previous absence, but he did not refute, and reached out to touch her face, although there were sweat stains, but the skin was as creamy, soft and tender, he couldn't put it down. She is a supernatural being, so there is no need to worry that she will age faster than myself one day, and there is no need to worry about the unequal life expectancy of the two. Die in the same year, the same month, and the same day is definitely not a problem! Just thinking about it made his heart beat faster and his fingertips trembled.

Lou Ling was still babbling about how she felt when she met the mutated tree before, but she didn't know that the brain wave of the man next to her was not on the same channel as her, and she was even thinking about some perverted questions that made her feel creepy. Anyway, it's great that there's no mind reading or anything, at least it won't surprise her again when she sees his perverted side.

People's Park is a bit far from the supermarket. When the two walked back, they encountered some zombies. It took some time to eliminate them. When they passed a gas station in the city, they went to collect the gasoline stored in the gas station into the space. inside. So when we got back to the supermarket, it was already dark.

Qiu Rong and the others are used to them going out early and returning late, and they were worried for the first few days, but after seeing them come back safely every day, although their faces were tired, they looked much better than the other two teams of ability users who also went out. Don't worry in vain any more.

When they came back today, the iron gate on the first floor of the supermarket opened without knocking. It was still the boy who opened the door, Pei Zhengxiao. After half a month of self-cultivation and the guarantee of two meals a day, the boy's mental outlook finally recovered, and his expression was no longer numb.

"Brother Lou, Sister Lou, you are back, come in!" Pei Zhengxiao said happily.

Lou Ling smiled, took a few candies from his pocket and gave him a few candies, then put up his fingers and made a secretive gesture around his lips, making the young man smile until his eyes turned into crescent buds, and he tightly held the A few candies.

The age of the building is indeed easy to be soft-hearted compared to the younger children. Pei Zhengxiao's age happens to be the youngest in this supermarket. Before the apocalypse, he was still a junior high school student. Others who were the same age as him or younger than him either starved to death or were killed at the beginning, or were fed to zombies. Only he survived tenaciously and was not eliminated.

When they went up to the second floor, the survivors looked more friendly when they saw them, at least much more friendly than the supernatural beings in the original supermarket. As for the other supernatural beings, seeing that the two came back intact today, they are getting used to it, and even after estimating their strength, they have the courage to only go out with two people every day, and they still go directly to the zombie group middle.

The two went straight into the lounge, where Qiu Rong and others were there, Gan Jingcheng and Wang Xin had already been moved to another lounge, and two people were sent to guard them. Except for Liu Xia who calls herself Wang Xin's woman, all the supernatural beings in the supermarket have already recognized the existence of Qiu Rong, so Qiu Rong doesn't need to bother, and no one will take the initiative to save Wang Xin at this time.

After hearing Lou Dian's report, Qiu Rong and others' eyes lit up.

"As long as we kill that mutated old locust tree, we can leave this city?" Lou Yan said with bright eyes.

Although the others were delighted to have finally solved the mystery of the city being sealed off, they knew in their hearts that things were not that simple, otherwise Lou Dian would not have come back first.

Lou Shang patted the little girl's head. Although this girl is good at fighting, she is an ordinary person after all. The family members let her toss about in the base, but they are not happy to put her in danger. Therefore, when Lou Shang was awake, he was shocked to find that Lou Yan followed his sister-in-law to rescue him. He felt that it must not be the idea of his father, elder brother and strictness. eyes.

Qiu Rong lowered his eyes to think, and also felt that it was a bit tricky to break the barrier of the mutated tree to seal the city. It can seal all the exits of a city, and only allowed to enter but not to go out. Presumably, the level of this mutated tree has reached a level. The terrifying height has surpassed the strong human beings and zombies at this stage. It is very unwise to deal with them at their current level.

"Let's go and have a look tomorrow!" Qiu Rong said immediately, "I don't believe we can't deal with a tree that can't run."

The others had no opinion and nodded one after another.

The next morning, after breakfast, Qiu Rong didn't kick out those supernatural beings, but gathered all the people in the supermarket, together with Gan Jingcheng and Wang Xin who had been locked up all this time, slipped out and announced yesterday's discovery .

Sure enough, after hearing the secret reason for the closure of the city, everyone in the supermarket was excited. Who would want to hide like a mouse in a city full of zombies and live in the dark? They are more yearning for the survivor base that has been established, with perfect management and complete living facilities, even if they are coolies in the base, they are happy. Especially during this period of time, listening to the situation of the Northwest Base that Zhao Wen went to promote, made those ordinary people yearn even more. Even ordinary people, as long as you have hands and feet and are willing to work, or even have skills, you can earn a living, instead of being dominated by these supernatural beings here.

