The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 12


Chu Jiadong was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the words. He glanced at the mobile phone on the table subconsciously, and immediately understood what the eldest son was talking about. He showed an embarrassed smile, rubbed his hands uneasily, and whispered, "I'll just take a look..."

Chu Jiadong had the habit of reading news about Chu Xiaoyi, but he didn't expect to be caught by the master, and he was a little helpless.

Chu Xiaoyi is both angry and funny: "You still go to that kind of Weibo? I can't see that you are very trendy, and you can find the abbreviation?"

Of course, Chu Xiaoyi knew that his father was searching for his true meaning. The other party was caring about him in this way, but he didn't expect that Chu Jiadong would search for "cxy" directly. Normal people will look through the star square on Weibo. Basically, only people in the fan circle understand the mystery and find the sunspot gathering place.

Chu Xiaoyi: As soon as you make a move, you will be the old Jianghu, and you can still find black fans!

When Chu Jiadong saw that his eldest son was not in a rage, he hurriedly said: "No, no, I will see the good and the bad..."

Chu Xiaoyi advised: "Don't read those Weibo in the future, you will be in a bad mood after reading it."

Chu Jiadong: "No, I'm in a good mood. I don't care about those who only scold people. If there is a misunderstanding, just explain a few words..."

Chu Xiaoyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why do you still explain to netizens?"

"Don't worry, I didn't say my true identity!" Chu Jiadong vowed, "They don't know you, so they misunderstood you. Of course I have to explain. Believe it or not, it's their business, whether it's mine or not. ."

Chu Xiaoyi was dumbfounded for a while, he always thought that his father didn't know him at all, but he didn't expect that the other party would say "they don't know you" one day. His heart softened, and he thought his father's actions were both funny and cute

Seeing that his eldest son was still calm, Chu Jiadong said earnestly, "I know you are reluctant to explain, because you are still young in the industry, and you always want to make some achievements, and you will be recognized naturally. But your efforts It will take time to deliver, and before that, you have to be sleek and refined, or you will suffer a lot.”

"Some people don't care what you can do, they only care about the attitude you show. I've seen many of your interviews, and sometimes you're too serious. If you're serious, you care, and if you care, you lose."

When Chu Xiaoyi heard the words, it was like being struck by lightning. He looked at his chatting father and suddenly remembered He Xin's advice to him. He Xin said that he "doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back." He is a desperate Saburo at work, but he is always a mess in interviews, and his communication skills are a serious hindrance to his business skills.

Chu Xiaoyi's acting skills and singing and dancing were excellent during the same period (although that's what happened in his sister's eyes), but every time he got into trouble because of his own gaffes, he was seized by the opportunity to go crazy. His own black spots are actually quite limited, and his only weakness is a high school education, but now that a lot of stars with low education are caught, it is not a heinous crime.

He Xin is a person in the entertainment industry, but Chu Jiadong, as a complete layman, is really surprising in his precise words and pointers. Chu Xiaoyi said in surprise: "Why do you say that?"

Chu Jiadong smiled and said: "I have been in your stage before. After graduating from college, I was assigned to a unit, and then came up to be a cadre in the unit. Naturally, others didn't like it. At that time, old workers could not do it for many years. A cadre, the Maotou boy was parachuted into a leader, who can feel comfortable in it?"

"You can't go head-to-head with this kind of person. There will always be people who can't climb up by themselves and want to drag others into the water. Even if others talk about your incompetence, just smile on your face and do what you need to do in private. , and even occasionally take retreat as advance, and let future generations comment on your good or bad.”

Chu Jiadong is a person who has experienced many points in history. Their generation has experienced turbulence and prosperity, and their understanding of the world has also undergone multiple rounds of restructuring, which is different from today's Chu Xiaoyi and Chu Xiaoxiao. At that time, the old people in the unit looked at Chu Jiadong, who had graduated from college.

When Chu Jiadong first started working, he really couldn't immediately understand the situation of the unit. Not only were his subordinates older than him, but they even had more experience, but they were less educated than him. Chu Jiadong couldn't provoke the old fritters, and he had to ask the other party for advice in a good voice.

Of course, Chu Jiadong quickly surpassed these old people. On the surface, he looked honest and temperamental, but in fact he was swimming like a duck. The duck's webs paddled desperately under the water, leaving the others behind.

In those days, no one could say whether seniority was important or education was more important. Chu Jiadong worked in the unit and then resigned to start a company. He took a lot of adventures at the time node, and he also faced all kinds of criticism. Of course, he learned valuable lessons from blood and tears.

For the first time, Chu Xiaoyi heard his father share his life experience, and he had a very strange feeling in his heart. He seemed to have never had a good communication with his father, and couldn't help but say, "But they always say a lot of ugly things..."

Chu Xiaoyi can't describe "cyber violence", so he can only use more euphemistic words.

