The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 100


After Chu Xiaoxiao obtained Chu Xiaoyi's online class account, she had new learning materials and learned faster. Every time Chu Xiaoyi opened his online course account and found that the video jumped to the next course, he felt the pressure deeply, and always felt that Chu Xiaoxiao had more motivation than himself to take the exam.

Of course, after Chu Xiaoxiao read the textbook for the first time, her learning progress also slowed down a lot. The reason is that the school has to arrange the students to participate in the math competition, and the plan to study English will be postponed for two weeks.

In the school, the math teacher called Chu Xiaoxiao, Chen Guangsu and Liu Wenpei to the office. He explained the time of the math competition and said, "You all told your parents? We will go with the other grades in the car in the afternoon. After that, you can go back to school with me, or ask your parents to pick you up at the exam room."

"You don't have to be under pressure to participate in the first time. The competition questions are more difficult than ordinary questions. The other candidates are older than you, so let's play it this time."

Mathematical competitions are held regularly every year, and are generally aimed at primary school students in grades four to six. However, the academic system of the extra-normal class is different, and there is no difficulty in grades.

Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao and others should be the youngest contestants in the whole school. The other three extraordinary classes are higher than their grades, not to mention the ordinary class. The math teacher said that they should test the water and don't take it too seriously.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Teacher, shall we just do the set of questions you asked?"

Math teacher: "Yes, but you still focus on school homework. Take the time to do some competition questions, don't put the cart before the horse."

This time, the math teacher chose the top three in the class to participate in the competition, because he was afraid that it would affect the children's studies. The top three still had the energy to flip through the competition questions, and the others had a hard time just finishing their schoolwork.

After the three of them left the office, Chen Guangsu enthusiastically suggested, "There is something delicious next to the examination room, while walking backwards in the corridor, we can skip the school meal at noon and ask Teacher He to take us there in advance."

Teacher He is a math teacher, and Chen Guangsu, as his favorite student, eats and drinks in each other's office every day. Chen Guangsu has always hated school meals. As soon as he learned about the location of the competition, he quickly searched for nearby restaurants and made plans for the day's lunch.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Why are you so skilled?"

Liu Wenpei: "This is obviously cheating to eat and drink."

Chen Guangsu showed dissatisfaction, and said poignantly: "This is not cheating, I used to do math problems, and Teacher He would give me snacks. He invited me to dinner last time. Even if I didn't mention it that day, he would definitely I will take the initiative to ask, I just remind you not to eat too many school meals at noon... "

Chen Guangsu and Mr. He have a good relationship. He was too full at school last time, so Mr. He specially ordered the dishes he liked, but unfortunately he didn't finish it. Naturally, he learned a lesson.

"Mr. He is not a stingy person. If you don't eat, he will persuade him. You will know when the time comes..." Chen Guangsu spoke to Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei as he walked backwards towards the classroom.

Liu Wenpei said indifferently: "You will bump into people if you walk like this."

Chen Guangsu: "No, they will avoid me."

Chu Xiaoxiao stared at the front for a moment: "Ah..."

The next second, Chen Guangsu felt that his back touched a passerby. He was walking backwards and rolled over at the speed of light. When he turned around, he saw faint black eyes and met an unexpected person. When he saw the music carpenter, he stumbled instantly and said in a panic, "You, how could you..."

Chen Guangsu: How come you are here!

Liang Shuangqi originally came to talk to his little friend Chu Xiaoxiao. At this time, he saw Chen Guangsu who was familiar and said hello calmly: "Hello, are you still eating and drinking?"

Liang Shuangqi apparently also heard the trio chatting, and whoever made Chen Guangsu speak so full of energy could be heard clearly in the corridor.

Chen Guangsu didn't expect Liang Shuangqi to be in the same school as him. He still kept the memory of being nodded by the other party and fed potato wedges. For a while, he was timid and flustered, and he said bravely, "I'm not afraid of you anymore..."

Chen Guangsu: I have overcome all the fears of the past, and now no one wants to intimidate or bully me!

Liang Shuangqi was a little confused: "So you used to be afraid of me?"

Chen Guangsu bluffed: "I, I have never been afraid of you before!"

Liang Shuangqi was silent for a moment when he heard the words, he slowly took out his fist from his pocket and stretched it straight towards Chen Guangsu.

