The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 17


Of course, Chu Xiaoyi has to choose his best work, but unfortunately his award-winning movie is violent and bloody, which is not suitable for children to watch, so he can only choose an ancient costume drama next. Chu Xiaoyi plays an important supporting role in it. This TV series has a score of 8 on Douban, so it should not teach bad children.

After he opened the TV series, he left Chu Xiaoxiao to stay in the living room alone, and he and his parents went to the bedroom to discuss how to raise SSR with both liver and krypton.

Chu Xiaoxiao was reluctant to watch it at first, she exuded rejection and dissatisfaction all over her body, and hid in the corner and glanced at the TV screen. The camera in the corner hummed and twisted, trying to photograph Chu Xiaoxiao's face, but it caught the little girl's attention.

Chu Xiaoxiao turned the camera back gently and said, "Xiao Hei, do you want to watch TV? Then you can watch it with me?"

Remote control camera recording: "… "No, I want to take a close-up of you, you turn the camera back again

The camera tenaciously continued to turn its head, trying to shoot Chu Xiaoxiao's profile.

Chu Xiaoxiao carefully turned back again, and said softly, "I know you don't want to watch it either, but you can watch it with me."

Camera: Very good, this camera is out of use tonight, so I can only shoot with the TV.

Chu Xiaoxiao rubbed Xiao Hei's head(?) while standing on the sofa watching TV. This TV series was really magical, maybe because there was no Chu Xiaoyi in the first two episodes, she actually watched it with relish.

The little girl looked a little stunned. She stood motionless on the sofa, and even her little hand was stroking the camera back and forth, feeling like she was playing with a cat. The TV series will automatically skip the beginning and end of the film, cut directly to the next episode, and go down continuously.

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned when she saw the familiar face, she instantly pulled away from the plot and saw brother Hanhan dangling on the screen. She hurriedly searched for the remote control pad, but didn't know how to fast-forward, and was afraid of missing the key plot.

Chu Xiaoxiao: It's annoying not to be able to drag the progress bar like an iPad.

The camera Xiao Hei was forced to watch TV with Chu Xiaoxiao, and also acted as her tree hole for watching the drama.

When there was a little flow of traffic without acting skills on the screen, Chu Xiaoxiao said with emotion: "Sister is beautiful."

When a mature flower with acting skills appeared on the screen, Chu Xiaoxiao said with emotion: "Auntie looks good."

When Chu Xiaoyi appeared on the screen, Chu Xiaoxiao said with emotion: "Emmmm..."

The backstage cameramen suddenly began to sympathize with Chu Xiaoyi at this moment. In fact, his acting skills were far superior to those of the same age group. Unfortunately, Chu Xiaoxiao had a sister filter, and it seemed that he would dance when he saw his brother. In Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes, Chu Xiaoyi is downright silly, and it is difficult for her to directly associate the other party with the character, except for disgust or dislike.

On the other side, Chu Xiaoyi and his parents held a family meeting in the bedroom to urgently discuss Chu Xiaoxiao's educational plan. Chu Xiaoyi had seen the terrifying atmosphere in the kindergarten, so he couldn't help but tentatively said, "Mom, maybe you have found that Xiao Xiao seems to be a genius?"

Chu Jiadong looked at his eldest son in surprise, and even Xiao Bi said incredulously, "We thought you already knew, after all, you stay with Xiao Xiao every day during the Spring Festival?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." I stick with her during the Spring Festival, not because she is a child prodigy!

Chu Xiaoyi seldom dealt with children before, how could he know how to distinguish between ordinary babies and prodigy babies, plus his sister's disgust inside and outside the words, he often got into a ball with her. Only now did he realize that the other party's dislike is quite normal. Judging from her IQ, it's okay for her to dislike anyone

Xiao Bi: "Since it's so good, don't tell her anything about prodigies, geniuses, etc., it makes her feel stressed. I said hello to the kindergarten, and my family usually doesn't mention it, so you don't notice it. "

Chu Xiaoyi spit out: "Can this be regarded as not found? She is so prominent in the kindergarten, don't other parents find it?"

Xiao Bi said distressed: "This kindergarten is indeed not the best choice, but it is the most suitable for Xiao Xiao at present. She likes to speak foreign languages, and there are many foreign children in the school, which just meets her current needs. But she can't stay forever. Here, I'll ask Han Ya another day..."

Chu Xiaoyi was a little stunned for a moment: "Isn't this the best option?" Annie's mother has worked so hard, and he feels that this kindergarten can fight hard.

Xiao Bi shook her head: "The academic atmosphere here is not strong enough, and there is no education method for Xiao Xiao."