Chu Jiadong: "It's normal, because I want to disgust you on purpose. My old unit can't hire people so far, and you have to endure it in your heart. You can't look up and look down. You guys are talking on the Internet now, we even met in person at that time. Say!"

Chu Xiaoyi showed a thoughtful look, he had never heard of his father's difficulties or experiences in the past. Chu Jiadong never shares his troubles outside with his children. He just runs around silently to support his family. He is a traditional and typical father. His way of expressing love is very simple.

"Of course, you can listen to it if you have something..." Chu Jiadong hesitated for a long time, but still whispered, "Xiao Yi, otherwise you should go to a university."

Of course, Chu Jiadong saw the sunspots attacking Chu Xiaoyi's education, which was also a knot in his heart for a long time.

Chu Xiaoyi's tenderness was instantly smashed to pieces by this remark. He suppressed the displeasure that surged in his heart, and did not want to destroy the harmonious atmosphere, so he muttered: "No, it doesn't have much effect on me."

Chu Jiadong didn't notice the change in his eldest son's expression, and said, "Why is it not big? I think many stars go to the film school, and they are still on the hot search during the art exam?"

Chu Jiadong didn't expect his eldest son to have a high degree of education, but he always felt that he had to have a university experience, even an art school.

Chu Xiaoyi was a little upset: "I was admitted in the freshman year of high school. I'm already twenty-three years old. What university should I take?"

Chu Xiaoyi really doesn't understand his father's dedication to education. Some child stars like to use their art test scores to show off themselves. Many people rarely attend classes after entering the school, and they spend a long time outside filming activities. In that case, why does he have to get a college diploma

Chu Xiaoyi could imagine how much he would be ridiculed by the sunspots on the Internet if he re-entered the university.

Chu Jiadong frowned slightly: "What's the matter with you at the age of twenty-three? You are still so young, some people are still going to college in their 30s and 40s!"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't sit down a little, he stood up suddenly, wanted to go back to his room, and said coldly: "I don't take the test, whoever likes the test will take the test."

Chu Jiadong: "I'm really doing it for your own good, if you have one..."

Chu Xiaoyi had already walked a few steps, but when he heard this, he was completely blown away, he turned his head and said angrily: "You are not doing it for me, it is your face! You have been caring about this matter!"

Chu Jiadong was also annoyed: "Who said that!"

Chu Xiaoyi said angrily: "If you were good for me, why didn't you say that back then? If you were good for me, wouldn't you agree when you were applying for the college entrance examination? If you were good for me, you would give birth without discussion..."

Chu Xiaoyi glanced at the surprised little thing in the corner, she took off the earphone with a puzzled face, as if she didn't know what happened. He took a deep breath, not wanting to leave a psychological shadow on his younger sister, so he swallowed the words, tried to calm down the chaotic emotions, and decided to turn around and leave.

Chu Jiadong stopped him, gritted his teeth and said, "The past is the past, the present is the present..."

Chu Xiaoyi sneered and said, "Because you know now that I won't go to the major you chose, you simply take a step back and become educated? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Chu Jiadong: "I didn't mean that!"

The father and son brought up the conflict from many years ago, and gradually they became angry and started to choke openly. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand where the anger of the foolish father and son came from. She was just watching a foreign language video, and the two people who had communicated well became noisy, like mortal enemies on the battlefield.

"Don't be noisy—" The little girl's childish voice broke the tense atmosphere, "Quiet!"

The father and son calmed down a little, Chu Xiaoyi turned his head and saw that Chu Xiaoxiao was already standing on the sofa. She put her hands on her hips in dissatisfaction, and she was obviously not too angry, and said loudly: "You are in kindergarten like this, and you will be dismissed by the teacher in two days! You can't speak well, but you are loud!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao also rarely speaks in such a high volume. She wants to show a serious and mighty appearance, but standing on the sofa is not as tall as her father and son, she looks like a serious dwarf. Chu Xiaoyi and Chu Jiadong looked at the bulging little glutinous rice balls on the sofa, and they suddenly lost their temper and fell silent together.

In the study, Xiao Bi heard the voice of the dispute, she hurried over and frowned, "What's going on?"

Chu Xiaoxiao took the lead and complained, "Mom, I'm going to buy a loudspeaker too, and make noises buzzing in their ears!"

After Chu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she coughed dryly. She shouted too loudly just now, but now her throat is uncomfortable, and her tears are coming out of her cough. Chu Jiadong suddenly panicked, poured a cup of warm water for Chu Xiaoxiao and told her to drink it quickly.

"Xiao Yi, come with me." Xiao Bi called out to Chu Xiaoyi, met Chu Jiadong's gaze, and said lightly, "Be honest with me."

