The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 2


At the dinner table, Chu Xiaoxiao showed great concern for his new students, eager to talk to Han Ya. At this moment, Chu Jiadong brought chicken soup to the table. He diverted his daughter's attention from the guests and said, "Xiao Xiao, go with my uncle and call grandma for dinner."

When Chu Xiaoxiao received the task, he temporarily forgot about Han Ya and did not continue to teach the other party. She walked slowly to the bedroom, and went with her uncle Chu Qingfeng to invite grandma Chu Zhen to dinner.

After Chu Xiaoxiao left, Chu Jiadong looked at Han Ya and said with a smile: "Is she difficult to deal with, just like the villain Jing'er?"

Han Ya politely said: "No, no, Xiao Xiao taught very well."

Chu Jiadong: "She has a great temper in this regard. If you don't follow her wishes, she can torment you all day!"

Xiao Bi: "It's not what you were used to, playing games with her in class every day..."

Han Ya said seriously: "Parent-child games are one of the best ways to inspire talent. This may be an extremely important part of Xiao Xiao's growth."

"Through preliminary observation, I think Xiao Xiao's ability in language and interpersonal communication is very strong, especially the latter is amazing. To be honest, I have also seen many extraordinary children with language talent, but I have rarely come into contact with more Xiao Xiao has a stronger affinity, and it can even be said that there is no such thing."

Han Ya didn't meet too many prodigies. Among them, there were many famous ones, such as "the youngest Mensa member", etc., but there were few types of Chu Xiaoxiao.

Chu Jiadong looked surprised: "Is interpersonal communication a special ability? Isn't this what everyone has?"

Han Ya couldn't come up with an academic statement, she could only choose easy-to-understand words and explained: "It's not appropriate to talk about interpersonal communication, it should be said that Xiao Xiao's empathy and communication skills are very strong, she can accurately perceive the attitude of others, To establish communication with each other... In other words, if she wants to please someone, it is a very easy thing."

Many supernormal children have eccentric personalities, often cannot communicate well with their peers, and find it difficult to integrate into normal life. However, it was the first time that Han Ya had seen a child prodigy who did the opposite and was very good at communicating with people.

Chu Jiadong touched his face narcissistically, and said solemnly: "Then don't I also have special abilities? I think I have a strong affinity?"

Xiao Bi couldn't bear her husband's complacent appearance, she reached out and patted his arm, frowning to stop: "Okay."

Han Ya was amused by Chu Jiadong and laughed out loud, and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, you teach well, only Xiao Xiao can do this..."

Xiao Bi glanced at Han Ya helplessly, and sighed: "Don't hold him, he is just like Xiao Xiao, the more he praises, the more shy. I think it's because Xiao Xiao likes you that will make you misunderstand. Kindergarten can be turned upside down with teachers, and it's not likeable at all."

Han Ya was stunned: "Shouldn't it be?" In her opinion, Chu Xiaoxiao's ability to look at people's eyes is full, and there is no reason to annoy the teacher.

Xiao Bi shook her head and said, "You don't know how many bad things the teacher has sued her."

Han Ya showed a thoughtful expression, and she felt that her judgment was absolutely right. Chu Xiaoxiao's bad relationship with the kindergarten teacher may not mean that she is not good at communication, but more like she deliberately acts against her. Although Han Ya and Chu Xiaoxiao have only been together for a short time, she is sure that the other party is not an ignorant child, and there are probably some reasons behind it.

While everyone was talking, Chu Xiaoxiao and his uncle had already helped grandma Chu Zhen out. The little uncle walked tremblingly while holding his grandmother. Chu Xiaoxiao was not tall enough, so she could only spin around at her grandmother's feet. Grandma Chu Zhen's eyes were blank. She sat at the dining table in a daze, looking around, not knowing what to do.

Chu Xiaoxiao climbed onto her chair, she put the spoon into grandma's hand, and said softly, "Grandma eat!"

Han Ya wanted to say hello to the old lady, but Chu Zhen didn't respond to her voice. Xiao Bi explained: "The old lady is old and has dementia. She can't remember people now and can't hear behind her ears."