Qiu Rong looked around, satisfied with the reactions of these people, and even those supernatural beings showed joy, thinking that they have been raised and trained well during this period, and it's time to accept the results.

Then, Qiu Rong announced the next plan, she would take thirty people to the People's Park to deal with the mutated tree, only success was not allowed to fail.

The supernatural being present only hesitated for a while, then decided to follow.

Only Liu Xia, still unwilling, looked at Wang Xin frequently. She is a space power user, and now she is only at the second level, and her level is not high. And as we all know, space power users are too weak in the early stage. Apart from having a space to store things conveniently, their combat ability is not strong. It can be said that they are the key protection objects in a team. Of course, if the space ability user reaches the fourth level, after learning the space blade, space teleportation and other tricks, the space ability user will start to become stronger, not losing to the extremely aggressive fire and thunder system ability users.

Liu Xia had her own plan in mind. She wanted to take advantage of Qiurong and others to rescue Wang Xin and help Wang Xin regain control of the supermarket. She was still the woman next to Wang Xin and enjoyed the supreme treatment.

However, Liu Xia's brain is not working well, and she was blinded by her previous sense of superiority. The others are not stupid, and they never thought of holding back at this time. It is Wang Xin, who is a little disheartened now. These days have not been cleared up, and he understands that it is impossible for him to regain control of this supermarket. And I heard that Wang Xin was extremely happy to be able to leave this city, and he also cooperated with Qiurong's order very much. In addition, he is a lightning-type supernatural being. Time to deal with him.

Therefore, in this supermarket, whether they are supernatural beings or ordinary people, they have achieved unprecedented unity. Even if he still has his own small thoughts, but faced with the temptation to leave, he temporarily pressed down.

Because of this incident, Wang Xin was finally able to untie, and after eating some food, he quickly returned to his previous state.

Qiu Rong ordered 30 people, and among the 30 people, their people took 6 people with them, all of whom were offensive supernatural beings. The supernatural beings in the supermarket are disobedient, and Lou Shang can deal with them with his abilities. The rest were all supernatural beings in the base, mostly offensive supernatural beings, but Liu Xia was taken away by name by Qiu Rong.

Liu Xia lowered her eyes to hide the hatred in her eyes, but at the same time she was a little panicked. She felt that Qiu Rong wanted to get rid of her in this mission, otherwise she was a space power user, what would she take her to do

"You can collect some supplies along the way, and when you leave, you don't need to collect them anymore. The zombies outside are not easy to deal with." Zhao Wen said lightly.

Liu Xia's eyes widened immediately, her teeth were gritted, and she hated in her heart: If these people hadn't used their food to feed that group of waste, would the food be consumed so quickly

Zhao Wen walked by with a smile, knowing the girl's psychological thoughts without looking, and scoffed at her superior mentality of a supernatural being. Moreover, it was just an excuse to collect supplies, and he didn't want her to stay in the supermarket. If he wanted to collect supplies, Lou Dian had already collected almost all of them, so she didn't need any help at all. The food left in the supermarket had been eaten long ago, but what they ate now was collected by Lou Dian in this city. Many people knew this, but only Liu Xia stubbornly refused to believe it.

After tidying up, Qiu Rong took everyone to the People's Park.

After leaving the supermarket, their group of thirty people naturally easily attracted the attention of the zombies, and they rushed towards them like wolves.

In the past half month, Lou Dian and Lou Ling have been active in this city to kill zombies. The number of zombies has decreased a lot, but the number is still considerable. Of course, in the past half month, Qiu Rong's training for these supernatural beings has also had an effect. Now their first reaction to the zombies is not to run away, but to go directly to kill them.

After killing a wave of zombies, those supernatural beings couldn't believe it. They didn't expect them to persist in killing the zombies instead of running away. After the joy, these people were busy digging crystal nuclei again.

Qiu Rong didn't stop it, the crystal core is very useful, whether it is for training or as a currency in the base, it is very important, this thing is still allowed.

After they dug the crystal nucleus, Qiu Rong gave the order to continue to set off.

The supermarket was a bit far from the park, and not all of them were speed-type supernatural beings, so they found a bus on the road, filled up some gas, and drove directly to People's Park.

The author has something to say: Today's goal:

Building age goal: Aww, deal with mutant trees!

Lou Dian's goal: Die at the same time on the same day in the same year!