Chu Xiaoxiao and Chu Jiadong stayed in the living room, while Chu Xiaoyi followed his mother Xiao Bi to the study. Xiao Bi motioned for her eldest son to close the study door, and calmly said, "Tell me about it, why were you so noisy just now?"

Chu Xiaoyi heard the familiar opening remarks, and his memory instantly jumped to childhood. Every time he had an argument with his father, his mother would listen to him alone, wanting to know what he was thinking. Xiao Bi sometimes patiently persuades Chu Jiadong, and sometimes confronts him fiercely. Their conflicts and disputes always revolve around Chu Xiaoyi.

Chu Xiaoyi remembered that after he was beaten, his mother, who had always been gentle and graceful, threw himself on his father and shouted in a sharp voice, "Chu Jiadong, this day is too good? Are you too good for this day!?"

At that time, her face was flushed with anger, and she wanted to tear up Chu Jiadong. Since then, Chu Jiadong has never hit Chu Xiaoyi again.

Chu Xiaoyi lowered his eyes and said, "Nothing..."

Chu Xiaoyi has always been weak in the face of her mother. In fact, she has never done anything wrong. Most of the time, she is caught between the father and son and is forced to get involved in disputes. There is no conflict between Xiao Bi and Chu Jiadong living alone, and there is no conflict between Xiao Bi and Chu Xiaoyi living alone, but the three of them are in constant wars together.

Xiao Bi said slowly: "I can guess what you are arguing about. If it is about the college entrance examination, you said when you left home that as long as we don't care about you, all the old accounts will be settled. I can't control your father's affairs. Make up the mentality, but I did do what you wanted."

When Chu Xiaoyi left home, he couldn't wait to escape the family cage and longed for an independent life. Xiao Bi finally agreed and gave the eldest son a deposit, which was his lucky money for many years.

Xiao Bi: "I asked if you would like to repeat your studies. You rejected me at that time. I really don't know what else I can do for you?"

Chu Xiaoyi lowered his head a little ashamed and listened to his mother without saying a word. He did say that he would not dwell on the past, and regarded the moment of leaving home as a new beginning, and it would be boring to turn over the old accounts now.

"If it's about Xiao Xiao, we didn't discuss it with you in advance. I'm really sorry." Xiao Bi explained, "I went to the hospital for a ring-removal operation a few years ago when I had a physical problem, but I didn't expect Xiao Xiao to happen unexpectedly. ."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at his mother in a daze. He didn't even know that she had surgery, and he felt more and more ashamed. He has been deliberately avoiding news at home, even ignoring his mother's physical condition.

Xiao Bi actually had no plans to have a second child. After she gave birth to Chu Xiaoyi, the doctor suggested that she might not have any more children. However, family planning was also advocated at that time, so Xiao Bi had no regrets, just thought it was life. The arrival of the little daughter may also be a fate, no one expected such a situation, and she is extremely healthy in the mother's body.

"At that time, you closed the recording on the show, and we couldn't get in touch with you. There was really no way. Your dad didn't want Xiao Xiao at all. He has completely lost his confidence in being a father. He always felt that he was incapable of doing it well..." Xiao Bi paused After a few seconds, he confessed, "I decided to give birth to Xiao Xiao. I want to save your father and myself, I'm really sorry."

In the first two years that Chu Xiaoyi left home, the family also had a bad life, like a lifeless ice cave. Chu Jiadong's self-confidence was destroyed overnight, and he fell into endless self-blame and guilt, and he didn't even have a chance to atone for his sins. Xiao Bi seemed calm on the surface, but she was actually on the verge of collapse, not knowing what to do.

Chu Xiaoyi left the house mercilessly, but Xiao Bi and Chu Jiadong were still trapped in the shadows of the past and did not come out. Xiao Bi really couldn't bear the life like a dead end, so she decided to accept the unexpected Chu Xiaoxiao. If there is no turning point, she may not be able to hold on, and how bad can it be

A trace of sadness surged in Chu Xiaoyi's heart, and he said bitterly, "Mom, you don't have to be sorry, it's me who is sorry for you..."

Chu Xiaoyi felt ashamed in front of his mother, how could he have the right to accuse Xiao Bi, she had already done everything her mother could do.

When Chu Jiadong was earning money outside, Xiao Bi not only had to teach at school, but also went home to do housework and take care of the young Chu Xiaoyi. Despite Chu Jiadong's objection, she listened to her eldest son's thoughts and sent him to the music interest class. She never criticized Chu Xiaoyi's academic performance, only told him to be clear about his future choices, and even helped him persuade Chu Jiadong.

What more could Chu Xiaoyi ask her? Ask her to divorce her father

Chu Xiaoyi was convinced that if he didn't exist, maybe his parents wouldn't quarrel with red faces. He is the starting point of the conflict between the parents, he is the source of the old age of the parents, and he is the unstable factor of the family. He has neither the extraordinary talent of his sister nor her understanding, but only brings disaster to the family.