Han Ya seemed to realize something, but she found out that the old lady didn't feel the sound, so she had to get in front of the other party and wave. Chu Xiaoxiao sat next to her grandmother, and from time to time, she would attract the attention of the other party, posing actively.

Grandma looked at Chu Xiaoxiao in confusion, opened her mouth with great effort, her voice was a little hoarse, like a broken bellows, pulling a long tone: "Xiao-Xiao-"

When Chu Jiadong saw his mother talking, he happily said, "Xiao Xiao, grandma called you!"

The old lady is now in her 90s, and seldom speaks due to the gradual loss of language skills behind her ears. Now she can't even recognize her own son, Chu Jiadong, let alone call out other people's names.

Chu Xiaoxiao, who had been teasing grandma in a lively manner just now, lowered his head silently and plucked the rice in the bowl on his own.

Chu Jiadong can be described as a model dutiful son. He usually tolerates his daughter's various minor problems, but he can't accept her ignoring her elders. He reminds in a low voice, "Xiao Xiao, when grandma talks to you, you have to respond to grandma."

Chu Xiaoxiao buried his head in his rice bowl and muttered something.

Chu Jiadong didn't hear clearly, he frowned slightly: "What did you say?"

Chu Xiaoxiao put down his job, raised his voice and said, "I said grandma didn't speak to me."


"I don't know who she's calling, but she's not calling me anyway!" Chu Xiaoxiao was very petty, she simply finished the rice in a few bites, threw down her rice bowl glumly, and ran back to the house.

Chu Xiaoxiao used to think that her grandmother was calling her, but she gradually found out that she was abnormal. In fact, her grandmother couldn't remember her. Grandma has gradually become confused, unable to remember the people and events in front of her, only the past. Grandma's time is different from others. Normal people live in the present, but grandma lives in the past.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know who grandma was calling, but she was sure she wasn't calling herself. She tried hard to make her grandmother remember her, but she was repeatedly frustrated and annoyed.

"Xiao—" Grandma was still sitting at the table, out of breath.

No one else expected the little girl's sudden mood. Han Ya listened carefully for a moment, and said uncertainly, "Mr. Xiao, the old lady seems to be calling Xiao Yi?"

The old lady has an accent from her hometown, and the Mandarin is not standard. In addition, she struggles to speak, and often cannot pronounce the pronunciation of "Yi", which is easily misunderstood as "Xiao Xiao".

"It seems to be true?" Chu Jiadong was awakened by a word, and suddenly realized, "Mom has really been with Xiao Yi for a long time, and it is estimated that Xiao Xiao is regarded as him. Xiao Xiao is also true, Xiao Yi is not at home, she can still give birth. Get angry…”

Xiao Bi heard that something was wrong and asked, "Have you told Xiao Xiao about her brother?"

After Xiao Bi finished her maternity check-up, she went back to school to take over the third class of senior high school. She was in a very tense state and didn't care much about family affairs. Chu Jiadong always swore that he would take care of everything and make up for Xiao Bi's past efforts in the family. Besides, Chu Xiaoyi was also a workaholic, so she didn't ask too much about the father and son.

However, Chu Xiaoxiao's words just now revealed a trace of abnormality, which made Xiao Bi feel that some details were missed.

Chu Jiadong: "Of course, there are so many endorsement products of Xiao Yi at home, can she still not know?"

Xiao Bi: "???" What does this have to do with endorsement products

Xiao Bi was shocked: "Did you tell Xiao Xiao that she actually has a biological brother?"

Chu Jiadong was shocked by his wife's serious face, his eyes floated, and his tone suddenly weakened: "You let me think about it, you let me think about it, I am suddenly a little unsure..."

Xiao Bi: "Didn't they get on the phone!?"

Chu Jiadong: "Xiao Yi has no time to call in recent years..."

Xiao Bi pursed her lips tightly and suppressed her anger, so she didn't yell at her husband in front of the guests, and planned to have an affair with Chu Jiadong after dinner. She still remembered that she seemed to have mentioned Chu Xiaoyi to her daughter, but Chu Xiaoxiao was still in swaddling at that time, so she would talk about it or not.