When Chen Guangsu saw the other side raise his fist expressionlessly, he suddenly paled and exclaimed in a loud voice, "You can't hit people in school!"

Liang Shuangqi: "?"

Liang Shuangqi rolled his fists. He opened his palm, revealing the candy in his hand, and hesitantly asked, "Do you want candy?"

Chen Guangsu: "..."

Liu Wenpei pushed the black-rimmed glasses and complained: "Chen Guangsu, you are really noisy, and you are surprised every day."

Chu Xiaoxiao spoke for his friend and defended seriously: "Brother Qiqi can't beat people, he has never beaten cats."

Liang Shuangqi: "It's not quite right to describe it this way. In fact, it's harder to beat a cat than a person. I may not be able to beat Liang Ste."

Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei both took the candy and thanked him, only Chen Guangsu reached out his hand cautiously. He tremblingly wanted to take the candy, but he kept staring at Liang Shuangqi's expression. Once he noticed that the other party raised his eyebrows slightly, he hurriedly retracted his hand and tried repeatedly with the right hand that wanted to take the candy.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the childish behavior of both parties: "What game are you playing?"

Liu Wenpei: "Gorgeous."

Chen Guangsu: "He keeps staring at me!"

Liang Shuangqi: "You take fewer steps."

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, she suddenly understood the brain circuit of her companion, and reminded: "Quickly say thank you."

Chen Guangsu: "Thank you, thank you..."

This time, Chen Guangsu sneaked a glance at Liang Shuangqi, but he didn't notice that the other party raised his eyebrows or frowned. He quickly took the last piece of candy, and then watched Liang Shuangqi withdrew his hand.

Liang Shuangqi said with emotion: "You finally learned to say this sentence, but sister Yang Yin can't hear it." He wanted to break Chen Guangsu's fault for a long time, but Yang Yin brought all the food at that time, and she didn't like to talk to him very much. Children are honest.

Chu Xiaoxiao's expression was subtle: "I always feel that Sister Yang Yin won't be too happy to hear your words..." What does it seem strange

Liu Wenpei and Chen Guangsu went back to the classroom after eating candy. Liang Shuangqi's orchestra training was changed. He originally wanted to go home with the children, but Chu Xiaoxiao had to go out to participate in the math competition.

Chu Xiaoxiao said regretfully: "I will be leaving school at noon, so I may not be able to go back together..."

Liang Shuangqi felt a little disappointed: "Does Xiao Xiao want to go alone?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "No, Mr. He took me, Liu Wenpei and Chen Guangsu with you."

Liang Shuangqi was only a little lost at first, but now that she was accompanied by her classmates, she was deeply traumatized. He often goes out to play, how can he not know the fun in it. That doesn't mean they can leave school openly to play during school hours and have fun after the game!

Liang Shuangqi was suddenly full of resentment: "You guys will definitely eat lunch together, and after the game, you may also stroll around the neighborhood, and then buy snacks together..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "No, no, no, I only said that I might have lunch for the time being, and there are no other two items!"

Liang Shuangqi: "Hey, why do I study the cello, obviously I have participated in so many competitions..." Why can't I play with my friends once!

Chu Xiaoxiao saw that her partner was going to be transformed into a lemon essence. She had never gone out to compete and did not understand the fun of leaving school, so she promised: "Well, when I come back from the competition, I will give you something."

Chu Xiaoxiao: I can't participate in the musical instrument competition, and brother Qiqi can't participate in the math competition, so I have to find another way.

Liang Shuangqi: "?"

Liang Shuangqi: "A gift for a math competition? Is it the scratch paper from the examination room?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "... Of course not, but I'm not sure what it is now."

Although Liang Shuangqi was unable to participate in the mathematics competition, he received an unexpected gift, which was a relief to the injured soul.

A few days later, Mr. He took Chu Xiaoxiao and others to leave the school on time, took the bus to the test center of the math competition, and as expected, took them to have a meal nearby.

As soon as Teacher He picked up the menu, he asked enthusiastically: "What do you want to eat? Don't be polite to the teacher, you can enter the competition when you are full!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Teacher, we ate at school..."

Teacher He: "How can the school's food be full? If you order something else, you will fight and kill the enemy in a while!"

Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei were unable to push back the math teacher who was madly persuading them to eat. In the end, Chen Guangsu had to come out to order food. The three little radishes were well fed and went into the exam in confusion. After Chu Xiaoxiao finished the exam, she even forgot the competition questions in the exam room and was only impressed by the food that day.

