The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 19


Of course Mr. Mei would not listen to Chu Xiaoyi's nonsense, she showed an embarrassed smile on her face and hesitated: "I'm sorry, what did you say..."

Chu Xiaoyi sighed and said, "I know that your major has its own methods, such as how to intervene in children's behavior, strengthen, punish and subside... But these are useless to Chu Xiaoxiao, they may be effective for ordinary children. , but she already has a certain adult wisdom to gradually break away from this set."

As a troublemaker who has been called countless times by parents, Chu Xiaoyi has long since summed up experience in getting along with various teachers. The strictness and kindness shown by teachers are just tools for managing students. Strictness is for maintaining order, and kindness is for motivating, and sometimes it does not represent what they think in their hearts.

"I may not speak as politely as my mother, so you should be my sister-in-law and be an unreasonable bear parent. I'll say sorry to you first." Chu Xiaoyi was vaccinated in advance, and he said bluntly, " To be honest, it was wrong for you to work emotionally at the beginning, but now there is no time to dwell on it, Xiao Xiao will fight back with harsh tactics, and will not eat your friendly way, so now there is only sincerity left."

"She doesn't care about who likes her or not, she cares about the attitude of the other party and the attitude of communicating with her on an equal footing. I let you betray, in short, let you tell her all your troubles and pains, and she listens. After you understand it, it is called shaking hands and making peace." Chu Xiaoyi felt that the last handshake and making peace was just a process, Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand the crux of the problem, and it was estimated that Teacher Mei didn't say anything.

Teacher Mei disagreed: "We can't say this to children..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "You can't work with emotions yet. Since you have emotions at the beginning, you can simply do it with emotions to the end, at least let her know the reason."

Teacher Mei was speechless for a moment.

"It's hard for me to ask you about your career plan, and I don't know if you want to be a teacher in the future, but I don't want Xiao Xiao's last impression of you that the first teacher in her childhood didn't like her, and she didn't like her either. This teacher, and then it's gone." Chu Xiaoyi shook his head, "Apart from making her feel uncomfortable, this matter has no effect, and even makes her impression of the teacher worse."

Chu Xiaoyi was also a thorn in the class before. He had met teachers who treated him well and teachers who treated him badly. The disgust and rejection inside and outside the words of those teachers, and the trace of contempt in the corner of his eyes, were unforgettable for him in his life, and now he is irritable when he thinks about it.

For a while, Chu Xiaoyi and a certain male teacher turned the world upside down. When the other party reprimanded him, he didn't respond; when the other party softened, he dismissed it. Once Liangzi is formed, the two sides are like a huge hatred, and the hatred has to die endlessly.

Finally, the male teacher said helplessly: "Chu Xiaoyi, I'm just an ordinary person, I really don't know what to do with you..."

The male teacher no longer shouted loudly, and no longer pretended to be good. The other party confessed his incompetence, and Chu Xiaoyi's heart was opened instead. He suddenly felt that there was no hatred with the male teacher, and the other party was not authoritative, and the other party was just an ordinary person. Since he is an ordinary person, how can he have a big hatred

In the past, the male teacher had a certain power in the school and seemed to be able to oppress the students arbitrarily, which naturally gave Chu Xiaoyi a high sense of vigilance, and always felt that he was deliberately targeting himself. But the teacher took off the air and frankly confessed his own powerlessness. Chu Xiaoyi was no longer tense, and only felt suddenly enlightened.

The two sides never made trouble with each other. Chu Xiaoyi would occasionally visit him when he returned to school. They didn't like or hate each other, just ordinary students and ordinary teachers. Chu Xiaoyi has a teacher he likes and a teacher he hates, but he feels very calm about this male teacher, and he doesn't get upset when he thinks about it occasionally.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't want her sister to think of the first teacher as disgust in the future. Disgust is an emotion that makes him unhappy, and it will be buried deep in his heart. You think you've succeeded in getting rid of the bored teacher, but the influence of the other party doesn't dissipate easily, and you still get a stab from time to time.

Because that is a teacher, maybe it is just a profession, but in the eyes of immature children, it is a representative of authority. No one likes to be denied by authority, even if they say they don't care, they will still leave marks in their hearts.

Chu Xiaoxiao likes teaching foreign languages so much, how could she not take her teacher seriously

Teacher Mei followed Chu Xiaoyi on the road, but felt exhausted like never before. Occasionally, she wanted to run away, but she simply resigned now and stopped dealing with this matter, but she couldn't bear it. If she walked away in a hurry, perhaps Chu Xiaoxiaozhen left the impression of disgust on the teacher

Teacher Mei didn't know how to get along with Chu Xiaoxiao. Even though she tried to smile, the other party could see through her appearance, leaving her at a loss.