Han Ya felt that the atmosphere at the dinner table was not right, so she immediately shrunk her head to eat. After the meal, Han Ya asked Chu Xiaoxiao to finish the test questions, then took the filled questions to leave, and prepared to go back to study the results.

Xiao Bi still had something in her heart, and smiled helplessly: "It really makes you see a joke."

Han Ya comforted: "How come? Children don't remember people they haven't met. Xiao Yi has also been busy with work in recent years. It's good to wait for the brothers and sisters to meet!"

Xiao Bi showed a reluctant smile, she was most afraid that her siblings would not know each other, and it would be extremely embarrassing to meet at that time. Chu Jiadong was definitely the culprit in this Oolong incident, which made her angry when she thought about it.

After Han Ya left, Chu Jiadong suddenly felt the breath of wind and rain, but helpless little uncle and little aunt ran away first to stay away from this storm. The uncle Chu Qingfeng ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while the uncle Song Chun helped grandma Chu Zhen back to the house.

Xiao Bi looked at her husband with cold eyes. Facing the silent coercion, Chu Jiadong hurriedly called his younger daughter to testify: "I think Xiao Xiao should know!"

Chu Xiaoxiao was called out of the room. She was watching "Peppa Pig" on her iPad, but she looked up and found her mother's mood swings.

Xiao Bi's red heart beat violently, while Chu Jiadong's red heart shrunk timidly. Through observation and summary, Chu Xiaoxiao found that the color of the heart represents the attitude of others towards him, while the shape and movement of the heart represent the current emotional state of the other party.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Mom is angry, dad is scared, but it doesn't seem to affect me.

After Chu Xiaoxiao felt the atmosphere of the scene, he continued to watch the cartoon with confidence.

Chu Jiadong actively rescued himself. He took out the washing powder endorsed by Chu Xiaoyi, pointed to the portrait on it, and said earnestly, "Xiao Xiao, do you know who this is?"

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced up, then looked down at the iPad, and replied, "Star."

Xiao Bi sneered when she heard the words, and looked at Chu Jiadong mockingly.

Chu Jiadong didn't believe in evil, he took out a large pile of tissues, all of which were printed with Chu Xiaoyi, and inspired: "No, no! Xiao Xiao, think about it carefully, why does Dad buy so many tissues!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao raised her head again. This time, she thought about it for a long time, trying to recall the details of the shopping between the father and daughter, and answered honestly, "Because of the discount that day, Dad wants to take advantage of it."

"..." Chu Jiadong looked at his daughter who had no understanding, as if he heard the footsteps of the god of death.

Xiao Bi suppressed her anger and tried her best to calmly say, "Xiao Xiao, go back to the house and play first."

Chu Xiaoxiao said nothing and left with the iPad. She had just returned to her house when a furious voice sounded in the living room.

"Chu Jiadong-Xiao Xiao is so smart, if you mention a sentence on a daily basis, will she not remember it? Is there a father like you!?"

Inside the house, Chu Xiaoxiao continued to watch the animation calmly, and at the same time whispered with emotion: "Dad is so stupid, and he did something wrong..."

She didn't know why her father was scolded by her mother, but she thought it was a mistake in some details, nothing more than cutting raw meat with a chopping board for cutting vegetables, throwing her mother's lesson plans into the trash can by mistake, and so on.

Xiao Bi reprimanded her husband Baofeng, while secretly scolding herself for being careless and being deceived by his good performance in recent years. She raised her forehead with a headache and asked casually, "Does Xiao Yi know about Xiao Xiao?"

Chu Jiadong held his breath for a moment, he didn't know how to answer, he always felt that it was the next round of death. On the coffee table, Chu Jiadong's cell phone suddenly rang, and a message popped up on the lit screen, resolving the deadlock in time.

Chu Jiadong hurriedly picked up his mobile phone and wanted to flee the scene quickly, but found that it was the news of his eldest son. The content of Chu Xiaoyi's message was concise and to the point, there was no emoji, just one sentence.