Xiao Bi has participated in parent-teacher conferences before. She feels that there are many children from wealthy families in the school, and she is worried that Chu Xiaoxiao will naturally go into this kind of mode. The children of the international kindergarten are all working hard for the Ivy League school, followed by the immigrant green card, and may not return to China in the future, but Chu Xiaoxiao is obviously not sure whether to go this way.

Han Ya said that the Children's Class of No. 8 Middle School recruits supernormal children to study, and has regular psychological counseling. Maybe Chu Xiaoxiao should get along with children of the same kind, especially when she gets older, she will find that she is different, and she needs to find a group with a sense of belonging.

Chu Xiaoyi suddenly realized that her mother thought that there was only SR in the kindergarten, and she wanted to send Chu Xiaoxiao to a school that only had SSR!

Chu Xiaoyi was still a little anxious at first, but when he heard that his parents had made arrangements, he felt calmer. When he left the kindergarten, he felt a little bit broken, for fear that his sister would lose at the starting line, so he went crazy to study the overseas summer camp project, and also thought that he would take her abroad.

Chu Xiaoyi's new pressure was suddenly relieved by half, and he couldn't help but mutter: "Actually, it's not that exaggerated. I didn't read it casually when I was in school, and you didn't bother so much?"

Chu Xiaoyi thinks that kindergarten is not critical, it mainly depends on the direction after primary school, and it is not necessary to change places in a hurry. His kindergarten is the end of the bullshit, and the focus is on the level of middle school, which is directly related to the college entrance examination.

Chu Jiadong had been silent all the time, but when he heard this, he disagreed a little, and suddenly said, "Why didn't you bother?"

Chu Xiaoyi shrugged lazily: "I've been here since I was a child, and I haven't studied the school atmosphere carefully. At most, I attended some interest classes, or my mother reported it. It doesn't matter to you."

Chu Xiaoyi felt that his childhood was extremely simple. He finished kindergarten, elementary school, and middle and high school in the old city, and then signed up for some interest classes in private, and there were no other auxiliary programs. Of course, he wasn't a prodigy when he was young, so it's not easy to compare with his younger sister. It's normal for SSR to have preferential treatment.

Chu Xiaoyi is planning to buy a full set of equipment for his sister now, not to mention Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi, he doesn't mean to be harsh.

The two parents quieted after hearing this, Xiao Bi moved her lips and said, "Xiao Yi..."

Chu Jiadong seemed to have guessed what she was going to say, so he waved his hand and stopped: "Hi..."

Regardless of her husband's reaction, Xiao Bi insisted: "Xiao Yi, no. I didn't sign up for your interest class, it was a decision made by me and your father after discussion."

Chu Xiaoyi showed a stunned look, and then questioned: "But my dad wasn't home at that time..."

Xiao Bi: "We didn't want to tell you before, because we were afraid that you would feel uncomfortable and pressured. At that time, it cost you 60,000 yuan a year to sign up for classes. I earned less than 10,000 yuan a month in school. I couldn't get the money alone. Yes. Your father was busy abroad for three or four months, and at that time he took it home with 54,000 yuan, and I added another 6,000 yuan to sign up for you. "

When Chu Xiaoyi heard the words, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and a storm surged in his heart. These numbers don't sound like much today, and they weren't even as expensive as the equipment that Chu Xiaoyi had at the airport, but they were astronomical at that time. When Chu Xiaoyi was young, the housing price in the capital was only 10,000 yuan per flat, and now I am afraid that it is not necessary to add a zero.

"You were young at that time and didn't know the situation at home. We were afraid to tell you the truth, but it would make you more troubled. In fact, your tuition should be more expensive than Xiao Xiao. The proportions are also different." Xiao Bi settled the accounts slowly, she used to be unable to tell her son the truth, but now it is different. Chu Xiaoyi has grown up, he has independent economic ability, these are just the past.

Chu Xiaoyi thought about it carefully and found that his mother's words did not seem to be wrong. Their family used to live in an old building in the old city, and their childhood life was not too wealthy. Later, when their father went out to start a business, the conditions became better and better, and even bought a new house in Yurongtai in one fell swoop.

It's just that time flies, Chu Xiaoyi's memory has been blurred by the years, leaving only some beautiful moments, and can no longer remember the details. He didn't feel poor when he was a child, but he was not rich as a child, and his father didn't stay at home often.

Chu Jiadong rubbed his hands uneasily beside him. He touched his nose embarrassedly, then stood up abruptly, and said in a muffled voice: "Okay, okay, what to do with the past, the better the days go by..."

