The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 104


Chu Xiaoxiao was at a loss with Liang Ste in his arms, while Chu Jiadong continued to chat with Liang Chen: "Then what about your lover's work?"

Liang Chen: "At present, she can only resign and go abroad. I can't go abroad at will. Liang Shuangqi is too young, and the security environment at home and abroad is different..."

Chu Jiadong said in surprise: "Resign? Is this appropriate?"

Chu Jiadong thought about his wife, Xiao Bi would never resign, this has nothing to do with family conditions, but sometimes people have to rely on work to maintain their spirits. He Yan resigned to go abroad to accompany Liang Shuangqi to study, and guarded her son every day. Isn't her life the same

Although many musicians were trained like this by their parents, Chu Jiadong was not very accepting for a while. It may be that the family members have some workaholic characteristics. Chu Jiadong, Xiao Bi, Chu Xiaoyi and Chu Xiaoxiao basically all have them. Their study, work and life, they will not disturb each other, it is even more difficult to imagine who resigns for.

Of course, this is someone else's family matter, and Chu Jiadong doesn't judge it well.

Liang Chen said helplessly: "I can't persuade me, now I'm the least qualified to speak..."

Liang Chen was locked in China, and he really couldn't reach abroad. Whether He Yan resigned or not depends on her personal wishes.

Chu Xiaoxiao listened to the conversation of the adults, but her thoughts were still a little messy, so she could only silently bury her face on the soft body of the black cat Liang Ste, and heard it make a soothing "meow". The big black cat's tail swayed flexibly, brushing Chu Xiaoxiao one after another, as if to comfort her.

Chu Xiaoxiao wasn't even ready for his cheap brother to leave, but now that he learned that his brother Qiqi was going to study abroad, he was a little lost and lost his mind frequently on the way home.

Chu Jiadong took Chu Xiaoxiao to the house and said with emotion, "This is really surprising."

Chu Xiaoxiao said softly, "Dad, are brother Qiqi and my brother going to the same place to study?"

Chu Jiadong: "Of course not. Your brother wants to go to California. Qiqi's school seems to be in another state, and it is also very big abroad."

Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it, it was similar to her and sister Yang Yin, although they were both staying in the country, they were also very far apart. She suddenly felt a little empty in her heart, and the people around her gradually left, and in the end she was the only one left, naturally there was an indescribable loneliness.

Chu Xiaoxiao received news from Liang Shuangqi at night, to the effect that he was running outside with his mother today, and unfortunately he didn't see Chu Xiaoxiao. Because the two communicated across the Internet, it was not easy to talk about studying abroad in depth. Even though they lived in the same community, they had a strange sense of distance due to their respective itineraries.

Liang Shuangqi could no longer lead Liang Ste leisurely, freely entering and leaving the small courtyard of Chu Xiaoxiao's house. He seems to have added tens of thousands of chores overnight, and even has to reply to messages after a long time, he seems very busy.

Liang Shuangqi didn't go to school for several days, but there were all kinds of news about him in the school.

After the break, the class team disbanded, Chu Xiaoxiao, Xu Xiao and Liu Wenpei returned to the classroom with the crowd, but passed by the propaganda board on the playground. Seeing the content above, Liu Wenpei pushed on her black-rimmed glasses and suddenly said, "Chu Xiaoxiao, is this the person who gave the candy last time?"

Chu Xiaoxiao and Xu Xiao stopped. They turned around to look at the propaganda board and found that they were all award-winning students. Xu Xiao said strangely: "Hey, when was it updated? I didn't find it a few days ago."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the brand-new propaganda board and saw a familiar face again, and couldn't help but exclaim: "It's really brother Qiqi."

The propaganda board is a photo of Liang Shuangqi wearing a black dress and winning a bronze medal abroad. Chu Xiaoxiao received a picture from him after the game, which seems to be this one.

Xu Xiao poked her head and watched, she stumblingly read the name of the award, and complained: "The name of this award is so long..."

There are various news collages next to the winning photos, and the school obviously thinks this award is quite valuable, and also posted reports from major newspapers on the other side. Liu Wenpei was reading the news. She caught the key words and found that the praise was very high: "Music prodigy? Cello genius? Sounds amazing."

Xu Xiao's eyes showed hope: "Then are we considered prodigies or geniuses?"

Liu Wenpei said calmly, "No, we are just ordinary elementary school students."

Xu Xiao looked disappointed: "Alas..."

Liu Wenpei analyzed it rigorously: "We have not won international awards, nor have we been in the news, of course not."

Chu Xiaoxiao listened to the chats of her classmates, and suddenly felt that the friends on the propaganda board were unfamiliar. She really didn't know much about music. She only knew that Liang Shuangqi was good at cello, but what kind of level he had was actually vague, No concept.