YI: I didn't work after the Spring Festival Gala this year.

The father and son of the Chu family have never spoken human words. Their message exchanges are extremely obscure, with deep meaning between the lines, like an underground party playing dumb riddles, and like a couple in an ambiguous period. Every word needs to be figured out, and every sentence is confusing.

If someone else looked at the news, they would have thought that Chu Xiaoyi sent it to the agent. Chu Jiadong looked at the thoughtless sentence, but accurately translated its meaning and reported to his wife: "Xiao Yi is expected to go home this Spring Festival!"

Xiao Bi was stunned for a moment, and her face also showed joy: "Really? When will he arrive?"

Chu Jiadong: "Why should the Spring Festival Gala end!"

Xiao Bi: "That's right. They can meet each other this year. Xiao Yi was really busy in the past two years..."

Seeing that his wife's attention was diverted, Chu Jiadong hurriedly lowered himself and finally cleared the matter.

On the other hand, after Chu Xiaoyi bit the bullet and sent a message to his father, he put the phone aside, but his eyes couldn't stop glancing over. He forced a calm face on his face, but his heart was inexplicably anxious, and he didn't know what Chu Jiadong would reply. He didn't want to look like he was rushing home, so he sent this hint of "no job", and he was afraid that his father would not give him steps.

The way father and son get along with each other is extremely awkward, and there is always a feeling of being unable to work hard. Chu Xiaoyi doesn't know why, he lived under the authority of a powerful father when he was young, but now that Chu Jiadong's character has gradually changed, he is even more unable to communicate with his father who has become gentle.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't wait for a reply for a long time, and whispered in his heart: Is this old man too slow to reply

The agent He Xin urged: "There is a process over there, let's go there now."

Before Chu Xiaoyi received his father's reply, he simply shoved the phone into He Xin's hand, out of sight and out of mind, and said, "Okay, you can hold it for me first."

Chu Xiaoyi has to wait on stage for a performance later, he doesn't want to worry about replying to the whole process, he might as well wait until the Spring Festival Gala is over. Because of Chu Xiaoyi's escape mentality, he didn't see his father's message right away.

At home, Chu Xiaoxiao was forced to watch the Spring Festival Gala in front of the TV, and his beloved iPad was confiscated. She immediately complained and muttered, "I don't want to watch this..."

When Chu Jiadong saw the little girl stood up and wanted to run, he quickly pressed her shoulders and coaxed: "Xiao Xiao, today is New Year's Eve, everyone will watch the Spring Festival Gala together!"

This year is the first time that Chu Xiaoyi has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Chu Jiadong wants to take this opportunity to introduce his brother to Chu Xiaoxiao.

Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to ask her mother for help. Unexpectedly, Xiao Bi was also helping her: "Xiao Xiao, you held your iPad and watched it for a long time today, but I didn't care about you. Now sit far away and watch TV."

The little uncle spoke with an accent, and said, "Yes, yes, this year is not the Year of the Pig, don't look at the pig too much!"

Uncle's education level is not high, he doesn't know the specific content of "Little Pig Page", he only knows that Chu Xiao Xiao Ai is holding a pig and watching it.

Chu Jiadong: "This is the program with the highest ratings tonight!"

Chu Xiaoxiao was gloomy and bluntly exposed: "Because there are no other programs today, right?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's small mouth was so pouted that she could hang an oil bottle. She sat on the sofa without a soul, staring at the TV indifferently, not understanding the bright red and yellow picture on the screen at all.

The dancing beauty of the Spring Festival Gala was dizzying. A large group of people in red came on stage to sing. Their costumes were different, but the colors were inexplicably uniform, with only subtle differences. Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't remember the faces at all, only felt that a bunch of tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, cherries were jumping in front of him...

Chu Jiadong asked deliberately, "Xiao Xiao, are your brothers and sisters looking good?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "It looks delicious." She likes strawberries and cherries.

Chu Jiadong: "?" What logic is this

Chu Jiadong persevered and persuaded: "Then do you want a good-looking brother?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I don't want to."