"It's not like this at home!" Chu Jiadong seemed to be afraid of the atmosphere in the room, he turned and fled the bedroom, "I'll go see Xiao Xiao!"

Chu Jiadong is not a man who expresses his feelings directly. He has a subconscious fear of revealing his true feelings, and he does not dare to wait for a moment.

Seeing him fleeing in a hurry, Chu Xiaoyi said in a trembling voice, "Then why do you still report it? What if it's useless..." Since the family's conditions are not so good, why do you still report him to work? He's not a prodigy, is he

Chu Xiaoyi felt that if he knew the truth before, he would definitely choose to give up reporting for work, it was not the most necessary thing.

Xiao Bi pondered for a few seconds, then smiled helplessly: "How do we know if it's useful or not? Besides, don't you use it now?"

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi don't understand music, and they are not even sure whether the interest class will help Chu Xiaoyi's singing and dancing career.

When Chu Xiaoyi heard the words, a suffocating pain suddenly surged in his chest, making it difficult for him to make any sound. There are no elite parents or mortal parents in the world, it's just a difference in the range of abilities, and it's just a pity for the hearts of parents all over the world.

Some parents can manage both family and work, and some parents have already racked their brains and tried their best to support the family. It is difficult to eat enough, what more can you ask for

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi may be elite parents now, but they were just struggling mortal parents before. Education is like a gamble, no one knows which conditions are necessary and can only frantically pile up the possibilities.

Annie's mother could not determine Annie's future, nor could Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi determine their children's future. Of course they know that some things may not be necessary, but as long as one sits next to the game, who can stay out of it? What's more, they are gambling on the future of their children.

Some people grit their teeth and can provide the best conditions for their children. They don’t dare to care about the outcome and just ask for a clear conscience; remorse.

Children will shamelessly face their parents for their own incompetence, and parents will not feel ashamed of their children for their incompetence. The relationship is always two-way.

Xiao Bi could see that her eldest son was emotionally fluctuating, and she also quietly left the bedroom, leaving him a separate space. There was no one around, Chu Xiaoyi finally couldn't help his nose sour, and scolded with anger and laughter: "What kind of rotten people are these people, they can't get good money for money..."

Of course, Chu Xiaoyi will misunderstand his father's attitude, because when he showed music to each other in childhood, he would always only get scolding, rejection and disdain. Thinking about it now, Chu Jiadong was probably just like his naive self at that time.

Chu Xiaoyi pretended to understand foreign languages in front of his sister, and Chu Jiadong pretended to understand music in front of his son, all bluffing to maintain his dignity.

Chu Xiaoyi noticed that the warm liquid was about to roll down, and he didn't want to be photographed by the camera, so he simply put the quilt over his body and stuffed his face in it.

He lay on the bed empty-headed, and couldn't help muttering: "I'm really his own son..." Even the way of thinking was the same.

They are the kind of relatives who don't need to do a paternity test. The difference is that Chu Jiadong is old and Chu Xiaoyi is still young.

The only thing that Chu Xiaoyi is happy about is that he didn't spend time in the interest class at the beginning, maybe he was thinking of getting angry with his father, but he studied very seriously. If he knew about this for nothing, I am afraid that he would collapse again at this time, and he would not be able to stay at home.

Chu Xiaoyi was lying on the bed feeling sad, but the bedroom door was slightly open, and a sneaky little head was exposed behind the door. Chu Xiaoxiao held the light camera with one hand, pushed the door handle with the other, and slipped inside carefully.

When Chu Xiaoyi heard the strange movement, he suddenly sat up from the bed and asked alertly, "Who?"

Chu Xiaoxiao showed a look of great regret: "They said you might be crying, I wanted to watch the fun."

Chu Xiaoyi: "?" You are really my sister, aren't your biological ones not so cruel

Seeing the thing in her hand, Chu Xiaoyi frowned and said, "Hurry up and put the device down, and you'll drop it later!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "No, my sister in the yard said I can handle it."

Of course, the backstage cameras wanted to take a touching picture of Chu Xiaoyi crying, but this person was so vigilant that they didn't give him a chance at all. They can only let Chu Xiaoxiao take a small machine, and at the same time inform her that her brother seems to be crying, which immediately makes the little thing very excited.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that she was a step late. She didn't seem to catch up with the live version, and she wanted to leave a commemorative image.

Chu Xiaoyi knew that there were no good people filming variety shows. He confiscated her small equipment and said, "Have you finished watching the TV series? Are you running around?"

Chu Xiaoyi walked out of the emotions just now, he immediately wanted to check his sister's homework to see the result of pressing his head and Amway.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Hey, you're not acting like that..."