Chu Xiaoxiao: No wonder Chen Guangsu is Teacher He's favorite student, they can really eat.

Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao's head was not completely occupied by the food, she still remembered promising Liang Shuangqi to bring gifts to each other. However, she encountered a little trouble in the way of gift-giving. She looked at the thing in front of her and didn't know whether to give it or not, and was a little annoyed.

In the Yurong Terrace, Chu Xiaoxiao finally met Liang Shuangqi on the weekend and had to fulfill his promise. With her hands behind her back, she was a little embarrassed for a while, and said biting her head: "Brother Qiqi, if you don't want it, it's okay to give it back to me..."

Liang Shuangqi was eagerly looking forward to it for a long time, how could he say no at this time, and when he saw that she was holding a piece of paper, he said understandingly: "It's okay for Xiao Xiaozhen to send the scratch paper!"

Seeing that he was so good at talking, Chu Xiaoxiao handed him the paper in his hand, and then his eyes drifted to the side with a guilty conscience. Liang Shuangqi took a look and found that it was the award certificate of the mathematics competition, and it was the silver prize of the competition, and was slightly stunned for a while.

Chu Xiaoxiao was afraid that her friends would dislike it, she scratched her face embarrassedly, and tried her best to explain: "I may have eaten too much that day, and I didn't have enough brains in the exam room. If you think the silver award is not very good, you might as well wait for me to win the gold award next year. …”

In the class, only Chen Guangsu won the gold award, Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei both won the silver award, which made the little girl a little unable to give it away. For the three gold medals of Chu Xiaoxiaosi and brother Qiqi, she originally wanted to take the exam and give back the gold as a gift, but she never thought of accidentally overturning the car at a critical moment and regretting missing the gold medal!

She also checked the answers with Chen Guangsu after the exam, and she became more and more sure that she was not incapable, but that she performed abnormally in the exam room, which was naturally even more regrettable. Teacher He thought that the three of them had good enough grades, but Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to use the gold award to return the gold medal. Who would have thought that it would become one silver and three golds.

However, Chu Xiaoxiao had told Liang Shuangqi in advance that she could not break her promise, and she was suddenly in a dilemma.

When Chu Xiaoxiao saw that her friend didn't speak, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to get it back, and said frantically, "Well, I'll give it to you again next year, this year is indeed an accident..."

Liang Shuangqi came back to his senses now, he quickly put away the silver award certificate, for fear of being taken back by her, he whispered: "No no no, I just didn't expect Xiao Xiao to return the gift, I thought you had forgotten about the sports meeting. "

"That's good, I can't get the silver medal in mathematics anyway, this one is enough for me!" Liang Shuangqi seemed to be really happy. "But I can't seem to get the gold medal in mathematics either..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was sure that he really did not accept it with a forced smile, so she relaxed a little and said, "Then if I can win the gold medal next year, I will give that one to you too, you gave me three gold medals last time. "

Chu Xiaoxiao: If you have less competition, you will work hard, and you will never be able to pay your debts as quickly as you owe them.

"It's the same thing, it's been paid off last time." Liang Shuangqi thought for a moment, his clear eyes were full of light, and happily suggested, "But I'm going to participate in a very powerful competition soon, if I can If you succeed in winning the prize, then exchange it with Xiao Xiao!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I can give it to you if you don't change it..."

Liang Shuangqi: "But I want to share with you, I can't participate in the math competition, Xiao Xiao can't participate in the musical instrument competition, but we can share double the happiness!"

Chu Xiaoxiao saw that his eyes were shining brightly. She was completely persuaded by the other party, and was also infected with happiness, and said happily: "It seems like this..."

The two successfully made an agreement in the small courtyard, Chu Xiaoxiao will compete for the gold medal in next year's mathematics competition, Liang Shuangqi will compete in the future international competition, and then they happily exchange.

Although the children's agreement was very happy, someone in the family overturned the vinegar jar after learning about it, and the sour smell was enough to smoke the orange tree in the yard into a lemon tree.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect that he didn't even have the chance to see the award certificate, so his sister gave it to someone else. He couldn't believe it: "Why didn't you give it to him and not me? Are you missing me!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: I only know that you like to recycle old gold medals, how can I know that you also like to recycle old certificates!