Because the teacher of the supernormal class is more taboo to mention words such as "genius" and "prodigy", the cubs of the supernormal class will not call themselves this. They think news reports are authoritative, and when they see the high praise of Liang Shuangqi in the newspapers, they naturally admire them from the bottom of their hearts.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt a little weird in her heart. It was difficult for her to describe how she felt, but she always felt that the little friend who was full of Ma Yun was slowly disappearing. He seemed to be slowly taking a different path

Liang Shuangqi in the photo of the propaganda board looked calm. He held the bronze award and did not show a smile, but took an official group photo. Chu Xiaoxiao knew that he was still annoyed at the change from the silver award to the bronze award at the time, and the other party even complained remotely via video after the end, but she is not sure now, is brother Qiqi really happy

She has no way to see emotional colors through photos or videos, so she can't make judgments.

Chu Xiaoxiao finally met her long-lost friend on the weekend. She heard the familiar shouts outside the small courtyard and rushed out immediately. Seeing her running so fast, Xiao Bi screamed and reminded: "Xiao Xiao, slow down!"

Chu Xiaoxiao ran out of the house, and she saw Liang Shuangqi outside the railing, and the two sides happily waved to each other. Chu Xiaoxiao mistakenly thought he was here to play with him, and immediately stepped forward to open the courtyard door and let his friends in.

However, Liang Shuangqi shook his head. He stretched out his hand to block it slightly, and stopped it aloud: "Xiao Xiao, I'll come to see you. I won't go in today. I have something to do later."

Chu Xiaoxiao said in surprise: "Huh? Why don't you come in and sit?"

Liang Shuangqi nodded, Chu Xiaoxiao hesitated, and the two simply chatted across the railing. Liang Shuangqi came alone, and he seemed to be carrying something in his hand.

Chu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice, "Uncle said last time that you and Auntie are going abroad?"

Although Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Shuangqi occasionally sent messages to each other, they really couldn't bring up many topics, and it seemed that some things could only be discussed face-to-face.

Liang Shuangqi's eyes were faint, he lowered his eyes lightly and said, "I don't really want my mother to accompany me abroad. Although she said she wanted to take care of me, she is not as strong as she imagined..."

Liang Shuangqi cheered up, he resumed his usual leisurely tone, and joked: "She looks very powerful, but she is actually very weak. When my dad was working in the army, she didn't say anything on the surface, but she actually brought her home with her. I'm also unhappy, she's the one who can't stand loneliness the most and wants the family to be reunited."

"When my dad changed his career, she complained a couple of times, but she was the happiest in her heart. Her friends are all in China, so when they go out to accompany me, they are gone. I don't want her to be like that..." Liang Shuangqi is at home on weekdays and confronts his mother. , but he knew that He Yan was the strongest and most vulnerable, just like he wouldn't accept his father hitting him, but his mother didn't care if he hit him twice, and let her pass.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "...but do you want to go out alone?"

Chu Xiaoxiao can't imagine Liang Shuangqi going abroad to study alone. Brother Qiqi has been preparing for so long in advance, but brother Qiqi is about to leave soon? She was inexplicably frightened in her heart, but she couldn't say it at this time.

Liang Shuangqi was silent for a moment, he looked at Chu Xiaoxiao seriously, his eyes were like shiny black jade, and asked, "Xiao Xiao, do you think I should go abroad to learn the piano?"

Facing his solemn expression, Chu Xiaoxiao felt his rare fluctuating emotions, and suddenly read out some kind of silent understanding. These words are like smashing a boulder in the lake of her memory, so that the past that sank at the bottom is completely lifted up!

[Brother Qiqi, will we say goodbye sooner or later? ]

[Then I assure Xiao Xiao that we will not say goodbye. ]

Although Liang Shuangqi did not mention the agreement of the hook, Chu Xiaoxiao's memory is not bad. She read his subtext at this moment. He deliberately took time to come here today, in fact, he wanted to prove something. She did not say goodbye to Sister Yang Yin when she left, and he wondered if she still remembered it!

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the hopeful light in his eyes, she actually knew what he wanted to hear, and even more aware of the weight of her own voice, but she could only pretend not to think of it. She tried to smile and said calmly: "This is a rare opportunity, right? If it's good for Brother Qiqi, then I think I can try to consider it."

Chu Xiaoxiao's calf was already trembling slightly, but her expression was quite natural. She knew that as long as she was shaken a little, her little friend would most likely insist on not going abroad. She was convinced that brother Qiqi was such a bold person, he was a little rebellious in his bones and dared to do anything.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that as long as she chose to forget the hook agreement, brother Qiqi would not be under pressure. She couldn't forcibly tie him to the country because she was reluctant to leave him. This was too self-willed.