Chu Xiaoyi sifted through the film and television works. He was convinced that he was outstanding in this film, and said in surprise: "What's wrong with my acting?"

Chu Xiaoxiao faltered, she really couldn't pick out the fault, and then gradually began to look into it. Obviously, her brother's business ability is not bad. She said stubbornly, "You're not as good as that bearded uncle!"

The bearded uncle is the hero of the TV series, and the actor is a grand slam actor. He has recently returned to the TV series circle, and he is definitely the old predecessor of Chu Xiaoyi.

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." This is a leap of faith, how could he dare to compete with the senior actor

As we all know, touching porcelain by leaps and bounds is about equal to a celebrity mentioning coffee. It seems that Chu Xiaoxiao's evaluation is not low. Chu Xiaoyi was very happy in his heart, but he said modestly: "Yes, yes, you are right, I am not as good as him..."

Chu Xiaoyi: No actor is good at acting, that is, he is better than others, rounding up is my sister complimenting me!

When Chu Xiaoxiao saw that he was so good at talking, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

On the third day of Chu Xiaoyi's recording at home, he sent his sister to the kindergarten as usual in the morning, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. He only needs to cook dinner at home, and then bring Chu Xiaoxiao back in the afternoon, basically completing the current round of tasks and independently supporting the family's operation for three days.

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi have already gone to work, Chu Xiaoyi is quite relaxed after returning home, and even has time to have a small gathering with his agent He Xin, proudly said: "Actually, it is not too difficult, I also took the time to experience your work. "

He Xin: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Chu Xiaoyi handed him the business card he received yesterday, and said arrogantly, "Here, look at the gap between us."

He Xin glared at the artist inexplicably, but after seeing the business card, he was amazed and said, "Where did you get it?"

He Xin of course knows the difficulty of mining resources. Generally speaking, the older the broker, the more valuable it is. Only when you have been in the circle for a long time and have enough network resources will others think of you. However, Chu Xiaoyi is a bit ruthless. He actually got the business card of the boss directly. You must know that He Xin used to look for the company.

Chu Xiaoyi took back the business card and said leisurely, "Tsk tsk tsk, I feel that it is a good way to switch to an agent in the future."

He Xin is completely out of temper now. He wants to get the business card back, so he hurriedly said, "Don't take it back? Let me take a look again, maybe it will work?"

Chu Xiaoyi just snorted at the agent, and didn't intend to disturb other parents, but He Xin's focus was different from his, and he had to give it a try when he seized the opportunity. Managers don't care about their relationship, their job is to be shameless for artists, so naturally they have to rush forward.

Chu Xiaoyi: "No, I'm just joking, you won't take it seriously..."

He Xin: "Then you drive! You drive more!"

He Xin wants to take a commission from Chu Xiaoyi's endorsement. He wants the artist to make more jokes. Who will have a hard time with Qian

Chu Xiaoyi: "..."

Chu Xiaoyi was robbed of his business card by He Xin, and said hurriedly: "Don't call people randomly, it will make me so embarrassed! You let me divide first!"

He Xin just handed it back, Chu Xiaoyi frowned, he pulled it around, and finally picked out two or three pieces: "That's all, these are okay..."

Chu Xiaoyi thinks that it's okay to talk about cooperation with Mother Annie and others, and the other parents are not familiar with it, so it's really hard to bother. He had listened to Annie's mother talking about the brand market, and he could basically understand each other's hints. The two sides had a good business talk, and it was not a problem for each other.

He Xin: "Okay, then how should I introduce myself?"

He Xin always needs to know how far Chu Xiaoyi is from the other party, so that he can grasp the initial greeting tone.

Chu Xiaoyi tentatively said: "... Brother Xiao Xiao's agent?"

He Xin: "???"

He Xin found a new target and left in high spirits with his business card, gearing up for a big fight. After Chu Xiaoyi arranged tasks for the agent, he never expected that Chu Xiaoxiao would also arrange new tasks for him.

Xiao Bi suddenly called and said that the teacher asked the parents to come to the kindergarten for an interview, but she had classes in the afternoon and could not ask for leave.

Chu Xiaoyi said blankly: "It's only the second day of school, and she was hired as a parent? Is it so exciting?"

Chu Xiaoyi must suspect that the production team is deliberately doing things, who can compress the three days into a dramatic climax, and this is not a TV series? Screenwriters dare not write like this

There was a hint of helplessness in Xiao Bi's tone: "Xiao Xiao didn't deal with a kindergarten teacher. In fact, I brought her to reconcile once before, but it was obviously not effective..."