"Xiao Xiao, Teacher Mei is here." Chu Xiaoyi spoke at the door of the classroom and saw the little things in the room looking up.

To be honest, Chu Xiaoyi also doesn't know what the final result will be. Anyway, the worst case scenario is that the talks between the two parties collapse and Teacher Mei leaves, leaving a disgusting teacher in Chu Xiaoxiao's childhood memories. He can only leave the space for two people now, and do his best to obey the destiny.

After closing the door, Teacher Mei looked at the quiet Chu Xiaoxiao and stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to speak. She is not smiling now, nor is she not smiling, her expression management is a little out of control, and she falls into a long silence.

Chu Xiaoxiao also didn't know what to say. She looked at Teacher Mei silently, not knowing what she was looking at.

The two sides were stunned for more than ten seconds like a wooden man. Teacher Mei took the lead to relax, broke the pot and said: "Xiao Xiao, I don't know how to contact you now..."

This is the truth, she has used the harsh side and the friendly side, and now she is really exhausted.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Teacher, do you not like your work, or do you not like me?"

Faced with the sudden straight ball problem, Teacher Mei will be defeated in an instant. According to reason, the teacher cannot give bad hints to the child. The problem is that she says she likes it, but the other party doesn't seem to believe it.

Chu Xiaoyi said that Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't care if she likes it or not, what she cares about is attitude.

Teacher Mei thought about this, she could only think about her words, and said with a complicated expression: "Well, this kind of thing can't be divided simply, sometimes I like my work, sometimes I don't like it... Of course, I can't say I don't like it, It should be said that the teacher is too tired and cannot control his emotions well."

Teacher Mei didn't know if the child could understand. She admitted her fatigue, but felt a sense of relaxation and said with a wry smile: "It's really my fault, I should adjust my state by myself, and shouldn't affect Xiao Xiao. Teacher also It's not possible to stay in good spirits all day, so I just try to stretch it out as long as possible."

Teacher Mei didn't know such words before, and most of the three-year-old children couldn't understand it, and they were still in the stage of ignorance.

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded. She recalled the chaos when she first met at the beginning of school, and she could roughly understand Teacher Mei's emotions.

It was the first time that Teacher Mei saw positive feedback from her, and she said bravely, "Then why did Xiao Xiao do such a thing? We already shook hands and made peace last semester?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "You didn't make peace with me without shaking hands."

Teacher Mei was a little anxious, and said with pressure: "Why not? I have already tried to change?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "You have a smile on your face, but you don't think so in your heart."

Teacher Mei: "..."

Teacher Mei found that Chu Xiaoxiao was indeed very sensitive, and she simply confessed: "Because I don't know if we have made peace, I'm still not sure, so I can only take the lead in conveying kindness to Xiao Xiao and tentatively smiling at you. , waiting for your feedback to confirm…”

"If Xiao Xiao doesn't give me feedback, I don't know what you are thinking, and it will be even more difficult to determine our relationship." Teacher Mei simply walked over, she sat in front of Chu Xiaoxiao, and said helplessly, "Xiao Xiao, you are very good. Give me less feedback."

Children are praised for doing the right thing, and criticized for doing the wrong thing, that is, feedback from teachers and students back and forth to guide their behavior. Chu Xiaoxiao has an invisible system. She seems to have screened the people around her in advance and will never give feedback to some people.

Chu Xiaoxiao showed a thoughtful look, she could see the teacher's emotions, but the teacher didn't seem to know her emotions.

From the teacher's point of view, she has already sent out a good signal, but Chu Xiaoxiao has not received it for a long time, so the misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Then why didn't you just show a smile at the beginning?" She still didn't understand, Teacher Mei was usually quite serious in class and always had a straight face.

Teacher Mei was stunned when she heard the words, she couldn't help scratching her face, her eyes drifted to the side, and smiled embarrassedly: "I always smiled when I first started working, but my face is not very effective in class..."

Teacher Mei is kind and lovely. She always laughed when she first entered the workplace, but she couldn't hold back the children at all. Children are kind of bullying creatures. Once they find that you are easy to talk, they will attack them in groups, regardless of discipline.

Teacher Mei suffers from a disadvantage compared to the older generation on her face. She has not been able to calm down the bear child with a stern look, so she naturally needs some bonuses. Chu Xiaoxiao belongs to the fairly sensible school, but many children don't know what they are doing at all, and if they don't stop it, they will always make noise.