Chu Jiadong was about to lead out Chu Xiaoyi, but he didn't expect his daughter to refuse, and he widened his eyes in surprise: "Why?"

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked and said seriously: "Sister Yang Yin said that my brother is not a good thing."

Just as Chu Jiadong was about to refute, Chu Xiaoyi's figure appeared on the screen. Wearing a red suit, Chu Xiaoyi slowly walked into the golden dancers, matching the classic CCTV style dance moves, quite like a square dance in the park.

When the whole family saw Chu Xiaoyi's appearance, they instantly became excited: "Xiao Yi is out!"

"Xiao Xiao, look! Look!" Chu Jiadong hurriedly pulled his little daughter to shake, reminding her not to get distracted.

Chu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips tightly. She looked at the two fools in red on the screen with a complicated expression, completely ignorant of the reason why the family members were suddenly excited.

The dance of the Spring Festival Gala was originally monotonous and slightly earthy. In addition, Chu Xiaoyi's voice was not very good recently. This song and dance was really hard to watch directly. Chu Xiaoxiao tried to turn his head to escape many times, but his little head was turned back by Chu Jiadong. With a tense expression on her face, she was tormented by the three-minute dance of magic sounds, almost suffocating herself to death.

The poor, weak and helpless Chu Xiaoxiao made a high-level summary of the show after being tortured by the performance: a lone tomato mixed in with golden scrambled eggs - very bad.

The face of Lonely Tomato finally disappeared from the TV. Chu Xiaoxiao let out a deep sigh of relief and couldn't help but express his doubts in his soul: "This star can't sing or dance, so how can he still be on TV?"

Although there are also many strawberry cherry peppers singing in front, only Lonely Tomato appeared in a single picture, and it continued for so long. From Chu Xiaoxiao's point of view, the singing and dancing of the vegetables and fruits is very ordinary, but the Lonely Tomato has tortured her the longest, and is naturally the focus of the fire.

As soon as Chu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, the family suddenly fell into a bewildering silence. The originally excited family members looked at the innocent girl hesitantly, not knowing what to say for a while.

As the culprit, Chu Jiadong could only bite the bullet and say, "Xiao Xiao, that's your brother."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "???"

Chu Xiaoxiao: My brother is so ugly on TV, how can I be a man in front of children in the future!

On the other side, Chu Xiaoyi finished the performance and stepped down and returned to the waiting room. As soon as he saw the news of his father, he stood in place like being struck by lightning.

The agent He Xin was chatting with the assistants while packing up his things. He excitedly said, "It's over, I'm going home! Happy Chinese New Year everyone!"

"The Spring Festival is not happy. Going back is also a process of urging marriage. I just want to work and make a fortune..." The little assistant sighed, as if imagining life in the next few days.

"That's true, it's the same every year..." He Xin smiled and sighed, he didn't notice Chu Xiaoyi's stiff figure, he patted the other side casually, and half-jokingly said, "Maybe in a few years, your uncles and aunts will also urge you to get married and have children! "

"Will not."

"Don't think that you are still young and idol, sooner or later you will be urged to find someone to have a baby!"

"No, they have already given birth to me."


Chu Xiaoyi looked at the WeChat page, still immersed in shock for a long time, and had not yet come out of the thunderous news.

YI: I didn't work after the Spring Festival Gala this year.

There are pillars in the family: I have time to go home and have a look, your sister misses you.

Home with Pillars: [Video]

Chu Jiadong really handed the steps to his son and persuaded Chu Xiaoyi to go home and have a look, but the steps he laid almost knocked his son down.

Chu Xiaoyi clicked on the latest video, and the little girl who looked like a glutinous rice ball was watching TV, but the old man shook her around, calling out "Xiao Xiao, look at it", as if he was shaking a toy bear.

Chu Xiaoyi is very aware of his father's way of choosing words and sentences, and the "your sister" in the news is obviously completely irrelevant to his cousin and cousin.

Chu Xiaoyi: I was so busy with work that I didn't enter the house three times, but my parents actually responded to the call to have a second child!