She can't stop sister Yang Yin from leaving, nor can she stop brother cheap from leaving, nor can she stop brother Qiqi from leaving, they always have to run towards a brighter future. Even though her emotions are hard to let go, her reason allows her to remain calm and know what is more important.

She is a well-behaved and sensible child, and has basically never made trouble without reason.

The light in Liang Shuangqi's eyes dimmed, he pondered for a few seconds, pursed his lips, and said in a low voice, "Is this Xiao Xiao's truth?"

Chu Xiaoxiao muttered: "Well."

Liang Shuangqi looked at her silently for a few seconds, and suddenly said, "Your expression is like my mother's now."

Liang Shuangqi didn't say the next words, obviously they were all reluctant to give up, why are they different

Chu Xiaoxiao looked hesitant, she felt the loss of the other party, and hurriedly asked: "Then brother Qiqi wants to go abroad?"

"Who knows." Liang Shuangqi tried his best to shake off his loneliness, he purred an inexplicable cat and complained a little, "But Xiao Xiao lied to me just now, as your first hypocrisy. Punishment, I won't give you gifts today."

Facing the sudden accusation, Chu Xiaoxiao said awkwardly, dissatisfied, "I didn't lie."

Liang Shuangqi: "That's not all true. Anyway, I won't give it away this time."

For the first time, Liang Shuangqi didn't want to follow Chu Xiaoxiao's words, but Chu Xiaoxiao felt that he had done nothing wrong, and the atmosphere between the two was a little tense.

Before leaving, Liang Shuangqi took the lead in handing out the steps. He waved goodbye to Chu Xiaoxiao and said lightly, "Okay, I just won't send it to you now, I'll bring it to you next time."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked Xiao Xiao today, because Xiao Xiao is just like his parents. You and I have too deep a relationship, and you are actually very uncomfortable." Liang Shuangqi said thoughtfully, and he hit again. He calmed down and said, "Don't take it too seriously."

"Goodbye!" Liang Shuangqi seemed to cheer up, he said goodbye to Chu Xiaoxiao slowly, and walked home with his things.

"...Goodbye." Chu Xiaoxiao watched her little friend leave with regret. She suddenly remembered the first acquaintance of the two of them in the community. They seemed to be talking through the fence of the small courtyard, but they were both grown up now. She hadn't actually forgotten anything, but she couldn't say that now.

She always wants to meet new people, always watch old people, and no one knows the future development.

Yurongtai, Chu Xiaoyi can be said to be proud of the spring breeze recently. He rarely returned home after busy with publicity. He shared with his family the joy of "The Hidden Thief" being a box office hit, and said incessantly, "This time the box office is stable."

Chu Xiaoyi has been digging his feet at home for three months, and Heizi's sour stepping is indispensable on the Internet, but "The Hidden Robber", which is currently being released, has turned the situation around. The Hollywood project he participated in for the first time not only did not roll over, but even directly drove the recent deserted box office market, which was really unexpected.

Because the domestic film and television environment is quite turbulent, the recent box office performance of the theater chain is mediocre, but the movie "The Hidden Thief" is like a shot in the arm, bringing new vitality to the market. Most of the other foreign actors are active overseas. As the only domestic actor, Chu Xiaoyi naturally eats this bonus, which is considered a corner overtaking!

Chu Jiadong said happily: "Then I will organize a group for them to watch your movie another day, and I will also arrange a venue to support..."

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect his father to be so supportive, he felt a little embarrassed: "Dad, this is a little bit of inspiring people."

Chu Jiadong: "Hey, my son is in the role, what's going on!"

Chu Xiaoyi shared the complete news. He noticed that his sister was frequently distracted today, so he couldn't help putting celery in her bowl and deliberately joked: "You lost your soul today?"

Chu Xiaoyi was waiting for Chu Xiaoxiao's violent reaction, but she didn't think she would eat it without saying a word, but her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Xiao Bi said helplessly, "Qiqi is going abroad, and she hasn't recovered yet."

Although Chu Xiaoxiao faced Liang Shuangqi, she said it nicely, but it was fake if she was not sad, she could only reveal it secretly at home.

Chu Xiaoyi said in astonishment: "Why did he go abroad? I haven't gone abroad yet!?"

Chu Xiaoyi: How long after I left home, the news is so behind

Chu Xiaoyi found that his sister was listless, he immediately teased her like a treasure, trying to cheer her up a little, but it didn't work very well. He drew her attention with his English book again, and offered to discuss with her a recent mistake. Chu Xiaoxiao explained it dutifully this time, but obviously his emotions were not high and he had no soul.

Chu Xiaoyi rubbed her little head, he took advantage of the opportunity to owe RUA's sister twice, but he didn't see the other party struggling angrily, and said incredulously: "It's so sad? Sister, you are my sister, let's have a smile, okay? ?"