Chu Xiaoxiao has been struggling with a teacher in the class. Before the holiday, Xiao Bi and the school came forward together, asking both parties to take a step back and turn the matter over completely. However, this kind of concession is obviously a face project, and Chu Xiaoxiao had another conflict with the other party two days after the start of school.

Xiao Bi: "Her teacher didn't do anything wrong, but it's easy for a child to have a knot in their hearts. Why don't you go and see what's going on?"

Chu Xiaoyi sighed with emotion that the feng shui took turns, and the heavens spared who. In those days, he caused trouble at school, recruited cats and dogs, dismissed teachers, and was frequently invited by parents. Now, he drives humbly to the kindergarten, but he has to run to the teacher to be disciplined, and taste the taste of his parents back then.

Chu Xiaoyi: My sister is more promising than me. She can invite her parents within two days of the school year. I had two weeks at the beginning.

Chu Xiaoyi was already familiar with kindergarten, and the teacher who received him was quite polite. The other party seems to be the group leader or director, not an ordinary teacher. She called up the surveillance screen and said helplessly, "Can you see what happened first?"

The school obviously knew about Chu Xiaoxiao and the teacher's old grudge, and there were surveillance cameras in the class. It is impossible for teachers to act aggressively. From time to time, there are people who check the monitoring in real time, and naturally they can see the cause of the incident.

In the picture, the children gathered on both sides of the long table to draw, Chu Xiaoxiao was sitting upright, and she did not climb onto the chair like Annie did. Everyone was happily scribbling and scribbling and chatting from time to time. Annie happily chatted with Chu Xiaoxiao, and Chu Xiaoxiao would occasionally reply with a few words, which meant a domineering boss and a petite wife (?).

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the image seriously. So far, he didn't think there was anything unusual about his sister, and he felt no different from home.

It didn't take long for the teacher to signal to hand over the picture scroll to the podium, and the children began to hand in the picture piece by piece. Annie ran over to submit it in a hurry, but Chu Xiaoxiao was still two or three strokes away, looking like she wanted to finish the painting. Some of the children had already stood up, and when they saw that others were not moving, they simply sat back and continued to draw.

"Chu Xiaoxiao, stop drawing, it's time to hand it in!" The teacher seemed to notice something unusual in the class, and naturally reminded the leader. She guessed that she knew the principle of catching the thief first and the king, and planned to let Chu Xiaoxiao stop what she was doing first.

Chu Xiaoyi watched the teacher pick up something to stop his sister's painting, it was probably a crayon. Chu Xiaoxiao put her little hand back on her lap, she looked down at the picture scroll, then looked up at the teacher, and then a high-pitched whimper broke out, which startled the other party!

Chu Xiaoyi was also dazed, he had never seen a small thing burst into tears

In the next second, the class was full of tears. Countless children burst into tears under the infection, like a chorus playing in unison, bringing all the teachers together. It was a massive riot. Children are emotional creatures, and every cry they hear starts a chain reaction.

Annie's face was full of joy at first, but she was crying out of breath at this time, and she could not wait for her heart to break. The teacher didn't care about the colored pencils, and immediately coaxed the children in a panic, trying to reorganize the discipline of the class. At this time, no one cares about whether to close the picture scroll or not, and just wants to suppress the crying children.

On the screen, the culprit, Chu Xiaoxiao, had finished the thunder and no rain. She calmly picked up the crayons that had fallen on the table, and continued to draw without hesitation, completing the last two or three strokes. She had no intention of weeping and wiping her tears, just like a bystander in a sad choir, she seemed quite calm.

Chu Xiaoyi: Are there two faces in the little girl movie

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the familiar picture, and remembered that she had once guided herself to drink the bitter medicine of her aunt, thinking that she was really a devil

Chu Xiaoxiao is usually sweet and cute at home, but if she wants to upset someone, there are literally a thousand ways to torture people. Chu Xiaoyi has a deep understanding of this. He still remembers that when he just returned home, the rejection and resistance of the little things were beyond words.

The head teacher said in distress: "Actually, the teacher shouldn't forcefully collect colored pens, but we think Xiao Xiao is also a bit... Where did she learn the tricks?"

The teacher in charge didn't know how to describe it, she felt that Chu Xiaoxiao was really going to become an elite, and it would be easy to kill him.

Chu Xiaoyi, as the number one actor who had deceived his sister, couldn't blame her for a while: "..."

He was still rolling around on the sofa to ask for the New Year's money, so it was no different from Chu Xiaoxiao's behavior.

Chu Xiaoyi: I'm sorry, because I'm an actor, so my sister followed me