Teacher Mei really poured out all her weaknesses. She didn't know what she was talking about, but she just frankly revealed her feelings. She used to have the concept of being friends with children as equals, but not every equality will get a response, and some children like persimmons to be soft.

Chu Xiaoxiao's confusion has all been resolved, Mr. Mei's mood is calm now, making Chu Xiaoxiao also relaxed.

Chu Xiaoxiao gently stretched out her small hand, touched her face, and comforted: "No, the teacher smiles very nicely, we will not be disobedient."

Teacher Mei didn't expect the little girl to do this. She looked at the other party's sincere eyes in disbelief, and almost burst into tears on the spot!

This is probably when she likes to work!

Chu Xiaoxiao felt Teacher Mei's emotions, she retracted her hand and looked at it, hesitantly said, "Is this the feedback?"

Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to understand what Mr. Mei meant. If Mr. Mei took the lead in sending out a good signal, no matter what the other party thought, she would give the other party a certain response, just like praise for doing the right thing. Teacher Mei gains her affirmation and will like her a little more happily.

Teacher Mei nodded desperately: "Yes, the teacher can know Xiao Xiao's thoughts now, and won't be at a loss."

"The teacher will feel very happy when he receives feedback, and he doesn't feel tired from work." Teacher Mei actually doesn't care about leadership or salary. What she wants is the child's feedback, but Chu Xiaoxiao has never had it before, and she draws the line Exceptionally clear.

Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to realize something, and murmured: "The teacher is actually like me. When I receive feedback from the teacher, I won't hate kindergarten anymore."

Chu Xiaoxiao now receives a little liking from Teacher Mei, and suddenly feels that the past is nothing. She hopes to be really liked, but she didn't know how to like it on the face to really like it, and it still needs a process of response.

Teacher Mei softened, stretched out her hand to her, and said with a smile, "Then are we really shaking hands and making peace now?"

Chu Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand, she pondered for a few seconds, and then retracted her hand: "That's not true."

Seeing that the little hand in hand, Mr. Mei pulled back again: "???"

Chu Xiaoyi walked around the door for a long time, not knowing what his sister and teacher were talking about, it took so long. He also peeked his head and found that the two were discussing together, and the atmosphere was not tense, which made people puzzled.

After a long time, Chu Xiaoxiao finally came out of the classroom and could follow Chu Xiaoyi home. Chu Xiaoyi was stunned: "What are you talking about? It takes so long?"

Chu Xiaoyi: How can it be like a century if we make up or break down in an instant

Chu Xiaoxiao said solemnly: "Mr. Mei and I checked grammar on the mobile phone in the classroom, and finally reached an agreement on the issue."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." It's really hard to be your teacher.

In order to solve the problems left over from history, Mr. Mei downloaded the dictionary app frantically in the classroom, and used various materials to discuss the disputes between the two sides. The two finally reached a settlement on the grammar issue, which was considered a real handshake.

Chu Xiaoyi put one hand in his pocket and led her out with the other: "Are you and teacher okay?"

Chu Xiaoxiao squinted at him and said lightly, "It's all right."

Chu Xiaoyi: If you have nothing to do, will you invite your parents? Are you starting to get tough again now

However, it is the best situation for Chu Xiaoxiao and Teacher Mei to reunite. As long as the knot in Chu Xiaoxiao's heart is untied, the bad mood will not last long, and it will soon disappear, just like Chu Xiaoyi. He now occasionally thinks of the male teacher, and he only has a trace of emotion left behind, and he can still move forward with great strides.

Chu Xiaoxiao just learned feedback skills, she thought about it carefully and said, "Brother, I actually like you a little bit now."

Chu Xiaoyi's emotional attitude towards her has changed, but she seems to have never given feedback, and always expresses resistance.

She just understood the importance of the response from Teacher Mei, and now she just needs to make amends, and emphasizes: "But I only like it a little..."

When Chu Xiaoyi saw the little thing tilting his head and making careful gestures, he felt a little soft touch in his heart, feeling both angry and funny. He simply hugged her in his arms, deliberately dangling the little man in the air, and threatened with a smile, "A little bit? A little bit?"

Chu Xiaoyi: It's really a dead duck, I can't cure you

Chu Xiaoxiao was hugged by his elder brother, and he was almost breathless. She felt the other party's joy, and was forced to experience the human flesh roller coaster again. Her little face was instantly puffed up, and she exclaimed angrily: "I said I like it a little bit! Don't respond to me so much!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: I only like you a little bit, please don't like me too much! I can't stand it!

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that Teacher Mei's responsive liking was good, and Chu Xiaoyi's violent liking was unbearable, it was too wild!