Chu Xiaoxiao saw her brother's comfort, she forced a smile and said, "I'm fine."

Chu Xiaoyi: "It's really ugly to laugh."

Just as Chu Xiaoxiao was about to reach out to hit him, she suddenly felt bored again, and simply retracted her hand limply.

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." It's over, the child is really autistic, I really want to see them BE, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Both Yang Yin and Chu Xiaoyi left a buffer period. In fact, Chu Xiaoxiao had a process of gradually adjusting her emotions, but Liang Shuangqi's departure was so sudden that the most unexpected person was leaving, so naturally she couldn't get up immediately. Still a little erratic for a while.

Chu Jiadong: "Xiao Xiao, come watch TV with dad, let's watch cartoons for a while."

Chu Xiaoyi watched her drift away like a wandering soul, and he couldn't help muttering: "How can this be done..."

After a while, Chu Xiaoyi saw another wandering spirit outside the small courtyard. His room was very close to the courtyard. He always felt that there was a shadow dangling at the door.

When Liang Shuangqi saw the door open, he instantly widened his eyes in shock and panic. After seeing Xiao Yi clearly, he relaxed, like a frightened stray cat passing by.

Chu Xiaoyi saw that he was walking around in front of his house with something in his hand, and couldn't help complaining: "Little boy, are you trying to steal oranges from the yard? Why are you sneaking?"

Liang Shuangqi thought that he was discovered by Chu Xiaoxiao, but when he saw Chu Xiaoyi, he felt more comfortable and stood outside the courtyard without speaking.

"You want to find Chu Xiaoxiao? Then I'll call her." Chu Xiaoyi turned to leave, but was stopped by Liang Shuangqi.

"Okay..." Liang Shuangqi responded subconsciously, he thought for a few seconds, and then quickly changed his words, "Forget it, brother, give it to Xiao Xiao for me, don't call her out."

Liang Shuangqi has avoided the farewell session recently, he himself is not ready, and he is not sure what to do.

Seeing that he was abnormal, Chu Xiaoyi said with a strange expression: "What's wrong with you? I can't stop you normally, but today is really a change of heart?"

Liang Shuangqi was not easy to answer for a while, mainly because he never got along with Chu Xiaoyi alone, and Chu Xiaoxiao was present to adjust the atmosphere before. The two are quite familiar with each other, and they can also chat together on music, but to say that their relationship is excellent and wrong, they usually pinch each other when they have nothing to do.

Chu Xiaoyi simply opened the courtyard door and greeted, "Come on, come in, what are you trying to say?"

Liang Shuangqi politely declined: "I won't go in, I'll have something to do later..."

Chu Xiaoyi sneered: "No matter how busy you are, you can still have me busy. It won't be delayed for a little while, and the earth will not explode without you!"

Liang Shuangqi was agitated by him, and immediately wanted to reply a few words, but hesitantly shut up again, still standing still.

Chu Xiaoyi seemed to see his concerns and suggested, "I won't tell my sister, just sit in the tea room."

Liang Shuangqi wanted to see Chu Xiaoxiao when he came before, but he seemed a little afraid to see her today, so he refused to step in. Hearing this, he said blankly: "Then why am I coming in?"

Liang Shuangqi: I don't need to see Xiao Xiao, it seems that I don't have to come in

Chu Xiaoyi casually said nonsense: "Just chat with me in the tea room for a while, and repent for the rhetoric you wanted to replace me back then..."

Liang Shuangqi said seriously: "There is no 'year', I am thinking about it now." He has not given up being Xiao Xiao's brother yet.

Chu Xiaoyi: "..."

As soon as Liang Shuangqi finished speaking, he thought that he might want to go abroad in the future, and he felt uncomfortable for a while.

Chu Xiaoyi smiled and said without a smile: "Then, you, more, want, good, good, repentance, repentance."

Liang Shuangqi hesitated for a few seconds, he looked up and down carefully at Chu Xiaoyi, suddenly a flash of light came to his mind, and found that the other party was really suitable!

Chu Xiaoyi is an adult who understands music. His relationship with Liang Shuangqi is average. Judging from his IQ, he has no ability to give bad ideas. He has some professional opinions, and he will not be influenced by emotions. There is simply no more rational object of consultation than him.

Liang Shuangqi couldn't communicate with Chu Xiaoxiao. The relationship between them was too deep, and when they talked about it, they would be overwhelmed with emotions. It was similar to how he faced his parents at home, but Chu Xiaoyi would never do this!

Chu Xiaoyi was stared blankly by him: "...What are you looking at?"

Liang Shuangqi finally found an outsider in the long-term predicament. He stepped into the courtyard decisively, and said righteously: "Brother, it is decided to be you!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." What is this? Pikachu, it's up to you