Children cannot choose their parents, and parents cannot choose their children. If Chu Xiaoyi was a parent now, would he want a little sister-like child even more? She will not cause trouble everywhere, always cute and cute, and has a brighter prospect and future.

Xiao Bi looked at the pained expression of her eldest son, she was equally distressed, but she still poured out a trace of resentment: "Xiao Yi, you said at the beginning that your father would only make money and would never look back at home, but what are you doing now? Woolen cloth?"

"Why have you been reluctant to look back at us?"

Chu Xiaoyi has been reluctant to go home for five years, and Xiao Bi said that she doesn't care at all, that's impossible. She still doesn't know what she did wrong to get to where she is now. Chu Jiadong may owe her son something, but she has indeed exhausted everything, so she is completely at a loss.

She is a mother, but she is also human and has her own emotions. She couldn't wait in place and let herself live forever for her son.

When Chu Xiaoyi heard the words, he was hit in the head. He always wanted to make achievements and prove himself to his parents, but he forgot his past wishes. In fact, he didn't need his father to earn much money, he just hoped that the other party would go home more and have a good communication with him.

He didn't like what his father used to do, but now he is copying his father's old way.

This fierce conflict finally subsided in the study.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know what the mother and brother were talking about. After they came out of the house, their emotions seemed to be a little sad. Chu Xiaoxiao looked at her brother's blue heart, she seemed to understand the meaning of this color for the first time, it was not only his resistance to her, but actually his resistance to everything at home.

He has no way to integrate into the family well, and can only resist everything, even against himself. It was the color of sadness like the sea. He floated up and down alone on the sea, but clumsily didn't know how to get to the shore.

The next two days were uneventful, and the adults did not mention the conflicts that day, perhaps because they wanted to create a good family atmosphere in front of Chu Xiaoxiao. Chu Xiaoyi's vacation is finally over, and he has to go back to work and say goodbye to his parents at the door.

After hesitating for a long time, Chu Jiadong said, "Call home if you have anything."

Although Chu Xiaoyi rarely contacted his family, Chu Jiadong would say this every time.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't know how to answer, so he could only hug his parents in the end to avoid this topic. He looked at the little thing hiding behind his father's legs, and smiled helplessly: "Aren't you going to show it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao stared at him silently, Chu Xiaoyi didn't force her to hug her, and waved goodbye to the family with a smile.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at her brother who was leaving, and she suddenly rushed out of the house, causing her mother to scream, "Xiao Xiao!"

In the community, Chu Xiaoxiao caught up with Chu Xiaoyi, and said crisply, "Will you come back?"

Chu Xiaoyi's current mood is too complicated for her to interpret it immediately, but she always feels that if he lets him go now, it seems that he won't go home again.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect her to rush out of the house, he couldn't help being stunned for a few seconds, and said in a hoarse voice, "Can I come back?"

This is Chu Xiaoyi's hesitation in recent days. He doesn't know how his existence can help his family, and even his work will even be scolded by his family. He occasionally felt that if Chu Xiaoxiao had a first child, maybe the parents would not have to worry about it at all, and they would naturally have ordinary happiness.

Chu Xiaoxiao was silent for a few seconds, she lowered her eyes uneasily, and said worriedly: "But you are so stupid, where can you go?"

Chu Xiaoyi's heart softened, he suddenly remembered something, took out a familiar red envelope from his bag, and said, "I almost forgot one thing..."

"Your brother actually made a lot of money outside, so he doesn't even want you to send a red envelope." Chu Xiaoyi handed the red envelope to Chu Xiaoxiao and said with a smile, "Happy Spring Festival."

Chu Xiaoxiao took the red envelope, and she found that the money in it suddenly increased, it seemed to be several times the original amount. She showed a very complicated look and wanted to return it, and said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense any more!"

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the unexpected reaction: "?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "... No, I didn't talk nonsense?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Don't be vain and brag, will you live a simpler life?" She really didn't know why the cheap brother wanted so much face. Before leaving home, he had to slap his face as a fat man, and it reminded her of the other party's purchase of expensive grapes. .

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." No one believes me when I tell the truth these days

Chu Xiaoyi angrily stuffed the red envelope into her arms, pushing the suitcase to chase He Xin: "Okay, okay, don't be mad at me..."

Seeing that he was leaving, Chu Xiaoxiao repeated, "Will you come back?"

Her eyes glowed brightly, as if waiting for a promise.

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't answer for a while, he hesitated for a long time, and suggested: "If you miss me every day, then I can try my best to come back more?"

Chu Xiaoyi: If my younger sister insists on letting herself come back, then I can agree to it reluctantly.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."

Chu Xiaoxiao thought hard, as if weighing the possibility of things. After a while, she waved goodbye to the cheap brother, never mentioned the plan again, and said calmly, "Goodbye!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "???"